
Authors Grace

Hey, this is WebNovel a place overflowing with authors, some ruthless some kind some a mix of everything, and this is a story of how I became No.1 among billions.

1stDaoistOfReading · Kỳ huyễn
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9-5 Job

<p>Authors Grace<br/><br/>Chapter 1 9-5 Job<br/><br/>Monday, September 15th, 3074<br/><br/>As we zoom in on a futuristic bustling city of colorful wonders, with big screen ads floating in the air, and in each shop, price tags are lit up in the air waiting for someone to click the accept button. People flew on skateboards, and some even used what seemed to be telekinesis to hold bags the size of mountains.<br/><br/>SunBucks, McDragoons, BigCracks, Norfin restaurants, CrabKings, Lakers, everything you can think of was there in the city, which extravagantly shined like an arrogant star of light.<br/><br/>"Hey, bro, did you hear that a thunderstorm the size of Crayton town hit Norfin city last month? Killing over 300,000!"<br/><br/>"No way!"<br/><br/>"Yeaaahhh!; the thunderstorm was today's hot topic on Chirp and Hit-Pot."<br/><br/>"It was a chirp and hit from the same person saying that Something was coming...what was its name again? G.R.A.C.E something? I don't know what those letters mean, but I know that their prediction of the thunderstorm came true. "<br/><br/>"No way!"<br/><br/>"Leave it alone; it's just another natural disaster; before you start going into your supernatural week mode, let's head over to SunBucks I'm in desperate need of a coffee right now!"<br/><br/>"Alright, alright, anyways, we have a new assistant today."<br/><br/>"Who is it?"<br/><br/>"He is mister Grayson's assistant; I forgot his name again."<br/><br/>"His name was…ah yes Dillan, Dillan Ark"<br/><br/>It was a cold summer morning as gusts of winds flew by, giving a chilling kiss to those who daringly leave their houses unprepared.<br/><br/>An overwhelmingly artistic building placed smack in the middle of Starlight city held an important event for the company.<br/><br/>[[Chronicles of time]]<br/>[[COT]]<br/><br/>We have a tall caucasian man, about 7,6 Aged, 154 years old, wearing a suit coming into our view as he stands impatiently, awaiting a certain someone's arrival.<br/><br/>….<br/>"Dillan!... Dillan Ark!" called the man in a black and white suit.<br/>"Y-yes, sir!" answered our protagonist…<br/>Hey, I'm Dillan, Dillan Ark, and my life isn't the greatest; I could say it's pretty monotonous; v it wasn't always like that; oh yeah, back to now, Grayson's calling me.<br/>A young man of black descent hurriedly ran down the hallway as an anxious expression formed on his face, blatantly showing his nervousness.<br/>"Look here, young man, I want you to be at your best today, don't give me 50% or even 99%, exactly 100% and nothing less…do you hear me?" said the old man in a commanding tone.<br/>"Yes, Mr. Grayson!"<br/>"Good, good now, get ready for today is going to be hell!" said Grayson with a serious tone as he lowered his brow.<br/>Dillan looked up at his boss's stoic expression and could only think how much he wanted to be like Arcane Grayson, wise, respected, and fearless.<br/>He wanted to be a man of great strength, a man of honor, a man of power. Dillan wants to be all that; he wants to be just like.…no! Even better than his boss, he wanted to be the No.1 among billions.<br/>"Yes, Sir!" replied Dillan enthusiastically.<br/>The two men entered the pitch-black double doors labeled [Humanities Atrocity].<br/>*__*__*__*__*__*<br/>/3 hours later/<br/>"NO! WE CAN'T TAKE THAT ROUTE, OR OUR SALES WILL GO DOWN BY 3%, AND WE CAN'T DO THIS TO THE POPULATION; WE CAN'T EXTORT THEM LIKE THE-"<br/>"DILLAN! WHAT DID I TELL YOU!?"<br/>"B-bu-"<br/>"NO, BUT'S GET OUT!"<br/>"Y-yes…sir," said Dillan dejectedly as he walked out of the meeting room<br/>We find ourselves in a white room with a black, round table in the middle.<br/>Thirteen people sat on black chairs encircling the round table as their assistants stood quietly on the side.<br/>Holding in his anger, Grayson spoke.<br/>"Sorry, everyone, my assistant's outrageous outburst was uncalled for; I will make it up to all of you once I've dealt with his incompetence." respectfully said the old man as he stood up from his chair and walked out the door.<br/>"Yes, yes. Your assistant is helpful though he may need some discipline, as he cannot shout so loudly in such an important meeting." said one man<br/>"Disrupting the thoughts and well-being of my colleagues are very selfish actions; regardless of his ideas, he should've just sat silently and waited for his turn to speak." said a woman<br/>"I am very sorry; once again, I will immediately deal with his incompetence."<br/>/2 days later/<br/>Dillan quickly was removed from his position as Grayson's assistant to a measly office worker; a woman, Amelia, was chosen for the job.<br/>The company executives had figured out that a female assistant was a far better choice for publicity and public favourability, which would also bring in a higher rise in company sales.<br/>"Everything gone! Because of my stupid actions!"<br/>"Why am I such a fool? My life work of 17 years disappeared instantly, 17 years blown away in 5 seconds."<br/>Unbeknownst to our protagonist sitting in his living room, Hopeless and distraught at his current predicament and contemplating how much of a 'fool' he had acted.<br/>...<br/>The company always wanted him gone.<br/>But he didn't know that yet.<br/>(Author: Lucky guy, imagine losing everything only to come back with God-like powers, isn't that great?)<br/>[Out of the 10 billion candidates you have been chosen to continue your career and lifelong goal of an Author]<br/>[Welcome to WebNovel]<br/>"What the f*ck?!"</p>

Ahhh focusing on two books ahhh I cant do it

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