

Adibahari, a Tias devoid of the mystical Astakona powers, is entrusted by his mentor with a crucial mission: to resolve the turmoil plaguing Lombongan, a village in the Apokarpa region. Despite his lack of Astakona abilities, Adibahari's sharp intellect, unwavering determination, and strong moral compass guide him as he tackles the village's challenges. Throughout his journey, he faces numerous obstacles and ethical dilemmas, but his dedication to Lombongan's welfare never wavers.

Mukogilo · Kỳ huyễn
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10 Chs


Suddenly, several security guards stormed into the town. Without any warning, they seized Adibahari, their grips firm and unyielding.

Lantana and Litu, still bewildered by the sudden chaos and the sight of townspeople fleeing, could only stand in shock, their minds racing to understand what was happening.

"Don't move!" one of the guards barked, his eyes sharp and vigilant, scanning their every movement. Before they could react or protest, both Lantana and Litu were captured as well.

Lantana, her mouth still stuffed with the remains of a pau, tried to stammer out a protest. "Hey, why are you arresting us? We didn't do anything!"

The three of them were shackled with heavy handcuffs made from Nefroli stones, rendering their Astakona powers useless.

The cold, rough texture of the stones sent a shiver down their spines, a constant reminder of their helplessness. As they were being led towards a portal that shimmered ominously, leading to the prison, a mysterious man suddenly emerged from the shadows, his presence commanding attention.

The stranger, impeccably dressed in dark, tailored clothing that exuded an aura of mystery and power, approached the guards with a calm, measured stride.

"Excuse me, gentlemen." he said smoothly, his voice carrying a quiet authority as he pulled out a small pouch filled with glittering gems. "I believe there's been a misunderstanding. Perhaps these gems might help clarify the situation."

The guards' eyes widened in surprise and greed at the sight of the offered gems, their glittering allure impossible to resist.

Without a word, they took the pouch and nodded, clearly tempted by the gems' sparkle. "Alright, we'll see what can be done. But hurry, leave before we change our minds," one of the guards said, giving a curt nod to the stranger, signaling him to take Adibahari and his friends away.

The stranger wasted no time, directing Adibahari, Lantana, and Litu to follow him. "Now, follow me! Quickly!" he whispered urgently, his voice a low, urgent hiss.

The three of them followed the stranger through narrow, winding alleys shrouded in darkness.

They ran as fast as they could, the sound of their footsteps echoing off the cobblestones as they tried to escape the guards who might change their minds at any moment.

Once they were far from the guards' view, the stranger stopped in a dark, secluded corner. "Get in here," he said, his voice a low command as he opened a shimmering portal in front of them.

Lantana, Litu, and Adibahari hesitated for a moment, the uncertainty of the unknown causing them to falter. But the stranger's reassuring presence and the urgency in his eyes spurred them on. "Either you go with the guard and get into prison or with me? Choose."

With a mixture of fear and hope, the three stepped into the portal, feeling a strong pull that transported them to another place. Moments later, they found themselves in an unfamiliar location, far from the prison and the pursuing guards.

"Thank you," Adibahari said, his voice filled with relief and gratitude as he turned to the stranger.

"We don't have much time," the stranger said, his tone serious. "We need to move quickly. Follow me, and stick close."

The man led Adibahari, Lantana, and Litu through the narrow corridors of the palace, corridors steeped in mystery and history. Thick red carpets lined the floors, and beautiful paintings adorned the walls, depicting the long and storied history of the royal family of Apokarpa.

Golden dragon carvings wound around the grand pillars, symbols of strength and protection. Lanterns hung along the corridors, casting a soft, warm light that created a calm and majestic atmosphere.

The back door they had entered led them into a secret corridor, rarely traversed by others. The walls were decorated with folding screens intricately carved with serene scenes of mountains and lakes, symbolizing the kingdom's wisdom and tranquility.

They soon arrived at a large, ornately carved door, adorned with designs of tulips and phoenixes, symbols of the royal family's immortality and elegance. Beside it was a smaller door.

The man carefully opened the smaller door, his movements precise and confident. He peered inside for a moment before signaling them to enter.

Beyond the door, they were greeted by the opulent interior of a mesmerizing palace chamber. The walls were lined with antique furniture featuring intricate wood carvings, each piece a testament to the craftsmanship of a bygone era.

Fine porcelain decorations, painted with scenes from ancient legends, stood proudly on shelves and tables. The air was filled with a subtle fragrance of sandalwood, adding to the luxurious ambiance.

The man led them into a large room separated by golden silk curtains. He stopped for a moment and introduced himself with great respect.

"My name is Tatai, assistant and guard to Princess Tulip. The word 'Meloidee' is very sensitive in this city. Why did you mention it? You are outsiders, yet you know of Meloidee. What is your name?"

"Apologies for the chaos earlier. I am Adibahari. These are my friends, Lantana and Litu. I am indeed an outsider, but I represent the Lombongan village. They are in grave danger right now. I have met Meloidee. She told me she wants to meet Axinite Antler. If I don't bring her to Axinite Antler, she threatens to destroy all of Apokarpa."

"Are you sure? But why does she want to meet Axinite Antler?" Tatai asked, his brow furrowed with concern.

"Wait here," Tatai said before moving behind the curtain.

Behind the curtain, Princess Tulip sat gracefully on a sofa draped in soft silk. Her brown hair cascaded beautifully, enhancing her face's radiant and regal features. Her bright brown eyes gazed straight ahead, projecting both firmness and a hidden gentleness.

Tatai stood erect, bowing his head in respect to Princess Tulip. His voice was filled with formality as he introduced Adibahari and his companions.

"Princess Tulip, allow me to introduce Adibahari and his friends. They are representatives from the Lombongan village concerning the matter of Meloidee."

Princess Tulip gazed at them through behind the curtain. "Oh, so the news about Meloidee is true. If my father and brother find out about this, punishment will surely follow. You are fortunate to have met me first."

Suddenly, a cockroach emerged from behind the curtain, heading straight towards Princess Tulip. Startled, she leapt from her seat and, in her confusion, accidentally embraced Adibahari.

In that awkward moment, their eyes met. Princess Tulip looked into Adibahari's face, her cheeks quickly turning red. "Ah! I'm sorry!" she exclaimed, quickly releasing him and turning away, her embarrassment clearly visible.

Adibahari, equally surprised, could only manage a slight smile. "It's alright, Your Highness."

Tulip looked away, trying to hide her embarrassment. "Please, have a seat," she invited them.

"Your Highness," Tatai addressed her with a thick air of respect, but Princess Tulip responded with a light laugh.

"Oh, there's no need for all that formality. Come on, Tatai, we've been friends since childhood. You know me better than that," Princess Tulip replied, her gentle voice filling the room.

"But there are outsiders present, Your Highness," Tatai reminded her, attempting to uphold protocol. However, Princess Tulip's warm demeanor seemed to dissolve any tension.

"It's fine. Even if they're outsiders, they don't know me well," she said with a smile.

"Where are you all from? How did you end up at the Lombongan village?" Princess Tulip asked, her eyes sparkling with curiosity.

Adibahari patiently explained their origins and the reasons for their presence there.

"So, what does Meloidee look like? Is she big or small?" Princess Tulip continued; her deep curiosity evident in her eyes.

"She's as big as a mountain. Her eyes glow. She demands the Axinite Antler and gave us a month from now," Adibahari answered.

"Hmm... This is a heavy request. No wonder there have been so many beetles attacking recently. But the problem is, this involves the entire kingdom. If I tell His Majesty, he won't believe it. Even the word 'Meloidee' is banned because it disrupts the peace. How am I going to solve this?" Princess Tulip pondered, her face clearly reflecting her worry.

"How about if the princess tells His Majesty about this? I'm sure he must already know about it," suggested Tatai.

"No. His Majesty never listens to what I say," replied Tulip with a sigh.

"Hmm... How about if you tell your brothers instead? Ask him to convey the message?"

"Hmm, that could work. Wait here," said Tulip. She hurried down the corridor to her brother room, her heart pounding with urgency.

Knock, knock. Tulip rapped on her brother's door, Prince Kairav.

Prince Kairav opened the door, his eyebrows raised in surprise at the sight of his sister, Princess Tulip, standing there.

"What do you want?" asked Kairav, a hint of curiosity in his voice.

"I have something important to tell you," Tulip said, trying to keep her voice steady.

"Come in," said Kairav, stepping aside to let her enter.

Tulip walked into the room and took a deep breath before explaining the issue at hand.

"So you want me to tell His Majesty? I can help, but how do you know all this? From whom? Can I meet them? Just to make sure," Kairav asked, his eyes narrowing slightly in concern.