
The Day She Lost Everything

Wind wiped her hair all around as she ran through the forest. She was breathing so hard, running as fast as she can, but she knew she was too late. 'Run faster' she willed her legs, but why were they not listening to her pleas. 'How can I be running this slow' All she could hear was her thumping heart, her foot falls, and snapping sticks. 'How did I forget it was today? How did I not realize something as off?' Lungs burning trying to get her body the oxygen it truly needs. Legs burning from the run from the herb fields to the farm. She could not feel her feet anymore, knowing that once she stopped she would feel the pains of all she had run over. 'Please let them be late. Oh please, Moon Goddess please let them leave late, please.' Tears started to stream down her face. Tears???? On no she gasped for air as the end of the forest came into view. But when she broke the tree line she knew they were gone. Their wagon was gone, no wear to be found. Her legs finally gave out on her, hitting the hard ground with a thud. It was like she was an acordian, legs folded under her and her hands lay on the ground. She stayed there for a bit and letting herself catch her breath.

That was when she really knew the voices were right.

That morning she had woken up knowing something was not right, something feels off. Maybe it was because she sleeping in a chair and head on the table. Her back was full of kinks. Her had spent most of the night in the library reading on a couple herbs she was trying to grow. Of course she had fallen asleep at the table with books and journals spread all over the table.

Breakfast had already come and gone. But as usual she knew they always had some food put up. Looking through a couple cupboards she found an apple scone, sounds like breakfast to me. Stashing it in her pocket she headed out to her little herb garden.

She found out last night that the bugs she had started to see around her basil was a pest that will ruin the tarragon. Oh tarragon, this herb has been the hardest to keep alive with out her moon magic. It has taken a long time to get it stable for the other ladies to help her with this work.

As she was chewing on the apple scone humming to herself as she was crushing some peppercorns in some oil, from the kitchen, making a little bit of an oil that will stick to the stem of the plants and will repeal these pest. Oh she has happy she found this method to repeal all those bugs. She started to get a feeling in the pit of her stomach. Hummmmm. She pushed it to the back of her mind. She needed to focus on this. Taking another bite of the scone she started to paint the base's of the tarragon plants. 'Oh I can not wait to give this plant to Darwin.' The last word came out of her mouth and then it hit her. Today was the day he was going to leave for the market.

Dropping the scone that was in her hand jumping up and turning in mid air. Panic started to corse through her veins. She always says good bye. He comes back in a couple months. He always does, but why is there still that pain in the pit of her stomach, a voice in her head saying this time was different.

'He is gone.' Those word started to dig at her mind. 'He is not coming back.' No that can't be true. 'He never wanted to stay in this valley.'

Run she had to run.