
Astral Dawn

Vira Vul-Kys a Kryptonian of the Military Guild was returning to Krypton from a diplomatic mission as she approached her home world the planet exploded. She watched distraught, powerless and losing all hope, until the ship A.I picks up two unknown signals on a trajectory out of the star system. Following them she enters a stasis pod for two years only to wake to... A/N: This story will be a Kryptonian in Marvel Cinematic Universe. At first I wanted the story to be in DC universe but I'm not familiar with DC so I decided it would be in marvel. So our protagonist will find herself in marvel, and it will be based off the movies. I do not own marvel or DC this story is a fan-fic. expect r18 scenes, also maybe any requested smut from our readers that you would like to see. You could expect scenes of r@pe or abuse, but it wouldn't be common, I want the story to feel as realistic as possible, crimes like that are a real issue, I want ppl to know the story won't be butterflies and rainbows.

JimmieBean · Tranh châm biếm
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9 Chs

2 - Alternate Universe... Alone

Vira sat in her chair and waited for the A.I controlled drones to scan the solar system and the ever so distant star patterns.

Anxiety bubbled into her throat, not knowing where she was and if she was alone.

White noise quickly became a comfort as she waited, counting the seconds. She looked down at her Data pad, her grip crushing it as she read.

"TWELVE YEARS!!" Vira screamed as she threw the data pad.

*CRACK* It shattered on the interior.

'Twelve whole years lost and alone.' "Rao, w-what can I do." her voice faltered as tears fell down her eyes.


""Star patterns found and matched.""


""Current Location Milky Way system.""


""Trajectory location found.""

""Planet designation, E-616054""

Listening to the notification Vira spoke out.

"Set course to target location."

Thinking for a moment she continued.

"Analyse the planet upon arrival."

""Ship power reserves are 12%, upon arrival that will be 4%"" said the A.I.

"Prioritize minimum use of power." Vira told the A.I.

""Affirmative."" spoke the emotionless voice.

""Setting parameters, 8% power upon arrival.""

All the lights and displays inside the ship shut off the only noise being the soft humm of the ship engine. The ship made its way towards the blue and green pearl that held unknown beginnings and endings.

Vira sat in silence, her breathing even and her eyes closed drifting off to sleep.

Her usual dreamless sleep shifted into images of a family sitting infront of a television watching as a large green humanoid creature jumped from building to building, a man throwing a shield, and another flying, surrounded by lightning- holding a large hammer wearing a cape.

Vira woke- startled and covered in sweat she sat in her chair looking out the front viewing glass a white moon and a wonderful planet lay before her eyes.

In the dark of the planet visible lights could be seen. 'It's beautiful.' she thought. "A.I report planet analysis."

""Sentient life confirmed. Level 2 civilization, intelligence levels below average. Multiple super-powered beings found. Re-analyzing. Danger level 4.8. ERROR. ERROR.""

Vira felt her spine tingle, blinking she found herself in a white expanse of space. She felt her feet on the ground, looking down she saw her breasts. Naked, she was confused as to what was happening.

[Hello dear.] said a silky voice with the tone of a mother. Vira jumped with a start, her heart beating unbelievably fast.

'What is happening, am I dead or something?' Vira thought.

[No dear, you're still alive.] The voice spoke.

"W-Who are you?" Vira stuttered.

[Me? Well I am what you could call a being of chaos. I birthed all of existence, I am %$#!&@*.]

"You're what?"

[You wouldn't understand dear.] her motherly voice spoke.

[Entropy is the natural state of things, All that is known and unknown I gave birth to, but chaos also brings tranquility things tend to spiral around together finding what balances them out. Like two sides of the same coin]

"So what now?"

[Hmm... You have an interesting soul, it's a little fractured let me fix that for you.]

Vira felt something go click in her mind, then unimaginable pain.


She screamed as she felt somthing in her very being twist and churn, she felt it went on for years if not decades as memories started entering her mind and two names and sets of memories entered her mind.

Jane Adam's and Ryan Emerson.

She felt a rush of different thoughts, memories and feelings amalgamate¹ into her being.

[There that should have fixed you up.]

"Should?" She asked.

[Why yes it should have?]

"Why do you sound so uncertain?"

[Well its not every day you fix a fractured soul that that hasnt exactly been snuffed out now is it?]

"I guess not?"

[Hmph. Now that that unpleasant business is over let me give you a gift I think you might enjoy.]

{***** System installing}






{***** System Installed}

"System?" 'What in Raos name is this?'

[It's your gift dear. Have fun.]

"Wait what is that censored word at the beginning there?" Vira asked not understanding anything.

""Unknown designation."" sounded the A.I.

Vira looked around. 'I'm not in that white space anymore.' Vira thought back to her encounter and remembered the R.O.B she met. 'Wait... R.O.B?' 'Now that I'm thinking about it I have some new memories...'

"A.I park the ship on the dark side of that moon."


Vira sat cross legged, meditating. She went through her new memories and found alot of information. Jane Adam's a martial arts enthusiast who traveled the world learning and growing a mastery of martial arts and swordsmanship, and a successful business woman.

Ryan Emerson, a shut in weeb who read too many comics practically lived in his mom's basement and watched porn every night. But particularly they both had two things in common. They were both into girls, and loved watching a particular set of movies and series. Marvel Cinematic Universe. While Vira assimilated these memories the ship landed on the dark side of the moon.

A/N: So what did you guys think of this chapter, it has around 900 word its not 1200 or 1500 but it's more than 500. Anyway next chapter will be Iron Man 1 so look forward to it, their may be some smut around the end of the chapter when she finds a place to live. ;) see ya next time.

"¹ To combine or unite to form one organization or structure."