
1. The Nightmare.

In the dark room was Lesly a young girl on her late teen's, hugging her knees with trembling hands with her head dipped between her upper arms.

Her parents rushed to the room, slamming the door against the wall.

"What's wrong princess." Her mom asked hugging her tightly between her hands.

Lesly was still in shock and couldn't reply at that moment. It's just a dream baby don't worry we're here now all is well her dad added holding her hands.

In the room was a large painting on the wall, it was her picture when she joined kindergarten. The room was well decorated with pink colours that indicated it was a girls room, with large French windows that allowed a lot of natural to floored in during the day, and provided a great view of the beach which was just behind their backyard.

On the ceiling was a beautiful mural of the sky at night with stars shinning.

"You're going to share our room with us for the night." Her mom said holding a pillow on her hands . Lesly walked towards the door slowly guided by her dad towards there room.

It's eight in the morning, Lesly is seated in the family room lost deep in thoughts about the nightmare she had the previous night, ready for school waiting for the school van.

Her parents couldn't drive her to school since they go to work very early.

"Lesley! The bus is here," Mary there house keeper informed her.

What's wrong princess you seem depressed is everything okay, to her it was as clear as a day, she saw the look of depression on her eyes.

Yes I'm fine, Lesly answered quick to cut the conversation. In a flash she was walking in strides to a smooth rhythm down the bifurfacated ornate glass staircase. Wearing a pink crop top, a black jeans trouser and pink Nike sneakers, on her hand she was carrying Gucci handbag.

"Will it happen?"

"Am I going to die?"

The voices kept running and getting louder in Lesly's mind, memories from the nightmare she had kept on tormenting her.

Soon they were at the school gate,

where they were being dropped off.

Lazily coming out of the bus was Lesly who came out the last. She didn't have any friends as she just joined the school after her parents thought it was better for her to socialize with others after doing homeschooling since kindergarten. She wasn't used to being around many people but now she had no option but to adopt the new surrounding she was in.

The school was located at the very heart of the quiet and calm city, it costed a large sum of money to acquire a piece of the land.The school took a very large space to occupy all its facilities.

Lesly was standing at the side of the gate where the biometric system was, took out the school identity from her purse and pointed it towards the system to open the gate. Just besides the gate was a big board that had the map of the school, infront of her was an artificial waterfall that brought out the real beauty of nature.

The school was nothing like any other school, it was known for it's high fees that could cost a year's savings for a single term and it's school meal table that accommodated expensive food staffs and snacks. Most of there students were known for there bad attitude towards people who were not of there class but Lesly was different, although they shared the same class she had a different attitude towards others.

Immediately she got in the school building, she directly went to her locker, placed her staff and swiftly to the school indoor swimming pool where she sat alone for the whole day not attending any class still pondering on the dream.


Her phone was calling, it was her mom she was to pick her on that day. "Hello princess! I'm at the packing lot."

Rushing throuh the whole is Lesly, the whole time she was counting down the hours she'll go home.

In front of her was

Unlike other days that she received her mom with a warm and cheerful hug that day was different there was no affection in the hugs. As her mom she automatically new that the previous night saga was still affecting her daughter and that she didn't want to share.