
Astral Dawn

Vira Vul-Kys a Kryptonian of the Military Guild was returning to Krypton from a diplomatic mission as she approached her home world the planet exploded. She watched distraught, powerless and losing all hope, until the ship A.I picks up two unknown signals on a trajectory out of the star system. Following them she enters a stasis pod for two years only to wake to... A/N: This story will be a Kryptonian in Marvel Cinematic Universe. At first I wanted the story to be in DC universe but I'm not familiar with DC so I decided it would be in marvel. So our protagonist will find herself in marvel, and it will be based off the movies. I do not own marvel or DC this story is a fan-fic. expect r18 scenes, also maybe any requested smut from our readers that you would like to see. You could expect scenes of r@pe or abuse, but it wouldn't be common, I want the story to feel as realistic as possible, crimes like that are a real issue, I want ppl to know the story won't be butterflies and rainbows.

JimmieBean · Tranh châm biếm
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9 Chs

Not an update: Authors note

Hello author here, I started this book randomly and I've been thinking about how I want the book to play out, and well when I think like that- I think just a little too much so let me run some ideas over you guys and gals. Other than that, I've thought about making Vira(Mc/Oc) someone who remembers their past life and or has some type of system but it feels too cliché. I know I want to lean heavily Into all the smut but I also don't want that to be the only thing you guys are reading like some books balance it out but others you're just drowning in it and it makes the story turn sour when for 8 to 10 chapters are just sex scenes, the more I write this out the more affirmed I am about these things... anyway you can expect an update to be out Saturday the latest, also do you like longer or shorter chapters, last chap had just over 500 words of story to follow so I'll try for 1200 to 1500 this upcoming chapter. One last thing, I want you guys to think of a character be that superhuman, alien, or just a regular ole person to add to the story someone you guys want or create and ill throw them in here for some steamy smut, anyway. cya later alligators.