
Attack On Titan:Kaiju Vs Titans

Notice I’m so lazy I’m done uploading if you want the story look it up online For hundreds of years humanity thought that the titans were the top of the food chain but they were wrong now there are something that are more bigger,faster, stronger,smarter, more dangerous creatures that outside the walls but one is the strongest of them all either called a king or god to humans but still a monster. Some think they are savories, others think they're Destroyers but there is one question they have to answer: Are they with Humanity or against us. That question was answered on one day when the titans breached the wall. This is where our story begins. (I don't own Godzilla or Attack on Titan universes they belong to the rightful owners) Please note that I have not created this Fanfic I am unable to find original author if you can prove you are original author and want it taken down I will do so

MinerFrags · Tranh châm biếm
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8 Chs

The War had Just Begun

The screams of of death and fear filled the air as everyone was fleeing Men,Women, and Children, for their lives from getting eaten by the Titans. Doing there best to outrun the man eating monsters but many failed as the lumbering giants snatch and consume them and move on and keep doing it. For people who lived their whole lives of peace seemed like this is the end of the world since now there are giant monsters here to.

A lone woman ran into a ally, hoping to find shelter from massive killers. Her lungs were burning in agony as she continues to run without stopping right when she ran to the next corner she only found a dead end, she looked everywhere in the ally but no door or entryways for her to escape, so she stayed at where she's at and put her hands at her mouth to keep quiet and praying that the titans won't find her. But that lasted for a second as a titan found her right on top of her where she was at. Then starts to grabbed her by her head as she was crying knowing that this is her end.

"Ahhhhh! Let go of me! Please! Ahhhhhhh!" She shouted as the titan was ready to eat her.

Right when it was gonna eat her a huge paw came down on the titan which crushed the titan and made its hand loose it's grip on the woman, as fell down and got up she saw in front of her was a huge reptilian creature that had curved horns with a spiked back which made look like a four legged dinosaur looking right at her in the eye.

She thought that the huge beast was gonna eat her as she was cornered at the wall but instead it sniffed her and kinda nudged her as she looked at it then raise it's head in the air gave a loud roar that made her cover her ears, it was looking around and saw five titans two fifteen meter class and three five meter class titans coming their way, the creature gave a huff and started running towards the titans and curling up making it look like a ball and crushed them all. It turned back to its normal self, stop for a second and started walking away to look for titans to crush. The woman was just shocked at what just happen she was saved by a huge beast that was ready to eat her but chose not she,as it lumbered away she had a small smile on her lips

"Thank you." She said and start running towards to the gate


Meanwhile at the other side of the district Eren, Mikasa, Carla, and Hannes were running to reach the gate Hannes was carrying Carla bridal style while Eren and Mikasa were running next to them,when Hannes put down Carla on the ground and trying to catch his breath Eren went to him and punched him in the face, Carla looked shocked at Eren in horror and shouted at him "Eren"

"You coward! Why didn't do anything." Eren said to Hannes

Hannes look down at Eren in and said to him

"There's nothing you could've done Eren your a kid, your weak." Hannes said to him as he kneeled to his size.

Rage erupted on Eren's face as he was sent another punch to him but Hannes caught his hand.

"I'm a whole lot worse then you. Your mother would've died because I was to big of a coward." Hannes said to the boy with tears and whispered something and cried.

"I wasn't brave enough"

Eren calmed down saw the sorrow in the mans eyes. Carla reached for Eren and said " Eren Hannes did what he had to do let's just be thankful of him ok"

Eren saw his mom and nodded to her, Hannes carried Carla again and started heading to the gate while they were Eren turned his head around and glared at the titans as they were being slaughtered by the giant monsters with wings and giant worm he hoped they kill all the titans in here.


Meanwhile in the inner gate Armin was on the refugee boat with his grandfather. He noticed his grandson standing and said to him " Armin you best have a seat."

"I will just, keeping an eye out of my friends." Armin told his grandfather as he continued looking for his friends till he saw them with Eren's mother in the arms of another soldier.

He was about to call them till he saw the looks on their faces. "Eren..."

"I wouldn't try to call out just now. Give them some space. God only knows what horrors they witnessed when they came back with their mother." His grandfather said to him as he saw the soldier entered the boat and set Mrs.Yeager down on the floor before heading out to helping the rest. Eren and Mikasa were on either side of her while Eren's face was still in horror stricken from what he saw and happened.

The crowd grew more and more anxious when they heard a defying roar of one of the monsters and saw bright blue light over the walls and the ground shakes.


In the city the soldiers were screaming each other of orders as they saw more titans approaching but they were very cautious of the giant monsters as they saw the pteranodon like monster diving on the titans and the giant worm using its silk to trap the them in while the giant Dino monster use it's blue fire to obliterate all of them. Hannes was watching them eliminating the titans and just as amazed as he saw what these monsters were capable of and a thought came into his mind he kinda heard about what these creatures from two of Eren's friends but it wasn't Armin or Mikasa it was somebody else. But he put that aside now he started heading towards the gate.

More and more titans were coming luckily the giant monsters weren't paying attention to the humans or it would've been worse.

"Stop dragging your feet,snap out of it, I need those cannons loaded." The captain said to the soldiers as they loaded up the cannons and aimed at the titans as they keep coming and almost to the gate.

"Come on their heading right for us." The Captain said to them.


Meanwhile at the refugee boat everybody was all panicking either praying or saying " this is the end" or "it's all a dream" as for Eren he was still in shock of what just happen earlier as he was also looking at the plank was rising up on the they started shouting even trying to jump in the boat but some failed. Then they heard loud booming noises which was cannons firing.


Meanwhile the garrison were using cannons to aim at the titans but they missed by inches.

"What are you aiming at, have you have any rocks in your head." The captain said to the soldiers that were aiming at the titans.

"Sir with respect their only set and not design with accuracy to begin with." One the soldiers to the captain.

"You gonna give me attitude or are you gonna reload, quit whining and do your job." He said back to the soldier.

"What's the point." He said back to his captain. When he said that the inner gate started to close which means their gonna be trapped in with the titans and the giant monsters along with a few people that were trying to reach it.

"Oh no the inner gate, I'm not getting left behind."

"Retreat or die."

"Hey!" The captain shouting to his troops were heading to the gate before it's closed up.


"Wait are you out of your mind don't shut it yet we still got people out there yet, give them a chance." Hannes said to the soldier that ordered them to close the gate.

"We can't let the titans get in the inner gate, if that happens the handful of lives will be the least of our problems, there aren't enough resources for the whole human race to retreat behind the next if they break through especially those giant monsters that can easily break through the wall in a instant." The soldier said to Hannes about the situation.

"Listen to yourself, were soldiers we don't get to decide who lives or dies." Hannes said to them.

Then two soldiers came in telling them to shut the gate.

"What are you waiting for."

"The titans are closing to the gap."

"That does it bring her down." The soldier said to the others as they're bringing the gate down.

Hannes can't believe they were doing this to some of the civilians that would be trap in the city, he was about to stop them but the two soldiers that came in earlier were holding him back.

"No! Let go!" He said to trying to get out of their grip but can't, just then big thumps were heard.





Eren even heard the big thumps when he was on the boat it was heard about a few miles.


The big two legged monster with spikes heard the thumps, looked at the direction where it came from and scowled at what was coming as well as the worm.

The garrison soldiers couldn't believe their eyes what their seeing now there is a titan approached the gate except this titan is different, instead of like the others this one is skinless, more bulkier, and a little bit taller, it was like the colossal titan except it's smaller. The Titan took into a runner position then it's starts running causing everything around it falling to pieces. The soldiers were shock to see the new titan heading towards them.

"FIRE!!" The captain said as the garrison fired all the cannons. But shockingly it didn't cause the titan to be killed its skin is impenetrable from cannon fire. They were all in pure shock as the titan was getting closer and closer to the gate. Now the captain started running along with his men.

"Retreat!! Shut The Gate Now! Were Being Charged! Go! Go! Go!" The Captain said as starts running.

The new titan was getting closer and closer ready to ram and destroy the gate. Fortunately it was short lived. Right when it was about break through the gate a huge spiked club-like tail came out of nowhere and made an impact on the titan as it was hit and been sent to the air and crashed at they other side of the district. The titan regain its vision and saw what hit him it was the four- legged lumbering giant as it was guarding the gate as it gives the titan a glare and gave a huge roar at it. The titan gave it a snort of steam from its nose and got up, getting ready in a charge position to eliminate the threat that stands in its way. It starts charging towards the monster. The big mutated Ankylosaur was also getting ready to charge as well and starts running towards the titan. They get closer and closer to each other as the the dinosaur headbutt it and the titan hit with its fist as it they made contact and made a huge shockwave.

They soldiers were shocked as what they saw they couldn't believe their eyes at what they just witness seeing a giant monster protecting them. They were about to go in but when they turn around they notice the gate all sealed up. The citizens were all crowding at the gate with hoping the soldiers can open up for them to escape.

"Please open up!"

"Open the gate!"

"Get us out of here!"

The people were all banging the stoned gate but it was no use and shoring to get out.

"Damn it why did they lock us in with these things!" A soldier said as they saw more titans approaching the area.

"Forget it guys it's useless,well nice knowing." Another soldier said as they knew they're about to be eaten.

Don't worry sweetie will be with your father again forever." A woman said to her daughter as she and her daughter cried.

They close their eyes getting ready to be eaten right before the titans were about to get them a loud roar-like screech was heard , then they looked at the horizon and saw an object that heading in their direction. It was flying over them as they saw it was a huge flying reptile then they also saw a man on its back as he raised his spear up and started attacking the titans

The flying reptile started clawing and slashing them and then shockingly breathed fire as the titans were killed right before their eyes as they fall to the ground. They just stood there in shock then one the flying creatures landed right in front them. The people stood back in fear as the soldiers readied they're weapons. Then a figure came down on its back and stood in front of them

"Come with me if you want to live." The figure said to them.

Why should we go with your probably gonna kill us all." A citizen said to him in cautious tone.

"We don't have enough time If you want end up in a titans stomach I suggest you should climb." The figure said and got on the creature.

The people and soldiers looked at each other and started heading on climbing on. Once it was filled with people. It starts flying and heading to the other side of the wall.

The people saw what was coming and soon landed the garrison readied their weapons as the creature was landing.

"Stop! Hold your fire! Stand down!" A Garrison soldier said to them. As stood down as the civilians stated climbing off.

"That's the last of them I suggest to get everybody out of here before they break through." The man in armor said as got on his flying creature.

"Thank you." The woman with her daughter said.

He simply nodded to them as he took off and back to Shiganshina helping his comrades.

"All right you heard him let's get out of here." The captain said as they got the horses and carriages ready for the refugees as they were leaving what happen was shocking.

Wall Maria was breached.

The new titan was able to break through from the monsters defenses. After it left the titans were about to go in were stopped by the monsters that were blocking and started to them limb by limb as the king of the monsters gave defying roar.


Meanwhile in the refugee boat Eren heard the monster's roar in the distance as he saw what happen to his home.

"Everything's gone...the house...it's all gone...forever" Eren thought to himself as he looked at his mom who placed her arm around him and Mikasa. His eyes then trailed down to her bloodied legs that were wrapped around her legs. "Why did I have to fight her ? Why did I act like a brat....if it hadn't been for those things...

His thoughts trailed back to the giant monsters that were there that kept the titans at bay and unknowingly saved his mother from a horrible fate. He squeezed his eyes shut at the thought of what would've happen if they weren't there. Plus remembering

A teardrop fell into his scrapped hands and clenching it tightly. His thoughts traced back to the image of seeing the titans the first time. "Because of them mom will never have a normal life again....damn them."

He also remembered what Hannes had said to him "there's nothing you could've done Eren." He remembered him telling that how he couldn't have helped his mother.

Because I'm a kid, because I'm weak, because everyone of us is a coward." He thought to himself again.

He got up and started walking to the edge of the boat. The cause his mother to look at her son when he was walking, Mikasa watched as well when he declared mentally. "No.....this way of livings over...."

Armin approached his friend and asked "what's up? Did you see something?"

Eren shoved Armin's hand off his shoulder and on e he got on the rail of the boat, swore in a venomous hiss and a hatred look, scaring his friends "I'm gonna put a stop to this, I'll kill them all...every last one of them."

The harshness of his voice made Carla think that she barley knew her son anymore, it also made her worry for his future.


The giant monsters were all to worn out in their conflict with the titans. They were able to kill hundreds but more just keep coming as more were reached the inner gate as they cross the tired monsters. The monster unknowingly named Godzilla looked at them as they went through the gate. He gave a glare and a growl. He knew that this day wasn't over it was the beginning as he that this war had just begun.