
Asura Conqueror

Marcus Kauffman, an Asura Prince was sent to the mortal realm to escape the chaos in the heavenly realm. Follow him on his journey as he builds an army and makes his way back up. A touch of adventure, a pinch of magic, a drop of romance, and a bucket of revenge. What more could you want? This is my first novel so there might be mistakes here and there. The writing quality might not be that good at the beginning too but I'm trying my best to improve. Happy reading. The cover is not mine. Credits to its owner.

Scripture02 · Kỳ huyễn
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186 Chs

Kin's Plan

Kin Strongwald walked out of the house. He lowered his head as the bright morning sun hit his face. He went to his car and got in. 

"Meet me at the restaurant. Bring your friend with you." Kin said to the person he was calling.

He had been given a hard task by his father to which he had racked his brains all night to find a way to perfectly complete. The worst thing is that he had to do it by today.

"That bastard!" Kin cursed as he looked down from the window of his car. He and his father were never close. His father, for him, was just an ATM that he could use to withdraw money at any time of the day.

Not long, Kin arrived at the restaurant where he would meet his chosen accomplices for this mission. He fixed his clothes as he got out of the car and started walking towards the door. 

He entered, walked to the second floor, and entered a room.