
[Chapter 1 ] Ep1: Transported

Another day has gone by teaching students who won't even listen to me, honestly I can even believe myself.. I entered my home feeling drained as I sat on the living room floor not even bothering on turning on the lights. I gaze upon the dark and empty house and noticed something quite unfamiliar, a blueish light illuminating from the kitchen. Curious on what's going on I decided to go there to get to the bottom on the mysterious blue light.

As I made my way to the kitchen I noticed that the walls are somehow glitching as if it was getting deleted, when I arrive at the kitchen I was taken back upon seeing a portal right Infront of me, I stood there staring at the portal as it consumed half of my kitchen already. I didn't even had the chance to react when the portal pulled me in.

I woke up to sharp pain in the head and realized I was no longer in my home. The portal has taken me in a large room, as I look around there is completely nothing inside the room besides the carvings on the walls. I didn't quite understand what it all meant as if it was written in a different language.. It probably is.

('Out of all people why did this happen to me?')

('I couldn't even understand what those meant')

('I'm just a normal 29 year old guy, who wanted peace') I thought those words to myself as I walked around the room.

After a few minutes of quietly ranting in my head I noticed something at the end of every carvings.

[" A. M. I. "]