
AU: Jessie’s Pokémon Journey

In an alternate universe where Jessie and neither of her companions are a part of Team Rocket. Jessie goes on her very own Pokémon journey to become a Pokémon Master. Will she be able to conquer that difficult quest? She will meet friends and foes alike in the world of Pokémon on her very own journey.

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Brock On!

"Since Jessie thinks she's not ready for Sabrina yet, our heroes decided to head south from Lavender Town to Fuchsia City."

Jessie is seen fiddling with her Pokédex at the start of the episode.

"What are you doing, Jessie?" Domino asked.

"Planning on switching Pokémon back out. I didn't get a chance at the Pokémon Center at Lavender Town, so I'm doing it here." Jessie opens up her Pokédex and selects the two white buttons.

"What Pokémon would you like to switch with?" Dexter asked.

Jessie selects Pidgeotto and Nidoran on her Pokédex to switch with.

"Please place two Poké Balls on the yellow circle of your Pokédex to complete the transaction."

Jessie pulls out two Poké Balls, one containing Butterfree and one containing Nidoran, and places both of them on the yellow circle. A few seconds pass and the two Poké Balls containing the Pokémon get transferred and switched out with Nidoran and Pidgeotto.

"Transaction complete."

Jessie grabs her two Poké Balls containing Nidoran and Pidgeotto and puts them away.

James was looking at the map and then gulped. "Oh boy, Fuchsia City is kinda far."

Meowth groans. "You know Jessie, it's not too late to go back to Saffron City."

Jessie shakes her head no. "I still feel like I'm not ready for Sabrina."

"Then I guess we're on a long trail to Fuchsia City," Domino says.

The Haunter from the previous episode appears right behind Jessie and starts moving from side to side.

Jessie starts shivering. "Did it just get cold?" She looks behind her.

The wild Haunter quickly disappears before Jessie fully turns around.

Jessie scratches her head in confusion. "Huh."

"What's up?" James asked, looking at Jessie and not paying attention to where he is walking.

"I could've sworn there was something behind me," Jessie answered, still scratching her head in confusion.

"Maybe you're just seeing things," Meowth suggested.

"I could be…" Jessie thinks.

"I don't know about that. Mostly when people say they're seeing things, it normally turns out to actually be true. It's kind of a cliché at this point." Domino says.

"That's actually-" James was cut off by accidentally bumping into someone, because of him not paying attention. "EEP!" He shrieked. "I'm so sorry, please forgive me!" James bowed for forgiveness to the person who he bumped into.

The person was male and he had an orange shirt, with a green vest on the shirt, brown pants, and spiky brown hair. He simply turns around, revealing his eyes are closed. "No problem-" The person cuts his sentence off when realizes it's James. "YOU!" The spiky brown-haired yelled and pointed at him.

James also realizes who it is and shrieks. "BROCK?!"

Jessie, Domino, and Meowth all gasped in shock. "HUH?!"

The title screen shows.

"Brock On!"

Brock grits his teeth in anger and frustration as he glares at James. James starts shivering in fear as he takes a step back.

"You mean Brock as in, the Pewter City Gym Leader?" Domino asked.

Brock nods. "Yep, and I have some unfinished business to deal with!" He starts chasing after James.

"EEP!" James starts running around in circles around Domino, Jessie, and Meowth, trying to avoid Brock as he is chasing him.

James soon hides behind Jessie from Brock. "Please don't hurt me, it's not my fault!"

"What's not your fault?" Jessie asked.

"When the Gym blew up under this idiot's charge!" Brock answered while angry.

Jessie now remembers that event of the Pewter Gym blowing up when she was rematching James. "Well, technically James is right. It was my fault because I commanded Gyarados to use Hyper Beam." She chuckles and rubs her head in embarrassment.

"Actually, James kicked the Magikarp, so it's his fault, technically," Meowth says.

James looks at Meowth with an annoyed expression. "Why are you even out of your Poké Ball?"

"Because I hate Poké Balls, deal with it," Meowth responded.

"Let's not forget the part where he ran away from his problems instead of, I don't know, staying and taking responsibility!" Brock pointed out.

"Okay, let's calm down here, okay? It's been over twenty days since that incident occurred. I'm sure Pewter Gym is already fully rebuilt at this point."

Brock shakes his head no. "It's still under construction! I don't know when the Gym will be rebuilt, but that's why I'm out here and not in Pewter City currently!"

"Look, my family is rich and I'll pay you the damages! Just please don't hurt me." James continues hiding behind Jessie and shaking in fear.

Brock raises an eyebrow before groaning. "Fine, but money isn't buying any forgiveness from me! Remember that!"

James gulps and stops hiding behind Jessie. "Y-yes, sir."

"Alright now that's settled, I guess we will head to Fuchsia City for my fifth badge now!" Jessie says as she was about to continue her path to the city.

"Wait… 'fifth badge.'" Brock says, turning to Jessie.

Jessie nods. "Yeah? Is there a problem with that?"

"Is it fine if I can see your badge case?" Brock asked.

"Okay?" Jessie pulls out her badge case from her purse and opens up the case, showing her four badges to Brock.

The Boulder Badge immediately gets Brock's attention. He looks at the Boulder Badge then back at James, Boulder Badge again, then James again, figuring out the puzzle. "You got the Boulder Badge from him?" He points at James.

Jessie closes her eyes and grins in confidence. "Yep! I like to say I rightfully earned it too!"

Brock shakes his head in disappointment. "Whatever you say, keep telling yourself that." He begins walking away.

Jessie starts to glare at Brock as he is walking away. "What do you mean by that?"

Brock stops walking and turns around to face Jessie. "I say your little Boulder Badge is just a little fake badge, pity if I might add."

Domino, James, and Meowth's eyes widen from disbelief at what Brock just said as they look at each other.

Jessie starts getting mad as she glares and grits her teeth. "Oh yeah? Since you're the Pewter City Gym Leader, I'll beat you in a Pokémon battle and prove that I earned this Boulder Badge!" She puts her badge case back in her purse.

Brock nods. "Very well then. I accept your battle!"

It cuts to Brock and Jessie standing far away from each other, making the ground between them a battlefield.

"Three Pokémon, got it?" Brock asked.

"Fine by me!" Jessie replied.

"I guess I'll be the referee." Domino steps up in the middle to be the referee.

Meowth and James were watching the battle near each other.

"This battle is gonna be great!" Meowth says in excitement and looks at James.

James didn't have a happy expression on his face as Meowth gets confused by it.

Brock pulls out a Poké Ball. "Geodude, let's go!" He sends Geodude into battle.


Jessie thinks for a little to herself. "Okay, so he's from Pewter City and the Gym Leader, so Brock must specialize in Rock-type Pokémon." Jessie pulls out a Poké Ball of her own. "Squirtle, I choose you!" She sends out Squirtle into battle.


"Just because you have a Water-type, doesn't mean it's going to be an easy victory!" Brock says.

"Oh yeah? Squirtle, Water Gun!" Jessie commanded.

"Squirtle!" Squirtle shoots water from its mouth and aims it directly at Geodude.

"Geodude, Defense Curl!" Brock quickly commanded.

"Geodude!" Geodude quickly curls up into a ball as the Water Gun hits Geodude, Geodude still takes some damage, but not as a super effective move.

"Skull Bash, Squirtle!"

"Squirtle!" Squirtle starts to dive its head right into Geodude.

"Geodude, just keep curling into a ball."

Geodude continues curling into a ball as Squirtle's head hits Geodude's back with its head.

"Squirtle…" Squirtle gets up and starts getting dizzy from taking a hard hit in the head.

"OH NO, SQUIRTLE!" Jessie shouted.

Brock grins. "Now Rock Throw!"

Geodude uncurls itself and starts throwing rocks at Squirtle.

"Water Gun, Squirtle!"

Squirtle starts spewing water everywhere from its mouth from being dizzy, but luckily for Jessie, one of Squirtle's Water Gun hits a rock that Geodude threw and sends it straight back at the Pokémon.

"GEODUDE!" Geodude gets hit not only with the rock Squirtle shot back at it with water but the water as well. Geodude faints.

"HUH?!" Brock said in disbelief.

"Geodude is unable to battle! Which means Brock is down to two Pokémon left!" Domino declared.

"Geodude, return!" Brock recalls Geodude back into its Poké Ball. "You might as well buy a lottery ticket because that was pure luck!"

Jessie smirks. "With luck and skill on my side, I'll prove I earned the Boulder Badge!"

"Oh yeah? Let's see if you can handle this Pokémon. Onix, let's go!" Brock sends Onix into battle.

Squirtle looks up and sees the giant rock snake Pokémon completely overpower it. Onix roars, causing Squirtle to be scared.

"Come on Squirtle, don't be scared!" Jessie tries to help her frightened Pokémon. "You still have the advantage!"

"Oh yeah? Onix, Slam!" Brock commanded.

Onix roars as they attempt to slam Squirtle with its tail.

"Quick, dodge the Slam, Squirtle!"

Squirtle tries to dive out of the way but the Pokémon was just a bit too slow and gets slammed by Onix's tail.

"NO!" Jessie yelled.

Onix moves its tail to reveal that Squirtile has fainted.

"Squirtle is unable to battle, which means Jessie has two Pokémon left!"

"Squirtle, return!" Jessie recalls Squirtle back into its Poké Ball then she pulls out a different Poké Ball. "Nidoran, let's go!" She sends Nidoran into battle.

"Ran!" The Pokémon cries out.

"Rock Throw, Onix!" Brock commanded.

Onix roars and slams its tail on the ground as rocks appear and start heading toward Nidoran.

"Nidoran, dodge them by hopping onto them!" Jessie commanded.

"Ran!" Nidoran hops onto rock, after rock.

Jessie clutches her fist. "Double Kick!"

Nidoran jumps off the rock to kick Onix twice right in the face as Onix starts slowly falling to the ground in pain.

"Dig quick, Onix!" Brock commanded.

Onix quickly digs itself into the ground while it is falling.

Nidoran looks around in confusion, not knowing where Onix is. "Ran?"

Onix digs up right behind Nidoran.

"NIDORAN, BEHIND YOU!" Jessie warned.

Nidoran quickly turns around, trying to dodge the move, but it is too late as Onix strikes Nidoran and the Pokémon takes damage, but Nidoran gets back up.

"Nidoran, Double Team!"

"Ran!" Nidoran makes illusion copies of itself, surrounding the entire battlefield.

"Rock Throw, Onix!"

Onix roars and slams its tail, causing rocks to float up and the Pokémon begins flinging rocks towards the Nidoran with its tail. One after one each rock hits illusion after illusion, until one of the rocks that Onix flung hits the real Nidoran.

"Ran!" Nidoran falls from taking damage from the Rock Throw and faints.

"Nidoran is unable to battle, which means Jessie is down to her last Pokémon."

"Nidoran, return!" Jessie recalls the Pokémon back into its Poké Ball. She turned her attention to Meowth and was about to call Meowth into battle until she stopped herself. "Wait…"

It cuts to Jessie remembering a flashback of Meowth getting choked by an Onix during the Pewter City Gym.

"I'M LITERALLY CHOKING HERE!" Meowth yelled out from being choked by Onix.

"I think you should surrender…" James suggested.

"CUT IT OUT, I DO!" Jessie yelled out.

A ring of a bell was heard as the flashback ends and it cuts to the present time.

Meowth looks at Jessie, weirdly.

"Never mind, Meowth… " Jessie pulls out a Poké Ball. "The rest of my Pokémon are either weak to ground or rock, but I know you can do this! Go, Electabuzz!" She sends Electabuzz out into battle.

"ELEBUBUBU!" The Pokémon cried out into battle.

Brock raises an eyebrow. "An Electric-type? Are you serious? Your electric-type moves are useless in battle, against my Onix."

"They might be, but Electabuzz can still win!" Jessie clutches her fist. "Swift!"

Electabuzz opens its mouth and yellow stars shoot out of it at Onix. The Pokémon roars in pain from taking damage.


Onix digs itself into the ground once more. Electabuzz starts looking around and is confused.

"Electabuzz, focus where Onix will pop out! You need to dodge this!" Jessie says.

Electabuzz closes its eyes, trying to focus on where Onix will pop up. After a few seconds have passed, the ground, where Electabuzz is standing, starts shaking.

"ELEBUBUBU?!" Electabuzz cried in confusion.

Onix pops up right under Electabuzz and strikes the Pokémon. Sending Electabuzz in the air as the Pokémon cries in major pain from a super-effective move. Electabuzz crashes toward the ground and faints.

Jessie gasps in shock. "Electabuzz!" She runs towards her Pokémon.

Domino declares the winner. "Electabuzz is unable to battle. The winner of this battle is Brock!"

James sighs. "Game over…"

"Tell me about it…" Meowth added.

"Great work, Onix," Brock recalls Onix back into its Poké Ball.

Jessie was kneeling towards Electabuzz. "Hey buddy, are you okay?" She asked with a smile.

"Elebububu…" Electabuzz looks down in sadness, disappointed in itself for losing the match.

"Don't feel bad. You did great, Electabuzz." Jessie recalls Electabuzz back into its Poké Ball.

Brock walks towards Jessie with his arms crossed and with a disappointed expression. "May I see your badge case?"

Jessie stands up and looks at Brock with a raised eyebrow. "Uhh… sure?" She pulls out her badge case from her purse. Jessie opens it up to reveal her four badges.

Brock grabs the Boulder Badge from the badge case. The gang all expresses shock.

"Hey! What are you doing?!" Jessie immediately asked.

"That's the badge I gave Jessie! Put it back!" James demanded.

"Jessie doesn't deserve this Boulder Badge! She lost to me, which proves she didn't earn it one bit!" Brock throws Jessie's Boulder Badge into the forest.

"NO!" Jessie falls to her knees.

"OH YEAH?!" James shouted. "I'll show you something that you don't earn and that's your position as Pewter City Gym Leader!" He was about to go over and fight Brock, but Domino and Meowth quickly held him back.

"He's not worth it, James!" Domino says.

"Yeah! Calm down, Jimmy!" Meowth added.

Brock rolls his eyes and simply walks off. Jessie was on the floor, looking down in disbelief. Her friends walk towards Jessie to comfort her.

"Come on, Jess. Let's search for your Boulder Badge." Meowth says.

Domino and James both nod in agreement. Jessie gets up without saying a word and just heads into the forest in the direction where Brock threw her Boulder Badge at. James, Domino, and Meowth all look at each other weirdly but follow Jessie. It cuts to the gang looking for Jessie's Boulder Badge.

"Have you guys found anything?" Domino asked.

"No." Both James and Meowth said.

Domino turns to Jessie. "How about you, Jessie?"

Jessie doesn't respond to Domino and just stays silent.

Domino groans. "Come on, Jessie. You lost a Pokémon battle, that's all."

"I didn't just lose a battle… I lost to Brock." Jessie responded. "Do you think I really deserve the Boulder Badge?"

"Come on Jessie, I was the substitute Gym Leader back at Pewter City, you challenged me and won!" James says with a smile and then continues looking for Jessie's Boulder Badge.

All of a sudden, Meowth was grabbed by a net.

"HEY!" Meowth shouted.

The gang all gasped in shock as they looked up to see a familiar hot air balloon above them with Meowth inside of a net that was dangling below the hot air balloon with rope.

"Guess who!" Cassidy says with a laugh.

Butch smirks. "It's us!"

Mondo pops his head out. "Back to stealing your Meowth!"

"TEAM ROCKET!" The gang all shouted together.

"To infect the world with devastation!"

"To blight all people in every nation!"

"To denounce the goodness of truth and love!"

"To extend our wrath to the stars above!"


"And Butch, of course!"

"We're Team Rocket, circling Earth all day and night!"

"Surrender to us now or you will surely lose the fight!"

"I'm Mondo alright!"

Jessie growls. "I have no time to deal with this. Meowth use Scratch on the net!"

Meowth's claws start glowing white and get sharper as the talking Pokémon easily breaks the net with them and is now falling.

Team Rocket gasps. "OH NO!"

"I told you we needed to get a stronger net!" Butch growls at Cassidy.

"Well, I didn't know how powerful Meowth's claws are!" Cassidy fired back at Butch.

Mondo sighs. "Why do I have to be stuck with these two idiots?"

"Now Thunderbolt!" Jessie commanded once more.

Meowth turns around while still falling from the air as yellow sparks start surrounding the Pokémon. Meowth uses Thunderbolt directly aiming and hitting at Team Rocket's hot air balloon. Team Rocket screams in pain before the hot air balloon explodes and blasts them off.


"Meowth!" Jessie sprints toward where Meowth was gonna land and manages to catch her Pokémon before it hits the ground. "That was a close one!"

"Nice catch!" Meowth throws up a thumbs-up.

Domino and James both look at the sky where Team Rocket blasted off.

"Those three will never learn…" Domino says.

James nods in agreement. "Yep."

After the gang blasted off Team Rocket, they went back to searching for Jessie's Boulder Badge, but they haven't found anything.

"This is no use! It's nearly impossible to find a tiny little Boulder Badge!" Domino says.

James frowns. "It's gotta be here somewhere!"

All of a sudden, a Pokémon, with a stem-like brown body, appeared right in the middle of them with Jessie's Boulder Badge right in its mouth.

"Bellsprout, Bellsprout!" The Pokémon cried.

Jessie pulls out her Pokédex and aims it at the Bellsprout.

"Bellsprout, the flower Pokémon. A grass and poison type. A carnivorous Pokémon that traps and eats bugs. It uses its root feet to soak up needed moisture."

"What did it say, Meowth?" Domino asked.

"The Bellsprout said 'I have something stuck in my mouth, please help me get it out!'" Meowth translated.

"Then I know what to do." Jessie goes over to the Bellsprout and uses the Heimlich maneuver to get her Boulder Badge out of its mouth.

Jessie's Boulder Badge flings out of Bellsprout and lands on the ground.

The Bellsprout jumps up and down in happiness. "Bellsprout!"

"Bellsprout is thanking you so much." Meowth translated once more.

Jessie smiles at the Pokémon. "No problem."

The Bellsprout leaves and goes back into the wild.

James goes over to pick up Jessie's Boulder Badge and then walks over toward Jessie, holding it for her. "Here you go, Jessie."

Jessie stares directly at her Boulder Badge in James' hand before simply turning her back around and walking away, not accepting the badge.

"Jess, where are you going?!" Meowth asked.

"I'm going to find Brock and demand a rematch!" Jessie answered and continued walking.

Domino and James immediately follow her as Meowth catches up to hop on Jessie's shoulder.

"But Jessie, I'm handing back your Boulder Badge!" James tries to explain.

"I don't deserve it after I lost to Brock," Jessie says, continuing walking.

"But you don't know where Brock is now, Jessie!" Domino explained.

"Yeah! How are you going to find Brock?" James questioned.

Jessie smirks as she pulls out a Poké Ball. "Luckily, I just switched one of my Pokémon for a fast-flying bird. Pidgeotto, I choose you!" She sends out Pidgeotto.

"Pidgeotto!" The Pokémon cried out.

Jessie starts explaining to her Pokémon. "Alright Pidgeotto, I want you to fly up in the air and find a person with an orange shirt with a green vest, he also has brown spikey hair. We will follow your lead."

"Pidgeotto!" Pidgeotto nods and flies in the air to look for Brock.

Jessie and her friends all start following the bird Pokémon. It cuts to where Team Rocket landed after being blasted off, groaning in pain as the three stand up.

Cassidy sighs. "Beaten by the twerps again…"

"Next time, we need an even stronger net," Butch suggested.

Mondo nods. "You got that right."

Team Rocket notices from the corner of their eyes, Brock walking on the trail as they hide near a tree.

"Guys, that's Brock!" Mondo pointed out.

"Brock?" Both Cassidy and Butch questioned.

"He's the Pewter City Gym Leader! Which means he definitely has some powerful Pokémon that we can steal!" Mondo explained.

Cassidy and Butch now grin evilly.

"Well, let's do this!" Cassidy says.

It cuts to Brock continuing walking on the trail until he hears an unfamiliar voice.

"Stop right there!" Cassidy says as Team Rocket appears right in front of him.

"What?" Brock questioned in confusion.

"You're not going anywhere Brocko, unless you hand over your Pokémon, that is!" Butch demanded.

"That's right!" Mondo added.

In the sky, Pidgeotto arrives on the scene and sees what's happening. "Pidgeotto!" The Pokémon cried out.

"Huh?" Team Rocket looked up in the air.

Jessie and her friends arrive on the scene and they see Team Rocket and glare at them.

"Here we go again…" Meowth says.

"Team Rocket! Don't you think you had enough for one day?" Jessie questions while glaring at them.

Team Rocket grins "Rattata, go!" "Mankey, get them!" "Marowak, you know what to do!" The Team Rocket trio all send out their Pokémon.




"Alright, Pidgeotto-"

"No." Brock cuts off Jessie's command. "I got this. Geodude and Onix, let's go!" Brock sends out two of his Pokémon to battle Team Rocket.

Geodude cries as Onix roars into battle. Team Rocket starts laughing.

"Two versus three? You stand no chance!" Cassidy says.

Brock smirks. "You think so? Geodude, Rock Throw!"

"Geodude!" Geodude punches the ground as rocks start flying toward the air.

"Now Onix, fling the rocks at Team Rocket with your tail and repeat!" Brock commanded.

Geodude keeps punching the ground for more rocks to appear in the air and Onix keeps flinging the rocks towards Team Rocket and their Pokémon with its tail. Team Rocket and their Pokémon all start screaming in pain as Rattata, Mankey, and Marowak faint.

"AW COME ON!" Cassidy yelled.

"Geodude, Explosion!" Brock points at Team Rocket.

Team Rocket all start hugging each other in fear.

"Geodude!" Geodude dashes toward Team Rocket and glows white as the Pokémon explodes, sending Team Rocket and their Pokémon blasting off.

Cassidy starts squirming while in the air. "Two blast-offs in one chapter?! This is outrageous!"

"Every time we want to do something, those twerps are always right behind us!" Butch complained.

"Is it even a coincidence at this point?" Mondo asked, rhetorically.


"Great work, you two!" Brock recalls Geodude and Onix back into their Poké Balls.

"You did great too, Pidgeotto." Jessie also recalls Pidgeotto back into its Poké Ball.

"Wow, that was amazing how you dealt with them, Brock!" Domino praises.

"Thanks. Now if you excuse me, I'll be on my way." Brock continues walking back on his path.

"WAIT!" Jessie sprints over and stops in front of Brock, blocking him. "Brock, I challenge you to a rematch! I will prove to you that I deserved that Boulder Badge!"

Brock stares at Jessie with no expression, until he chuckles. "Alright, I accept your rematch."

It cuts to Jessie and Brock standing far away from each other to make a battlefield with James, Domino, and Meowth watching from the sides.

"Since Onix and Geodude are tired out from dealing with Team Rocket earlier, how about just a simple one-on-one match this time?" Brock suggested.

Jessie nods in agreement. "Deal!"

"Alright!" Brock pulls out a Poké Ball. "Since I didn't get a chance to send this Pokémon out from our first battle, now's my chance! Golem, I choose you!" He sends out Golem into battle.

"Golem!" The Pokémon cried out.

"Golem?" Jessie pulls out her Pokédex to identify the Pokémon.

"Golem, the Megaton Pokémon. Evolved form of Graveler. A rock and ground type. Its boulder-like body is extremely hard. It can easily withstand dynamite blasts without damage."

Jessie thinks for a bit before turning to Meowth. "Meowth, I need you for this one."

"Alright!" Meowth hops onto the battlefield. "Let's do this, Jess!"

"Tackle!" Brock commanded.

"Golem!" Golem pulls its arms, legs, and head into its shell, and rolls at a fast speed towards Meowth.

"Dodge it, Meowth!" Jessie commanded.

"Yikes!" Meowth tries to get out of the way, but Golem manages to strike Meowth. "Ow! That hurt!"

Jessie's eyes widened. "Whoa… that Golem is fast. Meowth, use Fury Swipes!"

Meowth's claws glow white and it swipes Golem many times with its claws.

"Golem!" The Pokémon cries in pain.

Brock crosses his arms. "Rock Throw!"

"Golem!" Golem jumps up and throws itself at Meowth.

"Bite, Meowth!"

Meowth quickly bites down on the Golem's arm to avoid the Rock Throw.

"Golem?!" Golem starts moving its arms to try to throw Meowth off.

"Come on Golem, get Meowth off of you!" Brock commanded.

Golem soon throws Meowth in the air as Meowth starts screaming.

"Rock Throw, once more!"

"Golem!" Golem once more jumps in the air while Meowth was still falling and throws itself towards the talking Pokémon, only this time hitting him as Meowth gets flung and hits a nearby tree.

"MEOWTH!" Jessie yelled.

Meowth slowly gets up, stumbling a little. "I'm okay!"

Jessie sighs in relief. "Fury Swipes!"

Meowth continues stumbling a little and just leans against the tree. "I'm okay…"

"Come on, Meowth! Get your head in the battle!" Jessie says while frustrated.

"Tackle, Golem!"

Golem once more begins to pull its arms, legs, and head into its shell and rolls with incredible speeds towards Meowth.

Jessie starts to worry. "Meowth?!, you got tons of rock heading towards you if you don't dodge right now!"

Meowth shakes his head to wake himself up to see Golem rolling towards him. "AH!" Meowth quickly dodges the Tackle by sliding to the left and Golem ends up taking damage by hitting the three.

Brock gasps. "Golem!"

"Golem…" Golem is seen dizzy now from hitting the tree.

"Slash!" Jessie commanded.

Meowth's claws extend and start to glow white. "Eat my claws, you rock Pokémon!" Meowth then slashes Golem with his extended sharp claws.

Golem gets slashed and the Pokémon cries in more pain.

Brick clutches his fist. "Enough! Time to end this, Golem, use Hyper Beam!"

"Golem!" Golem opens its mouth and an orange ball of energy appears in front of it. Then the Pokémon fires an orange beam of energy from the ball at the Meowth.

Meowth gulps. "Uh oh…"

"MEOWTH, DODGE IT!" Jessie yelled out immediately.

Meowth just barely manages to dodge the Hyper Beam by quickly jumping out of the way as it starts heavily breathing.

"Your Meowth is strong and fast, I'll give you that," Brock admitted.

Jessie grins. "Thanks. Alright Meowth, Slash once more!"

Meowth slashes Golem once more with his extended sharp claws. "Eat it!"

"Golem!" Golem cries in pain once more and takes more damage as it recharges from using Hyper Beam.

Jessie clutches her fist. "Now Fury Swipes!"

"Dodge it!" Brock immediately commanded.

Meowth tries to swipe Golem multiple times, but Golem manages to dodge them by hopping from left to right.

"Now Tackle, Golem!"

"Golem!" Golem folds into a ball and starts rolling towards Meowth and hits the talking Pokémon and gets flung.

"AAAAHHH!" Meowth gets flung by Golem so far that the talking Pokémon lands right in the water nearby and sinks

"MEOWTH!" Jessie screamed out.

Domino was about to run to help Meowth, but James stops her and shakes his head no.

All of a sudden, Meowth jumps out of the water while screaming and lands back on the surface. "I'M ALL WET!" Meowth starts holding his stomach. "I think I swallowed a lot of-" Meowth starts releasing a spray of white bubbles at Golem.

Everyone gasps in shock.

"GOLEM?!" Golem cries in confusion as it gets hit by the spray of bubbles from Meowth, taking major damage.

"Water…" Meowth finishes his sentence from earlier.

"What was that?!" Jessie immediately questioned in disbelief.

"Jessie, I think that was Bubble Beam!" James answered.

"Bubble Beam? Wait… that should be a water-type move!" Jessie smirks.

Brock growls. "Golem, Hyper Beam!"

"Golem!" Golem starts to open its mouth to release an orange ball of energy to fire at Meowth.

Jessie grits her teeth. "Meowth quick, give it your hardest and toughest Bubble Beam before Golem uses Hyper Beam!"

"Oh no you don't!" Meowth opens his mouth and forcefully ejects a spray of white bubbles at Golem.

The white bubbles manage to hit Golem before the Pokémon could use Hyper Beam, taking more major damage.

"Golem!" The Pokémon cries in pain before falling and fainting from battle.

Brock gasped. "Golem!"

Domino officially declares the winner. "Golem is unable to battle! Which means the winner of this battle is Jessie!"

Jessie hops up and down in excitement to celebrate. "We won, Meowth!" She goes over and hugs her talking Pokémon.

"Meowth, that's right!" Meowth hugs his trainer back.

Brock sighs and recalls Golem. "You did great, Golem."

It cuts to Brock standing in front of Jessie.

"I'm sorry about throwing your Boulder Badge earlier. I guess I was wrong before, you did deserve the Boulder Badge."

Jessie nods. "Thank you."

Brock notices the Boulder Badge in James' hand, he walks over him with a glare. "Give me that!" He swipes the Boulder Badge out of James' hand.

"EEP!" James shrieks.

Brock then walks towards Jessie with Boulder Badge in hand and presents the badge to her. "Accept this Boulder Badge from the actual Pewter City Gym Leader and not some terrible previous substitute."

James doesn't say anything and frowns.

Jessie nods once more and happily accepts the Boulder Badge. "I got the Boulder Badge… again!" She poses in excitement.

"Alright!" Meowth poses with his trainer.

Brock chuckles. "Well, I better get going. The Pewter City Gym should be rebuilt when I arrive back. Bye, everyone!"

It shows Brock waving goodbye to Domino and Jessie, as the girls wave back at the Pewter City Gym Leader. James just looks away and is still frowning. Brock and the gang start walking in opposite directions, parting their ways.

It cuts to the gang walking.

"Thank goodness I found and earned my Boulder Badge back. I don't know what I'll do if I completely lose it." Jessie chuckles and rubs her head in embarrassment.

"If you did, I would be disappointed in you, considering that I'm your Pokémon," Meowth says.

"Oh yeah, so you can learn Bubble Beam now?" Domino questioned Meowth.

"That could be a pretty useful move in the long run!" James says.

"That was so awesome when you learned it. You also learned it when I needed it the most." Jessie says with a smile.

"Yeah, yeah, I know! But let's just focus on heading to Fuchsia City!" Meowth demanded.

As the gang continues walking, Haunter appears right behind them and starts secretly following them.

"Well those were some interesting battles between Jessie and Brock, but in the end, Jessie proved that she did earn the Boulder Badge and our heroes continue the trail to Fuchsia City! What more things, like Pokémon battles, will happen in the future? Stay toon as the journey continues!"