

The world of Aram and the 4 continents; Eve, Perseus, Asia and Virgo was created by a powerful Goddess named Ariel however she gave two brothers the authority to govern the natives of this world. The two archangels: Gabriel the older brother was given the book of life, a powerful Celestial Artifact to govern the natives towards the soul realm {It can also be used in creating new races and much more}, and then there was Capras the younger brother who was given the book of Death, to keep track of the souls. Elves, pixies, fairies, centaurs, bubals, humans, demi-humans, sylphs, druids… the list goes on. The two were to never interfere directly in the mortal world; however, that rule was broken when Capras fell in love with a mortal with an incredibly miserable back story. He directly interfered and because of that Gabriel also had to interfere. Reincarnation with the formers memory intact was a serious rule break thus a fight between the two brothers commenced. It was a fight which could not be avoided, the jealousy and envy for years on being the GODDESS’ES favorite hit the mark. Gabriel put himself into an endless sleep to put his brother down; however, the kin of Capras was already in the body of his lover while Gabriel gave his power to every race depending on their races innate abilities. Capras swore on his life to destroy his brother’s and the Goddess’s creations. The kin of Capras became the demon Overlord and with his demon soldiers was currently dominating the world, a few people led others and their kind into battle and managed to seal the demon Overlord and the person that made this possible was, THE SAKURA TREE FAIRY WITCH “AURORA”. I hope you will enjoy this light novel fantasy with adventure, suspense and probably a little bit of romance. Support my story

Jesse_Onugbolu · Kỳ huyễn
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9 Chs

CHAPTER 1:My Adventure finally begins!!; Just not the way I expected it to.

... wake up.

....Wake up!

I sprung up with tremendous force, gasping with baited breaths. My hazy visions dispersing, A sudden gag reflex assaults me, gah, I vomit. wiping the drool from my face and grimaced at the salty aftertaste, I take a deep breathe and scan my surroundings , right before me is the sea, and behind me is the way beyond the shore, shore… It rings in my thoughts.

….. I sigh realizing the devastating truth, the ship capsized and I ended up on an island. It was too fast, an enormous sea monster attacked us, causing storms and eventually destroying the ship, I dealt powerful blows to it but only one blow left me aching. I grimaced at the unknown and unfortunate fates of the sailors, I clenched my fists, I survived somehow,but. Few drops of tears escaped from my eyes, those sailors...….. grrrrrrrrrrr. The growl of my stomach puts me out of my thoughts, I took another deep breathe. Right, I need to get going, find some food, fresh water and shelter; one step at a time. I move forward.

I stop, slumping against a tree. I steady my breaths, I'm hungry, thirsty, and tired. I sigh once again. I had made it into the forest region, the high trees protects me from sunlight, bringing a small amount of berries I found in the bushes I stuffed them in my mouth, I couldn't afford to eat the other berries as I couldn't decipher if they were safe for consumption, either way I have to head in deeper if I want to find- My sixth sense buzzed, in an instance I hide North behind the tree just as it appeared, a large crimson ape with large sharp canines and red glowing eyes, more flooded above, swinging on the branches. I crouch silent on the ground, it sniffs the air looking around furiously. I grab a stone and aimed it some distance away, it left towards the disturbance, slowly and silently I move forward staying clear from those above until they eventually started following after their alpha, I sigh in relief and steadily walk- snap! I stepped on a twig creating a sharp noise, oh no! I look above as a stray ape looks at me, in that instance I run as fast as I can, it releases a loud cry altering the others further away.

So bloody unlucky, above me, the apes jump from one branch to another throwing yellow mana balls at me, Bloody damn these things use mana, I furiously evade their death balls. My breathe grows heavier with each passing second, at this rate I will surely run out of stamina.

* Hey HEY!!!! Sonya, I need your help. *I received no reply.

"Sonyaaaa!!!!!!!" I shout loudly. I hear a snort. No other reply emerges.

* Sonya if I die you die too* I lament. She doesnt reply. A large yellow rotating death ball heads at my direction. Its too big to evade, in that case. From my chest area emerges a beautiful reddish black katana, brilliantly curved, I grab its hilt, a peachy colored aura flows through my katana.

"Crescent slash" swinging my katana upwards it releases a rosy coloured aura colliding with the large mana ball creating a colourful explosion followed by large billowing dust, my face becomes slightly pale, using this chance I turn and continue running. I need to find an enclosed space or an exit or some- within my field of vision a cave appears, strange….. I wince at the sudden growl above me I quickly evade another blast, without a second thought I head towards the dark cave.

Gasping for breathe I lean on the walls of the cave, The alpha growls at me from a distance staying clear of the cave, and the reason… demons, or rather a dark malicious aura emerging from the cave in small untraceable whips, I steel myself and head deeper inside, at the very least I have a higher chance of survival inside the cave right, and there must surely be an exit. Without further thought I continue towards the cave. The deeper I enter the darker it became, the eerie sounds grew more aggressive, as my katana illuminates the area in bright peachy color I continue deeper, two entrances, I hear a deep growl at the right, I attempt to head towards the left only for my body to become stiff, I felt my katana fluctuate towards the right…

"The right huh?" I glance at the increasing miasma on the right, I sigh glancing at the left path a final time before heading right. Clenching my weapon tightly I steadily head further in conscious of my surroundings. In an instance the first strike appears, I bend down avoiding the claws instantly I counter strike only for it to dodge, a dark furry beast with bloodthirsty green eyes walking on two legs, it slowly fades behind. I scan my surroundings for any surprise attacks, the eerie voices grow louder putting me further on edge.

Ten minutes later I arrive at a wide cavern passageway , 6 passages littered on the walls. I glance at my katana hoping to receive any hint, or least it's hints will hopefully lead me out of here. It's glimmering light flickered…. Huh?

I follow its instructions and look up, I furrow my brow, above a certain part of the wall seems unorderly plastered. I raise my katana fiercely thrusting it at the suspicious wall, it breaks apart revealing a seventh hole, a seventh hole? Then that means this is- My body spikes as I notice the dark haired wolf's claw at the right suddenly inches from me.

"Saturn!" At that instance it disappears from its position appearing beside me grabbing its hilt I diverge the claw with its blunt side before slashing through its abdominal region, it splits in half before dispersing into the air, my sword fluctuates, more hisses fill the scene as more and more wolves appear on the walls, then emerging from the six passages were monsters and demons of various kind, the few flying ones having bat like features.

"Yes, this is indeed a trap" once said my stomach growls,

I grimaced at this hopeless situation, however what is most important is escaping.

*So Sonya...* No reply is heard, I sigh steadying my posture.

"Come at me demons" I taunt vehemently, It proves effective as they pounce at my direction.

A crescent slash to the ones flying above, another at those approaching me, some dodge, alright come on!!

I run at the incoming wave immediately cutting apart the few fast ones. A certain distance I jump ahead heading into the deep lines. A large club approaches me,

"Haa!" My katana glows, with a single swing it slices it apart cleanly, the gaint lesser demon stares in confusion as I land on its head, using its head as a ramp I jump even higher up, my katana glows as a pink rope is tied to my wrists, like a pole I throw it towards the seventh hole, it sticks in. Immediately I'm harshly pulled towards the hole, a gaint black ogres with unique tattoes on its body stands ready holding a large club patiently waiting readying a swing at my incoming figure, the pull-in subsides as I swing myself to the wall, below me more and more figures jump at my handicapped figure. I hear a chilling cry above, I look up and see the ogres clenching his deeply burned left hand, he must have tired to pick up Saturn and got injured.

"Saturn" From my chest emerges my katana, growls intensified below however, with a single crescent slash I slaughter those on the wall. My senses tingles as I gasp in horror at the numerous dark arrows approaching, with one hand firmly on the wall I use my katana to deflect the arrows, however; inches from my right cheek, inches from my left knee, inches from my two sides arrows struck the wall,

"Waa" in a panic I held one the arrows above me using it as a propeller I launch myself up narrowly evading the intimidating arrow aimed at my croatch. I shudder from both fear and exhaustion. Bloody coffers, how do I get out of this predicament, below me they approach, attacks are thrown at me and above danger lurks, my fingers shuddering in pain on the wall as I deflect their attacks.

*wrap a rope around your legs, dive off the wall and throw the sword in the hole, then deal with the leader hidden in the hole, Idiot* Sonya finally replied ambient in an unrespectful tone. I nod taking a deep breathe, wrapping my leg and jumping off the wall, I launch the sword into the hole while simultaneously deflecting the arrows, however. I garnish my teeth in pain at the arrows embedded into my arms, thigh and few other parts of my body, I get pulled into the hole only to see a dark glowing club approching me.

"Saturn" my katana appears before me, I grab it and parry the incoming strike, I felt my body vibrate at the incredible force concentrating on redirecting to prevent being blasted away.

"Gahhhh!!!" My katana dimly increases its peachy aura, a final push forces the strike to hit the ground allowing me to firmly place my feet onto the ground as it retreats. I struck my body with my katana dispelling the curses and the arrows themselves,"Ahhh" I scream at the intense pain, I look ahead and sigh, before me, two legged wolves,ogres and of course goblins approach. This passage was blocked before so how did they arrive here, are the passages connected… either way. I take a deep breathe I steady my posture wielding my artifact, a peachy aura forms, it's flow intensifies as it gives a dark peachy flowing aura. The monsters flinch.

However the black ogre emerges from the back holding a sinister looking shield with a ghostly malicious aura and its round structure firmly placed in its front. In that instance I run towards it to clash, or not.

'Sike' inches from it I abruptly stop, "Haiyaaa" I fiercely pierce my katana into the ground, it unleashes a dangerous rumbling effect causing the ground to rupture and cause imbalance among them, in that instance I jump on its shield, It gives a surprised expression, I couldn't suppress the grin from my face as I used it as a ramp, putting strength into my legs I unleash a wild long jump over their hands, no not enough. I throw my katana at the far end of the encampment pulling me past them, but. In that instance a black shield is thrown at me,

"Gah" the shield's sharp side pierce my guarded elbows, fortunately my silver bracelets stopped it from tearing my arms as they shattered apart and rocked the shield away, I hit the ground roughly tumbling before eventually stopping, however I couldn't afford to stop, inspired by adrenaline I run and run ignoring the growing prescence behind me then I felt it, fresh air, it means an exit. Sweet sweet exit. Gah!! I trip on a small gap on the floor tumbling a few meters.

"Huff Huff Huff Hah.. ah" Adrenaline fades giving root to exhaustion, my throat dry from dehydration, my stomach growling from hungry, numerous wounds on my body. No no noo!! This can't be it, come on!! Get up!! Get UP!! I can't die here, I refuse to, I can't die.


I have so much I still need to Do.


Guardian , I'm sorry. I'm so-

*Sofia ×××× I swear If you don't shut up and listen I will kill you myself!, now quit your pitiful display and look behind you* Sonya shouts furiously. Bewildered I look behind me to see their furious gazes banging on a translucent blue barrier, the black ogre giving me an intense hateful glare. A barrier, I see.

"Haha.. ha...haa" I laugh in exasperation and relief.

After a few minutes of rest I stand and continue ahead.

"Wow" My mouth turns agape at the beautiful scenery, at the end of the cave, a beautiful lake appears before me, numerous gorgeous plants surround its riff, a small waterfall a distance, all flowing naturally. My knees buckle, I fall flat on my butt, I muster up strength and stand heading towards this beautiful landscape. After undressing to my undergarments and taking sips of water to quench my thirst I plunged into the lake, relief spreads throughout my entire body as the cold refreshing water cleanses my body. This is perfect, now only to find some food, get some proper rest and then start exploring this island and hopefully find a way to leave. Step by Step, I gain some relief at my future prospects, unfortunately things don't always go as planned.

A powerful prescence envelops the surroundings making me shudder just as Saturn suddenly bursts out from my chest. A strong presence appears on the water gathering at a certain force, the water begins to expand and take shape, I stare in shock at the intimidating figure.

"A water Dragon Yokai" I gasp at this royal spirit. It has a slender symmetrical body covered with cyan coloured slimy scales, upon its head were few flowing wisps and sharp razor teeth, no wings present but it was still an intimidating prescence, it let out a large roar scaring me at my soul's wits, it's sea green eyes locked onto me making my very soul shudder, what should I Do? What can I Do? I'm spent. Deep in my thoughts I was jolted out as several streams of water wrapped around me like a rope raising me to the Yokai's line of vision. Suddenly the katana lit up in a peachy brilliance steaming off the streams of water, the Yokai let out an ear piercing shriek, covering my ears I collided into the lake instantly swimming away from the monster, I can't beat this, I won't win, I have to run, I swim away harder and faster than I've ever done before, I felt some resistance as ropes wrapped around my leg but with Saturn I sliced them apart, I managed to reach land, panting for breath- in that instance numerous water whips circled my body, Wh- A sudden pull lifted me off the ground into the dragons direction before I was suddenly swung up high, I let out screams the entire time, however at this moment I couldn't scream, slowly falling into the Dragon's maw.

So…. Is this? How I die? I.. I understand. I did my best, it couldn't be helped. I gently shut my eyes.

*Are you an idiot!! You have no right to die before I reclaim back my body, switch with me, I'll handle this* She spoke boldly, in my mind space I stare at her in disbelief before sighing.

*Ok, but after you defeat it, it ends.* I bargain, she nods unwillingly, a golden contract appears before fading through flames.

iris turn black, a strange marking appears on the forehead, she releases a sinister grin as the katana suddenly splits into two daisho's ,dark red mixed with pink aura flowed from both weapons, all this done in a single second and in the next…

"Deep Scarlet Slash" Two powerful sinister and colorful attacks paved way into the Yokai, it lets out a painful ear piercing cry casting barriers on itself, however the two powerful slashes denied such declines and thrust dealing lethal damage to it.

I emerge back into my body taking back control, and in that instance I was struck at the sides by powerful whip-lash.

"Ahhhh" I scream in pain as the hit sent me flying into a tree's path, crashing past the trees trunk I skidded harshly across the ground leaving small crevices on the ground as my tumbling came to an abrupt stop crashing against another tree's trunk. The distructive conclusion left many of my bones broken and my wounds reopening releasing blood onto the land. I spit out blood, I forgot how salty my blood ta---

My consciousness fades.

¡¡ Within the confines of the lake a once locked seal is disfunctioned, realising unknown evils onto the land ¡¡

*.... Disappointing* Sonya mummers, I sigh. Deep within my mind space a black crimson sword separates the confines of the space apart in a 75:25 ratio with mine taking the bigger cake, I sigh in exasperation at Sonya as she faces away intending to keep her vision from seeing my prescence, I arrived a few minutes ago but since then I haven't been able to leave which is unusual, in that duration Sony's disgruntled grumbles have been constant,

*So, gonna tell me why you're upset?*

She doesn't reply.

*Or why I'm here and unable to leave* I ask again

She doesn't reply.

*Sonya…. Why do you hate me, I'm doing my best to be your friend but you always ignore me and wince as though hearing my voice is deemed as a chore… if you hated me this much why save me back then? Exclude the excuse of "So my body won't die" I wanna know why you feel so annoyed at me?* I pour out my feelings begging for a response.

*....* She stays silent. I sigh leaning my back on the barrier separating us.

*Come on, Mind to Mind, Soul.. to Soul* I insist a final time. She let's out a deep groan before sighing.

*Stand up and face me*

I did as she instructed, I turn to look at her passionate gaze, as expected she looked exactly like me, so much so we could be misunderstood as twins and yet she isn't me.

*Mind as well since we might die soon* She mumbles. Huh? Die? What does she mean?

*Sofia, you are soft, soft and yet uncomfortable, let's start with me, you say you want to be my friend and yet you do so out of pity, you consider me as being lonely and pathetic and so you are convinced that you can help me, that only you can hel-*

*What, No I don't want to be your friend out of pity I-*

*You gave me the permission to speak and yet you interrupt? Let me finish* She interrupts.

*Yes, trying to be a hero, helping me, I never needed your concern and yet you force it upon me, Yes, I am pitiful. Born inside with you with no memories to who I am, what I am, forever stuck as a bystander in a foreign body, at least I am thankful you were kind enough not to enslave me however your pathetic excuse for comradery is an insult. And then there's you, personally. I hate your essence, You are kind but a pushover, you are forgiving but only because of your dependency for gratification how else will you still forgive a bunch of insects that abandoned you*

*They were just children you can't possi-*

*Second Time Sofia! Don't interrupt and don't give such a stupid excuse, they aren't children now have they come to apologize since then? NO. And then there is your adventuring obsession, adventuring, desperately searching for strangers to accompany you on neverending dangerous quests earning estimated weekly wages all for the sake of filling the empty void inside you meanwhile to afraid to even speak your mind and make friends with the locals back on the island or just leave them alone, FINALLY, what erks me most of all is your Landstand-fail grit, Such optimism, always finding the brighter side to life then giving up, basic; Always running away from training only after failing for the 50th turn, if you failed that much why suddenly stop, even now…. If I didn't switch with you, you would have let yourself be killed instantly after all that suffering you optimistically pulled only to want to die-*

Her words drown my soul each pulling me deeper into the abyss until….

*ENOUGH!!!* I scream.

*Third strike- nearly there* She mocks.

*How dare yo-* I stop as I feel myself fading off.

*Ah So my body survived, you're lucky* She turns away.

My eyes shot open, what immediately greets me is a wooden ceiling, I scan my surroundings, wooden walls, a wooden door, though nothing else aside from a wooden chair at the side and the soft wooden bed I lied upon existed, the details enough for me to understand that this is a cabin. Someone must have found me and left me in here. My heart felt gratitude for such a kind person, "Ah" This information struck me like a bullet, that means there is someone living on this island? Then such person can probably help me get out of this island, even though the option seems less than plausible at the very least I have to try. With eagerness flooding I attempt to stand up…. However…

"Gahh" Sharp pains assaulted me, I finally noticed around my abdominal area vines entrapped me, then again that wasn't all, I couldn't really move, my body acting sluggish, complaining and demanding Leisure, Yeah, I was bloody exhausted, in more detail, my wounds had been patched, my entire chest and abdominal areas wrapped with green soft leaves that seemed to act as substitute bandages, at the very least my body seemed to had been washed gaining back some color and fresh garments had been put on me.

"#$@&&&&&%#" I hear a strange language spoken by a male youthful tone, opening the wooden door, a teenage boy walked in, his yellow eyes showed surprise at my awakened state, I glance in surprise at his beautiful small antlers resting on his short creamy coloured hair and his sharp pointy ears, moreover his clothing style felt fresh as his garb seemed to have been made by similar leaves as on the bed. Holding the wooden tray he made his way towards me, arriving beside me he set the tray on the floor, raising the bowl at my level he raised the wooden spoon onto my cheeks slightly poking it, I understand his gesture and open my mouth as he feeds me the lukewarm broth, delicious. I had interrupted several times to ask him questions however each time warning glares were sent at my direction firing me to eat in silence, I sigh in relief as I finish the food, he stands already attempting to leave.

"Thank you, For saving my life, I am in your debt" I shout in a sincere grateful tone, he looks at me, I could sense suspicion from his expression, he opened the door slamming it behind him, I stare at the door, confused, at least the very least there is nothing else i can do right now. I sigh turning to the ceiling, thoughtlessly thinking, constantly staring, My eyes slowly shut as I enter into deep slumber….

Bang!!! The loud noise abruptly awakens me.



Two voices constantly bicker behind the door, one seeming familiar, the other seeming feminine. The door gently opens, a beautiful youthful girl appears, similar to the previous visitor, antlers on the hair, creamy coloured hair, bright yellow eyes and sharp pointy ears. Beside her the previous male figure appears, could they perhaps be siblings? I stare at both of them, her height more than his, probably even mine, at least 6 feet. I grumble in jealousy, she gives me a gentle smile as she approaches me,

She clears her throat.

"Greetings Human, can thou understand me" She awkwardly speaks.

Thou? I nod. She exhales in relief. The boy snorts

"Thy name is Verninne Oatshine, beside me is little brother Cragore Oatshine" She introduces herself and her younger brother(former meaning beautiful young-hearted oats, latter meaning Brave, vigilant oats). Thought so, they really are siblings. His vigilant glances made me uncomfortable.

"Mine is sofi- eh, I mean Anna Mechella, nice to meet you" I introduce myself.

"Likewise…" her expression gave away her hesitancy.

"What is it?" I question.

"Is Thou permitted'st to ask Anna a serious question" she politely asks. I nod.

"Ask whatever you want, I will answer to the best of my abilities whatever questions you may have" I encourage.

She exhaled in relief, her demeanor suddenly changes, the surroundings grew icy, she gives me a deadly serious expression, I gulp.

"What hath thou done to thy Guardian Spirit?" She asks in a deadly serious tone.


"Thus matter is of utmost urgency, Thou suggests Anna answers seriously" Her tone giving off deadly and threatening vibes. Guardian Spirit? What does….. ahhh. The answer hits me, "The dragon Yokai" I consider my options…. Lying… bluffing… telling the truth?

"It seems Thou does know what hath become of thy Guardian Spirit" She affirms pulling me out of my thoughts.

"What? I don't…" I shut up at her piercing gaze. I had been avoiding doing this, however this situation forces me to take no other choice.

*Sonya, what should I do* I reluctantly call out to her.

*Tell the Truth* surprisingly she answers the very next second.

*Are you serious? You want me to tell them "Oh I'm sorry I seem to have accidently, probably...deliberately killed your Guardian Spirit" They will murder me for sure, there has to be another way* I plead.

She doesn't reply, I sigh in anger.

*Fine, if I die it's on you* I lament.

"So uh, Verninne, please don't get mad" I plead, she nods.

"I may have accidently….. killed your Guardian Spirit, accidently" I state in a low tone. Her expression turns into one of complete suprise.

"I knew it" Cragore shouts ready to pounce on me. She grabs his shoulder stopping him shaking her head. They once again start to argue only in a different unknown language.

"#@@%%&!!" His voice grows bold and loud.

Suddenly Cragore storms off slamming the door behind.

"Cragore!!!!!" She exclaims chasing after him.

"Wait what's-" She slams the door stopping my complaints.

Their voices grew distant until I couldn't hear them at all.

*Any ideas what I should do next Sonya* I ask for advice, she doesn't reply, classic indeed. I sigh for the hundredth time today, I once again consider my options; Escaping seems to be the least promising, at my state I doubt I would get far if I didn't get lost first, so then…..

Ahhh! Enough!! I've thought enough to last lifetimes. I clear my mind Immediately falling asleep.....or not. I sigh once again.

*I know what you want to do, it's stupid* Sonya insists.

"Saturn" emerging from my chest Saturn appears, with utmost concentration I control Saturn to cut through all the restraints, with much difficulty I manage to stand, I walk up to the door silently opening it.

"Going somewhere?" Behind the door Verninne questions, her brother beside her. Erasing my katana I completely open the door, I take a deep breathe.

"Please Forgive me, I'm sorry for killing your Guardian Spirit, I will willingly accept any punishment bestowed upon me!!!" I exclaim bowing my head. An expression of surprise echoed on her face as her brother glanced at her, she glances back at him with an awkward expression.

Booooom!!!!!! A loud explosion suddenly rang. Huh? A far distance away large amounts of smoke could be seen rising.

"#$@&$&&@@%!" A hoarse voice suddenly emerges into the scene. I gawk at this scene, A handsome man with youthful flowing blond hair emerges however, his entire lower body that of a horse, could it be!?

"Centaur!" I exclaim in awe, it aims its spear at me charging forward.

"Please Halt Ceasar!!" She pleads loudly standing at my front.

He stops at her request, " What is a Human doing here? why are you protecting one? Who are you? Are you somehow mind controlling them?" He asks a series of questions pointing his spear at me, ready against any suspicious actions I may take.

"S-she…." Verninne stammers hesitating. Another loud explosion occurs sending chills through everyone.

"Tsk" he stares daggers at me, I involuntarily shift back.

"We don't have time, Verninne!!" He calls.

"Y-yes?" She stiffly replies.

"Bind her, we shall take her to the Elder at once. Make Haste" he commands. She nods giving me an apologetic look, so much keeps happening causing momentary blackouts, his sharp gazes also stopped me from defending myself, and yet. Vines sprung from her arms wiggling like snakes, I involuntarily step back. Should I fight back… Only at 20 percent of my optimal condition and with 3 enemies I doubt I would win, then should I run…. Before my thoughts could finish her vines wrap around me holding me in place as it lifts me up faster than I could react. I grumble at my constant terrible circumstances, horrible encounters and unlucky concidences.

The village brought upon a rustic demeanor, the barricades surrounding the village although wooden were beautifully carved wrapped with fresh green leaves, the houses more accurately described with 'Hut' although carved with mud and bricks were beautifully crafted with roofs made from carefully woven leaves and straws, the farmland and livestock were arranged far North of the village, however, the village itself seemed dismayed as the elderly and the children could be seen hurrying into huts, the villagers themselves were eccentric, some having antlers, some having hoods some having characteristics of centaurs, I couldn't help but stare as they also stared at me, the children wore curious gazes, the women and some elderly were instead hostile. We arrive at a large building, much more than just being a hut.

'Elder!!' The centaur shouts attempting to barge through the door, a small girl with blonde hair opens the door, she didn't have any 'accessories' on her head however below her were the characteristics of a snake, green and slimy. It froze my body in disgust.

"I'm sorry Sir Caesar it seems that Master voluntarily went into the battlefield" she spoke in a soft tone.


"What!!" He shouts in shock, "You insolent old geezer" he grits his teeth as he suddenly dashes away leaving us behind.

"Verninne!!! Watch over the human, don't let her escape I shall bring back the Elder soon enough." He shouts waving at her. I glance at her, she looks away, along the trip I had tried to ask her about the situation all to No avail, my angry stare showed my dissatisfaction towards her.

Cragore gives a deep sigh turning towards me.

"You killed our Guardian releasing evil spirits onto the land causing all our bravest warriors to fight them and defend our village" he states factly, his angry condescending glares directed at me showed his dissatisfaction. My whole being shuddered.

"Cragore!!" She exclaims.

"Ceasar had his suspicions, he knows. He told me to watch over the human." He argues.

"Even'th So… it hath no possibility of occurring! Guardian is far too strong, she never could defeat thee" she counters.

"She already admitted she was involved in this!! What then do you suggest happened!!" he shouts. At their constant bickering I stray into my own thoughts. The barrier, the loud reoccurring sounds, I see. So this is my fault, and because of me… My whole being filled with guilt I take a deep breathe. Reluctantly.

*Please Sonya I need your help!! I… I don't know what to do!* I cried out. She replies with a sigh.

*There is a way, Thankfully, but. It will be tricky* She warned.

*It's Ok, let me hear it.*

We stand facing away from each other, a barrier separating us.

*well, risky as it is, it's our only option… say, how do you know so much of what 'saturn' is capable of?* i question Sonya, she doesn't reply. Tsk.

*Just So you know, I haven't forgiven you yet* I pettily indicate. She snorts souring my mood even more.

"Verninne, Cragore. I have a way to fix everything, but I will need your help, please lend me your assistance" I bow. I hear a sigh after a long minute of hesitation.

"We shall Obey" Verninne says resolute, her gaze full of uncertainty yet unwavering commitment.

¡¡ Loud explosions constantly rang, series of battle cries loudly roared, the stalemate which had been held at bay was slowly shifting in favor of the demons, as more and more approached the battle began reaching a critical point. ¡¡

Verninne's Pov.

Indeed, Today had been a constant barrel of unexplainable circumstances, waking up as scheduled, doing chores as requested, scavaging for edible consumables in the forest as usual and as usual going on my weekly tribute to the great Guardian spirit however never would I realize I would meet or rather wouldn't meet anything, the Guardian Spirit simply vanished, moreover around the proximity I found an unconscious human at death's door badly banged, my healing magic wasn't enough I had to hurry back to treat her, but I couldn't let the others see her so i hid her in the cabin, my brother was the only person i could trust to keep this secret, additional he was also the one to make her new garments as her old ones were badly torn all through different places. Indeed I had thought of the human being involved in Guardian's disappearance as something plausible, however never did I anticipate her confessing on her accidental homicide…. Accidentally killing Guardian… how does one achieve such? did she attempt to attack Guardian and accidentally use too much power? Indeed, it had led me to disbelief. The human herself was strange or maybe normal in human standards? I had no other human interactions to compare. And Thus…

Arriving some distance away from the battle scene, the current condition exuded a very sensitive aura. Holes riddled all over, smoke rising, dead bodies of my people scattered across the battlefield, the entire place disheveled and most pressing of all, the entire body of water had been completely emptied changing the surface to that of mud as the demons pressed on, numerous demons along with red hairy creatures approach from the hole in tides, the attack of arrows from behind the frontlines emerges along with traces of fire magic. This indeed is uncouth. At the back of such large army two domineering figure stood. One; an orge with a fairly large build with dark skin, unlike that of its kind it displayed signs of intelligence. The other an even larger red hairy figure unseen before.

"Oh No!" Anna gaped, as did the rest of us. She gave an emotion of guilt or sadness? I disgress.

"I shall bid my part thus I put the rest onto thee" I say taking my leave.

"Greetings Elder" I bow. The Elder positioned at the back of the formation allowed me easier access.

"Verninne, Cragore , what brings you two here?" Elder asks surprised at my appearance.

"I am hear to ask you… I am Here so please listin."

Speaking in my original dialect is indeed far easier however that didn't stop my immerse grammatical errors….Ahh I disgress. I straighten my thoughts. My brother behind me unusually silent.

"Anna has a plan, so please listen" I beg.


I look at the current devastation, all because of me. Someway or another, the apes and the demons joined forces, It made sense, after all just like the demons they could also have been barricaded. I stand atop a large branch looking upon the chaotic scenery…. Come on!! Verninne where is the signal!!

*Sonya! Are you sure this will work?* I try to reaffirm.

She doesn't reply, at this point it didn't matter.

Suddenly the formation below changed as the main attackers charged forward and the long-rangers shot projectiles even more ferociously. The signal!! In that instance I jump down sprinting viciously bringing forth 'Saturn. I rush past the troops heading straight towards the now muddy waterfall lake that is completely empty, I glance at the angry gazes of the ape and the ogre. They both give a loud shriek followed by a larger number of the army focusing on my direction. Mana balls were thrown, slashes were made however each time something would intercept it saving me, though I could feel the untrusting gazes at my back that made me feel oppressed on all sides, the enemies in front instantly vaporized by incoming attacks. I stop sensing its faint aura here, luckily enough it wasn't that deep into the opponents frontline.

"Verninne!! Here!! Stall!!!" I exclaim. I violently strike my sword deep unto the muddy ground. In front hundreds of demons swarm towards me as the apes spit out waves of mana balls, my body trembled as the bombardment were defended by glowing translucent shields. Being so close to such chaos could make even battle hardened veterans shudder in fear. Focus Sofia.

Closing my eyes fully focused, fully determined. I held onto that faint aura.

● Spirits as powerful as this usually leave faint spiritual residue after death which dissipates with time.

● Saturn is able to partially absorb spirits killed, luckily this one is powerful enough for Saturn to digest it within a much larger time span.

● It must be done at its place of cohibition for a higher success rate.

All these grant the user a higher rate for resurrection.

*Focus Concentrate! Let That faint aura blend within you*

Sonya's words resonates with me as I coagulate myself with the gentle flowing fresh aura.



"Graaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!" A loud roar shakes my core slightly losing concentration. I could sense it coming, however at this state I knew I would be powerless to do anything.

"Thou shall'nt pass!" A familiar voice declares.

*Leave That to them Sofia. You can do this! You're almost there* Sonya motivates as she aids me in its control.

A little more!!

A little more!!

Just a little more!!!

I cut all distractions away completely focused.

My mental energy strained to the max. I manage to repair the aura.

*Now!!* Sonya exclaims. At that moment I open my eyes my whole body violently shaking as I pour all my energy into the sword further transmitting it into the ground as a bright blue light emerges.

Verninne's Pov.

Indeed the trickiest situation yet, I managed to convince Elder So the next is up to Anna. I hope she won't betray my trust, even until now I hadn't been indented to trust this strange human however each time she did something, each time she said something her mesmerizing crimson eyes always captivated me, eyes filled with sincerity. At the very-

"Verninne!! Here!! Stall!!!" Anna interuptedly exclaims.

*Elder Now!!* telepathically communicating I initiated the plan into action. The number of shots fired escalated giving no room for the enemy forces to get further within a certain distance, the muddy battlefield became either completely crusted or slightly sticky enough to slow down the enemy troops advancement. The warriors bravely rushing forward defending the line however things took a bad turn after that, taking back that line of attack had indeed cost most of the mages in our village of all their mana even with the help of the druids blocking and trapping a large number of the enemies forces, the effectiveness of the mana balls against the trunks were good enough to reduce such offenses worst of all most of the enemy forces were dedicated to Anna's position as our warriors were stretched thin it would be impossible to offer rienforcements. The longer this continued the worse things would get, helping Anna's position had to be done as fast as possible…. However. I couldn't move further, it wasn't Elder's warnings, it wasn't fatigue or sickness, it was… my own fear! Indeed, this is shameful of me.

"Verninne You are to stay right here! I can risk all other things but not You! Do you understand?" Elder asks sternly.

I bite my lip giving a frustrating nod. I had already sacrificed myself once, I can't do it a second time, however.

"Elder, she is our last chance!! If we don't help her then she will die! Won't she? She is our last chance, if she dyes what will happen to us?" I question Rider's calmness in such a dire situation. Elder maintains a solemn silence.

I always knew, I always had that feeling.

"There is another way besides the Guardian for us to escape this island isn't there Elder?" I ask sighing, another solemn silence permeates. Indeed, my arrival into the battle field had exceeded 30 minutes. Elder raised his voice to speak-

Bzzzzz!!! A loud sound echoes, at the front, a girl could be seen kneeling, long flowing strand of visible dark red and indigo aura surrounded her like typhoons.

A Noble, calm and domineering aura could be felt from her, a familiar aura.

"Guardian!!" I exclaim in surprise and joy. However.

"Graaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!" A loud roar responds shaking everyone. The tall gaint and hairy alpha ape joins the scene charging at Anna's direction whilst throwing mana balls randomly, trunks hindering its path gets crushed, warriors blocking his path get flung away or instantly crushed to death, like an unstoppable meteor it moves on. I had to stop it.. I…..

"Sister!" A sudden call from Cragore makes me jump, all the while silent he stayed beside me, his eyes stare deep into mine.



We both stare silently

I snicker at my cowardliness. "Indeed. Let's go!!"

"W-wait" Elder screamed, however in that second using Cragore as a 'crutch' we had sped much a distance in under few seconds. The gaint red ape stands meters away from the target suddenly it jumps high aiming to smash the human into meat paste. Indeed, not today.

"Thou shall'nt pass!" I exclaim in common, the language of the humans. In front of Anna I raise my hands erecting a translucent golden shield, the ape punches on my shield, the impact makes my arms shudder, the shield gaining cracks around.

"Cragore!" I yell. In that instance Cragore in a flash appears at its sides, he gives a fierce kick sending the ape flying West, towards the demons killing them in the process.

"Indeed, none shall past" the excitement fills me with energy. I look for any traces of the ogre, nowhere along the messy battlefield, suspicious indeed.

"GRAAAA!!!!" An angry roar is heard, the ape once again commences an attack, my shield at the ready, few distance from me, it raises its fist attempting to smash it by means of brute strength, in that instance, I shrink the shield switching to its front I propell the shield into the beasts torso causing it to flinch, in that moment Cragore flashes at its right side attempting to kick it away, predicting such moves it defends using its right arm and counters using its left attempting to punch Cragore, it fails as he swiftly dodges. However that had left it vunerable. Finishing my spell I strike.

"Forest's maw!" From below vines sprung grabbing its legs and knees, more wrapping its torso, arms and chest, it growls struggling, so am I.

My hands clasped on the muddy ground, I enduringly continue to seal its movements.

It gives a sudden loud shriek, more apes suddenly rush to our position. Tricky situation indeed, however sealing its movements will give even more space for the others as well as stop them from interrupting Anna, Anna could be seen behind me, on her own soliloquy, her aura calm and controlled. From above large amounts of mana balls aim on our co-ordinates. I shall attempt to stall for as long as necessary, however.

"I beg thee to accelerate as thou persists not much longer" in common I whisper, I whimper, I straighten up, stacking shields above me as with the process of trying to seal the ape(Elder apparently calls them so)

"Cragore! Deal with apes and incoming demons" I command, he nods sprinting towards his targets. The balls of mana collide with my barrier, I struggle to handle both.

It let's out an angrier roar struggling even fiercer, vines appear replacing the ones it tore through, finished the spell was but it's constant fighting prevented it from fully executing, straining my meridian to its limit the mana from my mana core draining , all the mana I refined and stored all over the years on my forehead were rapidly diminishing over the course of a single battle. However I couldn't afford to back down now.

The current battle had reached a stalemate concluding with the orange evening rays, indeed. My time in battle had reached 10 minutes however I knew my limit would reach in half my former time.

"Anna, Hurry!!!" I yell.

A sudden chill befell the battlefield, above the chaotic scene it hovered above everyone blocking the evening orange rays. A massive dark ghostly arrow emerges, giving off a dangerous evil aura it silently hovered.

How? None a person had sensed such a dangerous creation in the making. The ape gives a mocking laugh. Indeed this must have been the work of the ogre.

Like fate it appears on the battlefield.

" thou shall experience unimaginable pain" It threatened using our dialect, however ancient.

Indeed the ape must have been a decoy. Indeed most of the people had lost hope, the tired mages had no way of diffusing or destroying such a massive spell, indeed once hit would afflict everyone with grievous curses, only to then be tragically slaughtered mercilessly as those within the village would then be exposed to unimaginable horrors. I turn towards Anna hoping for a miracle, I sensed it…

"Just a little more" I speak in common, the humans dialect.

"Indeed" I speak in mine. With a resolute expression I touch my mana core, in order to protect everyone sacrifices must be made.

"Gahhh!!!" With sheer force I pull it out of my forehead, blood drools down my face, the side effect disrupt the spell causing the Alpha an opportunity to free itself, using this chance it pounces at me ready to kill me. Alas the arrow dives.

Using all my strength I throw it at the arrow, simultaneously the ape arrives inches from me.

"Not a chance" in a flash Cragore arrives giving a brutal punch to the face of the ape, it flies to a random direction.

The small core collides with the arrow in a seemingly impossible outcome it stops its descent.

"EVERYONE HOLD ON FOR JUST A LITTLE LONGER!! DON'T FALTER!!" I shout out my feelings as I desperately hold it, like a net I wrap the arrow.

In front of me the ogre appears ready to swing down its club, it collides with spear.

"Leave this one to me" Ceasar smirks.

The battle soared into a more ferocious state as the mages fire using their last strands of mana before collapsing, the warriors swinging their spears despite their numb arms, the archers using their daggers or reusing arrows, everyone desperately fighting for their lives.

Inches by inches it goes

Centimeters by centimeters it moves

Bit by bit it descends

I knelt on a knee desperately struggling to hold the arrow, alas preventing it from exploding, beads of sweat trace all over my body, falling from my face sweat smeared my eyes making it difficult to see.

A little more!!

A little more!!

Just a little more!!!

I cut all distractions away completely focused

My entire being strained beyond its limit.

At that moment my eyes barely open, my whole body violently shaking as I pour all my energy into further holding the spell as a bright blue light emerges filling the entire battlefield.

¡¡ In the dazzling orange rays, it majestically emerges stopping everyone from further movement, with a snap its eyes open! The spirit community whom were all protected by this majestic spirit all shout in joy and relief celebrating in their victory, it glares at the intruders leaving them terrified, in one move the spell shatters and all the intruders were swept away back into their former prison as the barrier once again emerges, gradually the massive body of water emerges into its former state as the rest were gently swept unto land with most of their injuries healed albeit the fatigue still present, thus leaving only two. The culprit and the victor.

It gives a domineering stare towards Sofia making her gulp in fear. Verninne laughs tiredly, though healed still completely fatigued.

"Guardian expresses his discontent in your surprise killing strike" Verninne gently whispers.

"But he was trying to kill me, though I feel bad there was nothing else i could do!!" Sofia complains. The Guardian Spirit puffs

"It denies such claims, only trying to capture… you, it says" she interprets, "but thou was being such a pest indeed" She adds slightly laughing. Sofia gives a muddled laughter of her own, inescapably the both begin to eagerly laugh before suddenly fainting on the spot, both girls overly fatigued went to rest with brimming smiles¡¡


Wake up

Anna! Wake up!!

My eyes shudder open, Verninne greets my sleepy face with a gentle smile holding a wooden contraction caged with glowing baby fireflies The surroundings dimly lit.

"It's night! Why did you wake me" I question annoyed at her for interrupting my sleep. She gives a gesture for me to follow as she leaves the cabin, jumping out of the bed I nimbly stretch and tag along, after seeing me outside she continues.

"Slow down" I run to catch up.

..... I glance at her beautiful blue night-wear and glance at my own night garments.

"So, where are we going?" I initiate conversation. She doesn't reply instead gesturing to be patient. I grumble,

"So uh, just curious, you are the one that changes my clothes for me right?" I question.

"No, my brother does" She instantly replies.

"Thought so, I knew your brother changed my clothes….. wait your Brother?" I exclaim questioning with uncertainty. Just as she was about to reply, I could faintly hear it.

"Almost there, faster we shall move" she claims increasing her speed,

"Hey!!" I shout chasing after her. Arriving at the village the cultural scene shocks me, at the center of the village a large bonfire rages spreading light to the surroundings, on the floor were logs firmly polished for seating purposes as those seated upon had varying expressions of satisfaction, those not seated were enthusiastically dancing and those that were watched with reverence as they ate and drank by the few acting as waiters, the latter were the village frontlines and the former those that stayed behind.

I stare shocked at this cultural celebration, the dancers wore incredibly styled green leaflet garments cut short above the abdomen and the style of their skirts similarly padded only with polished brown straws sewn across their waists, the skirts sensually low enough to excited the audience,

'And it fulfilled its purpose wholesomely' I mutter.

"Indeed, this ceremony was made with a celebratory intent…. Why not join!!" She resolutely insists.

"Ah, well, you see I'm not very good with these stuffs, don't worry about me you should just go out and have fun, yes you should, you definitely should besides I'm too physically tired to participate and I am a terrible dancer plus as I am the one who caused all this mess I would probably ruin the mood for- wh...wha"

Forcibly grabbing my hand she pulls me towards the party.

"Wait! Stop!! I'm really not good at these kind of events, Verninne!!" With such call she stops, however, my shout brings in unwanted attention, glancing at all their stares I begin to inherently panic.

"....Anna" that single word hung in the air, standing at my front she gives me a gentle smile, I stay paralyzed as she wordlessly drags me along.

"Wh-Wait" gaining clarity I complain however… all along, everyone around gave me different variations of expressions but all consisting of accepting my existence, faces that showed appreciation and gratitude...

"Do you see? Not one of...my… people find any fault with your existence, so rest simple And smile joyous!" Her gentle voice easing my worries and her gentle smile easing my soul, we both take a seat a bit further from the rest watching the spectacle.

"Tch, seems you've gotten better in human dialect in just a day, not bad" I leisurely praise.

"Indeed, not everyone learns the human dialect because of its irrelevancy thus...I... took upon learning from Guardian however good Guardian is tis dialect is, indeed ancient, having you here to learn from has certainly been pleasant indeed, thus your praise….." suddenly her enthusiastic figure gave off a gloomy aura.

".... Ver-" my wordings were interrupted as the audience grew rowdy at the enthusically increasing performance, their dance reaching a finale, a main dancer, a beautiful youthful girl having similar features as Verninne takes the lead as the beats of the drums get faster she vibes to it increasing her movements thus generating even more positive reaction from the audience, with a final step she ends her performance gasping for breathe, the audience gives a loud round of applause.

"Hey Verninne!! Come in here and dance with us!!" The girl shouts catching us in her sights.

"Ah, thou is not physically sta-"

"Come on Verninne!! You can do it!!!" A random bystander (centaur) interrupts,

"Yeah!! Come on Verninne!" Another encourages. The crowd chants her name causing her to blush.

"Go on Mrs. Celebrity, the crowd awaits" Mockingly stating as I indulgence on the rare blushed face, inevitably she stands strodding towards the stage, a random server offers me a jug along with sticks of roasted beefs on a tray, I accept chugging the ale then taking a bite of the beef.

"Mmmmmmmhhh DELICIOUS!!" I exclaim blissful, I stare at the night sky,

"Oh wow, the two moons are at full bloom guess it must be midnight...….. Huh? HUH?? HUHHH???" I exclaim. T-two moons? But two moons only appear on the middle half of the month, I left on the 6th, does that mean I have been uselessly floating in the ocean for 4 days?

"Yes, we had to reschedule it to midnight due to the warriors injuries"

"Gahhhh!!!!!!" I scream in surprise(And a little bit in terror).

Beside me Cragore sits quietly sipping his ale. At the front Vernine begins her routine as the drummers begin with a slow beat as she smoothly dances.

"Wow" I say impressed.

"My sister is a very good dancer so that reaction is very common but it might just be unique seeing as it comes from you" he shrugs.

"..... I thought you didn't talk?" I question perplexed.

"Rude! I converse, you just didn't earn the right to until now" he states.

"Hey, why is that you guys converse so normally but Verninne doesn't" I question suspicious. Her former confessions putting me in a bind.

"...." he hesitates, the drums get slightly faster pulling along Verninne into a more energetic dance.

"A perk our tribe has is been able to instantly share experiences and information, with a single command I can instantly send a random villager information about… flowers and such person can instantly know everything about said flower" he explains.

"Ah! So like telepathy?" I reason.

"No, to be more specific its far stronger, it's more than just thoughts move-over it can't be used as often as it takes a considerable amount of energy but that is how most of us know how to speak human language….. however Verninne can't receive it, her frequency somehow works differently thus sending her anything can at best make her faint with minimal blood leaks." He thoroughly explains, "Anything and everything she has learned has been entirely by her own effort" he adds proudly, the drums take on an eccentric and fast paced beat causing Verninne to react even more ferociously, her hips shaking to tune, she skillful moves her curves in an enchanting and fast paced manner, her feet tapping the floor in rhythmic paces, the audience entranced shouts ecstatically.

"My Sister… is far too kind, I'm not. You messed up, bad. Your thoughtless, reckless actions caused her grave sacrifices on your behalf, so don't forget everything she's done for you" he warns sternly.

"... I'm-"

"No need for your pointless, useless apologies, a thousand of them would'nt do anything for me, so instead, why don't you tell her a simple 'Thank you' " he suggests. His words put my tears to a stop, suddenly the crowd becomes a frenzy as Verninne' dance reaches it's peak, her feet making a small cloud of dust, her arms frantically swaying, her torso enthusiastically spinning and twirling, her body covered in glistening sweat whilst emitting such youthful seduction.

With a final twirl she raises her arms to sky standing tiptoed heavily breathing.... An even louder applause appears from the crowd as they congratulate on such an outstanding performance, myself included.

"Cragore, tha-" I turn to find the spot next to me empty.

"So did th.. you.. enjoy yourself? How was my dance? not to hoarse?" She asks returning to her spot beside me.

"No, it was amazing" I praise, she smiles even wider accepting it.


"Why did you do so much for a stranger like me? Why did you sacrifice yourself just for me?" I ask letting out the feelings lodged deep in my heart. Reflexively she touches her forehead before letting out a sigh.

"Cragore indeed needs a good slap, tsk. Alas, you're thoughts are indeed selfish" she says.

"Wha" I say flabbergasted.

"Some things sacrificed weren't for you, they were for… my people. Sacrifing my freedom, sacrificing my brother's prepared selection, were all my own choices, they were indeed stagnated for too long, you brought in a catalyst for me to finally choose plus it gave our warriors more grit and determination to learn and improve using their own efforts, that was your only role' she states.

Her confusing phrases brought forth more questions, yet noticing a few of their resolute expressions made her words more plausible.

"I know you're only trying to make me feel better but your words are too off also what are you? the future Chief or something?" I crack a joke. She nods putting me in shock.

"A position more fit for my brother…. In any case, you did your role splendidly, so please don't grow sad" she encourages.

"Absolutely, you did a fine job" a new voice enters the scene.

"Elder" Verninne stands bowing.

"At ease Verninne, so Anna was it?" He asks, I nod nervously.

"If you didn't revive our Guardian, everyone in the village would have been in dire straits, we are only alive thanks to you, thus" raising the mug, everyone else, including the servers join us raising their mugs at my surprised face.

"This Victory Celebration is for you, to show Gratitude to our Saviour" he praises resolutely. A saviour? Me? Doesn't he know I'm the one who caused this problem in the first place?

"Listen, I'm… I'm the one who caused all this I'm-"

"They know" Verninne interrupts. But….then….why??..

"Because you are our saviour, cheers everyone!!" Cragore shouts

"Cheers!!!!!!!!" They all shout raising their mugs up high, Verninne wraps her hand around mine giving me a gentle smile, bit by bit they begin to escape, beads of tears persist flowing down my cheeks.

"T-Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you.... EVERYONE!!!" Using my hands to wipe away my constantly flowing tears I cry, partying deep into the rising dawn.

I sit on the bed, nervous, almost hesitant, the more I think about leaving leaving the more unsure I feel…

"Sofia! The preparations are complete, are you ready?" At the door Verninne stands wearing a beautiful green flowing gown, her beautiful figure shines along with her hair which had been trimmed to her nape.

"You look really beautiful" I reflexively complement.

Her gentle smile awakens, ugh! So bright.

"Indeed, My awesomeness knows no bounds" She confidently flaunts. I click my tongue grabbing my bag, getting off the bed and leaving the hut.

"You've really improved in your laten' I'm really impressed" I praise.

"I am honoured, though. I never knew it wasn't called 'common' anymore" she says.

"...well It comes from two different dialect types, the "la" from common originally named 'latrea' the dialect of humans and its suffix originating from a foreign language similar to latrea called 'English' after the dark ages 500 years ago give or take."

'Engliash??'She pronounces.

"No 'English' " I correct.

"Amazing, so much has...changed in the outside world" her tone turns sad at the latter half of the sentence

"Well I've only ever been to the central continent so I haven't heard of the dialects in other continents ya know?" I try to comfort. She stays saddened.

A week had passed with me staying in the village, during this time I ate with the villagers, learned about their culture along with various skills like sewing I also taught Verninne how to speak the human…. My….our? Dialect and within several days she mastered it to some degree although it isn't shocking since I learned she is actually 52 years with her brother being 26, it shocked me to my core, and at that age she is still so beautiful, I also learned they separated from the outside world for 500 years to hide from the destruction brought from the war, I lastly learned that just like me she never met her parents, though I wasn't told of its reason.

"Verninne, do you want to visit the outside world?" I curiously ask. She stays silent....



Silently we arrive at our destination, the home of the dragon Yokai, and waiting there were some of the residents of the village.

"Elder" Verninne bows.

"Why is everyone here" I question.

"They all wanted to see your departure" the old man replies. I glance at them feeling touched emotionally then coming forward they gave me even more provisions and clothes wrapped in soft silk leafy bags ignoring my declines they shoved it at me. Verninne gives a gentle chuckle.

"Ahem" She clears her throat, "Let's proceed Sofia" She says my name with such seductiveness it almost causes me to blush and causes me to question my decision on telling her my real name.

In a grand display it appears forming arcs of flowing water in the air, the crowd fully hypnotized, I scoff.

"Sofia, once again. Are you sure you don't want to cohibit here longer? Your body might still need rest" she persuades.

"...Yes I'm sure" I say resolute.


"I'm a fast healer, don't worry ok?" I comfort. She nods.

"Someday, if, you decide to visit the central continent you can always visit Karavan and check on me or rather just look for the name "Crimson Calvary" and you will find all of my amazing achievements I will…." Her beautiful smile stops my words.

I turn away.

"O' Great Guardian I ask you send… Anna to the central continent in her chosen region" She exclaims.it nods as the water rises twirling into a small tornado.

"Enter into thou storm, say your destination and you shall be teleported immediately" she says.

The water had split into two allowing me to walk into the twisting water tornado.

"North West of the Empire, a town called Arundel" I state. In that instance the water completely covers me, uncomfortably seeping into my body as my entire being starts to blend into the water itself.

The villagers enthusiastically call their goodbyes, Verninne instead sends a simple wave. My first friend?

"Everyone!!! Thank you for saving me, for letting me fix my mistakes, for letting me into your homes, for teaching me your livelyhood, for Everything!! I won't forget you and I promise to always have a place for you, Verninne"

With only my head remaining unfused I expressed my deepest feelings, however, slightly further away I see the figure of Cragore giving a satisfied smile as he vanishes and my vision gets completely engulfed in water.

Volume 2 chapter 1 is out!!! Staring an all new Mc, with new characters and new settings to explore. To those who finished the first volume I can’t thank you enough, alas from now things will be different, I won’t release new chapters for a while due to real life situations and the release drop might be slower but thank you for staying this long, volume 1 had like 29k words or so, also comment your thoughts on the first volume

Jesse_Onugbolucreators' thoughts