
At the coffee shop[bl]

Chifri0 · Hiện thực
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Soon arrived the cheering month,Adam and Yui had been looking forward to their first pride parade together for weeks. They had spent hours planning out their outfits, making sure everything was perfect for the big day. They were excited to celebrate their love and show their support for the LGBTQ+ community.

As they walked through the crowded streets, hand in hand, they felt a sense of joy and belonging. They were surrounded by people from all walks of life, all celebrating their differences and coming together in unity. The energy was electric, and Adam and Yui couldn't help but smile at each other.

But as they turned a corner, Adam's heart sank. There, in the middle of the parade, was his ex, Taylor. They had dated for several years before breaking up on bad terms, and Adam had not spoken to him since.

Adam froze, unsure of what to do. He felt a rush of emotions – anger, sadness, confusion – all swirling around inside him. He didn't know why Taylor was there or what he wanted, but he knew that he didn't want to see him.

Yui noticed the change in Adam's demeanor and asked him what was wrong. Adam tried to dismiss it, saying that he was fine, but Yui could tell that something was off. He gently prodded Adam until he finally opened up and told him about Taylor.

Yui listened patiently as Adam talked about his past relationship with Taylor. He could see how much it was affecting Adam, and he knew that he had to do something to help.

As they walked through the parade, Yui kept a close eye on Taylor, making sure that he didn't come too close to Adam. But as they neared the end of the parade, Taylor suddenly appeared out of nowhere and grabbed Adam's arm, pulling him into a nearby alleyway.

Adam was caught off guard, and he didn't know what to do. Taylor was apologizing profusely, saying that he wanted Adam back, even though his new partner was right there with him in the parade. Adam was shaking and crying, feeling overwhelmed by the rush of emotions that were flooding him.

Yui had followed them into the alleyway, and he immediately stepped in to protect Adam. He gently pulled Taylor away from Adam, telling him to back off. Taylor seemed to snap out of it, realizing what he had done, and he quickly left the alleyway, disappearing into the crowd.

Adam was shaking and crying, feeling completely overwhelmed by the experience. Yui held him close, whispering words of comfort and support. He knew that Adam needed him now more than ever, and he was determined to be there for him.

As they walked away from the parade, Adam talked about his past with Taylor. He explained how they had fallen in love, but how things had gone sour over time. He talked about the fights, the jealousy, and the pain that had ultimately led to their breakup.

Yui listened intently, his heart breaking for Adam. He knew how hard it was to let go of someone you loved, and how painful it was to see them with someone else. He held Adam close, sharing his own stories of heartbreak and healing. He reminded Adam that he was loved, and that he was not alone.

As they sat in a nearby café, sipping on hot coffee, Adam began to feel a sense of peace and comfort. He realized that he had been holding onto the pain of his past for too long, and that he needed to let go in order to move forward. He felt a renewed sense of love and appreciation for Yui, and for the life they had built together.

They sat there for hours, talking and laughing and enjoying each other's company. They knew that there would be more ups and downs in their relationship, but they were ready to face them together.