
Astral Dawn

Vira Vul-Kys a Kryptonian of the Military Guild was returning to Krypton from a diplomatic mission as she approached her home world the planet exploded. She watched distraught, powerless and losing all hope, until the ship A.I picks up two unknown signals on a trajectory out of the star system. Following them she enters a stasis pod for two years only to wake to... A/N: This story will be a Kryptonian in Marvel Cinematic Universe. At first I wanted the story to be in DC universe but I'm not familiar with DC so I decided it would be in marvel. So our protagonist will find herself in marvel, and it will be based off the movies. I do not own marvel or DC this story is a fan-fic. expect r18 scenes, also maybe any requested smut from our readers that you would like to see. You could expect scenes of r@pe or abuse, but it wouldn't be common, I want the story to feel as realistic as possible, crimes like that are a real issue, I want ppl to know the story won't be butterflies and rainbows.

JimmieBean · Tranh châm biếm
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Not an Update: Author's Note

so I haven't updated in almost 2 weeks so there's that, and I probably won't be updating anything for a while possibly until the end of the year who knows 😅.... the reason why is because I have alot going on irl and I'm going to be moving to a different state before winter so I plan on rewriting everything and make a base plan for how I want the book to go as in the general story not just mcu or x-men stuff and between all the drama irl which is one of my sisters having a kid soon and the other possibly planning a wedding among other things between my many siblings, for the book(astral dawn) I'm going to set up a patreon a discord and also bring it over to scribble hub and since I don't have a laptop and I've been writing on my phone it makes pumping out chapters that much harder som I'm going to scrounge up enough coinage to buy myself a laptop and by the time I start updating again I'll have a nice backlog of chapters for you all which I'll put on patreon that you'll be able to read with a subscription I would love to just write all day long but we don't live in a perfect world so r.i.p

p.s. I have 2 brothers and 6 sisters and about 15 to 20 cousins so large family