

The world of Aram and the 4 continents; Eve, Perseus, Asia and Virgo was created by a powerful Goddess named Ariel however she gave two brothers the authority to govern the natives of this world. The two archangels: Gabriel the older brother was given the book of life, a powerful Celestial Artifact to govern the natives towards the soul realm {It can also be used in creating new races and much more}, and then there was Capras the younger brother who was given the book of Death, to keep track of the souls. Elves, pixies, fairies, centaurs, bubals, humans, demi-humans, sylphs, druids… the list goes on. The two were to never interfere directly in the mortal world; however, that rule was broken when Capras fell in love with a mortal with an incredibly miserable back story. He directly interfered and because of that Gabriel also had to interfere. Reincarnation with the formers memory intact was a serious rule break thus a fight between the two brothers commenced. It was a fight which could not be avoided, the jealousy and envy for years on being the GODDESS’ES favorite hit the mark. Gabriel put himself into an endless sleep to put his brother down; however, the kin of Capras was already in the body of his lover while Gabriel gave his power to every race depending on their races innate abilities. Capras swore on his life to destroy his brother’s and the Goddess’s creations. The kin of Capras became the demon Overlord and with his demon soldiers was currently dominating the world, a few people led others and their kind into battle and managed to seal the demon Overlord and the person that made this possible was, THE SAKURA TREE FAIRY WITCH “AURORA”. I hope you will enjoy this light novel fantasy with adventure, suspense and probably a little bit of romance. Support my story

Jesse_Onugbolu · Kỳ huyễn
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9 Chs


It is the twenty-fifth day of the seventh month. The sky darkens, the heavens rage, thunder roars, the winds whisper loudly and yet the surrounding is eerily quiet creating a contrasting situation.

The Graveyard, this event is for the ones who were lost in battle, Natalya, Anna and inah. Well, it should've been, however only one gravestone with the written Epitaph could be seen and the reason simply being "Nobility". Anna Rose Kirsch, her gravestone stands alone although no corpse was used only her belongings, it has been about a month after all or so I've heard and the search provided no yield, no bodies, no evidence…. Nothing. "Miss Natalya" I whisper in sorrow. Five years ago she saved me from slave trading bandits and brought me here, ever since then I have been living with Master Fredrick. Most people surrounding me I've never met but, in front lies Derek and his master, I couldn't stop staring at him, the priest comes in, we pray.

"You ok Zatana?" I hear a questioning voice.

"Master Fredrick!!" I exclaim bowing.

He glares. "I-I MEAN CHIEF" I correct myself. He nods in satisfaction.

"Why don't you go and talk to Derek, help him deal with his loss" He suggests. I hesitate. "Why so afraid" He asks. I don't reply closing my eyes in shame.

"I see; I'm going to have a talk with Anna's father" He says leaving.

I sigh, the ceremony has ended and people already started to leave suddenly an incident occurs, I gasp in shock to see Derek flying through the air before landing on the ground with his back.

"It's all because of your bitchy sister, your sister got everyone on that mission killed!!" He exclaims raising Derek up using his collar "What do you have to say about that…... huh... say something you- "He attempts to punch his face only for it to be stopped by Master Fredrick.

"Enough" He commands. The teen's eye bulge "YOU!!!, THIS IS ALSO YOUR FAULT!!" He shouts attempting to punch him.

"Adam!!" A strong voice is heard. "Enough. Now" Mr. Haruta commands.

"But Father" He receives a glare, he lets Derek go, he scoffs before leaving.

Adam Haruta Kirsch, the last born of Mr. Haruta and the step-brother of Anna.

"You alright Derek" Master Fredrick lends a hands, he slaps it away standing up then leaves together with his Master.

Master Fredrick sighs, he looks at me giving me a signal I know too much. I want to follow them… but. No. I run to catch up to them.

"Derek!! Derek!!!" I call, he stops. "Where are you going so suddenly?" I ask.

"We made a gravestone for Natalya back at home, do you want to join us and pray?" His master asks. I nod.

At Natalya's grave I pray, for a better tomorrow, to protect, to protect Derek and for Natalya to have a peaceful eternal sleep.

I stand up and glance at Derek, his master already leaving. I couldn't help but blush as it is just us two.

"So um… Derek, it's been so long since we last talked, I'm sorry I haven't been in contact it's just that I've been busy these past four months and well…" I sigh looking at the dark clouds "Three more months before yet another year huh? How time flies, Derek. I might not understand what you are feeling but at the very least I can listen to how you are feeling… if you'd let me." I say. He remains silent, I wait.



He suddenly turns away.

"Say, if you were to have a strange dream where you suddenly meet the culprit who orchestrated the coup in your tribe, killed your parents and eventually led you into the slave market and this person showed you how he did it, hypothetically speaking. What would you do?" he asks.

A look of confusion paints my face until I realize, this isn't about me. I think of a reply yet my mood darkens.

I was born in the continent of Virgo as a royal in a tribe at the savannahs, it was a tribe of dark skins. I was happy content and warm, as the sixth and last born of the Tribe Chief I was educated on reading and writing, on etiquette and manners and on our tribe's history but it didn't matter to me; my oldest brother 'Mohammad" would be the tribe's chief anyway, struggle to be a great aunt to my eldest sibling's children, at 10 years of age and above awaken my anima and be taught how to control it, learn to hunt, have my Rite of Woman-hood ceremony at age 15 and then same as all my sisters become a grand-mother before finally resting in peace. However, I never got to experience any of that because at the tender age of 7, my whole family was murdered before my very eyes. It was coup de tat orchestrated by my Uncle and some of my step-siblings as my tribe believed in polygamy to preserve royal bloodlines, all my royal guards sacrificed their lives to get me to safety thereafter only my maid as my company as we travelled the savannah for refuge and… yet again…. Yet again…... Amarachi was raped and killed before my very eyes by bandits, that didn't only cause my heart to break it also pre-maturely awakened my anima, I'm not sure what happened next all I know is that the next day I woke up lying against a boulder covered in blood from head to toe.

My Tribe always lived beside animals, cared for them, from Firemane lions to boulder beetles. My favorite beast to play with were the vestibule dagger tooth tigers, the cubs preferably and ironically that was also my anima. Still, a 7-year-old girl wandering alone, it didn't take much before my unstable Anima landed me in the slave market interacting with people who wanted my powers for their own personal gain and that was when I met well rather she met me, Natalya Dawn.

Afterwards I met Master Fredrick and trained on controlling my Anima and gathering allies and revenue so I can eventually take back my Tribe from my uncle, I stop my reminiscence.

"I've already known since the start who the culprit is so that doesn't apply here, however my plan would still remain the same, kill him with my own two hands then all his accomplices before taking back my tribe but Derek, this is about you isn't it? I don't know what you saw in your dream, who you have to kill or what your next goal is but just know that you are not alone, a-at the very least you have me, I'll stay by your side"

The first time I met him and interacted with him it was probably love at first sight, stories my mom told me involving true love only happens to those blessed by fate. I don't remember when I fell for him this hard, aside from bringing me food and warm clothes during my training or helping me with my laundry or just staying beside me when I had nightmares or probably the fact he helped me without expecting anything in return, when I once asked him why he did all those things he simply replied "Because you couldn't, you never had a chance to learn. Besides if you go outside stinky you will be ruining my reputation."

The tears streaming down his face brings me back to reality

"It's not fair, that stupid burial wasn't even for Natalya, I never even wanted to go." He adds "I will save her"

"Will you help me?" he asks. I nod

"What happened to regaining your tribe?" he asks amusedly.

"T-That…. Can wait, for now I mean, but that doesn't- "I stop the moment he starts laughing and I couldn't help but join in as well. With a resolute expression he nods

"In one year, I'll train as hard as I can and then I'll find him and get Natalya"

He adds with gratitude "Thank you Zatana!"

"It's about to rain, you should go" he suggests looking up.

I nod. "Ye-yeah…. See you soon" I turn away leaving while blushing wildly

WHAT DID I JUST DO? WHAT HAVE I DONE, WHAT SHOULD I HAVE DONE, SO EMBARRASING, inwardly my emotions are messy yet I couldn't help but smirk. I know what I have to do, I need to see Master Fredrick. I think as I rush home however I stop as something catches my eye, at the graveyard… is a boy, just standing at Anna's grave. I could feel a few drizzles land on me.

"Hey!!! You need to get home before it starts raining otherwise you might catch a cold!!" I exclaim, he doesn't react. I sigh before leaving, if he wants to get sick why should I care right? I stop to take a good look at his poor postured back. I sigh realizing that I am already behind him.

"…." I stay silent as I stand beside him looking at his face, besides his nerdy handsome face and smooth jawline, his eyes are most noticeable, behind his red dimly glowing eyes covered by his glasses, is a feeling I know all too well. Self-blame

"It's not your fault, she… Anna wouldn't want this for you" I suggest.

His nonchalant face changes to anger before it fades.

He turns towards me. "Zatana Zendeya Zulu, I presume?" He asks.

I take a step back fully alert. He sighs before turning back to the gravestone

"What do you think of Natalya?" he asks in a whisper.

I express a shocked look. He waits.

"Natalya was the first person I ever trusted when I lost all my loved ones died,she is a serious person who is nonchalant to others but extremely expressive when it comes to Derek, she is…. A wonderful sister and I owe her my life." I smile glancing at him, he was here for Natalya all along.

It starts to pour.

He smiles giving off a happy expression before switching to anger.

"Yeah, and yet she couldn't even be respected enough to be given her own gravestone, funny really. Imagine taking things slow, biding your time and getting closer step by step thinking I am doing the right thing only to find out if you were BOLDER YOU COULD HAVE HELPED HER, BEEN WITH HER. IF YOU JUST WERE NOT SUCH A COWARD…." His tears were mixed with the slowly increasing pouring rain.

I take my wet hair backwards. "Then don't be. Don't let her death be in vain. People die and whether we like it or not!! More people will die, those you don't know and eventually, those that you do. There will never be a day where you will be ready for it so cherish the ones that are still here and if you must know, get stronger, strong enough to at least make sure when they eventually do? Their bodies are fully rested in a cozy coffin with a gravestone of their own" I say.

We say nothing for a few minutes before I turn to leave, my body dripping wet. "Wait" He grabs my arm before handing me… a starlight umbrella?

"use it" He smiles, "Names Joshua by the way" He adds. Before walking a different direction. I nod before walking my own path opening the umbrella.

"Hey!!! Why did you decide to stop and cheer me up even when you know you would get soaked!!!!!??" He asks loudly.

"Your back posture reminded me of my elder brother" I simply say before continuing once again.


"Master Fredrick, I'm back!!" I exclaim stepping inside Master's house located at the east side of Master's workplace. A bungalow.

I walk through the darkness before seeing the light, more specifically a candle light. I stand outside the door before knocking softly.

"Come in" The voice permits. I push open the ajar door. A very tried dark eyed nearly middle aged man is seen sitting with piles of books and scrolls in front of him.

His gaze moves downward "Like the umbrella" he complements.

"T-Thank you, sir" I stiffly say.

"Well, I know that look in your eyes. What do you want?" He asks.

'W-well" I breathe in. "I want to take the trial and for that I ask your assistance in training me once more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I bow my head.

"...." I wait in anticipation.

"No. you aren't ready yet. You should wait a few more years before taking that trial" He says.


"Besides, I'm way to busy. Go wash up and change your clothes before you get a col-"

"No" I interrupt, "I won't take No for an answer, even if I have to ask every day for a month I will make you say Yes!!" I breathe heavily.

"I see" he stands. "so tell me, what is your reason for such conviction?" he asks in a scary tone. My back shivers.

"uh... uh, well with the current situation with the demons' invasion things may become too hectic a-and plus the… "I instinctively stop as his eyes turn sinister.

I stabilize my breathing, "And most importantly, in a year Derek is leaving and I want to be strong enough to be by his side!!"

"Why" he asks amusedly.

"because…" I hesitate, "Because I love him!!!!!!!" I exclaim with passion.

He shutters completely stunned then laughs loudly, I lower my head in embarrassment.

"-Hahaha, hah. Is that so, humph, heh. Hehe…. I see I see." He nods amiably, "Love" He adds.

"What about taking back your tribe?" he asks amusedly.

"T-that, I have absolute intention of doing that" I say, "with him at least" I whisper.

"I understand. Fine. I'll personally train you" he says.

I look up in joy. "Thank you master"

"However" his voice turns, "If you try to give up along the way. I'll personally educate you"

"y-y-y- yes… sir" I nod terrified.

"ok, now go get changed before you get a cold. We leave the day after so prepare yourself"

"Yes sir" I say leaving, "what about you Master, shouldn't you get changed into your night wear" I ask.

He glances at his watch.

'it's only 20:16, later"

I nod leaving.

I feel bliss all over as I soak in bathroom with newly acquired hot water. I look at the celling. Wait for me Derek, you won't be alone, I'll be with you. I giggle.




Suddenly something just occurred to me. That guy Joshua. I never asked how he knew my full name and my tribe name!!! "NOOO!!!" I exclaim.


My eyes flutter open; a nostalgic ceiling greets my vision. I take a look around. My old room??

"Fredrick dear!! Breakfast Is ready come downstairs" A familiar voice, a nostalgic voice calls me, my heart freezes. I rush downstairs.

"Mother!!" I exclaim in heavy breathes. I hug her tightly.

"What's gotten into you today" she says in a surprised tone. Tears fall down my eyes. "I've just missed you"

My situation is strange to say the least, I seem to be in the past, 27 years ago give or take. I take a look around. In a circular table 4 people sit in homely manner conversing with each other. My elder brother "Castor", my mother, my father and then I, in an adolescent form. I take another bit of my porridge savoring it; Brings back nostalgia, never again did I have cooking this good.

"Mother, your cooking Is truly amazing" I complement, she gives a content expression.

"puff, yeah it's ok, I've had better" Castor shrugs.

'Enough, shouldn't you get going? You have training with Grandmaster Soleus today, you were given this opportunity to become a Blackguard, you must not miss this chance' father reprimands.

Castor remains indifferent. "I'm only an apprentice"

My mother laughs. My mother was a gentle woman adorned with long curvy caramel hair and sparkling blue eyes, as always her favorite wear was braided colorful red gowns. My father was a strict man with dark ash hair neatly combed to the back and foggy grey eyes, he had a mustache and his spectacles always gleamed, always neatly dressed he looked like a scholar but he was in fact a merchant and my brother, my brow furrowed, handsomest amongst us with shaggy dark ash hair, unorderly chinned facial hair with a nonchalant face to boot. However, he was also the one that brought us to ruin. Just an ordinary noble house. Home, I miss this.

"Mother, I'm heading off" I smile leaving the house.

"ok, good luck honey" Her cheerful voice resonates with me. I sigh. Ok, time to focus. I've been brought to some sort of dreamscape to the past and no doubt by a powerful being, most likely someone who uses some sort of mental magic but for what purpose, information? No, I wouldn't be this comfortable, bribe? Are they showing me my parents so I can consider joining them? Possible, but if so what use do I have for them and what is their cause? and then the possibility exists that they want to show me something then again this could just be a prison, I used a knife to give a little cut on my thumb so I know that pain exists here and it also isn't that easy to awaken, so now the main question, should I follow through with my memory or should I take a different path? Usually I would usually be on my way to the dojo to practice my powers and techniques but there may be something they want me to see. I groan at the incoming headache. So then what should I do? Ah! Kenny is still alive right? Then might as well see him, he usually skips training to swim in the lake in the woods. Right.

"-Do huh? Come on. Is that all you have" I hear a rowdy voice. I hide myself, looking forward I notice 4 male teenagers' wearing the blackguard apprentice uniform with 3 of them bullying the 4th with dark ash…... Castor? I see. I gaze upon the apparent alpha male, a blond haired boy with blue eyes having a slight untidy uniform with slight above average appearance which is being demoted by his unaesthetically pleasing perverted permanent expression. This is just sad. Well. Might as well help him.

"gentlemen, isn't that enough pummeling for today?" I politely question.

"The hell is this scrawny bastard?" the alpha leader questions.

"Fredrick Dyane black of the house…. I'm that morons younger brother" I introduce, "unfortunately" I add.

"look, I am not in the mood for this crap right now so you either leave peacefully or be pummeled peacefully." I nonchalantly yawn.

"humph, your house is a disgrace, I like your bravery mate. But you picked the wrong people to play hero with" They approach me and in seconds I'm surrounded. "Run-away Fred" Castor exclaims. I scoff in displeasure. The alpha male stands inches away from me, his hands burst in flames, he gives a prideful grin. A pyromancer, guess he isn't all talk. I wonder what house he I-

"So!! What do you think? You must be terrified" he interrupts my train of thought slightly pissing me off. He threateningly brings his hand towards my face, I forcefully step on his shoe, grab his elbow then throw him over my back before giving him a knockout punch to the face.

"Anyone else?" I say standing up.

"You really improved Fred, who taught you that?" he curiously asks.

"Tsk" I click my tongue.

"You have been angry at me today for some reason, is something wrong?" he asks again.

"shouldn't I be asking you that? Why didn't you tell your teacher about this or even our parents?" I question looking at the unconscious bodies below me.

"They are high standing noble, they get preferential treatment so nothing happens to them when I report and I don't want Pops to worry about me, he has too much on his plate"

The debt if I recall.

"I'm sorry" he apologizes; tears start to fall. I stay silent.

"Alright, come on. Let's get you bandaged up" I say after he finishes crying.

"ye-yea- "

"Castor!!!" We hear a sudden loud voice. Castor awkwardly stares in a direction; I follow his gaze to see a crow?

"I see you have been going into mischief again. Do you really love getting punished?" the crow questions, he shakes his head.

"in any case, Grandmaster Soleus waits for you, you should hurry" the crow advices, he adds "Also take your little brother with you"

"why sir?" Castor asks

"I witnessed your brother take out those apprentices though impressed I may be he still will be punished" it says. It?

"That's not fair, they started this mess. Why are we punished!!!' he shouts in dismay.

"because you finished it, sigh. They will also receive disciplinary actions don't worry, now get going." The crow jumps from its branch before flying away.

"what is that thing?" I ask admonished.

"Master Zola. Her cluster is transformation and she is very skilled at it. I'm sorry for dragging you into this mess" he says apologetic.

"No worries, something is bugging me though"


"Why is Grandmaster Soleus waiting for you?" I ask.

"Well, I was sent on an errand to get something for him and on my way back I ran into them" he scratches his hair in embarrassment.

"Ahhhh!! So what is it anyway" I ask

"Can't tell you I'm afraid" he scratches my hair; I flick his hand away.

I see. I look at the ring on his finger, a ring huh, most likely a storage device. Well it doesn't matter.



"…. Wait a minute!!" I stop to stare at my brother.

"What's wrong Fred" he asks concerned.

"you called Master Zola sir!! but later told me she!! What's up with that?" I say in a suspicious tone.

"Y-you must have heard wrong" he stammers. He stammers when he lies.

"why are you lying, what's there to hide!!" I stare at his guilt-stricken face.

"like I said it was just a word of wrong in any case we need to hurry I'm late as it is" he starts walking faster.

I sigh and run after him.

We arrive at the Blackguard's giant silver gate widely open. A crow flies towards us but transforming at midair into a beautiful big breasted Latina wearing all black and skimpy clothes.

"Master Zola" Castor bows.

She nods. "Follow me" We follow her. Inwardly I scoff. On the way, the training ground gets my attention, a single boy likely age 14 could be fighting with a wooden sword on a 6-1 unfair advantage.

"Who is that?" I ask.

"Oh, that's the current potential wielder of "Saturn" Aurora's artifact which is a katana, his name is Felix Augustine Roswell of the Roswell household" He explains. I nod. Wait, I didn't know there was another artifact of Aurora here.

"hey, so is it only one or are there more of those artifacts?" I ask.

"Well… if I remember correctly there are 5 artifacts of Aurora all distributed to five different clans; an armor, a katana. A ring of sorts, a scroll and a lantern" he replies.

"Know what they do or where they are"

He shakes his head. I see. POW!! The last remaining person goes down making Felix the winner.

"Who else wants to challenge me.... No one?" He says in a mocking tone. I sigh. So Arrogant, a boy with light blonde hair and golden eyes moves to the stage grabbing two swords from the ground then kicking the rest away. He glares at the black haired boy with red eyes. Felix.

"You really love losing huh?" he flashes his sword at him, he adds "very well then"

The fight Was over in a minute, Zane's moves were highly diverse, using one sword to parry and the other to strike, one to diverge and the other to counter. However, Felix's brute force tactics and his incredible footwork made it difficult for Zane's lack of burst power to last, in other words their physical prowess made the difference.

"-Huff…. Not done" He shakenly stands.

Felix gives a mocking smile. "Avanti, isn't that enough embarrassment for today? You know you can never beat me, so stop wasting my time and just drop" he walks away. With a dash Zane rushes to attack him. "Enough" A loud female voice is heard; it stops Felix's sword which is inches from Zane's face. A beautiful red haired girl with red eyes appears on the stage with a wet handkerchief with a star symbol on it. Zane slumps to the floor in exhaustion.

"Father-in-law calls for you" she says. He nods. "Well then Avanti, this is goodbye" he says. I glance at the frustrated expression of Zane.

"We should get going" Master Zola insists moving once again.

"y-yeah" Castor follows. I stay watching this familiar looking boy, Avanti huh? I walk up to the stage.


I stand in front of him, he looks at me in surprise, I give him a hand, he takes it. "Who the hell are you? You're not part of the blackguard" Felix stares wary of me.

'The name is Fredrick whom is the brother of Castor who is an apprentice and so-so" I introduce myself.

"Castor? From that barely baron ranked noble house with a lot of debt? You are his relative? Ha!!"

I snicker, "do you still have enough stamina for one more match" I look him eye to eye.

"Felix…" The red haired girl worriedly whispers. He smiles wiping his sweat and fixing his black hair away from his red eyes, they glittered in seriousness. He firmly nods.

I grip my wooden sword cautiously staring at him. "Begin" at the command we launch at each other, he instantly bombards me with a fierce assault targeting vital points, I hurriedly parried and blocked the attacks,his fierce assault constantly pushes me over the edge, however. At that moment a small opening emerged with precise footwork I lunge at his left abdomen, with unsteady moments he parries it away, I kick his left feet making him lose balance before going for an overhead attack, he raises his sword to parry I let go at the last second lowering my body posture before giving him a fierce blow to the abdomen sending him flying, I catch my sword and shoot it towards his face.

"Isodoma" A voice is heard just as a red malleable aura catches the sword.

"Felix, are you alright?" the red haired girl asks in concern, the red aura around her flowed like water. He slaps her hand away and stands up, he looks at me in fury. Suddenly he starts glitching before returning to normal

Hmm? "You haven't used your cluster since we started this battle, is it really that weak? I heard you were some prodigy but I guess that was a lie after all" I taunt.

"Garr" he growls, his red eyes start to glow, a red aura leaks out of his body.

"Felix Calm Down!!!!" she shouts in worry. My brow furrows, I ready a fighting posture.

"I think that is enough training for today, don't you agree?" A butler suddenly appears out of nowhere, teleportation?

He flinches. His fiery red aura gradually fades. "I suppose so" he agrees and turns to leave. I sigh in relief.

"Your Father calls for you Young Master Felix" the butler says.

"I know" he says in an annoyed tone. Well that's that I guess.

"I apologize for any inconveniences he may have caused you, I hope you enjoy your tour." She politely bows before following them. That girl, she is smarter than she looks, though. What was that? What caused it?

"Now that you are satisfied we should continue our journey" the Latina continues. "Come on Fred." My brother calls.

"Thank you" The blonde boy bows. He seems to have a grudge with that Felix boy, whatever.

"Zane, was it?' I ask, he nods.

"....... Keep working hard" I offer my hand to him, he stares at it.



He takes it firmly nodding and then we go our separate ways.

We stand in front of a wooden door frame.

"Master Soleus, I've brought the siblings" She says in a respectable tone.

"only the small one, bring in the package as well" a coarse voice is heard. She nods grabbing the package and handing it to me, I give a perplexed look at my brother, he shrugs. She opens the door, I enter. Inside sits at old man at the end of the room, he wears a red ceremonial kimono; his eyes fierce, the room itself aside from the carpets seems to be empty with only a glass box housing a sword beside him. I drop the package a few feet from him and bow my head, a bulb shines above us. We stare at each other.

"So, who are you really" I question.

"annunciate" He replies.

"I'm theorizing if you are the one who sent me here in the first place, I would like to know why" I respectfully inform.

He suddenly stands up walking towards a wooden door at the left corner of the room…

"Follow me" he says before going in and shutting the door. I turn back to see… the door still fully closed, I try to open it to no avail. Sigh… that door wasn't there before, no turning back now. With steady movements I open the wooden door only to see… shady darkness, the entire domain is dark but seeable in the form of sketches, a lone man sitting quietly on a soft carpet with food and drinks on the table is seen giving me the "come in come in" gesture in an excited manner, I sigh in exasperation and concede sitting down opposite of him. I stay wary, so this is the castor huh? Someone who is able to cast a spell this complex for so long must be very powerful.

He gives me a cup filled with wine. His blurry figure keeps me on edge, he says nothing as he stuffs his face with magically reoccurring food.

*You know, you should eat mate, this is really good*


*You sure are a hard-nut to crack*

"Will you enlighten my question for me"


I breathe in. "I've been brainstorming on these strange occurrences for a while now, this dream world. Why me? I'm just a middle aged man managing a town, what would you possibly want from me?" I ask.

I glance a blurry smile as it disappears a second later.

*You're only 42 mate, don't count yourself half-lived and to your question well… your skills. I think* he replies lazily.

My skills?? Hmmm. "You want me to be your scout?" I ask. He nods.

"So you built this dream world and let me see my parents as a bribe?" he nods again. "How did you know my past…. You scouted my memories? When?" I panic.

*Doesn't matter, just know I did, onto important matters. I want you to work for me and for that I am willing to promise you one thing* his blurry figure ever mysterious.



"Before that tell me, what happened to the town, the blackguard and the clan!" I exclaim.

*... Long story short the infiltrated spy sends us feed-back information, your brother was a pawn and, uh. Yeah we ended up losing the artifact but ultimately a certain mammas hater ended up, ya know, destroying the entire district, it took us 10 years. That's basically what happened. * He answers in a carefree. I grit my teeth in anger.

"That is not an explanation" I shout slamming the table. "…. Who was the spy?" I ask. A familiar figure appears before us. "huh…" I sigh in exasperation.

*Yep, a real annoyance that man/woman freak of nature, anyway its real name is Edgar/Edna. * He shakes his head.

*any more questions? * he asks.

"….. you read my memories but I never had any interaction with those people at the clan, then that glitch, how did you bring out characters I have never met, did you fake their personality?" I question.

* it's simple. I read your brothers memories. * He softly answers. I stay silent.

*Any other questions??*

"…." I stand up. "I don't fully understand this, your supposed secret powerful demon organization destroyed my hometown or that Zola was a spy!! Or that…" warm flowing water flowed down my cheeks. He stands up as well. I clear my eyes and steady my heart.

"who do you really work for?" I ask.

'you are very clever and intuitive; you should be able to figure it out".

….. moments later a scary thought enters my mind.

"Aurora, herself?"

He stays silent. My heart beat intensifies, that means Aurora is alive, that's impossible.

"isn't she still a human, how could she still be alive?" I gulp.

He sighs. "I suppose that is enough questions besides we are out of time" he brings his hand out; he adds "Will you work for me?"

Out of time? is the dream world at its limit? Does he need to go to avoid suspicion? Well either way. I have to decide.

"aren't you playing a risky game? I could leak this information away, I could betray you, what results this confidence of yours?" I question. He doesn't reply. I sigh. Well no going back. I take his hand.

"'My name is Fredrick Dyane Black; former noble to a lovely family and current chief of Yggdrasil. Pleasure to be working with you. "

"Name's Drake. Likewise, mate"

To be honest, this could all be a fluke or maybe even a much larger sinister plot, I may even be a disposable pawn. Even so, he wouldn't waste his time and energy to show me all this, besides, I want to trust my gut feeling and see for myself what Aurora the Sakura Tree Fairy Witch has in store planned.

'Hey, I wanted to know that kid named Zane do you know I- "

"As a reward for our newly formed co-operation I will give you a present" he interrupts.

That's rude, a present?

"At midnight Zola will attempt to destroy the artifact *scroll* so better hurry up and stop it ok? See ya" he waves.

"Wh- "


I wake up with a startle. I gaudily sit up straight. "….. I see"

I check the time. 27:50.



Today, I seem to be in a good mood, moving with light steps I unsuspiciously and steadily move to the secret underground facility, even with the numerous guards under patrol my alias "Max Uriel" the head of the research department I stay free of suspicion. My happy mood is a result of the low difficulty of this mission or rather the planning done for thus success. The stronger members including Haruta himself were sleeping at an inn after the after party after the funeral thus, after adding sleeping powder to their drinks it made things a lot easier. After spending nearly ten years on a failed mission I couldn't afford to make any more mistakes. Just thinking about it made my blood boil. Minutes later using the stolen security pass I open the door to the hidden hallway of the Artifact. However as always tight security existed. Cameras on the wall, lasers on the walls and floor to detect movement and two golems on both sides of the door in which the door itself held a strong barrier, hidden traps may exist as well. However, all that was meaningless. My transformation ability played a huge role here, the passcode requiring eye identification, face recognition and blood injection were confirmed all security measures were disabled. My change form of Haruta instantly changes back to Max only with my original hair color. Beads of sweat fell down my face, my breathing slightly unsteady. Tough possible it may to even fake blood type it is very straining. With a triumphant gaze I open the door and arrive in a locked space, the walls filled with runes and mana concentration around here were so high even I could feel it. Impressive. With steady steps I move towards the scroll at the center of the room locked in a glass box. I plan to destroy it right here but because Aurora's artifacts are basically indestructible the only thing that can destroy it is fallen angel blood. I destroy the glass box using a high powered blaster then taking the small valuable vial I open the lid. Mission success. However, before I could pour it, my senses tingled and I instantly move back. A man appears from the shadows. Oh, the town Chief. Fredrick Black. He held the scroll.

"What a twist, how did you get down here, were you following me?" I question in a snazzy tone. He didn't reply. He must have called for reinforcements, or not. I couldn't be sure if this is a trap or not, either way. The broken vile on the floor was melting the floor making it unusable meaning that I would have to take the scroll with me. This guy just soured my good mood. I turned both arms into sharp curved blades, I use my recognition scan to screen him.

{Name: Fredrick Black Dyane.

Race: Human

Cluster*Limit Break*: Shadow movement>Shadow locomotion, as name implies movement through reflected/refracted rays is possible XXXXXXXXXXX.

Soul Armor: A green leather jacket named "Guise"

Ability: Shadow Domain>Shadow Region XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

Authority: Insufficient authority level.

There is a special evolution that happens to humans which is now termed as a limit breaker, as a person's strength and potential is based upon the structure of the cluster, the process of limit breaking is condensing the cluster to increase structure size and shape by +1, it significantly boosts one power however, even taking initial cluster structures into the equation it is insanely difficult. In other words, Limit breakers are strong, hardcore individuals.

This is not the ideal situation. Not enough authority level to view his whole status? Whatever. With a single step I arrive in front of him and immediately I slash him, it passes through like mist, from behind my leg is grabbed swinging me down. In an instant I transform my leg into spikes also kicking with my right leg, he lets go and backs away. Wings sprout from my back, at breakneck speed I thrust towards him and fewer inches from him I increase my hand size by several margins, I bring it down creating a lot of dust. I sigh in anger looking behind me. He stands with a satisfied smile. I furrow my brow, instantly blood sprouts from my throat. What? Instantly he flashes to my front, I attempt to turn my body metal however I lose in terms of speed and he slices my head off with dagger, my headless body flops to the ground leaking blood. He sighs and attempts to leave.

"Where are you going" I say as my head regrows from my body, I stand up cracking my neck. I didn't want to use this. But well. From my pocket I bring out another small vial swallowing it whole. Devil's blood. I laugh as my body overheats and activate 'Maximum Overdrive" He grips both daggers tightly.


Impossible!!! I couldn't move, the paralyzing effect of the net kept me down, besides that, the sheer terror I felt when his armor turned misty and savage before everywhere turned pitch black, it was a first for me. He basically bled me into submission. I have no more strength, plus. Armed personnel surrounded me. His cold calculating eyes pissed me off.

"Hope you prepared yourself" He casually spoke. Tsk…. I grin.

"Wqgnaisfgr6ydu" Screeches come from my mouth causing everyone to cover their ears and at the same time.

"Not bad, for a human" she says snatching before vanishing in a puff of smoke

"wha" he stares at me. I look away whistling. A shock gun is shot electrocuting me. Ahhhh.

He slowly fades, probably tracking her down.

"Whets go-in her" a drunken voice is heard. A drunken Haruta is seen coming towards." I sea, u gat gutsy, I hop u re peppered"

This was probably the most scared I had been in my entire life.

This is bad, really bad. I acted all cool back then but inside I am a complete mess. I have to hurry; I have to save brother. I picked up the pace even more, flying at a faster pace. I shapeshifted into an owl to watch for movements in case I'm being chased. I told him we were rushing too much but he told convinced me that this is the best time to- I slowed down and looked through my surroundings, as an owl heightened and night vision were a much needed bonus in this situ- Swish!!! I narrowly dodge the sharp projectile, a kunai, a ninja? I stay alert.

"......…" I become even more nervous.

Suddenly more kunai, knives and needles came from above. Oh no!! I immediately shapeshift in a humper bird (small and quick) and dodge all projectiles, immediately after a net is sprung out catching me off guard, I shapeshift into a large gnome bear (smaller and slower than brown bears but stronger and sturdier) I roar.

"Long time no see" A strange voice emerges from the surroundings.

"Reveal thyself" I roar out. This is bad, this is really bad. I need to calm down.

The clouds parted ways and the moon once again bathed the land in silver light, a figure is revealed. Fredrick Dyane Black. I growled, he caught up so fast!! At this point running is useless. I adjusted my pose. I have to kill him. Using all my strength I pounced on him, he faded into mist.

"There are three occasions where my power is at maximum power up; Eclipses, midday and midnight. So, what will you do?" his tone suggested him amused. He is toying with me. I shapeshifted into an Aldtitemn (a rare bird monster with lighting affinity found only on high mountain plains) blasting out lightning bolts only for them to miss. I dodge incoming projectiles before blasting my own, a stalemate occurred. Is he stalling? The longer the battle continued the more nervous I felt. With a shriek I generated enough elect current to detonate a large AOT (area of attack) strike. Now. Just I am about to release it I felt… fear? He suddenly appeared behind me striking at my neck, however. I released my blast first. The blast covered an entire hectare of land, loud enough to be heard by someone at the village.

"Huff, ha." I shapeshifted to my original form immediately slumping on the ground. I'm sure I have been detected but I had no choice. using my communication device, I had long ago asked for support, however I needed to get to the checkpoint at all cases if- I froze. Fear! Immeasurable fear. He is still alive? I felt a dagger at my throat and two needles already on my neck, a very strong poison and paralyzing needle I bet.

"You have 1 minute, talk!!" he commanded.

This is insanely bad. I need to think…

"1 minute isn't enough, if I die you will have all that valuable info gone" I calmly reply.

"….." He didn't reply. Huh? Is he serious? I felt myself getting weaker, I attempt to turn into a cobra only for blood to draw from my neck.

"Others will come, letting me die will fulfill nothing" I calmly express.

He stays silent yet again. Is he really planning on killing me? I panic. I have no choice; this is gonna hurt!!! I steel myself.

Overdrive!! Just before the dagger could go any deeper, silver scales sprung from my neck and ran through my entire body eventually growing claws. I slash at him, he backs away, using that opportunity I pull out my favorite trick. One of the characteristics of the now extinct ancient light dragon.

"Solar Roar" a huge bright explosion occurred affecting about an acre of land, using that as a distraction I unfurled my wings and took off at breakneck speed.

I crashed into the ground, did not stick the landing. My shapeshifting ended and pain surged through my body. With overdrive I can temporarily shapeshift into multiple beasts at once or one of higher grade, however. I spat out blood. Even with overdrive I could only handle 35% dragon DNA, still. I felt overjoyed, I arrived at the checkpoint, a dark polished cave.

"Sir, please. My brother needs assistance he's been captured" I plead with a tear stricken face. I hear footsteps. A familiar footstep pattern. He revealed himself giving a playful grin.

"What are you doing here sir? That transmission was f- "my words got stuck in my throat, I couldn't breathe. I held my throat in desperation, blood flowed freely. My powers were on cool down; I couldn't understand what transcribed.

"So. This is your true personality? not the calm headed cold beauty huh? Well, it matters little, never liked you anyway. Sorry mate. Maybe in your next life" he casually whistled. Hate flooded my mind, however. I couldn't speak, my vocal cords were slashed. YOU TRAITOR!! Through sheer will I partially shapeshifted into a dark dragon.

"Eternal curse dragon breathe"

"Nah, Gravity x50"

I slammed hard on the ground, I forcefully managed to open my mouth.


My head completely hit the ground shutting my mouth tight. I reverted back to my normal self. The pressure stopped. I tried to control my heavy breathing. I glare at him, his black hair shone in the moonlight and his ruby red eyes glanced at me with indifference.

"Should have burned you…." He gives a strange expression. I give him a calm look and with heavy breathes.

"Please!! Tell Master *cough cough*" I repeat, "Give him my thanks, for saving my brother and I" I plead. I knew he might not, it would be a stupid thing to do after all, but. He sighs before reluctantly nodding.

I smile closing my eyes for the last time. I don't know how to feel, I don't understand why Master Drake would betray us, I probably never will, my heart aches as I think of my twin brother, my only relative left in this world. My life flashed before my eyes, it was a hard life, constantly filled with pain and regret, I had to kill to survive and honestly, I relied too much on my twin brother so I tried to put up a brace face. I was born in debt with an alcohol father and a prostitute mother we were sold into slavery, and then on suffering after suffering, it didn't all end even after we met him, however. I will still be grateful to him. Thank you!!! With all these thoughts. I never even noticed my head rolling beside my body.


It is not a good day. I hope Edna managed to escape, I can't feel her presence anymore, I'm worried. I sigh, I couldn't move. They kept me in some sort of pharmaceutical dungeon lab, I kept my mouth shut through the previous given torture chained completely to the walls, my body bled all over, bruises and cuts. I'm so tired and hurt. These locks somehow locked my powers also there was this damned barrier and the strong metal door in front of me so I have no chance of escape. Suddenly, a click is heard from the door and it swings open bringing light to two unknown individuals.

"Sup Edgar, how is prison doing you, ooh. Not so good I see. You look like a bloody sausage" She spat out ungrateful words.

"Long time" He quietly says. These two feel familiar.

"Who?" I tiredly ask.

They tear of their illusions and I see two familiar faces. Luna; the short stature and childish woman with psychotic issues, some say she is far older than even ZEL. Hank; A handsome and mysterious dark-skinned man who seemly has a calm personality and uses strange magic. Are they here to save me? Well. I'm grateful.

"Thank you" I sluggishly say.

"Hmm? What gave you the idea we were here to save you?" Luna asks giving an evil grin.

What? I don't, I. "Sister?" I question.

"Dead" Hank said flatly. what? My entire body began vibrating. Dead. No!! NO!! NOO. I begin to panic even more tears flow down my eyes. I break down.

"Anyway we are here to kill you" Luna says twirling her pink hair.

I growl in rage. It must be them. They killed Edna and now want me disposed of so that they can take the credit of destroying the artifact. I struggle to break off these chains.

"You Bastards" I loudly growl at them.

"Luna" says Hank calmly.

"Yeah -yeah" she grumbles as she brings out a very tiny snake, huh? It jumps to my neck biting it. Venom. I feel myself getting ever so sleepy. A loud alarm rings on.

"What? Hank I thought you were handling the formation why did it go off?" Luna shouts.

"….. we have to leave now" Hank demands, I try to speak, to yell. The rage in my heart became fleeting as I felt a deeper need for sleep.

"well I gu------------------"I couldn't concentrate anymore, I gave one last look at their fleeting backs before entering a deep sleep, forever.

I grunted in annoyance. Today is a very stressful day. I overused my cluster a bit so now my body is sore, not to mention I let one get away. gah. I'm too old for these hard core battles. That odd man spoke to me telepathically and told me not to worry…. No! I, Fredrick Black Dyane…. I sigh in distraught for forgetting my own thoughts. I glanced at the scroll I held in my hands. There are only two people who are allowed to enter the room where the scroll is kept. I and Haruta, he trusted me enough for this. However, I can't give this back to him, as an advice from that man. He told me no matter where it was kept it would be destroyed sooner or later by powerful forces. So he suggested handing it over to him giving me a box to put it in for when I decided to comply, if I do. He has a point, though Blackguard has put countermeasures to make sure a tragedy like that doesn't happen again, like my old village. Still, I need more time to think. I shove it into the box before it turns into a ring and I put it on my finger. Before I knew it I arrive at the village front gate.

I took another gulp of my cold beer. I couldn't believe it. Haruta takes another gulp of his as well.

"Hey, you shouldn't be drinking again, get some sleep" I advise.

"Shouldn't I say the same to you? Besides" he looked at the windows.

The first rays of dawn could be seen; I check the time. 6:58 am. 28 hours go by so fast these days. Today sucked, I messed up so bad. I let my guard drop after defeating that man and she ended up bypassing the guards behind me forcing me to go after her myself and I ended up forgetting a transmitter so I couldn't call for backup, then when I finally caught her I messed up once again. I wanted to knock her out and take her back for interrogation. But I don't know if or when she might wake up since I didn't bring sedatives, she could take me out by surprise, so I decided to use a trick I learned in my younger days. Paralyzing wasp venom and poison from a hibiscus flower, originally used to deter animals and attract wasps and bees. The poison itself is not life threatening however adding it with the venom makes it more inducing and responding to the body, it acts as a semi sedative, however I never expected…. Well I doesn't matter, I'll talk with that man later.

'So, did you really not find the Artifact?" he asks. I shake my head.

He sighs. "Parts of the building are destroyed and the artifact is gone, I've tried using magic all to no avail" he says in frustration. What? Did the box block the artifacts powers??

"So, what will you do now?" I ask.

"...…..." he didn't reply.

"What if the artifact hasn't been destroyed? Will you search for it?" I ask.

"….. maybe… it's for the best. I put a lot of expenses to buy the best starlight security tech but was still breached. Even if we get better security they might still come back and attack even harder. I think it is time to disband the clan" he says in utter calmness. I sigh. Well there is a lot, ever since that incident a lot of procedures were made so it might not be as bad, but.

"May I intrude upon your discussion?" I heard a feminine voice, my body tingled. We both turned to look at her. A gorgeous young woman nearly 6 feet with an hourglass figure, brown curly hair tied to form a ponytail hairstyle, black eyes. what stuck out most was, the blackguard uniform for Captains with 4 stars on the left shoulder loosely covered by her lab coat, she gave the feeling of a researcher. We both stand up and bow our heads.

"NO, no. don't bow" she rapidly says. We lift our heads.

"Ahem, I am the Captain of the 5th Castle unit. Zelda Algaforian." She introduces herself. I didn't even notice her presence before she entered, she must be damn strong.

"So I heard the Tokana was destroyed, I also heard you had successfully captured one of the culprits, how did you know of their plans and if you did, why didn't you inform the blackguard?" she asks in a hostile tone giving off a dominating aura. This woman is good.

In the Blackguards there are two main forces, the "Guardians' and the "Champions" the former is responsible for inside military affairs, invasion and protection of all human settlements and the latter is like a specialized war potential group for invasions or against invasions, they usually deal with outside problems and they all have their rank with multiple divisions on the two different camps so her being a captain being this young is surprising as it is not all about strength, but now. How do I get out of this one... Haruta stands up, he said he had a hunch, this would be the perfect time for the enemy to strike since the security would be mostly lax at that period He just…? He stops as I press his shoulder giving him a thankful look.

"I understand where you are coming from because after all, I myself had passage to the artifact plus my cluster is a huge advantage in infiltration. However, the culprit himself is a shapeshifter, from the security cameras and recent security checks he framed as a researcher named Max Uriel and also somehow managed to bypass the security as either I or Haruta if I am the passcode to the Artifact why would I need a henchman in fact he could do all the work himself without me needing to be involved." I gloat, I completely shifted the matter to avoid being cornered for not calling the Blackguard.

She nods. "Well yes, it wouldn't make sense ex- "

"Sensei Haruta!! Sensei Haruta I have pressing news, the…" the boy suddenly stops as he feels a daunting presence.

"Do not interrupt when grownups are talking" she flicked her finger suddenly a black robed figure appeared touched him and they both suddenly disappeared.

"Anyway, yes. The recent issue, the prisoner in the dungeon is dead" she spoke in a serious.

"What" I and Haruta spoke in shocked unison. How? Suicide? No. The drug given to him prevents him from killing himself. (dopatonin: an anti-depressant) then murder, but that place was filled to the brim with security personnel. This put me in a gloomy mode.

"What about the guards and Dale who was meant to torture him?' Haruta asked.

"Dale died, most of the guards were killed, some eaten completely above the waist by most likely some sort of creature. Cameras caught two individuals before going offline so I don't know how they escaped, I didn't make it in time." She says in a slightly sad expression before looking at me. Haruta sits on the seat in shock.

'I see, well. That would seem suspicious to me" I Say in a helpless tone. More likely is that she thinks I work separately from them but also suspects me of betraying my own comrades for some purpose like taking the credit for the mission or cutting the weeds for a likelier chance of promotion… wait. is the reason for his murder? Those dirty bastards, I can't be sure without any evidence.

"You suspect me of stealing then destroying the artifact don't you" I ask.

"Sir, you are a suspect for many consecutive crimes please follow us for que- "she pauses answering the transmission on the device worn on her ears.

"What?...really? Yes. I… I see. Did you post-check? Don't laugh!!... oh. Well, thank you Thomas." She finishes turning towards us.

"Seems like you have been cleared, we found some compelling evidence so you are safe. For now," She says glancing suspiciously at me."

"Don't waste your time on an old man and go catch the real culprit." I encourage. She gives a displeased look.

"My superior once talked about you. One of the best mercenary/assassin in all of Asia, you had a chance to rank straight to captain but you refused the offer, why?" She asks in a curious tone.

"I'm way too old for that and I didn't feel I was worthy enough for it besides, that leaves the position to capable young-ins like you" I grab my mug finishing the beer instantly.

She grumbles, "at least come up with better excuses, I myself am the exception. Stop underestimating your capabilities" she finishes walking away. I sigh. "I better be going as well, see you soon" I say, he doesn't respond completely docile staring lifelessly at his mug. I walk away in guilt but even this is beyond me, I need some sleep.

I find myself once again in this crazy dark world with the mysterious figure sitting across from me between the round table.

"No bribes this time?" I speak in an amused tone.

He shakes his head, "I need that artifact, how about it mate?" he asks.

"Why are you betraying your Organization and working for Aurora? What do you hope to gain?" I question him. He doesn't reply.

"what happened to that woman" I switch the question.

"Dead" he said sharply.

"That woman that can turn into animals, she turned into some sort of animal that gave an attack that even erased shadows, if I hadn't escaped she could have crippled my powers, only something as powerful as a dragon could do that, yet they are mere myths, is that her cluster? Or is it something else?" I ask.

"She is dead now so does it really matter?" He counters. I sigh.

"Look I don't trust you, and I don't think I ever will. In summary you are an enigma, can you really give me power?" I ask.

He sighs heavily. "I understand, though you don't really have to trust me, but you really should, I helped you get out of that bind with the Blackguards after all"

A contract appears on the table, the words written in dried blood or something similar.

"This is a contract binding us both, in exchange for your services you receive power and even money, I won't force you to take any jobs you don't want to, however. There are conditions.

1: Our co-operation cannot be revealed at all cost, so no telling.

2: A maximum job refusal of 3 only.

3: A 5-year service.

4: And finally Aurora's artifacts.

I grab the contract and tenaciously read every single word line by line, it fits with what he proposed. I set the contract down deep in thought. I glance at him then at the contract repeating this process several more times.

"At least tell me your name?" I ask.

He hesitates, "Only if you accept the offer" he states.

"increase job refusal to 6" I negotiate.

He shakes his head. I sigh,

"Add another, the same job involving assassinations cannot be requested twice and my mission should not involve killing any dear to me" I demand.

He sighs nodding, 'Then that would mean you will get your reward only after the job is done" he says.

I nod, they are added to the contract. I sign the contract, I feel a shackle on my soul, no turning back now.

'I'll give you the artifact, where should the drop-off be" I ask.

"My familiars already took the box from its hiding place" he says in an amused tone; I furrow my brow. He stands up giving out his hand.

"The name is Drake, let's word our hardest to reach our goals" He says enthusiastically.

"Likewise" I took his hand.

*3 days later*

At the early rise of dawn, I stand at the gate with all the supplies already in the caravan. That girl is late, I growl in annoyance, I felt her presence.

"Massteerrrr!!!!" A dark skinned girl could be seen running at a tremendous speed with baggage on her. She arrives at my front struggling to catch her breathe.

"Is that all the stamina you have? That is not enough are you sure you are ready?" I ask with hidden concern.

She nods, "I have to be"

I sigh. The trial she is going to will determine whether enough she is ready to achieve limit break, she has more control over her powers however she feels like she needs to limit break to have complete control over her powers, it is insanely difficult she could die so easily, she should wait, but she believes she can do it. I don't know how many things I've sighed this week, probably enough to last two people for a year.

"Let's jump in" we jump in the caravan and the driver pulling on the rails on the horses it begins to move. I look up at the sky lost in thought…

'Master" she calls me pulling me out of the trance, She adds,

"Let's do our best,"

I smile, "Yeah. Effort!!" focus on what you can do, that Is what matters most.


I knock on the giant door, it opens, I enter taking a seat at my chair. This is the meeting room, deep underground where our headquarters is at the very center is the meeting room filled with cultural paintings, vases and of all kind, the walls decorated in grim colors' in fact the only thing moderately cheerful is the chandelier (MY IDEA!!) which gives off bright cheerful lightings but it is almost never used. At the center of the meeting room is a round table with seats designed for 4 members.

Zheng Yinying: A beautiful, sexy and powerful dark elf, probably the last dark elf in existence well, except for her son. Oh!! But be careful, she has quite the short temper. I have never seen her have definite features, on some days her hair is black with ruby red eyes on others it's red hair with dark eyes then again, I barely see her, today she has dark royal blue hair and auburn colored eyes. I would say she has a constant feature of tunics, different styles and colors but always tunics, today she wears a purple one. She is a master of the Arcane arts.

The Old Man…(Forgot his name lol): The wise man himself, carries a walking stick/Ultimate staff of power and yet he travels around on fluffy white clouds, Boo!!!! Unlike Zheng whom is a master of the Arcane arts he dwells in sorcery, also alchemy, also enchantments, he is also a book worm… no. Dragon, at this point. I love his long white hair on his neck and chin. Aside from mama's boy he is the calmest and chill dude I have ever seen, I and no one except Mama's boy know of his origins, more mysterious than myself I always unwillingly comply. He is human? Probably.

Mama's boy: The only son of Aurora and the Demon King Capras, so half human with superior demon bloodline, mega powerful, mega handsome (Like I) and mega gloomy, unanimously he is the leader, the boss man.

I skillfully sit at my designated area.

"You are late, again." Zheng grunts.

"Don't It is a trade secret to be fashionably late" I bashfully say.

"You are not fashionable and that is no excuse" she shouts in irritation.

I wink at her; she coldly glares at me. A loud clap resounds through the meeting hall. We sit down in attentiveness.

'Let's begin this meeting" Mama's boy replied.

I zoned out once it had begun, they talked about boring stuff like food distribution their disciples, troops and pawns. Funds, weapons, information gathering methods. Whatnot…... is that?

"-DRAKE!!!" Zheng furiously calls me. I scratch my itchy ear.

'What?" I question.

"Are you even listening?" She furiously inquires.

"Funds, money, info, training equipment, resources so and so, but I have no insightful opinion to give since I don't manage anything, besides, I know you guys are just stalling." I lazily reply.

"Not stalling, bringing things up to speed, but he is right, let's get to the main issue." Mama's boy agrees.

"The ring and the armor has been destroyed but the sword, the scroll and the lamp still remain.' Says Zheng, 'Even worse, two of my most brilliant students, Edgar and Edna have been killed, to add salt to our wounds most of my scouts are being either captured or killed by Blackguards, we need to aggressively attack them otherwise my entire camp will be killed!!" She adds.

Mama's boy nods probably deep in thought, you never can tell since he always has the same expression, none.

"I know I have asked this many times but, with your power you could destroy Starlight metropolis right?' She asks.

He shakes his head.

"B-but you destroyed that entire town right? You even killed the Clan's patriarch.' She nudges. Yeah that cost him a near fatal injury that will take more than 3 years to heal.

'Little Zheng, calm down, you should not underestimate them, plus. Their technology has given my research a significant boost, hm.' The old man calmly advises.

"Stop trying to commit suicide baby girl, if you are that stressed you can come to my crib tonight, I message u" I wink. She glares at me.

'Have your scouts managed to infiltrate their headquarters yet' Mama's boy asks. she shakes her head, 'I stopped any more advancements on that, it is a hopeless goal.'

She sighs putting her head on the table in exasperation.

"Girl you need rest, let's have fun like the old days" I suggest. She slams the table.

"I vow on my life the next time you bring out our dishonorable past together I will honorably turn your manhood into ash.' She spitefully says.

"vixen!! Why are your feelings towards me so cold?" I cry.

'You are an idiot it isn't cold, its sub-zero' She gives a sadistic grin.

'Nooo!!!' I dramatically lay my head on the table, she laughs in delight.

The air suddenly freezes, oh yeah. I forget about the main boss, the supreme boss-man. A dark hazy smoky evil head floats above the table… menacingly.

"Enough!! This is a meeting not a get together party" He sternly looks at mama's boy before disappearing.

"Yeah, ok. Now, onto the main agendas, Old man… do you have the poison ready?" Mama's boy asks, the old man sighs before nodding.

'It's Zen." He says. We all look away feeling this particularly awkward moment. Mama's boy coughs to get everyone's attention.

"Zheng, I need you and your remaining capable disciples to go to the Elven Continent Eve with the poison' he commands.

"Understood" she stands nodding.

'Zen, apologies. Now, we know my father's sealed location and he is partially released but we still need AURORA herself, so keep searching, find her at all cost"

He nods...

"For now, let's leave Starlight alone" Mama's boy adds.

'Hey what about me" I inquire. Everyone looks at me like I'm an idiot, even Mama's boy, I cry for my poor heart, I should really get better friends.

'You have no disciples, no troops, no camp. If you were not as powerful as him, No. Even if you are, you are still just a freeloader' Zheng berates.

'That concludes today's meeting' Mama's boy says standing.

'Are we not forgetting one more thing" Asks Zheng.

"What" he asks back.

"Stop denying it, at this point we know. There is a traitor among us" she speaks in a serious tone.

Mama's boy sighs. 'you shouldn't have said that so casually and publicly"

"Why should I hide it?" She asks.

"It being kept hidden would have given the culprit more confidence and turn him sloppy making it easier for us to catch him, probably. Aside from all that saying it out loud has no benefit, it makes the culprit far more careful and it will lead to in-fighting amongst us which cannot be allowed and without concrete evidence it will kill us from within" He insightfully says.

"I see, but please tell me your opinions on who amongst us 4 might be the culprit" She asks, the air tenses up.

'… that last mission was top secret so those below wouldn't know except, check your apprentices and servants, capture anyone you think is suspicious, don't do favoritism, just pure facts and intellect only aside from that check in with your fellow comrades, don't intrude too much on their privacy and let me know if something unusual comes up' he spoke. We all nod in compliance.

I smile, shifting suspicion from us so we wouldn't start blaming each other, pretty good. And with that we ended this boring meeting, for safety measure I wink at her but she doesn't even respond. Women, what are you gonna do with them?

Released a new chapter. Hope you love it❤️❤️

Jesse_Onugbolucreators' thoughts