
prince of aurora

hello guys i am new writer of this book this is my first time so if my any sentence is wrong please coperate me this is the story of prince of magical land aurora who is a in a magical world our hero is prince of aurora everything is aurora is magic in the people of aurora is also magic generally childhood to adulthood all man do their work with help of magic everybody in this aurora happy live but this place a beautiful and beautiful and with so many magical tree and beautiful flowers of different varieties our magical aurora choose the king of this place who is so might and ake care of aurora and defence of aurora aginst witches werewolf and danger devile who want to rule this place our aurora is beautiful like heaven and it has seven season and so many different types of flowers and trees and unknown animal with

hidden powers it is the story of aurora when old aurora no any on rule and all are live happily but one day devil's was came to aurora and catched the people soul for king of devil and catch and burn the tress of aurora then aurora magical land soul choose the king of aurora Petersion who is child of marry and liar who are famous magician of aurora when aurora was in danger animal were and aurora people pray to aurora soul and God to save their life's than pray of aurora people in heaven

give born a beautiful powerful child Petersion who was fight against devil and

aurora get freedom to against devil to aurora and aurora maat their first king since the time aurora family and generation

rule in aurora Petersion love a aurora girl pairy who is lived in aurora far village but

the faith of aurora choose the queen to pairy , pairy is the girl who gives birth to a beautiful might boy Aris pairy have four son and a daughter in which Aris is elder and second son name saris third son name lawaris and forth son name maris and daughter name arika Aris and all forth child

beautiful handsome with so many magic

arika is beautiful like sirene and her eyes blue like sea and brown hair with slim white pale skin our Aris and forth child all adorable arika have power of flowers she easily through magic arose the beautiful flowers any place and Aris have water power to control water and sea and saris has wind power to control air and lawris have power of fire and Maris have power of control earthquake in aurora they are like 6 rings of aurora all forth son of King and princess love their brothers and sisters

now it's time to choose new king of aurora because Aris is elder so Aris will be next king of aurora but problem Aris have to

choose bride before be a king of aurora

but Aris want that his bride to be normal human without magic. because he is hesitate to magical and only magic but he want a normal bride who only love his not his power and he is hear about a other world in which people normal live and like us it is earth who is beautiful so Aris have mission to find his bride in earth so he will be soon leave and find a women in earth so according to law of aurora and to get permission to his mother and father visiting

in earth and live normal life in earth has potal of aurora open and connection of different world that is open and Aris go and went on earth Aris have first experience to

go different world they are looking like same us aurora and in this world so many new things for Aris every people looking Aris in different ways because Aris come in America and People see him because he is different from other people because he is not of this world so he looks handsome 1.8 meter tall and so handsome pale white skine of body slim his eyes brown and hair black through his magic Aris buy new palace and with beautiful garden and swimming pool our female lead of story is she is a college student who's name marry

marry is a most beautiful girl with white pale skine her brown hair with blue eyes

she is study in Saint Marry University

she is a slime creamy body white pink lips.

In nights marry drunken high because she have heart breaking breakup with his friend

Peter .

Because Peter cheat her with her close friend mori it's so heart breaking

In night which is dark like black hole

and sky is bright due to full moon a

beautiful smell of dandelion greenplant

night time in stree few people visit

marry lived in iris colony in middle of night

marry is so sad and tears in her eyes

flow like diamond tears drop fall like pearls

a drunken man looking like Don of gang came towards marry but marry not see his beyond some body come Because she is only crying and crying boss has black hair with a black jacket and black pants he is looking like devil of darkness follow towards marry ,hahahaha hey girl are you alone in street let's go with me I am leave you your home in frightened sound marry say no thanks I am going on my own

hey girl ,are you afraid of me

not afraid of me I am your well wisher

marry;" no thanks no thanks please spare my life

strange; I spare you if you spend on night with me

marry "help me help me some body help me

the stranger catch marry hand let's go

marry no no

stranger cut her clothes tshirt neck side

marry, please help me spare my life please

a beautiful handsome man 1.8 meter long Aris come catch the hand of stranger

and beat him so much it's looking like hero beat the devil

marry she towards Aris ooooh what's handsome he is when he is beat Stanger it's body sweat show how beautiful person

is he .

boss of gange face bleeding

blood . he is going to die if Aris not leave him

Aris oo lady are you alright

Aris give his jacket to marry because his

tshirt expose her cleavage Take this and go with me my home because it's not good for you

to walk alon in street


let's go girl

marry in her mind how beautiful person I ever seen they are went in Aris home

it's big and beautiful and all things are well decorated

oo lady come here

Aris go his bedroom and give his clothes to marry who is sitting in sofa go and take a bath and Change it marry felling like in heaven what relief

marry go bathroom take a shower and change his clothes

when marry come after shower she is looking beautiful with creamy adddroble skine wonderful girl

first time Aris see a beautiful girl in his home

okay you seat Hera i will come to take a shower Aris say and come

after bathing he is come in bedroom and scream at girl marry come here

marry thinking what's the matter is

she in danger

girl and sleep here I am going to sleep in my sofa

okay thanks what is your name marry asked my name is Aris

what is your name girl my name is marry thanks lot you help me lot and save my life

Aris so what is going to give gift me

what!is he is saying

i am saying to you serve me your body

i love you what the hell is this

then a step come towards marry

it's affection between a man and woman

because marry is in twentieth so it's necessary to affection

Aris passionately kiss marry lips

it's first time for marry but feels good and relaxing

saliva of Aris inside marry mouth

then marry and Aris kiss each other passionately it's french kiss

after that Aris open his clothes and open the button of marry tshirt and fell down on bed marry now it's my turn and they are slowly they are naked and fingers of Aris slowly come towards marry breast nipple

oo what a beautiful and slowly Aris play with marry nipple and other hand on slim waist of marry marry fell like she is not idea what going on but it's fell good

slowly Aris kiss marry all over his body passionately and it's so much time taking because Aris tongue licking her body like a child eat chocolate it's fell good marry

after that Aris penis come towards vagina of marry ooooh stop it is deep it's hurt me marry say but it's say it's give me pleasure so continue after that so much time they are holding each other and sleep on bed with each other