

Right now, Zhang Wei and Asyraaf were on their way to towards the Refining headquarters. As one would expect, the main building was ridiculously large. It could even be compared to the residence of world leaders of first world countries.

Zhang Wei had an idea that Asyraaf was quite important from his title as Little Genius, but he didn't expect him to have a big shot, that works in the Refining headquarters as his master.

"Would you like to meet my master" he said. While he didn't actually want to meet a narcissist's master, it would allow him to make more connections. Plus, it wasn't really polite to reject this idiot's invitation.

So here he was, in front of the Refining Division's headquarters. Just as he was about to step inside, the guard in front of the entrance saw him and Asyraaf. He immediately stood up straight and bowed to Asyraaf.

"Greetings Sir!"

Asyraaf didn't say a word, but he gestured the guard to be at ease. Zhang Wei saw this and wondered.

[This guy must be the disciple of and Elder here.]

That was the only reason he could think of when he saw this scene.

What's more was that when they entered, everyone who saw Asyraaf bowed and greeted him.

[This Elder must be an influential one.]

While Elders in any sect or academy was influential in a way, some were even more. A typical Elder, with typical influence, couldn't possibly make everyone greet their disciple.

Well he could order them to, but what kind of person in that sort of standing, would actually do something so shameful?

Zhang Wei was now getting a bit nervous. Clearly form all these people's reaction, Asyraaf's master must be a high ranking one.

He pulled Asyraaf closer and asked quietly, "Is your master a big shot? And did you tell him my real identity?"

He was worried that Asyraaf's master would know about him and tell all the division heads and the headmaster. If that happens, then his quest will have no way of completion.

Asyraaf replied, "Don't worry Sir Zhang, I didn't tell him of your identity. As for whether, he's a bigshot… um well, I guess he could be considered that."

Zhang Wei heard that and was relieved. As long as this idiot didn't reveal his identity, he would be safe.

Asyraaf took Zhang Wei to the higher floors. For a typical system, the higher the person's floor, the more important the person is.

The higher they went, the more Zhang Wei felt nervous. How much influence does this idiot's master have?

When they rose up six floors only they stopped. They entered a room that looked like an office, with the decorations being almost over the top.

Jade embroidered ceilings, with walls made of gold, and sculptures made of materials Zhang Wei didn't recognize. This was the definition of filthy rich.

At the end of the office was something that looked like a chamber door. Even that door was made of gold and the knobs were even made of what looked like to be diamonds.

Zhang Wei's stared at those things for a while.

Asyraaf saw that Zhang Wei was staring and blushed with embarrassment, "Forgive me Sir Zhang, for this ugly scene, but my master is… an idiot."

That was the best way Asyraaf could word it. Asyraaf thought that Zhang Wei was disgusted by the fact that his master seems obsessed with gold and jewellery.

Martial Practitioners should not be enticed by these mundane decorations.

As a high-level expert, surely Zhang Wei could not believe that someone one the level of his master, could be so weak willed that he would succumb to worldly greed. As such he was embarrassed.

Every second that it took to reach that gold door, made Asyraaf even more embarrassed. When they finally reached it, he couldn't take it anymore and kicked it open.

He yelled as he did it, "Oi shitty old man! Where the fuck, are you?!"

Hearing that Zhang Wei couldn't help but widened his eyes.

[The heck? What kind of greeting is that?]

It was the first time Zhang Wei saw someone greeting their master like some random old man.

At that instant, a powerful voice could be heard, "You little shit! How many times do I have to say, call me master!"

Asyraaf was not bothered by the pressure at all, "Che! Gross, damned perverted fogey." His face showed that he was clearly sneering at this so called 'master'.

The 'master' came out of a small room and started cursing at Asyraaf, "Little shit! Haven't you ever heard of showing respect to your elders? Which pit of shits did you crawl out from."

He was actually not old looking at all. His features could pass him off as a man in his thirties.

"Oh? Who's this kid?" He stared at Zhang Wei. It was unusual for his little disciple to bring someone to meet him. The last time was when he brought the scion of the Alvero Family.

Asyraaf ignored his master's question and turned to Zhang Wei with a smile, "Sir Roland, this shitty old fogey is unfortunately, my master."

The man heard Zhang Wei's name and smiled, "Roland? So, you're that kid huh?" His face clearly showed he knew Zhang Wei very well.

Zhang Wei saw this and smiled inwardly, [News sure do spread quickly.]

The old man didn't wait for Zhang Wei to reply and started to introduce himself nonchalantly, "The name's Syamil Winchester, Division Head of the Refining Division."


Zhang Wei was shocked. Division Head? Which one? Refining Division? He couldn't believe this person that was cursing so much was an equal to the elegant Division Head Nar and the poised Headmaster.

He looked back and forth between Asyraaf and Division Head Syamil. The thing that he found the most absurd was,

[This idiot is a disciple of a Division Head?!]

Big reveal huh. Nah most people probably guessed before. I think I'm giving Asyraaf way too much plot to show how amazing he is. I should have him show his true nature more.

UnKnown1998creators' thoughts