
Asura's Path In Douluo Dalu

A young man got his revenge but also a second chance at life to live a life free of burdens! I am new to writing and would love to hear everyone's advice/tips or wishes! Updates: 4 per week / 7 Max Disclaimer: I don't own the Novel/Manga Doulou Dalu aka. Soul Land. Its an amazing series so if you have the time now, you should read it! (I don't own the Cover either i just found it on the internet and thought it was kind of similiar to the MC i was trying to display but the MC is a bit more buffed and red eyes)

Lafafar · Tranh châm biếm
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52 Chs

Chapter 2 - Spirit Awakening

"Mmm.... Its still dark outside" Chu Feng slowly opened his eyes and looked out of the small window while rubbing his sleepy eyes.

"System, do you have any functions that were not in the list you showed me?" said Chu Feng while laying stretched out on his wooden bed.

[Yes Host, there is a Wheel Of Fortune and the Map Function.]

"Show me the Wheel Of Fortune"

A big wheel appeared infront of Chu Feng and filled his sight, it had a golden outer-layer and was filled with green, blue, purple spaces and one rainbow coloured space.

"So about 60% is Green coloured, 30%is blue coloured, 9% is purple coloured and last 1% is the single rainbow coloured space. System, how do i get draws and why did you not show me that this was in the options?" Chu Feng never had much time to spare to gamble so he was kind of looking forward to trying it out now he had the chance.

[Currently the Map Function and Wheel Of Fortune are locked due to the Host not having awakened his Soul Spirits, Host will get a Free Draw every 10 Spirit Levels or can get them from Quests that the System gives out]

"I see, i should first train my Spirit untill we're going to the Village Hall for the test"

[Ding! Mission Commenced!]

• Awaken Asura's Blade

- Reward: 1 Wheel Of Fortune Draw

'So you're basically giving me a Free Draw? How sweet, if it wasn't for your emotionless voice i would think you were trying to court me' Chu Feng smirked at the mission's information.

[Host can consider it a Beginner's Gift] The emotionless tone replied.

Chu Feng nodded and went to cultivate, 2 hours later a system notice popped out.

[Ding! 1 Spirit Power Gained!]

Just as it was about time to go to the Town Hall the robotic voice sounded in his mind that he gained 1 Spirit Power, Chu Feng opened his eyes and stretched a bit before making breakfast.

Chu Feng was infront of the Town Hall when he saw around 30 children waiting around a ~20 year young man waiting.

Chu Feng waited in the back of the crowd of kids for another 10 minutes untill the the old man and Tang San arrived.

"T..Thank you for being here" The old man bowed towards the young man while have a fawning smile on his face.

"Don't be nervous, we will start the ceremony now. Elder, please leave the room" The young man said towards the old man.

"Yeah sure! Goodluck children!" The elder left the hall while the examiner looked at all of us and smiled.

"I'm the examiner today, i am a [Level 26 Great Master] and my profession is a Spirit Master. I shall guide you today to awaken your Soul Spirits"

Chu Feng looked around and saw all the kids getting nervous, this would mean a lot to their future. After all, Spirit Master was the most prestigious job on the continent!"

The man looked at all the children with a cocky grin and said,

"Now i will show you all a Spirit of a true Spirit Master, Transform!" Slowly the man grew fur all over his body, his body grew taller and grew something similiar to cat ears.

"Waaaa!!!..." The child the closest to the man burst out crying, some children had also some tears in their eyes and some were amazed.

Even Chu Feng was amazed at the sight of the transformation and felt his blood boil while thinking to himself.

"This is my Spirit, Lone Wolf! Its a Beast Spirit! There are 2 kinds of Spirits, Beast Spirits like my Lone Wolf and Tool Spirits" The examiner explained while picking up the crying kid and threw him in the Magic Circle for the Awakening process.

"Spirit, Awaken!" The wolf-man said while holding his hands together.


A bright light flashed and a handkerchief appeared above the boys palm, the boy confused as to how it appeared only to hear the man say.

"Your Spirit is a Tool Spirit, a Junk Spirit. It can only wipe snot away!" The man looked at the group and explained.

"Junk Spirits are Spirits that give no Attack, Defence or Support Ability!"

The kid looked at the handkerchief in tears and wanted to walk away but the man stopped him with a Crystal Ball in his hands.

"Now lets test your spirit power"

The kid looked at the Crystal Ball with renewed hope and put both his hands on it.

"NNNN.....NIINININIIII....*pvf*" out of nowhere the kids nose let out layer upon layer of snot over de crystal ball.

"Dammit" The man quickly retractwd the Crystal Ball and used a towel to clean it, it seems that this happenes before.... And not once.

"I forgot to explain to you all that you have to atleast have 1 Spirit Power so you can train your Spirit!" The 'Wolf-man' said.

The kid that was already down hearted started crying and ran away.

'So this body couldn't even practice if it wasn't for the system' Chu Feng had a bitter smile on his face when he remembered the memories of his old body, when he was small she would always curse her family and his father's for being ruthless.

Altough she always had a smile on her face (when she was sober) there was always that bitterness what slightly showed when she talked about her parents towards her kid that didn't have a clue what gibberish she spoke.

'If i'm not wrong then she must've been from a big family since it had their own crest but 4-eyes never said anything about a Chu Family' While Chu Feng was contimplating his origins the examiner went from child to child.

"Spirit: Cooking Spade, Junk Spirit. Spirit Level Level 0. Next! Spirit: Soup Bowl, Junk Spirit. Spirit Level 0. Next! Spirit: Shovel, Junk Spirit. Spirit Level 0. Next! Spirit: Empty Bottle, Tool Spirit. Spirit Level 0. Next!"

Finally it was Chu Feng's turn, he walked onto the circle and wait.

"Spirit, Awaken!"

[Ding! Asura's Blade was awakened, do you want to summon it?]

'System, can i change its appearence?'

[Yes but only for a short period of time due to insufficient Spirit Power]

'Thats fine' Chu Feng gave a sigh of relief and instantly agreed.

A normal looking Iron Sword appeared in his grasp and he looked at the examiner.

The examiner had a small glint in his eyes and praised,

"Spirit: Iron Sword, if you use it right it can be strong. Its a Tool Spirit. Come here and test your Spirit Power" The examiner held the Crystall Ball and achu Feng touched the ball and poured his Spirit into it.

The ball lit up untill it gave of the light comparable to a candle. The examiner's expression didn't change upon seeing that.

"Spirit Power: 2, altough your talent in Spirit Power is low it doesn't matter that much since your spirit is relying more on your sword but it will still slow you down a lot" The examiner looked at him.

"Look! Someone lit it up!" A boy with tears in his eyes said due to failing the test.

"Ugh! Why not me?!" Another boy gritted his teeth while thinking back to his 'Shovel Spirit'

"Atleast someone succeeded in our village" A girl with twin-tails sighed.

"If you want to i can send you to Nuoding Academy to learn" The examiner looked a Chu Feng for an answer.

'I already have the basic knowledge of this world because of 4-eyes so there is no need for elementary school' Chu Feng concluded inside his head.

"I already have a place i had to go to, they will inroll me in a school" Chu Feng apologized.

"Its okay" The examiner had a bitter smile on his face and turned towards Tang San and said, "Last one!"

Tang San stood in the circle and closed his eyes.

"Spirit, Awaken!" The examiner said.

A piece of Blue Grass appeared on his hand.

the examiner shook his head and said, "Spirit: River Grass, Junk Spirit. Test your Spirit Level"

The examiner gave Tang San the Crystal Ball who put his hand on it, the Crystall Ball went brighter and brighter untill it was hard keep your eyes open.

The adults came running in the Town Hall with panicked expressions on their faces thinking that something was wron with their children.

"Examiner whats wrong?!" The old man asked.

"Es...Essence Level Harmonisation!" The examiner stared with wide eyes at Tang San.

"A Junk Spirit has Essence Level Harmonisation.... The highest Spirit Level a person who just awakened their Spirit can have" The examiner explained and the adults cheered from hearing the good news while Tang San looked at his left hand.

Chu Feng on the side, who was thinking about the whole situation finally came to a conclusion.

'It is the same as 4-eyes told me but not everything is similiar?'

While everyone was celebrating in the Town Hall, Chu Feng was already back at his own house.

'System, show me the real Asura's Blade' Chu Feng said in an excited voice, in his past life altough he couldn't find the time to read a lot of Novels, Manga or watch Anime he did watch a few and ended up loving swords.

They can be used the way you want to and only have a limit if you create one yourself!

A katana of around 80 centimers appeared in his grasp, the blade was fully black

A katana appeared in Chu Feng's hand. There were red lines that looked like cracks on the blade. The handle was something that looked like a dragon with the colours red and black.

'huff... I thought for a second that it was broken, that scared the living daylights out of me' Chu Feng was sliding his hands over the blade that was completely smooth without any broken spots like he thought it had.

[Ding! Mission Completed]

• Awaken Asura's Blade (1/1)

- Reward - 1 Wheel Of Fortune Draw

[Host, Asura's Blade is a Blade Of Slaughter. The stronger you and your killing intent are the stronger the blade will be!]

'So, does that count for Spirit Beast AND humans?'

[Both are acceptable but Spirit Beast are better since they live their whole life in the wild]

'I see but what about Asura's Blessing?'

[Asura is just like the one you heard when reincarnating, a Goddess. The reason why you have your current Soul Spirits is due to them being gifted to you by the Goddess Of Fortune. Due to them being close, the Goddess Of Fortune is able to give Asura's Blessing under consent]

'So thats how it is, but how i awaken it? I doubt the same method works twice'

[Ding! Mission Commenced!]

• Learn the first Sword Stroke of {Asura's Wrath}

- Reward: Asura's Blessing - Eyes Of Truth

'.....' Chu Feng rubbed his head while clicking on the Skill.

[Asura's Wrath (9 Sword Strokes)]

1st Stroke • Invisible Slash [0%]

2nd Stroke • Lightning Draw [Locked]

3rd Stroke • Demon's Pleight [Locked]

4th Stroke • Hymn Of The Fallen [Locked]

5th Stroke • Dragon's Rage [Locked]

6th Stroke • Devil's Curse [Locked]

7th Stroke • Demon's Wrath [Locked]

8th Stroke • Void Cut [Locked]

9th Stroke • Asura's Sacrifice [Locked]

'I can see how far i am in learning it? Thats convenient, i guess i need to unlock the 1st Stroke untill i get the introduction to the 2nd Stroke' Chu Feng thought.

'System i want to draw the Wheel Of Fortune'

Chu Feng was way to excited to spin so he clicked the 'Draw' button.

The Wheel Of Fortune started spinning and spinning and Chu Feng was on the edge on his bed filled nerviously tapping his foot on the floor.

30 Seconds passed.....

1 Minute passed..... Slowly Chu Feng was losing his patience.

2 Minutes passed.....

3 Minutes passed.....


[Yes Host?]

'Are you trying to piss me off?'

[Why Host?]

'This thing isn't stopping maybe? Is it broken? Wrongly designed?' Chu Feng grumbled

[No Host, it was made for people that would see that there is a 'Stop' button instead of a 'Draw' button]

Chu Feng removed his hand of the place where the button was and saw that the text changed from Draw to Stop....

'Well..... Sh*t' Chu Feng pressed the button and the Wheel Of Fortune came to a stop.