
Aurora's dawn

My family and I have existed for centuries. We do not age but we can die. We have faced many obstacles, sometimes together. Love, War, Betrayal, Trust and Family and we still face it till today. What shall be the outcome?.

Jay_Montez · Kỳ huyễn
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12 Chs

Holy empire [Third person POV]

The time of arrival of the Holy empire....

"Remember boys, Try not to anger any of the priest, Especially you Orin. There is a serious reason why i avoided them for this long"-The emperor, Tal'algan Carnaris cautions Lazef and Orin standing behind him.

Lazef and Orin were dressed majestically, a rare sight indeed. Lazef wore his crown prince uniform, A blend of red and black adorned with golden embroidery and a red cape. His gelled raven black hair made him look more dignified. As for Orin, he wore a black shirt with a gold collar chain along with a purple vest and a black long expensive black coat on his shoulders to match his black trousers and boots. He looked domineering and imposing. Tal'algan viewed proud as he examined his sons attires. He congratulated himself for raising such wonderful children. Of course some of the credit goes to his wife, The empress.

The empress, Jeanne, her eyes wandered about in search for Aurora. She was the one who arranged the entire event, both the welcoming ceremony and the evening feast and surprisingly,she was nowhere to be seen.

"Mother, Where is Aurora?"-Lazef inquired.

Lazef knew that Aurora was not the irresponsible type though she can come off as lazy and carefree.

"I do not know. She promised she would come and greet the new high priest"-Jeanne replied, confused.

"That sly fox. I speculate that she would arrive during the evening feast"-Orin voices his thoughts.

"That girl..."-Lazef utters, annoyed.

"Why the frown brother?, Are you angry because she escaped and you didn't?".

"Precisely. How could she abandon her brothers like that?" Lazef pouts. Jeanne chuckles at Lazef for his cute facial display.

"Enough. The delegates of the holy empire are here"-Tal'algan informed. He seemed displeased, matter of factit, it was written all over his face.

"Is that the new high priest?"-Lazef asked rhetorically and puzzled. Obviously, Lazef knew how the new high priest looked like. The reason for his odd reaction was because of the new high priest striking appearance. Lustrous Icy blonde hair braided down to his back, amber eyes and glossy skin. Tall and Well-proportioned muscles. His gold earrings appealed to his beauty. Indeed, His title as priest did not fit his seductive appearance.

"He resembles a gigolo"-Orin utters, flabbergasted.

Usually, Orin was to be admonished for his impolite remarks however, this time was not one of them seeing how they, Tal'algan, Jeanne and Lazef silently agreed with him.

"Greetings to the royal family of Kairos, Hail to the Emperor and the Empress"-The new high priest shows curtsy and introduces himself. "My name is Axel lux Evangel".

"His name does fit his angelic face and charming personality But_"-Orin says in his head.

"His voice is too seductive"-Tal'algan, Jeanne and Orin thought simultaneously.

"For the great royal family to welcome us like this, I'm honored and quite surprised. I had assumed that His majesty hated the holy empire".

"Haha Impossible"-Tal'algan lies were masked with a fake smile and a short laugh.

"You're being too obvious Father"-Lazef transmits his thoughts to Tal'algan using a magic spell.

"Do you rather have me tell the truth?"-Tal'algan responds to Lazef while maintaining a calm outward expression.

"I am glad Your majesty feels that way"-High priest Axel remarked, as his eyes inspects his surroundings. He seems to be looking for someone, Aurora no doubt.

The empress notices and snickers. High priest Axel realizes himself and lets out a fake cough, resulting in arising Orin's suspicions.

"A banquet will be held this evening in your honor, High priest Axel"-Tal'algan says, as he escorts him inside, along with the other

The time of the banquet.....

Tal'algan took a wine glass into his hand and stands up.

"Raise your glasses".

The people who were formally invited to the feast obeyed almost immediately. All of them were confused about Tal'algan's behavior. Almost everyone in Kairos were cognizant of Tal'algan's dislike for the holy empire despite how he tried to hide it. They presumed that the banquet was Tal'algan's polite way of 'handling' them and chose to be go along with it.

"Glory to the Kairos Empire and the Holy empire!!"-They chanted in unison, Tal'algan included.

After the toast, the party finally commenced comfortably. Lazef and Orin were by the buffet table, taking small bites of the desserts.

In a ball or banquet, the rule states that unless the ones eating gives permission or the people who approaches them are of the same gender, no one was allowed to talk to the ones eating. The only exception were family. This was the reason Lazef and Orin were eating instead of mingling with the nobles.

"Look brother, isn't that count Arche?"-Orin signalled the count's location with his eyes.

"Oh yes, Count Jacob Arche the second, his resemblance to the former count is stricking, cannot say the same for his children"-Lazef makes a mocking remark before drinking from a glass of champagne he collected from a silver tray earlier held by passing servant.

"Oh are you referring to his father, Count Jacob the first?. As I recall, he had a bit of a crush on sister Bestla, little did he know that she did not swing that way"-Orin says jokingly.

"I heard from Aurora that his daughter insulted her the other day".

"When was this?"-Orin displays interest as his voice sounded surprised.

"At the day of the Ana festival. She was completely oblivious of Aurora's identity so it was a mistake on Aurora's part, she did not proclaim her real identity and kept silent".

"Still, she was rude to her!. I'm annoyed that Aurora has yet to punish her, She usually does the most despicable things to those who annoy her".

"Indeed. I once recall a foolish viscount who touched her inappropriately. In a few days, the viscount and his entire family members became commoners".

"I'm sure she probably forgot. Shall we do it in her place?"-Orin's mischievousness surfaced, accompanied by a thug like smirk.

"Stop it with that face, you resemble a criminal"-Lazef scolded.

"If you are planning on cooking up some mischief on an important day like this, then kindly leave me out of it".

"Are you scared because of Father?"-Orin teases.

"No, I'm scared because of Mother. She is quite taken with High priest Axel and I don't want to ruin that by showing him our bad side".

"Wait, Mother likes that Axel bastard?, But he's too young for her and he's definitely not her type. Frankly he's more of Aurora's type_ "-Orin pauses, contemplating whether what he was thinking about was right.

Jeanne wanted the union between Aurora and The high priest Axel, Orin would definitely serve as a difficult obstacle to her plans.

"This brat is quick-witted, I better change the subject before any damage is done"-Lazef thought, very impressed but fearful.

"Orin, How about giving our greetings to Count Arche and his family?"-The corners of Lazef's mouth forces upwards out of nervousness.

"So you finally came to your senses huh brother."-Orin comments enthusiastically.

"Yes yes"-Lazef mutters nonchalantly.

"I hope he makes it quick"-Lazef says to himself in his head as he follows Orin to greet the Count. When they got there, the count, although shocked, quickly payed his respects to the two of them. As did his wife and his three children as well. Count Ache was a nice man which people found unbecoming of a noble. His first son and child, Sean, was the only offspring he had with his late wife and the other two, Rain his second son and child, and Karen, his only daughter and last born were from his current wife, Caroline, a daughter of a wealthy merchant.

Orin and Lazef's target was Karen and her alone. "Count Arche, might I say you look just like your father, Jacob Arche the first" Orin started the conversation with politeness.

"Oh such high praise my prince"-Count Jacob II received Orin's compliment with gratitude.

"What a charmer"-Lazef thought, glancing at Orin.

"Might I inquire from the two princes what business you have with me?".

"Nothing Nothing, don't be uneasy. We just came over to say hi and most especially to your 'Lovely' daughter"-Orin's voice grew sinister causing Count Arche's family to flinch.

"If I do not intervene, Orin might do something drastic, A bothersome trait he inherited from mother"-Lazef sighs contemplating about his next move. Much to his dismay, He decides to stop Orin from going off his rails.

"Lady Karen, how are you these days?. I rarely see you at any social functions, are you feeling alright?" Lazef gentleness was wrongly perceived as concern by the gullible Lady Karen.

Lady Karen's heart skipped a beat and she finds herself inflatuated with Lazef which was all part Lazef's scheme.

"N-No Your Royal Highness, I'm quite alright as you can see. Thank you for asking"-Lady Karen stutters.

Lazef smiles flirtatiously while trying to ignore Orin's disgusted facial expression "Is that so?, I'm glad".

Orin was scared of Lazef's strange actions. He wondered if his brother had gone crazy.

"I've not gone crazy if that's what you are thinking"-Lazef transmits his thoughts to Orin briefly explaining his reasons and plan to Orin.

"Count Arche, I was hoping to invite your daughter for brunch at my palace tomorrow"-Lazef said, smiling. Count Arche was so startled, he shouts "What!!?, My daughter?!".

Lady Karen's eyes glistened, revealing how overjoyed she was.

"Calm yourself Count".

"My apologies Your Royal Highness, Why my daughter?"-Count Arche regains his composure.

"Husband!, Why ask?! You should accept the crown prince offer!"-Countess Caroline Arche berates her husband.

"How stupid. She's playing right into Lazef's hand. The count was right to question my brother's purpose for doing such a thing. The countess probably wants to grab this opportunity to make her daughter crown princess. Hilarious" Orin snickered.

The count was ambivalent of Lazef and doubtful of Lazef 'Pure' intentions, unfortunately, he could not refute them. He agrees, leaving his daughter excited.

"I'll have a carriage pick you up in the morning lady Karen, I wish to see you soon"-Lazef and Orin greets the count family goodbye and leaves.

A few moments later....

"Announcing the Crown princess of Kairos Empire, Princess Aurora Sersia Calnaris and her companion of the evening, The young duke, Leonhart Aegis!!"