
Astral Calamity

The Astral Calamity is a cyclic phenomenon that occurs every time humanity becomes too advanced too quickly. It is said the Astral Calamity is caused by an Avatar who is said to have some form of hatred against humanity for what happened 70,000 years ago. In the present day, humanity has split into different factions to combat the Astral or simply take advantage of it and abuse the sacred energy to create monsters known as Calamity Monsters and use the power to become a False Avatar. One thing is for certain, everyone knows how dangerous the Astral can be.

IndifferentLeo · Kỳ huyễn
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9 Chs

Primal Instincts

"I can't believe we are really doing this. We won't hear the end of it from Azusa." Shella said.

"Calm down. As long as we come back in a timely manner, we won't get in trouble." I said.

"Mmm.." Shella grumbled then grunted when I ruffled her hair.

"Relax, let's go now. These low ranking Calamity Monsters won't defeat themselves." I said and walked to the elevators.

Genesis and Shella followed me then we all got on the elevator. We rode down to the lobby floor then got out and left the building. We hurried to the rental car Genesis rented for us. We got in and the car drove off to the entrance of Kaigake City. Once we made it, we got out and walked outside the city.

"We are now outside the protection of the city...we have to be extra careful now." Shella said.

I looked at my hands then smiled. "I know. We can also go all out here! I'm ready to take down some Calamity Monsters!"

Genesis pointed at one of the Calamity Zombies and I looked at it. I nodded then ran to it then my Lunar Energy surrounded my body. I bellowed and struck it then it let out a hollow growl then dispersed into black and red particles.

"That felt good." I smiled.

"I guess I can let off some steam as well while I'm out here. Maybe we can run into either Elyse or Charlotte while we are out here." Shella said.

"Who?" I asked.

"Those are the names of the two women that Yelt found when he was searching for potential members for the Astralites." Shella answered.

"I wonder what they look like or how strong they are." I said then struck down another Zombie.

We continued to strike down the Zombies and I began to get a good feel of my powers. I looked at my hands and smiled then looked at Shella. Shella nodded at me and smiled back. Genesis clapped her hands happily, cheering us on.

"So what do you know about my Lunar Powers?" I asked Shella.

"Well I know Mitsu told me you can control many elements because of the Tsukiyomi characteristics. You can wield Ice, Water, Light, Dark, Earth...that's about it. Apparently those are the element associated with the moon. Because of that, the Tsukiyomi Bloodline is one of the strongest bloodlines if not the strongest. The Ottoman definitely comes close though." Shella said.

I held my hand out then watched my Lunar Energy spiralling around my hand then smiled. "This power feels amazing.."

"Vera! Look out!" Genesis yelled and held her hand out to me.

I grunted and looked to my left then noticed a swift Calamity Monster coming toward me.

"God Protection!" She bellowed and a golden pillar surrounded my body.

The monster struck the pillar and roared in pain and disintegrated into tiny black and red particles. I looked at Genesis then noticed the pillar disappear.

"That was an interesting attack. I expected no less from an Ottoman." A woman said as she walked up.

I looked at the woman and saw her weapon drenched in the blood of many Calamity Monsters. "Who are you..?"

"I am the Descendant of the Captain of the Dawn Walkers. My name is Elyse Ying." The woman answered.

"You're the descendant of Graham Dawn?" I asked.

"Yes. I noticed you three over here fighting the monsters before getting attacked by another group myself. I just wanted to say that...you seem strong. How about a little sparring match? We're in the open so there's no need to hold anything back." Elyse smiled.

"Vera. She's known as the Dawn Knight. She's extremely powerful. There's no need to fight this battle if you don't have to." Shella said, concerned for my safety.

"I won't ever grow stronger if I keep running away from fights like I've done in the past. Elyse, I accept your challenge!" I said then held my hand out, summoning my katana, Lunar Phases.

"That is that weapon?" Elyse asked.

"It's called Lunar Phases. The only surviving thing in my destroyed town caused by a Calamity. I was never strong enough to unsheath it but now we will find out if I'm strong enough now." I said then began to attempt to unsheath the katana.

Everyone watched and I grunted as I struggled. My Lunar Energy surrounded my arms and I let out a roar then the blade began to unsheath out of the scabbard. I fully unsheathed the blade and a grayish white aura surrounded the blade powerfully.

"To wield the Lunar Phases and have Lunar Energy...you must be a Tsukiyomi." Elyse said.

"Yeah I am.." I said and looked at Elyse. I pointed my blade at her and my eyes shined. "Let's do this!"

Elyse smiled and readied her sword. I took a deep breath then exhaled and rushed over to her. She watched me and noticed the moonlight shining on me. She smirked and blocked my slash. We pushed each other away then clashed three more times before she parried my next attack. I grunted then groaned as she punched my stomach. She sheathed her blade then grabbed my arm and threw me over her shoulder.

I landed on my feet then elbowed her. She grunted softly then I kicked her away. I generated an energy ball in my hand then bellowed and threw it at her. She quickly unsheathed her sword and sliced it in half then the two pieces flew past Genesis and Shella then exploded.

"Heh you're pretty good. Seems like you have a lot of battle experience but not enough experience with your power." Elyse said.

"Well try this on for size!" I bellowed and sheathed my katana. I generated energy balls in my hands then threw them at Elyse. I continuously generated energy balls and rapidly threw them at Elyse.

Elyse's eyes shined then she bellowed and her aura surged around her body then she slashed in a circle and a tornado appeared around her body, deflecting my energy ball barrage.

I bellowed and generated a massive energy ball then threw it at her. An explosion happened when it came in contact with her tornado shield. The smoke cleared and Elyse was gone. I noticed a twinkle in the sky and dodged in the nick of time just before she struck me with her aerial attack. I stumbled backwards and looked at her.

She stood up and smirked. She dashed to me and the moonlight shined on her as well.

"Wait she can use the power of the moon as well?!" I asked in shock.

Elyse created afterimages of herself around me. I looked around and tried to spot the real one. I unsheathed my katana then slashed at one of them.

"Wrong!" Elyse said then kicked me from behind then appeared in front of me then kicked me upwards. She jumped up and grabbed my leg then descended to the ground quickly and slammed my back against the ground.

I groaned loudly and she let me go. I laid on the ground and stared at the moon.

"Vera!" Shella called out to me then Genesis stopped her.

"It's not over...for some reason I can tell she's not done.." Genesis said.


Kohaon swiped his hand, making the smoke clear. "You're still weak. You'll never be able to avenge your family, your friends."

〔End of Flashback...〕

"I refuse...to continue being weak.." I said as I slowly stood up.

Elyse watched me and readied her sword. 'Her Astral Energy is increasing..? Could it be the moon..?'

"Moon...grant me your power...Grant me your primordial power!" I bellowed.

The moon shined and the Tsukiyomi Crest shined on my hand. My Lunar Energy spiralling around my body powerfully and white lightning crackled around my body. I let our a primal roar and my eyes shined golden.

"What the hell is this?!" Elyse grunted as she covered her face from the high winds that my energy generated.

"This energy...this is...a primal state of the old Tsukiyomi Bloodline members generations ago. I thought this state was lost in history!" Genesis said.

"What is it?!" Shella asked in shock.

"It's called...Lunacy! This is Uncontrolled Lunacy!" Genesis said.

I roared and dashed to Elyse then vanished. She looked around for me then groaned as she was struck from behind. I appeared in front of her and kicked her up then trapped her in the moonlight in midair. The air began to grow colder and colder. Elyse grunted and tried to escape the moo light.

"Vera! You'll kill her! Stop this!" Genesis yelled.

I roared then grunted as a golden beam pierce through my body. My energy vanished and the moonlight dropped Elyse then the temperature returned to normal. I fell to my knees and fell on the ground.

Everyone looked behind themselves and noticed a masked man behind them. Shella looked back at me and hurried over to me with Genesis. They also checked on Elyse and made sure she was okay.

"Don't worry...I did not kill her. I only subdued the Lunar Beast within her." The man said as he walked up.

"Vera is not a beast!" Shella yelled and stood up, standing in front of us. "Don't take another step closer!"

The man stopped and chuckled. He adjusted his mask. "What would you call that then? She was ready to kill her without a second thought. If you ask me, she's no better than a Calamity Monster. She's a perfect subject for the new Godsend Project."

"Godsend...Who are you?!" Shella asked and glared.

"Me? You can call me...Zerø." He said.

"Zerø..? Tch! Stay away from us with your bullshit projects! I don't know if you're connected with Ømega and I don't care but I won't allow you to get anywhere near Vera or Genesis or anyone who's associated with us!" Shella yelled.

Zerø laughed and turned around. He walked away without another word.

The next day....

"You knew you weren't supposed to leave the protection of the city at night! How could you let her convince you to do something so idiotic?!" Azusa fussed and crossed her arms.

Shella looked down. "I can't just ignore her dream. I used to be like her! Full of revenge. Full of anger. That was until I joined you all and saw there was more to life than hatred and revenge. I may not share the same past but I do understand her."

"Even still. You encountered a dangerous figure! Your lives were in jeopardy! Shella, I expected more from you!" Azusa said.

"It wasn't Shella's idea!" Genesis spoke up.

Azusa looked at Genesis and watched her walk forward to them. "Genesis?"

"It was mine...I convinced Shella. Me and Vera wanted to go outside the city to get stronger. Vera doesn't want to hold anyone else back and I'm still learning what all I can do with my Godifery. I'm sorry to let you down and get two people really hurt.." Genesis said. "If anyone deserves punishment, it should be me. I'm...a terrible leader as is and I just only got more people hurt."

Shella looked at Genesis then heard the door open. They looked back at me as I poked my head out the door. "Vera, you're awake?"

"I couldn't help but listen. Neither of you deserves punishment for my own selfish desire. I am not going to let you all get punished for me. To make it up for it, I used my Lunar Energy to heal Elyse and even apologized for trying to unconsciously kill her. Azusa, if anyone at all deserves punishment...it is me. It all started with me." I said as I walked up to Azusa.

Azusa looked at me then sighed and closed her eyes. "Vera...you are new here. I know you're used to travelling and being in the Enemy Zones, but you're one of us now. Please don't do anything reckless like that again. Okay?"

I looked at Azusa then smiled a bit. "Okay."

Shella smiled and looked at me.

"I'll be stepping out for a bit now. If you need anything, you'll know where to find me." Azusa said then walked off.

"Where?" Genesis asked.

Shella and I looked at each other then looked at Azusa.

"At my usual hangout spot. The Central Park." Azusa said.

'Nice save..' I thought to myself.

"Oh okay!~ I'll come by to visit you!" Genesis smiled and waved.

"Right." Azusa said.