
Author's Tale of Writing a Story

In an ordinary world, a high school girl named Ailiseu finds herself thrust into a realm of mystery and danger. Mysterious entities have invaded her world, forcing her and others to participate in deadly survival games. The stakes are high - the victor can wish for anything they desire, be it wealth, power, or something else entirely. Ailiseu, a girl grappling with her own psychological struggles, joins the game, driven by the need to protect her family. But can she survive in this brutal world? She is acutely aware that she's not the protagonist of this story, yet she dares to dream. As she navigates through her perilous journey, she continues to pen novels - this time, writing her own story, her own adventures in this devastated world. Initially, her only desire was to survive and protect her family as a way of repaying them for all they've done for her. But as she delves deeper into the enigmatic game, she feels her sanity slipping away, teetering on the brink of madness. The question remains - will she succeed in achieving her goal while maintaining her sanity, or will she completely succumb to the madness that threatens to consume her? **** This is the same universe as Kim Su-Jin from my other novel "Lost in Pages". Also this is a little bit of a true life experience and so be cautioned when reading this. I suggest you seek guidance when reading this, thank you.

Ailiseu · Khoa huyễn
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4 Chs

Chapter 2: [First Game]

As the Dokkaebi's words hung in the air, a sense of urgency and fear gripped everyone. While the others hesitated, I clenched my fist and took off running. I didn't fully comprehend the dangers that lay ahead, but I knew that if I didn't reach the safety zone within the time limit, I would meet a grim fate.

To my surprise, someone else decided to join me, cursing at the situation. The Dokkaebi sighed in disappointment at the lack of adherence to its rules, finding our actions predictable and boring. It craved excitement and views, wanting to demonstrate the fear of the unknown.

With a mischievous grin, the Dokkaebi flicked its finger, and a sense of dread washed over us. Suddenly, screams erupted from behind, and when we turned, we were confronted with an immense darkness rapidly approaching. It consumed everything and everyone in its path.

Fear coursed through us, and without hesitation, we sprinted towards the safety of the forest. The Dokkaebi reveled in our terror, finding pleasure in our desperation. It seemed to derive joy from our suffering, almost like a sadist reveling in the chaos it had created.

Although I had been the first to run, my lack of physical fitness and inexperience with exercise quickly became apparent. I was easily overtaken by the others, and being a young girl among older representatives from the other families, I felt at a significant disadvantage.

I didn't criticize myself solely because I was a girl, but rather because it was an undeniable reality. From every angle, I could see my limitations. Slowly, I found myself among the few stragglers, panting heavily and on the verge of collapse. Eventually, I tripped over a branch and tumbled to the ground.

Gasping for air, my chest tight with pain, tears welled up in my eyes. I struggled to catch my breath, feeling the weakness in my legs and the abnormal pounding of my heart. The agony was unbearable, and I couldn't help but think, "Why? Why did this have to happen?"

'It hurts...my lungs hurts...it's hard to breath...'

As I lay there, the darkness closing in, I realized that if I didn't stand up and keep running, I would be consumed by its ominous embrace. The fear of death was surpassed only by the uncertainty of what awaited me within that darkness.

My mind raced, and through gritted teeth, I managed to muster the strength to stand. I stumbled forward, occasionally bracing myself against trees for support. Even in the midst of my struggle, I noticed others falling to their knees, exhausted. That's when it hit me.

The Dokkaebi hadn't provided any information about what the safety zone looked like or where to find it. It had simply instructed us to run. Frowning, I continued to run aimlessly, battling the physical and mental hardships. Amidst it all, I couldn't shake the nagging question: "Where can I find the safety zone?"

The game seemed riddled with holes, and I was left grappling with the uncertainty of my fate.

I've been running for a long time, but I keep seeing the same people running alongside me, and I'm getting more tired with each passing moment. I started to question how much time had elapsed since I began running. These thoughts made me anxious. Suddenly, everything went dark, and I started to see images of my family, my past, and my life. I couldn't help but wonder if my life was flashing before my eyes. Does this mean that I'm going to die?

The pain became unbearable, and I bit my lip until it bled. I kept repeating the words "It hurts" in my mind. It reminded me of a similar experience in the past when I was in a deep depression and attempted to take my own life. Everything went black, my heart felt crushed, and I heard negative voices filled with disappointment and dismay. I saw images of my family and past, and it felt like I was drowning, suffocating. And all I could think was, "It hurts."

I couldn't help but question why this was happening to me. Why am I so weak? Why can't I be like others? Tears streamed down my face out of despair, and I felt like giving up. Just as I was slowing down and the darkness was catching up to me, a voice called out in my head.


I gasped, startled, but I continued to run. The voice belonged to my mother. She said, "We will wait for you, dear. Come back soon, okay?" The voices of my family followed, urging me to come back. I swallowed the blood from my wounded lips and gritted my teeth as I kept running.

The Dokkaebi, who had been watching us struggle and fall into despair, noticed something that caught its attention. Despite the tears flowing down my face, I continued to smile and said, "I still want to see my family." This surprised the Dokkaebi, as it hadn't heard such genuine words of motivation from any other contestant before. It looked up at the sky and let out a low laugh. It remarked that it hadn't done something like this in a long time, especially for an earthling, whom it considered one of the weakest beings in the cosmos.

The Dokkaebi flicked its finger, and a giant screen appeared above the forest, showing that there were only 2 minutes and 23 seconds left. This revelation only increased our despair, as what felt like days to us was merely minutes. I clenched my teeth even harder, determined to come back to everyone.

As I continued to run, I suddenly noticed tree hollows that could fit a small person. I was intrigued and realized that there were several hidden behind other trees as well. I wondered if these tree hollows were the safe zones all along. Just as I was contemplating this, I heard someone cry out for help. I looked back and saw the darkness closing in. Without hesitation, I rushed towards the tree hollow and squeezed myself inside, even though it wasn't a perfect fit.

Finally, I was fully inside the tree hollow just as the darkness passed by, and everything went completely dark.







"Times up, the game officially ends now."