
Assistant of Superstar

This is a lovely story. between an idol and his assistant.On New years eve,Meng Hui's boyfriend broke up with her and she was so sad and she watched the fireworks promising herself a new life.As she was heading home she got into someone's car thinking it was a taxi and ordered the driver who is our idol Lu Xiao to drive her home.He wanted to throw her out but seeing her devasted look he choose not to. The second time was when she lost her job and she still climbed into his car and he drove her home. She later found a poster about a job interview and since she didn't have something better to do she decided to go. Follow this romance story between an idol and his assistant.

Candy_Daydream · Thanh xuân
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31 Chs



"Wake up lazy bum it's new year's eve."A girl shouted as she opened the window making the sleepy girl groan"It's still early let me sleep in Xixian"The sleepy girl said getting more comfortable inside her blankets "Absolutely not it's new year's eve wake up it's decoration time."Xixian said pulling the sleeping girls blanket's "Xixian go away"Meng Hui said as she tried to pull her blankets back but she couldn't even touch them.She opened her eyes slowing giving her eyes time to get used to the light as she sat up"Good your up now wash up and come down bye bye."Xixian said giving her a flying kiss and leaving before Meng Hui said anything.Meng Hui rubbed her eyes then headed to the bathroom and washed up then went to look for her best friend "Afternoon sleepy head do you want breakfast,lunch or brunch."Meng Hui sat glaring at her friend "Why are you glaring at me like that or are you not hungry?"Xixian said laughing "Xixian couldn't you have just let me sleep?"Meng Hui asked annoyed "No it's three in the afternoon do you want show off your sleeping skills even on new year's eve?"Xixian asked handing a glass of milk to her angry best friend "I think by now the whole world now's how much of a sleeping queen you are if there ever was an award for best sleeper you would totally win it."Xixian smiled sipping her milk"Sleeping is a talent you don't have to be sarcastic if it was never granted to you you should not be jealous of perfectionist like us ok."Meng Hui said eating her brunch "Got it so what do you plan to do?"Xixian asked"Decorate this place then met Zhang Wei in the evening for the fireworks show."Meng Hui said blushing at the thought of her boyfriend "Wow!I'm going to celebrate new year's alone again you know ever since you started dating Zhang Wei I mostly do things alone and it's annoying.I want my bestie back."Xixian banged the table making Meng Hui laugh"Don't be so dramatic Zhang Wei will be going to his parents home tomorrow and"Yes I will have you for New year."Xixian interrupted her"Yes."Meng Hui replied and they continued eating as they chatted.They later did the dishes and Xixian went to the store room and came with a big box"Let's Decorate."Xixian kept music and the danced as they decorated the house.A Fe hours they held each other as they admired their house"This place is beautiful we did great."Xixian hugged Meng Hui tightly as they looked if everything was done"It's ten I'll start preparing myself."Meng Hui ran to her bedroom and took a quick shower then dressed up and took the present she had prepared for her boyfriend before running out"Bye Xixian."She hugged her best friend lightly then ran out"Girls in love are crazy."Xixian smiled and went to the balcony admiring the night view.Meng Hui ran to the bridge where the fireworks were to be displayed and sighed when she found that Zhang Wei had not arrived.A few minutes later he came and she smiled broadly admiring her handsome boyfriend "Zhang We happy new year."She handed him the gift smiling but Zhang Wei only looked at her"What's wrong?"She asked as she saw him just staring at her"Meng Hui let's break up."The words echoed in Meng Hui's ears as she lowered her hand"What are you talking about?If I have angered you in any way I'm sorry there is no need to break up we can resolve this matter."She said looking at him intently"It's not you Meng Hui its me."He sighed as he continued "I have fallen in love with someone I'm sorry."Meng Hui's tears threatened to drop but she held them back"I am sorry.Goodbye Meng Hui."Zhang Wei looked at her then turned and left without giving her a chance to say.She looked at his retreating back and her tears flowed down profusely not believing what had happened."Five,four,three,two,one Happy New Year."The people around her shouted as the fireworks lit up the sky"Happy New Year Meng Hui.As for thus year you will be happy and never let anyone break you again."She said wiping her tears and smiled at the beautiful colours in the sky as memories of her and Zhang Wei flooded eyes and more tears flowed.She watched untill they were over and decided to go home and since she was tired she decided to board a taxi and got into the first car she saw.Inside the car there was a silver haired guy who was looking at the sky and admiring the big moon and bright stars not noticing the person who had entered in his car."Driver take me to Flower apartments thank you."The silver haired guy heard a soft voice behind him bringing him back to reality."Does this woman think this is a taxi?"He thought angrily and turned wanting to chase the girl away but he saw her crying silently and just kept quiet"She thinks her tricks will fool me I will show her."He turned again only to find her already asleep.He sighed and started the engine heading where he had been told.After an hour he reached and Meng Hui woke up rubbing her eyes and saw that she had arrived.She got out and paid him before going inside the apartment building leaving the guy in awe.He just looked at her and left.Meng Hui got inside her house and opened the door silently then changed her shoes and sat down remembering everything that happened.Tears fell down slowly and that was the scene Xixian found.She ran towards her and knelt down beside her"Hui what's wrong?Why are you crying? Aren't you supposed to be with Zhang Wei?Why aren't you saying anything?"Xixian asked worriedly "Xixian,Zhang Wei broke up with me?"What?"Xixian asked shocked"He broke up with you tell me what happened."Xixian hugged her"He said he found someone else and broke up with me."Meng Hui said crying bitterly"That is despicable utterly despicable leave that bastard alone he doesn't deserve you."Xixian hugged her more tightly as Meng Hui cried her heart out then later fell asleep.Xixian covered her wiping her tears"He doesn't deserve your tears."Xixian said sleeping beside her.

Hi! Daydream here this is my first time writing hope you will like it.

What do you think of our leads? Amazing right.

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