
Follow Them

"What the heck do you mean 'Author'?"

"It means that all of reality in this realm is controlled by me. My words will turn to reality.", Author's voice sounded lazy, as if anything that required interaction with Zhang Wei was boring to him.

Zhang Wei was flabbergasted internally. [Is this a freaking reincarnation novel? Am I K*zuma? Well Truck-kun did send me here.] The weirder thing is that his exterior is exceedingly calm. Is the Author's word true? Anything he say will be a reality?

"Oh great and majestic Author, you are exceedingly handsome... Can you... Give me some benefits?" Zhang Wei decided to try flatter the Author after considering things.

What he did not expect was the Author would suddenly say, "Zhang Wei, 16 years old is an exceedingly trash individual, with trash aptitude and trash looks.

When he was a teenager, he was weaker than a normal child. His crush even once said that if she were to look at him for more than an hour she would puke profusely."

"Oi you Shitty Author! Stop making my life so terrible.", he could not be damned anymore to flatter the shitty Author. He was filled with rage.

[In my previous life I was average, now I'm just shit? Could you at least make me a person with noble character? Are you trying to make me commit suicide?]

As if the Author heard what he said, "Zhang Wei's character is disgusting, even with his trash looks, he still had the gall to act as if he was handsome.

He is so shameless that even the most shameless person in the world would puke blood if he heard Zhang Wei speak. If he says that he is second, no one would dare claim first."

"Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck.", Zhang Wei could not help but curse out. [Shitty Author, at least let me save some face.]

After what seemed like an eternity he started to ignore the Author's words and started to figure out where he was. He realized that he was inside a rather large room.

The room was quite big and could fit all of his belongings. His decorations were average and there was barely any furniture inside the room. His situation must probably be pretty bad.

"Oi shitty Author, how is my background?", he needed all the information he could get and there was no one better that could explain to him than the one who made all the rules.

In a machine like voice, the Author replied, "Zhang Wei's life had been sad, when he was 7, his mother had gotten killed for blocking a noble's carriage.

His father in a fit of rage, lunged at the noble, but was stopped and executed on the spot. Since then, Zhang Wei, who was ugly and weak, had to rely on picking herbs to make a living."

Ignoring the hateful remarks of the Author, Zhang Wei could not help but sigh, He just arrived and found out that he did not even have a family anymore.

Although he had never met his family and had no emotional attachment whatsoever, he still felt bad.

But when he thought about it, this is basically a cliche trope in novels. Heroes gets transferred, and finds out that his family is dead.

The Author, seemingly bored of exposition, just directly transferred information into Zhang Wei's mind.

Although Zhang Wei could not believe the attitude of this shitty Author, he did not want to listen to anymore of the Author's mockery.

He got out of his small bed and looked out of the window. The Sun was still up and showed no signs of going down soon. His stomach had been rumbling since earlier but he was too busy pondering to even realize. As he did not have a kitchen he had to go eat at restaurant.

Looking back to his memories, he knew that he had yet to collect and exchange herbs today. He went out of his small house and took a look at the scenery around him.

From his knowledge, he knew that his house was on the outskirts of the city and near the forest. The forest surrounding the forest was not thick, but normal people would not dare head to the inner layer.

Though the outer layer barely had any wild beast, there was still a few cases where there were sightings.

He headed into the outer layer and started to pick the herbs that he recognized. As he was busy collecting, he saw a group of 5 youths going into the inner layer.

These youth were no younger than he was and were dressed in fancy robes. He knew these youth were Martial Practitioners.

Martial Practitioners were people who managed to break through human limitations to achieve superior strengths.

Zhang Wei saw them and decided to pay them no heed. He knew that he could not compare to them and would rather keep collecting herbs.

[You think I'm a fool? Only retards would risk their lives to go into the inner layer.I'll just keep collecting herbs and get my lunch money.]

Less than a minute after he thought that, the Author's voice rang in his head, "Zhang Wei despite his cowardice, decided to follow those Martial Practitioners to see if he could have a fortuitous encounter."

"Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck. Oi! Shitty Author are you insane! My little life would be lost if I encounter a wild beast in there." Despite his protest, he could not refuse the Author's demand.

He begrudgingly followed the group of youths.