
morning talk

In morning Aris, see marry and think what a beautiful beauty like fairy in sleeping time marry look cute and her adddroble face say me to eat more and more to marry after that Aris kiss marry in lower lips and

start kiss her passionately

marry ,"ooooh what's the hell with this man

but marry like this feeling because it's first time for her to having sex with a man

marry also Started kiss passionately the Aris

Aris "do you like me darling I love you

marry replied i love you too Aris

then they start there morning sex

Aris pushed it's cock to pushe of marry start give pleasure to each other

Aris," now you are my woman your every part of body and soul belong to me

marry "in shocking sound how is this possible it is to soon

marry please leave me I have to go college

okay my wife first i will go to take shower with you

marry noooooo

Aris up the his shoulder to up the Aris in his arms they both are naked

Aris give a devil's smile and seat the marry in bath and

start shower and touch hidden part of marry

marry noooooo please it's hurt me

Aris you are my woman so sincerely you have to serve me

i am your husband

so be sincere to me my finances

than passionately Aris kiss in lips

and start to touch her saggy bobes nipples

and say "i like it

your breast is so big

then Aris his cock pushed in pussy of marry and say sit with me like this in bathtub

marry say ,what problem this men why he is always like this to me

Aris is belong to different world so he have power to hear inner thinking of person and say i am always like too you marry because you are my finances and you have to able to satisfy me my dear I love you after shower they both finished bathing and

come bedroom and wear dress

Aris say "in you red colour so suit so wear this red colour froke and come dinning room we are going to eat