
V.1-C.77│I Didn't Mean To Do That I│

After helping out the other Akatsuki members, Obito took it into his own hands to actually help out the main three individuals a part of the Akatsuki.

Stranger yet was the fact that the information Obito gathered was that there was still a person going around saying that they are Madara Uchiha. 'And here I thought that would be my job...' Obito knew that he was the ideal target for Madara, or at least would've been the ideal target to manipulate for his plans to advance.

Now however, there is seemingly someone else, that was supposedly killed when those two Akatsuki members had managed to trap him within that Water Prison technique.

Obito also heard about this 'Madara Uchiha's' partner, whom looked like some sort of plant-man hybrid. 'Zetsu...' Obito knew who this was, but he didn't know whom is his replacement.

Madara was in luck, because there are so many within Konoha itself, even if they weren't an Uchiha that would be able to come under Madara's control. Just as Obito would be able to talk with people, to somehow make them change in ways that others couldn't, even with actions.

Madara could kind of do the same, but not without manipulating the individual himself in some way.

Obito managed to save that guy that was dying, and he had to spend a little more time helping the rest of the others that were still alive as well.

It made he kind of miss Sakura, as she was good at healing people. He himself couldn't afford to continue to go around helping everyone all at once, as his chakra reserves wouldn't allow him to be as free as he would've liked.

Though, he couldn't just leave behind all of those that are dying, so he did stay behind for a little while longer.

It was clear that this would cost him a little as he was hoping to catch up in time and try to put a stop to a tragedy before it could happen. 'Why is it I can only change the small things...' Obito would think to himself, as the world seemed to be moving on even in his attempt to change everything.

To change the fate of everyone he cares about, is going to care about, or even those random strangers all across the world as well.

Looking at the chaos and destruction, Obito saw through everything and directly viewed those that he was hopefully wishing to save.

'There is still a chance.' Obito thought, as even if Nagato has used the Rinnegan, he would only be crippled for life.

Yes, a terrible and very mind altering thing, yet, Nagato could still live even if his future life was not one most people would think of as worth living.

The damage was done, and of course Obito was able to clearly identify a few things among the bodies of the recently deceased. It was as if their souls were sucked out of them, and that was exactly what had happened.

While it was true that Obito has gotten used to using the Sharingan constantly at this point, that didn't mean there wasn't some things that couldn't still amaze him in its usage. The simple ability to see chakra itself was amazing.

Thus, once looking towards the Demonic Statue of the Outer Path, he wasn't so surprised to see some strangeness surrounding it. Of course he couldn't sense the chakra of the statue itself, given that the God Tree is supposed to have chakra completely in line with natural chakra.

Though, he is able to see the flow of chakra in general, and that also applies to natural chakra as well. Though, it isn't an actual ability to see natural chakra exactly, just chakra in general, made up of the yin and the yang.

Nagato was now much thinner then before, as if the life was sucked out of him.

Seeing that the three down below were all distracted or uncaring for what has happening around them due to Nagato's protection, Obito knew that he would probably have to introduce himself first, otherwise Nagato may turn towards him and try to kill him as well.

'No, he would probably try to kill me either way...' Obito thought, realizing that whatever action he took would probably upset the delicate balance within the individual known as Nagato's mind.

The Demonic Statue was then gone, gone back to wherever it may reside, while Nagato and the things that was attached to his back was broken in the process. He was incredibly burnt out, exhausted and breathing heavily, only barely still standing.

'Well, he's exhausted now...' Obito knew that this was the best time as any to intervene.

Obito jumped towards the ground, specifically behind the three, Konan, Yahiko and Nagato. Nagato barely managed to turn around to face the intruder, while Konan was still holding Yahiko within her arms, also turned her head to face Obito.

"... Let me see him." Obito didn't approach to close just in case.

"Who... Who are... you?" Nagato asked as his Rinnegan eyes focused in on Obito.

"Nagato!" Konan exclaimed as Nagato fell to the ground shortly after saying those words towards Obito, while Konan was torn between what to do now. "You..." Konan looked towards Obito.

"I promise, I'm here to help out. Though, I'm not too sure what I can do, I will try." Obito said, specifically so that Konan would allow him to come closer. "Remember attacking me and my team and stuff? Remember how I didn't attack you in return?"

Konan didn't say anything in return, and was panicking about what she can do or what she should do, especially since it was Konohagakure, or the ANBU Black Ops of Konoha that had a role in their current predicament.

"Look, I know how this looks and all, but you're going to have to trust me." Obito continued, looking straight into Konan's eyes as she looked back towards him.

There was some silence for a bit, before Konan reluctantly nodded her head. Coming forward, Obito made sure to be ready just in case Nagato would get up and reflexively just attack him or something.

"Nagato... this man... he can... I think he can be trusted." There you go, Konan the lovely angel was able to calm the beast known as Nagato, allowing Obito to not fear as much as before.

"Fine... approach." Nagato didn't know what he was feeling right now. A range of emotions, but there was mostly this black, deep, dark pit that was threatening to consume everything so that he may no longer feel the way he does right now.

Whatever that might be.

Obito came closer, first going to Konan whom is holding the either dead or dying Yahiko. "Watch me closely if you feel uncomfortable." Obito said as he started to use the Mystical Palm technique to check Yahiko over.

Obito saw that there was a chance for Yahiko to survive and live, but that would not be without some sort of sacrifice necessary. 'Damn... If only I had access to the Sage of Six Paths, I could use some Truth Seeking Balls to heal him up nicely...' Obito didn't have this option available to himself though.

At least not at this stage, and he didn't even know if he would ever get access to something like that. "And...?" Konan questioned.

"With what I could do now, I am unable to save him." Obito said. "I can help to extend his life for a small bit longer, though that isn't a permanent solution. His heart has been damaged, alongside his left lung as well. I can better patch up the damage to his lung, but the damage done to his heart is something I cannot repair."

Konan looked a bit saddened by this reveal. "I understand..."

Obito saw this and decided that he wouldn't give up just yet. Making a hand sign, Obito summoned a shadow clone of himself and the shadow clone knew exactly what needed to be done. "Here, my clone can help keep him alive for a little bit longer until we can get somewhere to try something experimental to save his life."

Konan looked at Obito at this moment, and while she is expressionless or emotionless, she held out some hope that is possible to save Yahiko.

Konan could only watch Obito go on with his work, before moving on himself personally towards Nagato, but she chose to stay with Yahiko for a bit longer, until this man, a man she barely knows is ready to leave.

"You are a Konoha shinobi...?" Nagato managed to say as Obito was now over him, using the Mystical Palm technique on him.

"Yes." Obito replied as he started to take care of the minor problems, where one should usually take care of the big problems first. "My name is Obito Uchiha."

"Uchiha..." Nagato did connect the dots, but this person was different in contrast with the individual known as 'Madara Uchiha,' or at least the person that called themselves that. "Why are you here?"

"Why? That's a good question." Obito replied as he spread his hands out over Nagato's body, repairing the immediate damage that he could do, but it was unlikely, no, impossible at this point for Obito to fully save him of his fate.

Nagato would have to be the husk of a being that he was, and this frustrated Obito greatly, even though it wasn't shown on his face visibly. "You could say I just wanted to change fate. That's all." Obito answered Nagato's question.

"Change fate..." Nagato was delirious really at this point, and he should be going unconscious any moment now. "This world... this accursed world knows no peace." Nagato managed to say, and there was a reaction from Obito this time.

However, he remained silent before he would finish what he was doing. "You should rest now." Obito said towards Nagato. "Rest, for your going to need it." Not even Tsunade would be able to save Nagato from his current state of being.

'Though...' Obito looked towards Yahiko. 'I wonder what the old lady-I mean, she isn't an old lady anymore... I wonder what Tsunade will think about saving the guy...' Obito thought of the many problems with trying to do what he wants.

To change fate requires more than just himself, and required him changing the world as well, which was impossible. 'Well, if I got powerful enough, I'm sure that I could literally reshape the environment to my will. But that isn't what I need to do, as it is the minds of others that I must change.'

He knew full well that it was possible, yet impossible. He wasn't so stupid as to think that there would've been no more death, no more conflict once everyone was no longer fighting each other like the do now.

The conflict would transform into something else, as innately, most species are evolved based off of conflict. Without strife, there would be no progress. There would probably be no advancement in humans today, or in the past, or of the future, without something to overcome.

He was no idealist, not at his current state of being. 'Prepare for the worst, hope for the best.' Is probably the best motto to fit his current worldview.

In all honesty, most people would apply to this motto, that is if they are tuned in enough to use this as a frame for their worldview. Believing in the best of others was not just something that Obito did in his previous life, but was done by others as well.

Nagato went to sleep as Obito was thinking to himself about what his next step would be.

He doesn't want what happened to happen again, so of course he would be going against the plans set in place by Madara. 'I wonder if he has even died yet...' Obito thought, as he knew that whoever that was that was in place of his own position, was someone that was being manipulated by Madara.

However, he has doubt as to whether or not the person under his control would be the same, or similar, as the original Obito from his previous life.

"Come, we will go now." Obito said as he stood up, before looking towards Konan. "We will be going to Konoha for a bit, I hope you don't mind."

"How?" Konan asked, but she did remember the strange way he was able to get those other genin away. "You have some space-time ninjutsu."

"Yes, you are correct." Obito replied as he looked at the barely alive Yahiko. "Physical contact is a must for this one." Obito wasn't about to use Kamui just for this, even if the distance between here and there was far.

It was better to use the Hiraishin, even if it would take up a lot of chakra by pulling in multiple people into the technique.

Obito lifted Nagato and placed him besides Yahiko, before he touched both Yahiko and Nagato as a requirement for the Hiraishin was physical touch. "It would be best that you touch me now."

"..." Konan didn't say anything, and instead placed her hand on his shoulder.

"We are going in, 3, 2, 1-" One moment, Konan was hearing his voice, the next moment they were gone from this area, wherever this may be.


Tsunade was having an all right time, or supposedly she was, that is until she would have a welcome visitor in the form of one Obito Uchiha.

Though, she wasn't expecting him to bring along some friends. "And who-..." Tsunade stopped as she was able to see that Obito was currently carrying someone that has a wound on their chest.

Her eyes widened, as she quickly looked away from the blood, her fears not having abated just yet. Or would it even go away?

"I'm sorry, Tsunade." Obito said. "But I'm going to need your help."

"Y-You can't. I can't." Tsunade replied as she didn't want to look towards Obito anymore. Specifically because he is holding an injured person, that isn't bleeding, but does have a wound where blood is.

"Tsunade!" Obito raised his voice at her, and she wasn't expecting this as she flinched some more as she backed away from him. Not fearing him, but fearing that which he holds. "I can't save him. No one else has that ability, not even Shizune right now."

Tsunade was broken down at this point, or at least was out of her mind, retreating from reality. At some point, Obito had put down the body of that man, before coming towards her. "Tsunade. Look into my eyes." He said in a voice that she couldn't resist listening to.

He was right beside her. She turned to face him, and she did look into his eyes, eyes that are also reminiscent in color of blood. "Everything is going to be ok." Shocking her the next moment, Obito hugged her.

Her feelings at this moment was no longer of fear, irrational in nature. Instead, it was replaced by this new sense of warmth and comfort. "I don't need you to do anything, except guide me and Shizune in what to do." Obito continued. "You don't have to see anything."

Tsunade was calmed down enough now, but she did prefer just staying like this instead of doing what he wants to do. "Can you help me?" He asked.

She took a few seconds. "I-..." She hesitated to say yes, but she felt comforted by Obito, even after the attack she just experienced.

"I can."