
Astral Calamity

The Astral Calamity is a cyclic phenomenon that occurs every time humanity becomes too advanced too quickly. It is said the Astral Calamity is caused by an Avatar who is said to have some form of hatred against humanity for what happened 70,000 years ago. In the present day, humanity has split into different factions to combat the Astral or simply take advantage of it and abuse the sacred energy to create monsters known as Calamity Monsters and use the power to become a False Avatar. One thing is for certain, everyone knows how dangerous the Astral can be.

IndifferentLeo · Kỳ huyễn
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9 Chs

The Elf of the Wind (1)

Yelt looked at the machine he kept War in and touched the glass. "I'm sorry Genesis...but I've been fighting this war against the Calamity for too long. This needs to be done...or else we will be in an endless cycle. I will create a Godsend, and I will become an Avatar." He said to himself.

"There's no use in trying fix the damages done. You were the only family member she had left. There's no one left for her." The man said as he watched.

Yelt looked back and took his hand off the glass. "I am aware of what I've done. I've been planning this for generations. I've already completed my goal of immortality, now I must become a God. She won't understand why I do what I do, but I am creating the perfect world...a world where she can live safely in. By killing the Avatar of Calamity, we will free our world...our universe from the curse of endless war. If this means betraying my granddaughter, then so be it. Sacrifices must be made to be a hero."

"But you aren't a hero, Ottoman." The man chuckled. "You've killed many, the blood on your hands can never be washed away completely...Ømega. Your dream is selfish. Foolish."

"Hmph. Just know that Azusa is an issue. Her and the two captains of the Shining Sisterhood. Make sure they don't interfere with my plans, Demon." Yelt said then looked at the machine once again.

The man laughed and transformed into shadows and vanished. "As you wish...Ottoman."

Genesis sat in the seat of the main office and had her head down on the desk. She was hurting on the inside...hurting greatly. Yelt was the only family she had left in her life and now he's gone as well.

Azusa comforted her by gently rubbing her back. "Listen up ladies. We can't sit in Kaigake City anymore like we used to. I've known of Yelt's plan for ages. Seems like he couldn't contain himself anymore."

"I barely even met the guy." I sighed and crossed my arms.

"Same here, but I was always aware of him. His plan is going to get us all killed." Elyse said and looked at Azusa.

"We will prevent that from happening. We have to stop the Godsend Project and save those who can use the Astral. I've done my research in the data bases and it would seem Yelt found more than three women. There's a lot of women in the world who can use Astral. We have to split up into different teams. One team will be the Astralites. Since Genesis is the leader of the Astralites, I'll leave her in your care. I have to help rebuild Shining Sisterhood as the chairwoman of the Division." Azusa said.

"How will we track these women down?" Mitsu asked.

"With the Astral Sonars. I've already equipped it on Nebulus so all you have to do is travel the world and save the women that pop up on the Sonar. We also have to defeat the major Calamity Monsters and Calamities that are terrorizing the world. If you run into any of them, defeat and kill them without a second thought." Azusa said then looked at Genesis.

Genesis sat up and sighed. She looked at the roof and noticed Azusa's gaze. "Azusa.."

"Genesis. Be strong for us. You have an important power and you're the only other person who can wield the God Archive. We have to take it away from Yelt or else he'll grow too powerful for us to take down." Azusa said.

Genesis looked at her and felt Azusa gently pinch her nose. She watched Azusa, Blaire, and Violet walk off. She looked at the computer monitor and stood up. "Shella...I am bad at leading. Can you lead for me? As I am now, I am in no place to give commands."

"Of course." Shella nodded. "Alright ladies, let's head out. We have women to save and a war to fight. We spent our lives training for this moment! Years of countless hours of training to get where we are. Elyse, Vera...you have the highest potential out of all of us. Just keep a look out on your limits and the enemies you will face."

We nodded and looked at Shella. She lead us out the office with Genesis following us out last. I fell behind and walked beside Genesis.

"Hey...I'm sorry about what happened. I know we've only known each other for a few days, but I hate the fact this happened to you." I said.

"It's okay...now I can truly say I have no family left." Genesis said and held her arms. "To think my own grandfather was the cause of those deaths to create a Godsend...to think he's Ømega and Zerø..."

I looked at her then looked ahead. "We will take him down. We have to for the sake of our world."

Genesis nodded and looked at the ground.


Yelt extracted the Calamity Core from War's body and looked at it then smirked. "Here it is...A Calamity Core."

"It really is a Calamity Core...Wow...The power that's exerting from the core is so magnificent.." One of Yelt's assistants said and smiled.

"All we have to do is take the core and invert the energy to become the opposite of the Calamity. We will create a Godsend Core and use the core to make someone into a Godsend. If it works, we need to gather as many Calamity Monsters as we can and extract their cores from their body." Yelt said and set the core inside of a core incubator to preserve its energy.

Yelt looked at War and decided to unmask him. He took his helmet off and noticed War's cold, lifeless blue eyes looking at him.

"Yelt...That's-" His assistant started.

"I know...One of the Captains from an old Division. I recognize him. This is the captain of the Xeno Strykers, Lucilus Xenolie. He was made a Calamity...a True Calamity by the Avatar of Calamity. If he's alive...that means some other old heroes are alive as well...or at the very least...never died." Yelt said.

"That means Joshua Yeveon could be alive as we speak! If we can get to him first before the Astralites or the Shining Sisterhood does, we can convert him to our side and make him a Godsend!" Yelt's assistant said.

Yelt nodded and set the helmet down then smirked. "I have an idea. How about we use Lucilus? We make him into a Godsend. We use him to kill the Calamities...by killing the Calamities, he collects more and more Astral Energy, enough Astral Energy to extract and make me into an Avatar."

"That's a perfect idea! That way you can kill the Avatar of Calamity and save our universe!" Yelt's assistant smiled at him.

Yelt nodded and began the process of inverting the Calamity Core. Lucilus watched him, not understanding what's going on at all. He doesn't even realize that he's alive. All he knows is that he's going to be used for some kind of experiment.


"Where are we headed to first?" Mitsu asked.

"Well using the Astral Sonar, we know our first target is in New Zealand. We are going to Aerocrest, New Zealand. It's only a few days travel from Kaigake City." Shella said.

"Might as well get comfortable, we are going to be travelling for a while." I said and sat down in a seat then sighed.

"Yeah get comfortable, we are gonna be on the battleship for at least 5 days." Shella said then set the route to Aerocrest. "Alright we are setting off so get comfortable."

Nebulus flew off and Azusa watched it fly off. She turned around and walked back to Blaire and Violet so they could discuss on what to do about the Division before heading outside the city to also recruit more members for the Alliance.