

in the world of makomegalos , seraphine dawnshadow 16 years old girl go on a journey to find the frog hermit A man filled with mystery, she is moved towards him by her grandmother's stories and her grandfather's manuscripts about him, and for that, Seraphine Dawnshadow will do whatever it takes to meet him.

bruriah_calfurai · Kỳ huyễn
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9 Chs

the hunter of light -2-

The creature retreated after exchanging several blows with Ohevkad, who in turn retreated to support Oren

Surprisingly, all the snakes quickly began to return to the creature and gotback into him by his eyes and mouth, so that the arena was empty and remained in it, next to Lake Raphael, Amphiron, and the creature, and on top of the hill, which was about thirty meters away from them, Ohevkad and Oren. 

Ohevkad : Mr. Oren, this thing's blows are fast and heavy  a battle of attrition  will be a loss for us. In addition, this sorcerer may have other spells. We must disperse this creature and then we both should attack the sorcerer

Oren : This enormous thing may also possess multiple dangerous technologies, and we must eliminate it before it uses it    

Ohifkad, with his dark indigo hair that glistened under the moonlight, and his jewel-toned, dark blue eyes with a hexagonal geometric shape, turned to Oren, and signs of anger appeared in his features, then he said : Don't try to correct me, old man. Either you do as I say, or you go to hell, and let each of us fight however he is best

Oren : You wretched bastard, do not be deceived. So be it. Let each of us fight however he is best   

They both ran towards Amphiron and his creature at high speed, and Amphiron had no choice but to cast another spell to ensure himself the upper hand, so he raised his wand and cast a spell, saying:  *velosyadayim* After Amphiron cast his spell, several giant hands appeared from under the ground, holding arrows in their hands. They began to dart them towards both Orin and Ohifkad at a high speed. Ohifkad was able to repel most of the arrows with his sword, while Oren took cover from them with his axe. Then they set off again, but the creature that Amphiron had summoned had placed its four hands on the ground, he raised his head to the sky, and multiple mouths appeared in the area from his neck to his chest, from which emerged several men wearing warrior costumes, warriors of the eisenshield clan. Twenty men in all, their armor looking icy. They carried silver shields with a hammer symbol on them, wearing dark blue armor and a crystal helmet. In their left hand they held large hammers. In the back, behind the warriors carrying the hammers, were three men wearing long indigo shirts and leather sandals. Their clavicles were exposed as their heads Their extremely pale skin color and completely black eye color that lacks any light of life, all these twenty emerged from the body of that creature summoned by Amphiron, the warriors of the Eisenshield clan from the lands of the Kingdom of Surreal, the First Imperial Guard in the capital who took the features of ice as their symbol, following the path of the Warrior Sipto the holiest, the Ice Warrior who was the commander of the first Surreal Snake battalion    

Oren and Ohevkad's eyes widened, then Ohevkad soon said: You intruder, you are undoubtedly a monster. 

The seventeen warriors set off while the three remained behind, muttering magic spells that led to many ice attacks. Oren and Ohevkad also headed towards them, and soon the first collision occurred between Ohevkad and one of the warriors, until the warrior raised his hammer and tried to hit Ohevkad, who avoided it, except that when the hammer hit the ground, it caused Until the ground froze and many spear-like pieces of ice emerged that almost burned Ohevkad's feet, and while the battle was raging, Both Amphiron cast his spells and Oren and Ohevkad confronted them and tried to find a loophole for the attack. When a shadow of two people appeared under the moonlight, they were in the sky. Amphiron sensed it, but did not risk exposing a loophole in his defense, so he kept his gaze directed at both Ohevkad and Oren in a moment. He straightened his creature and flew with his wings towards the shadow. In a moment of barely more than a second, the area was filled with loud screams, which led Amphiron to finally raise his eyes to the sky to see a majestic sight, his giant creature completely budding with several branches and flowers as if they had grown in him The branches that had sprouted on him were soon ignited by intense fire that burned his creature in seconds. Then the shadows descended to the ground and their features appeared, Princess bunny, Her Most Holy Highness levishi kalbimishi okamiklan