
Assistant Hero

Death was always close to me, and death only proved to be the beginning as I awakened to a reality far more sinister than the one I left behind. Assigned the title of the 'Assistant Hero', my destiny is bound to a chosen savior, a hero who does not have knowledge of my existence. My purpose? To serve the selfless role of helping him from the shadows while he's oblivious to my existence. I must aid them from the shadows, ensuring their success while remaining hidden, for revealing my existence would make me a target, just like the hero. ***** Disclaimer: Disclaimer: This novel contains depictions of various views, beliefs, and ideologies that are solely for fictional and narrative purposes. They do not necessarily reflect the personal views, beliefs, or opinions of the author. This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to real events, persons, living or dead, is coincidental. The author's intent is purely to create a work of fiction and not to endorse or promote any particular viewpoint or belief. ***** Created a Ko-fi account: Any dono is appreciated: ko-fi.com/perseus_silver

PerseusSilver · Kỳ huyễn
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66 Chs

Chapter 49: Ringing

Perseus POV

After me being given a membership token with a dagger symbol to symbolize Lind's squad, I went to explore the 20th floor. Once again, as I stepped onto the floor outside of Han's tavern, there was a literal chill that swept over me, seeping into my bones and sending shivers down my spine.

This coldness was different from what I've experienced so far until now, the air was thick with an icy coldness that seemed to penetrate even the sturdiest of garments. Elpis was now in my shirt with some large mini hoodie to cover herself as well, this floor was just too uncomfortably cold.

The floor itself was a vast expanse of ice and snow, stretching out as far as the eye could see. In the distance, I could make out the faint outline of housing far away, but nestled within a large ice cavern is where the main town is. 

The adventurers here aren't as joyful as those on the upper floors, but you can spot occasional smiles every now and then. But I can somewhat understand, unlike me who skipped 10 whole floors to get here, they have to have fought all the way through, which means that they have lost quite a number of comrades to reach here.

But that's not what I'm here for. Several secrets are still being discovered, and I plan to find the rest.

[Side quest: Find the secret room and uncover its secrets on the 20th floor.]

The snow crunched beneath my boots with each step, the sound grating on my nerves as I trudged through the icy landscape. It seemed to seep into every crevice, finding its way into my shoes and chilling me to the bone. With each gust of wind, flurries of snow whipped around me, stinging my face and obscuring my vision.

It was an annoying experience. I should buy more expensive clothing, I got some money now, this is where being stingy hurts me I guess.

"Elpis, do you have fairy cousins that you can contact with or something?"

"No, I do not have cousins." Elpis replied

"I hate this floor already, I prefer the peaceful forest."

"I heard on the way over that the 40th rest floor is the best. We can aim to get there."

"We'll have to follow Lind, and even when we have time away, fighting till we reach the 40th floor is not easy."

"Maybe take out your sword, it can help activate the room if we're close."

"Great idea, you're pretty useful."

"Of course I'm useful, I was asked to help either the hero or assistant hero in their journey."

"Thanks for accompanying me then, it feels less lonely this way."

[A: I exist.]

"Yeah, but you either roast me or sound a bit too robotic, maybe come visit me in person."

[A: I'll do it if you reach the 70th floor.]

"70th? That'll take years."

[A: Well, years it is. At least I didn't make it to the 100th floor, I'm not a monster.]

"One of the first things you've said to me was 'you got no bitches', so you kind of are."


So I walked around in the snow, into the snow forest, going past cabins and many other things throughout the floor, and eventually, the ground where I stood was shaking. Everything else nearby wasn't, and I then fell into this cubic stone room.

I then lit up a floating fireball. As the flames flames flickered into life, I took a moment to survey my surroundings. The room was small, the walls adorned with strange symbols etched into the stone.

I approached one of the symbols, tracing its lines with my finger. Stars, caves, forests, animals, suns, moons...

[Side quest completed!]



"What's the secret?"

"Maybe inject your mana into the symbols?" Elpis suggested

As the energy flowed from my fingertips, the symbols began to glow with a gentle blue light, illuminating the room with an ethereal glow. But as the light grew brighter, a strange sensation washed over me. A ringing started in my ears, growing louder with each passing moment.


"What happened?" Elipis asked

"It's...getting louder! Can't you hear it?"

"Hear w..."

Her voice then trailed off. It started as a faint hum, barely noticeable amidst the crackling energy of the mana, but soon it grew into a loud, piercing noise that reverberated through my skull.

With each passing second, the ringing became more intense, more unbearable. It felt as if a hundred drums were pounding inside my head, each beat sending waves of agony rippling through my body. I clenched my teeth, gritting against the pain as I struggled to maintain control.

The throbbing in my head became overwhelming, threatening to consume my senses entirely. I could feel my vision blurring and thoughts scattering.

"Perseus!" a voice called, "Perseus!"

It was my own voice. What is happening?

"Wake up! Don't forget why you're there!" the voice shouted, "Your sister, don't forget her, she's why we're doing what we're doing, don't forget that!"

The same message then rang and repeated several times over again and again throughout in my head.

I gritted my teeth, determined not to let the pain defeat me. With sheer force of will, I pressed on, forcing myself to endure the unbearable torment for just a little while longer. Each moment felt like an eternity, stretching on as tears began to fall from my eyes.

But then, just as suddenly as it had begun, the ringing began to fade. The intensity diminished and so did my consciousness.

3rd Person POV

"Perseus!" Elpis called out as she flew to him, "Alexandra, do you know what happened?"

[A: I do not know, but...we can only wait.]

"What? You saw what just happened, he was screaming in pain." Elpis responded and wiped Perseus' tears.

[A: I know, but what can I do? I'm here, and even when you're there you can't do it, that was a mental attack, we can't help with that.]

"Sorry, I'm...just frustrated."

[A: I am too, but only time can tell, let's hope that all of this will give us our happy ending.]