

God dammit!

I tried my best writing this novel yet after 1 full month it doesn't get any attention. I have tried my best write my greatest work my mind got yet these people just doesn't understand true art.

Sigh~ Why can't I catch a break.

At this rate I'm ganna go broke and die before achieving my dreams to be a famous author.

I am just a worthless author not mentioning. having barely any views or likes on my best novel that I have written, I feel worthless.

I should just go take a walk, even though it's midnight I feel like taking a walk would be good right now after all the stress.

After getting all my stuff like a pocket knife (in case I get robbed) I went for a walk

Suddenly there was a thunderstorm so strong that if any of the lightning bolt hit him it obliterated his whole body withought leaving anything behind.

Quickly coming home he was stopped by a little girl carrying a metal rod where she seems to be blind and also deaf since she can't hear me yelling at her not to wave that metal stick.

The metal stick a actually a metal pipe used by the girl as a walking stick that blind people uses.

Running up to the girl I grabbed the stick so that she wouldn't get hit by lightning.

I then gave her a wooded stick that I found and gave it to her and went then went on her way.

Talking to myself "weird, that girl was alone even thought she seems blind and deaf and it was also in the middle of the night, not like she even knows that it's night time.

It was still very dangerous for a girl late at night.

After taking the pipe a lightning seemed to be attracted to him and flask.


No!! Was I really ganna die withought even achieving anything in this life!

Sigh~ whatever at least I don't have to stress about anything,

I hope I can at least get isekaid~

Everything went black.

For countless years there was darkness

In this darkness nothing existed(who would've know🙄)

But suddenly everything shook and came a being from a higher plane that was just born.

Who was this person…

Well who could've been except our very own protagonist!


Everything in sight looks like it was celebrating the birth of a

*Dimension Lord*

This being would be often called a 9 dimension being that can rival a type 14 cililization which might seem not like much since there are theories that it goes up to a type 40 civilization where they can control the ultravix or something.

Some people would also caterogorize these people as the
