
At the coffee shop[bl]

Chifri0 · Hiện thực
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6 Chs

Ups and downs

Adam and Yui's relationship had always been filled with love, laughter, and joy. But as they approached their fifth anniversary, they found themselves facing a new challenge – Yui's struggles with depression.

It had started a few months ago, when Yui's parents had found out about his relationship with Adam. They had disapproved of it, and had made it clear that they would not accept Yui if he continued to date Adam. Yui had tried to brush it off, but the constant disapproval and rejection had taken a toll on him.

Adam had noticed the change in Yui's behavior. He was quieter than usual, and seemed to be lost in thought most of the time. Adam had tried to talk to him about it, but Yui had always brushed it off, saying that he was just tired or stressed from work.

But one day, Adam came home from work to find Yui curled up on the couch, tears streaming down his face. "Yui, what's wrong?" Adam asked, his heart racing with concern.

Yui looked up at him, his eyes red and puffy. "I don't know what's wrong with me," he said, his voice shaking. "I can't stop crying, and I feel like I'm drowning in sadness."

Adam sat down next to him, taking Yui's hand in his. "It's okay, Yui. You don't have to go through this alone. I'm here for you."

Yui leaned into Adam's embrace, feeling a sense of comfort and safety. They sat there for hours, talking about Yui's struggles and fears. Yui explained how his parents' disapproval of his relationship had made him feel like he was not good enough, and that no one would ever accept him for who he was.

Adam listened intently, his heart breaking for Yui. He knew how it felt to be judged and rejected by others. He shared with Yui his own struggles with mental health issues, and how his own family had disapproved of his career choices. He told Yui how he had learned to cope with his own struggles, and how he had found happiness and fulfillment in his life.

Yui felt a sense of relief and gratitude as he listened to Adam. He realized that he was not alone, and that there was hope for him to overcome his depression. He started going to therapy and taking medication, and slowly but surely, he started to feel like himself again.

Adam was there for him every step of the way, supporting him and encouraging him. They went on long walks in the park, watched movies together, and went on weekend getaways to escape the stress of everyday life. They were a team, and they knew that together, they could conquer anything.

But even as Yui's depression started to lift, they knew that there would be more ups and downs in their relationship. Life was unpredictable, and they couldn't control everything that happened to them. But they knew that they had each other, and that was all that mattered.

They continued to build a life together that was filled with love, laughter, and joy. They supported each other through the good times and the bad, and they knew that they would always be there for each other. They had found something special, something that was worth fighting for.