
Attribute Collector

On a cliff, cornered and wounded, holding an extremely rare and expensive treasure, with people trying to kill him, Jiang Nan smiled at his enemies before jumping down the cliff, going through a crack in the world, he's only given 3 days to prepare before the Apocalypse happens.

Just_A_Loser · Võ hiệp
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1 Chs

Chapter 1

The sky suddenly turned grey as a beam of light erupted from the ground and pointed toward the sky, a treasure had just appeared, and, judging from the phenomenon, it had to be something amazing, everyone in the area was rushing toward that place, yet, not even 3 seconds after the beam of light appeared, it had already dissipated, someone took the treasure. Nonetheless, nobody had given up, they could still try to snatch it from the person who took it.

Jiang Nan took a look at the item in his hand, a gleaming rainbow conch, he had no idea what it could do, and even if he knew, he couldn't use it for anything, he wasn't even an Awakener, he didn't even know why he ran and took it, he just felt a sudden impulse to take it the moment the beam of light erupted right next to him.

He could still throw away the treasure so as to not be implicated, right? Yet, the problem was that he couldn't, it was as if the rainbow conch was glued to his hands, Jiang Nan knew he was doomed, he looked at the horizon, the city was still far away, and, he was already able to see people rushing over through various means, some were flying over there on mounts or some were just running over there.

Since he couldn't throw away the conch, or run to the city, Jiang Nan found only one thing to do, he looked at the incoming people while slowly approaching the side of the cliff with a smile as he saw them gazing at him with obvious greed, everyone could see Jiang Nan as he jumped off the cliff, and, almost every one of them used something to stop Jiang Nan, yet, the rainbow couch suddenly started shaking as it erupted a wave of energy that destroyed everything in a 5-meter diameter, leaving only Jiang Nan scot-free.

Yet, the people kept trying to stop Jiang Nan in his fall, only for everything to fail, they could only watch as the treasure disappeared from their sight, no matter how precious that treasure was, they wouldn't jump off that cliff, nobody who had jumped off that cliff was ever seen again, even the strongest human being couldn't see the ground, nobody knew how high that cliff was, due to that, they couldn't be bothered to jump off that cliff and lose their life for a treasure.

As he fell, Jiang Nan counted in his head, he wanted to know how long it took for him to reach the ground, he didn't have any thought of his family or anyone else that could've mattered to him, he was just an orphan from the slums, after all, it would be hard for him to have loved ones.

He looked toward the ground... He still couldn't see anything even though 1 minute had passed, yet, it was to be expected, as a non-Awakener, at some point, a blue portal appeared in his sight, 'Maybe I'll get to continue living?' Jiang Nan thought excitedly. As he went through it, he noticed that although he kept falling down, his entire surrounding was different.

He could see nothing but blue in his surrounding and a small figure far below him, as he kept falling, he noticed that the small figure grew bigger, he wasn't sure if the figure was in a stasis or if it was ascending.

Jiang Nan soon had the opportunity to see this figure, it was a young man, probably as old as Jiang Nan with short black hair and an overall handsome appearance, Jiang Nan looked at the weird clothes wore by that young man but before he could do that, the moment Jiang Nan reached the level of the young man, the rainbow conch started shining as small tentacles grew out and formed a cocoon with the young man and Jiang Nan inside.

Jiang Nan soon lost conscience inside the cocoon and woke up after an unknown amount of time, he looked around him and wondered where he was, as he was about to wake up, he suddenly felt extremely dizzy as strings of memories were being poured into his mind, Jiang Nan left the bed, and went to look at the mirror inside the room, Jiang Nan looked at his reflection and sighed, the rainbow conch was nowhere to be seen and he looked exactly the same as that young man back in that blue portal, that young man or should he call him Wu Chen.

Jiang Nan filtered through Wu Chen's memories and sighed, this world had no awakeners or mana, everything was rather new to him, his world was entirely reliant on Mana whereas this one was reliant on Electricity, something that became useless after the doomsday.

Jiang Nan opened the door of the room but was stunned when he accidentally destroyed the door, Jiang Nan knew that from his memories, Wu Chen wasn't strong, he was even considered weak, even after using about the same amount of strength as Wu Chen, the door still somehow got destroyed, even though it could just be the door being poorly made, Jiang Nan knew of 2 other possibilities, the rainbow conch that made the body stronger or... this body had awakened due to the power of the rainbow conch.

Jiang Nan looked at the mirror again and stripped down as he started inspecting his body, 'Bingo!', a small crown-like blue mark was on his skin, at the location where his heart was, Jiang Nan pressed 1 finger against that crown mark, the mark started shining and a blue interface was emitted

[Level : 0

Constitution: 1

Agility: 1

Spirit: 1

Awakened Skill :

Attribute Collection (Gold) [Weakened]: Any living being will randomly start to drop an invisible bubble with an attribute inside it, when on one, using this Awakened Skill, you can pick it up and thus increase your attribute by the amount in that bubble, randomly dropped bubble will be at most 2% of the being's attribute. By killing a being, bubbles will also drop, and, the amount inside those bullets will be between 5 to 10% of the being's attribute. You can't earn Attribute Points through Levels.]

As he looked at his attributes, he started remembering everything he learnt in school, every attribute being at 1 was normal, it didn't mean that he was average or that he was extremely lacking, 1 was the basic value for every Awakener, an Awakener would be about twice as strong as an average human but some Awakener would even be thrice as strong. The reason for those huge differences were that attributes weren't a fixed value, attributes actually represented a multiplier, this is why you had to exercise a lot as a non-Awakener and even more as an Awakener. As for the actual meanings of those attributes, Constitution related to the strength and toughness of one's body, Agility reflected one's speed, precision and reaction speed, Spirit referred to one's mental toughness, one's mana pool, an Awakener's control over mana and finally, one's thinking speed.

Usually, every Awakener would have 4 distributable attribute points every time they reached the next level, thus, they would put 2 points in their main attributes and 1 in the rest, this was because focusing on only one attribute would leave very obvious gap in an Awakener.

Shen Tian left school the moment he left the orphanage and started doing manual labour, this made him have a body that would be considered barely passable for an Awakener, Jiang Nan looked at the awakened skill with amazement, the ratings for awakening skill was, in an ascending order: Iron, Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond, Legend, Mythic, Taboo. Yet, it wasn't because one had awakened an Iron Skill that they would have no potential, one would be able to raise the rank of their Awakened Skill through treasures or through transformation.

Transformation was an event that happened to every Awakener, from what he learnt, it would happen when one reached Level 5, at that point, one would be able to go through Transformation and choose their path, one could still be able to transform after the Level 5, yet, those transformations changed depending on the Awakened Skill, even the first transformation could have requirements other than Level 5 but one would still need to reach Level 5 to be able to know those requirements.

Jiang Nan looked at the countdown, [71:53:30], he had an extremely bad instinct, he didn't know why but he was sure that something terrible would happen, it was very plausible that in those 3 days, the Mana would surge back once more, although that day was considered a blessing by the people of Jiang Nan's era, history class also showed that it was pretty much an Apocalypse and the day where Mana re-surged was also called the 'Doomsday'.

Whipping out his phone, Jiang Nan saw the pitiful amount of money Shen Tian had, luckily, it would be enough for him, what he needed was just :

- Weapons

- Food and Drink

- A subscription to the Gym

Weapons and Provisions would be needed to survive the Apocalypse obviously, the subscription to the gym might sound stupid but considering Jiang Nan's ability, he could take it as an opportunity to both increase his Strength and Agility whilst training his body, for the moment, Spirit was hardly of use, Jiang Nan didn't know how to use mana and from what he learnt, monsters that could attack one's mind, would take years to appear.

I'll post sometimes, maybe, I don't know really.

Just_A_Losercreators' thoughts