
Authority of Shadows

Cain Nocturne, a Spellblade blessed by shadows and lightning traverses his destiny to unfold his mysterious past. His fate calls him to be the Authority of Shadows, unravelling a lost history that echoes through the realm. As he resolves his past, he meets all kinds of beautiful women, steadfast friends, and dangerous enemies. Legend has it, that as Cain touches the earth beneath his feet, the lands quake and roar. Even the gods themselves bow, demons obediently follow, and mortals are compelled to worship.

ENVY_07 · Kỳ huyễn
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4 Chs

Chapter 1 – Rend

The sweet breeze of autumn wind brushed upon the landscape during their selection. He was mysterious, containing a unique sense of characteristic that attracted her.

He was hardworking. Everything that he is now was all his effort. He gained fierce momentum given by his talent to progress through his training until he reached the pinnacle of his present life.

Ace Von Warden. The genius of the Ivory guild. It is said that he contains immense talent to reach the realm of the ascended, unparalleled with the sword. He fell in love at first sight with his junior sister-in-arms, Valeria Lin Ivory, one of the daughters of the Ivory Guild Master.

Beneath the tranquil moonlight, the two lovers met.

Inside a humble house made of thatch mixed with stone walls, two naked bodies are pressed together side by side on a couch in a modest-sized room. Their eyes spoke volumes as they exchanged silent promises, affirming the passion between their souls.

"The ChaosFall Guild's attacks are getting more aggressive by the day." Ace said in a depressing tone.

Warm supple lips came out of nowhere to give Ace's a soft kiss.

"Don't worry too much." Valeria said while her gaze locked tenderly with his. "We possess enough strength to withstand a couple more of their assault."

"It's just incomprehensible how ChaosFall Guild would wage war just because our guild is allegedly colluding with a demon." Ace replied, casting a shadow over their intimate moment.

Valeria traced her hands on Ace's shoulder to offer physical and emotional comfort. "We cannot control the actions of the unjust, but we can control how we respond."

Her voice gave him a gentle reassurance. "We will cross through this storm together."

As the flames from the fireplace cast a warm glow, sounds of clashing swords and magical incantations echoed.

They rose from the couch, ready to face the challenges of fate. Hand in hand, they stepped outside where the moonlight bore witness to a love that would not yield to the face of chaos.

They got clothed in a breaths time. Ace donned a light sabre crafted from high-quality steel, showing a keen edge to cut through anything swiftly.

Valeria equipped a magic wand adorned with intricate details, carved with iridescent wood, shimmering with a glow.

The two lovers went outside to confront the night ambush the ChaosFall Guild had given them.

As they moved further into the heart of the village, the sign of war became evident. Arcane spells illuminated the sky, showing the gruesome scenery of the ambush. The village is riddled with fallen comrades and wounded allies. The two lovers engaged in a brutal onslaught to fend off the enemy assault.

That battle continued, Ace and Valeria weaved through the chaos, their weapons dancing with precision. The air crackled with arcane spells coming from Valeria's wand, while a clash of swords came from Ace.

"Fuck, did we have a spy? What happened to our scouts?" Ace said catching his breath.

"Maybe they were bribed, tsk. Incompetent fools." Her mind contemplated the possible issues behind the unexpected betrayal.

Before they can delve deeper into the problem a group of ten darkly cloaked enemies manifested from the shadows.

One person brandished his sword and sprinted at Ace.


Before the enemy reached Ace, an arcane incantation of concentrated fire that could melt armour shot at the enemy.

Flames illuminated the surroundings casting a glow on the hiding assailants.

"Assassins? Get ready Valeria, we won't go down without a fight!" Ace declared, his fighting spirit matching the flames conjured by his lover.


Suddenly, a dark mage from the ChaosFall Guild unleashed an arcane spell that ensnared Ace in ethereal chains, rendering him immobile.

"Hah! How dare you ally with the demons, your guild is crumbling." The enemy sneered. "Your precious guildmates are dying. You two will witness the start of your guild's downfall."

"SHATTER!" Valeria casted to free Ace.

"Hey, I've seen your face before." One of the ChaosFall members said.

"You're Ace Von Warden, the rising star of Ivory guild. You're at adept minor rank, just like our lord."

"I could not care less about people who wage war on a whim." Ace replied.

"COME!" Ace's sword emitted a blue hue, showing off an aura. He lunged towards an enemy catching him off guard, cutting his neck clean off.

"Kill him! He's got mana blade!"

"Haste!" Valeria casted a haste spell on Ace to make him faster, thus, killing two more.

"Fuck, this is why it's hard to kill mages and knights in the same party."

The assassins looked at each other and divided themselves into two groups. The first group consists of four people trying to hold Ace back, while two are in charge of killing Valeria.

Their battle became a dance of magic and steel as Ace dodged, parried, and countered. With each swing of his mana blade, the enemy struggled to keep up with Ace's enhanced speed and precision.

Meanwhile, Valeria, despite being outnumbered two to one, exhibited her power in magical defences. She countered the dark mage's incoming spells with a combination of shields and counter-spells, sometimes aiming toward Ace's enemy, ruining their rhythm.

Amid the chaos, Ace unleashed a strong mana blade slash, catching the enemy off guard. Valeria seized the opportunity, she casted a fireball that shot into the enemy group.

The ChaosFall Guild members staggered, unable to withstand the force of the mana blade and arcane combo.

"Reinforcements are here, hold on!" One of the ChaosFall members said with jubilation.

"Shit! Let's retreat! There's too many. Our guild can recuperate later as long as we live." Ace said in a sour tone.


Valeria summoned a bright light like a flashbang, causing everyone to cover their eyes.

The scene was left with ChaosFall members standing around.

"Should we pursue?" A member asked.

"No, there might be traps that are set up if we follow." The captain said in a relaxed tone. "Besides, lord Cain is in charge of them."

"What? Then we should be at ease then. Haha, they should enjoy life while they can!"

2 days later, in an abandoned building dimly lit by the midnight moon. Valeria and Ace are taking shelter.

"Good thing we have a plan of retreat." Ace said while looking at Valeria with compassion.

Valeria smiled and gave Ace a warm embrace. "I would not have made it without you."

Ace walked towards the window, looking outside, planning where to move next. "We need to regroup with our guild mates, we should be able to see them at the Ivory Sanctuary."

A non-existent presence is already upon the lovers. Deep within the empty building, a malevolent darkness loom. The two lovers seem to not feel the spectator that is within the premises.

He looked at Valeria sitting down on the floor. "Rest for now, I will keep watch and we can switch later."

Valeria appreciated the kindness. "I told you, as long as we have each other, we will navigate through this sto-"

Before Valeria could finish her sentence. Hands appeared behind her grasping her jaw and quickly breaking it making it hang open.

The crunch echoed and Ace's eyes widened while Valeria's hands instinctively went to her jaw, but before her fingers could touch her shattered jaw, she realized that her hands were not even there.

Behind her, the cold silver sheen that is covered in red can be seen as it barely reflects the moonlight.

The cold heavy silver, a halberd, is held by a young man.

His hair, darker than moonlight, seemingly absorbing light as it enhances the shadows on every strand. A pair of black eyes as deep as the void, intensified the mystery that lurked within their gaze.

Draped in a cloak that flows gracefully around him, concealing his movements like an assassin. Underneath, a tunic in muted tones serves as the base, adorned with intricate patterns of quality armour.

On his face, was a gentle smile. Light and unbothered.

"Va- VALERIA!" Ace unleashed a guttural scream that came from his soul.

Eyes bloodshot, blue mana blade came out as soon as he brandished his sword. He ferociously dashed in front of the man with the intent of death.

The man, unbothered and still lightly smiling, effortlessly defended himself by blocking the strike with his halberd.


"W- what?!" Ace was surprised, not a lot of knights can block his full attack, yet the man did not even move from his place.

"Strong, but slow. I could've dodged that." The man said in a playful tone.

The man pushed Ace's sword away and swung his halberd in a vertical motion.

The strike was a blur. Ace's right arm and left leg were severed cleanly, leaving Ace to stagger downward.


"E- Ehyh..." Broken jaw, broken words. She tried calling out his name as she stared at the squirming body that is in front of her.

Pupils shaking, her throat not able to utter even a word as she called for him again. Her mental fortitude that was hoping for a miracle was now devoid of hopefulness. Despair filled the room as she could not process what happened.

Drip… drip…

"I am Ace Von Warden, the last of the House of Warden…" Ace said weakly.

On the floor, a body sprawled into a crawl was twitching weakly. The once vibrant eyes were dimming as Ace struggled to move. His eyes filled with hatred and disbelief, as if unable to accept his impending death.


Resources were pillaged, and Ivory Guild's members were slain, escaped or captured no matter what age, gender, or occupation.

Valeria's eyes burned with vengeful fire as she watched the love of her life succumb to his demise right before her.

Looking at this mysterious man that is staring at her fills her with anger. Anger that she was not strong enough to protect her love.

"Are you done acting?" The man said with a nonchalant tone.

Valeria's eyes widened. It was then replaced by vigilance as she retreated away from the mysterious man with haste.

"You know, I feel bad for all the men in your guild. They are all controlled by demons. Making it so that we allegedly waged an unjustified war on your said guild.

Valeria's once-broken jaws started to heal at a rapid pace while her hands grew back in a span of seconds. "How did you know?" Her voice, now laced with dark amusement, was accompanied by the emergence of a tail with a heart-shaped tip and bat wings that enveloped her torso.

Her presence changed from an innocent lady to a seductive demon with an intoxicating blend of sultry elegance. Valeria's clothes disintegrated. Her used to be pale skin, now a soft red hue. Not even moving, she exudes an aura of sensuality that will captivate the weak minds of men.

Her naked silhouette accentuated by the dimly moonlit room showed the gentle curves of her figure, leaving a desire for more in the hearts of men who sees her.

A succubus, the embodiment of seduction and desire- has emerged.

"Since I killed many demons, I already know what they smell like." The man replied.

"As expected of Sir Cain Nocturne, one of the twelve adept knights of ChaosFall Guild. No wonder mistress told me to be careful." She chuckled.

"I was hoping that this rising star of Ivory Guild would be enough to kill Sir Cain, it appears I am mistaken."

"Maybe you want to give me a hand my Sir Cain?" She purred, her voice caressed.

A melodic whisper laced with temptation resonated. As she spoke, her fingers trailed along the curves of her figure onto her chest. A deliberate attempt to allure her prey.

"Not my type."

Cain's halberd moved vertically to attack her, only to be blocked by black claws protruding from her fingernails.

"Aw, your mind is strong as well, making me want you more."

She pushed the halberd away and rushed in front of Cain delivering a rain of slashes. As they fought, the foundations of the building started to crumble from the fight.

Cain skillfully blocked and dodged her frenzy with no unnecessary movements, counterattacking whenever an opportunity appeared.

"You're a tricky one!" Valeria lunged forward in full force, disappearing in a blur.

"Blink." He uttered. Cain's movement flickered only to appear by her side. "Bind." 

'A knight and a Mage? A Spellblade? How come we never got to know this!'

Before Valeria can think more about the missing intel. Shadow chains bound her ankles and arms on the ground, causing her to stagger in place, incapable of movement.

'No, I'm not dying like this!'

Channelling all her remaining mana to escape the chains, "SHATTER!" She screamed.

She took a defensive stance and unfurled her wings, taking off from the ground.

Before she can ascend into the upper atmosphere, "Rend." A razor-sharp mana blade came from his halberd as Cain swung it. It tore through the air, tearing her body into two.

As her mangled body fell to the ground, the battle left behind a fallen building with the echo of nothingness amidst the night.

Word count: 2194


Welcome to my first novel. There is more to discover in this story. I give to you my thanks to the people who reached this point, I highly appreciate it.


I am planning to have my word count to ~2000-3000 words per chapter.


Royal Road will get an advanced chapter as well as options on that website for support, thanks!

ENVY_07creators' thoughts