

After reading some of The Phases of the Moon Goddess, she felt a little bit confused. With a full moon she should be weak. As she closed her eyes she sensed her body, she could feel a spark. She felt some warmth in her chest that spread like vines growing and wrapping around her that spread from my chest expanding through my abdomen reaching my legs and arms. As the feeling expanded it left a tingling sensation. 'Warmth that is what I feel and calm. Like it will be ok. This is my destiny!' She eyes fluttered open and once again looking at the book open in front of her. Does this book have answers for her?

As the moon phases came and went; so did the power of the high priestess. It was like a flower in the sun. With the sunrise the flower would open and face the sun taking in all the life giving light. Then followed the sun's path across the sky, making sure to get every last ray of life giving sunshine. As the sun sets the flower closes slowly. For full moon high priestess the the fuller and brighter the moon the more power they had.

The opposite was also true. When the sun sets the flower closes but does not die. It is a time to rest to recover to heal. The darker the moon was the more power the new moon high priestess became. 'Well the full moon was just a couple of nights ago, does that mean I will only grow stronger as the new moon approaches?' Thinking aloud, this was just to much to take in.

No one have ever told her this could happen. I am not sure they know even this much. With an exhale of breath some tension left her body. Like the vines that once felt warm was now suffocating. Like a binding wrapping her arms and legs. The fear was growing, her eyes snapped open that is it FEAR. The comforting feeling of the warmth is gone what replaces it was the cold strangling pressure of fear. Panic. 'I need to calm down!' She thought to her self. Breath in calm down, breath out let go of fear. Breath in calm down, breath out let go of fear. Breath in calm down, breath out let go of fear. With each breath the strangling feeling started to lessen. The vines had turned to ropes holding her down in fear loosening their hold. The warmth was coming back.

It was That book her eyes fell upon it's pages again. This will took a while to get through.

It was already dinner time and her stomach let out a loud growl. When was the last time she ate? She had come to the library first thing in the morning skipping breakfast and was too busy for lunch. 'Was it yesterday.....or the day before. Shandra could not remember. So closed the book in-front of her and put it on top of her pile of books. There is a Power to a New Moon High Priestess that Full Moon Priestess do not have. 'Why does nobody know this has this? But no one knows what this power is. Maybe it is in another book, I will look through the other books tonight.' These thoughts flowed through her mind like water, coming and going of their own will.

SIGH...as her head started to spin with all this new information, there is still more questions than answers. 'But first food' she thought as her stomach let out a loud growl. With the sound she felt an unpleasant pain in her stomach behind her left ribs, the pain came like waves on a beach. Her hand went to the spot trying to rub the pain.

Standing with another sigh escaping from her lips, she turned to head to the kitchen. Her body needed nourishment. With this hunger chewing-at her stomach her head was starting to get fuzzy. 'I need food now!'

I was having some writers block when the last chapter came out. I rewrote it. Hope y’all like it.

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