
ASSASSINATION (Book one of the Valerie series)

Valerie’s life changed the night the Demons attacked her. Everything was unlocked in her life. And it all became worse after she was asked to assassinate someone. Little did she know it was all a ruse. A set up to kill her. All because of her bloodline.

Trevor_Muma · Thành thị
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4 Chs


My heart was jumping from my stomach straight to my neck and back. Refusing to be in its rightful place. But of course, displaying my fears would be suicidal. These bastards aren't supposed to know I was on the edge. They might just end up taking advantage of that.

"Of, course not. She is a kid. But I think Valerie can come in hand," Ezekiel said.

"How do you know her name?" the scar man asked.

Then it hit me. I didn't mention my name ever since I reached them. I hardly spoke. So, how does he know my name? even his friends seemed surprised by his mention of my name. have I met him before? I tried to go through memory lane, but found nothing about him.

"I did some research about her, and that is why I'm telling you not to kill her. She will be valuable in our plan," Ezekiel said.

Did he just want to help me or has some motive about it? Whatever the motive was, he didn't mention it to his friends. So, he wanted to betray them. To be precise. But why would he want to betray his friends? They all came for me apparently. Reason been? I did not know.

"I can never be useful to you bastards. Why are you looking for me in the first place? and did you have to kill those innocent people to get to me? Cowards," I said trying to sound braver than I felt. But I need to be strong. It's one against six. To top it off they are men.

So much for my date.

I should have just gone home. I just brought myself to the predictor's nest.

"Ezekiel, if you don't kill her I will," the man held his hand, and I began going closer to him. I tried to break the connection, but failed miserably.

What the hell did he do to me? Who are these guys?

I have to do something before I reach into his harms. If I do, I will be dead before I could blink. I took a long sign and called to my wizard powers.

Fortunately for me, my powers were prone to do what they should do. So, they obliged just as quickly.

I waffled my hand before any of them could do anything. Crackling blue light went zipping towards the man and because of the man's stupidity, he thought maybe my jinx was a jock or something to just tinkle his stomach. He stood there fixed; eyes widened.

The jinx slammed his chest, and he went flipping and screaming in the air until he hit the wall that was ten feet from me and the rest of his friends.

They all looked at me in stunned disbelief. I guess they didn't do the research on me. But the other bastard didn't. Which means he knew I'm a wizard and didn't tell his friends.

What game was he playing at?

I looked from one person to the other.

"You are not even ashamed to fight a woman. They are five of you and I'm just a stand-alone. But bring it on. I will manage." I said.

One of them charged towards me. He threw a punch at me and I ducked, then I punched him in the stomach—allowing him to move a few inches.

But he swiftly pushed his hand forward, before I knew it, I was flying across the passage wall then slammed into the table which the vases occupied. The two stylishly designed vases slammed the floor and shattered next to my hand. I took a sigh and looked back at them.

These bastards have magnetic powers. But I wasn't metal, and if I was then I could be attracted to them not repel. Though their powers have similarities with the repelling of magnates.

I looked at them, and they began moving towards me. Well, except for Ezekiel, who was behind them and the man I sent across the passage wall. He was still lying on the floor. Hopefully dead.

I waved my wand and sent blue light flying towards them, but the man the jinx directed just moved an inch away and the jinx passed. I have to come up with a strategy to beat these people before they kill me.

They all began moving their hands to point at me. But before I could give my hand a casual flick, I suddenly vanished and seconds later, appeared behind them. I looked beside me and Ezekiel was there. How the hell did that happen? Did Ezekiel transport me here? Who was he really?

"I thought when you father said you need training he was joking. But I can see you need it more than ever. Real training," he eyed me, displaying a rather serious face.

He news my father? But how is my father connected to him? Why did my father tell him I need trainings? And if he talked to my father, then it had been a long time. He has been dead for the past five years now. Then if father told him to train me, where the hell had he been all these years? I just can't trust him.

And if he was assigned to train me, was this part of the training? But again, those people wouldn't have dead. And these bastards seemed to serious with what they wanted. They wanted me. They made that too clear. But why? Why was I important to them? And what is Ezekiel doing with them if he was on my side?

Ezekiel pushed me away, and I fell to the ground. Then, before I could retort, I saw that he was actually saving me from a fireball.

He stretched his hands and picked me up.

"Pay attention, will you? I don't want you dead," he said, not even looking at me.

I was way to lost in my thoughts to actually think of a comeback. He then casually withdraw some kind of black marble. Then he slammed it on the ground and some sort of a barrier got created, because the men failed to reach us. Not even their fireballs walked. I flinched as one of them breathed out fire.

"Are they dragons?" I asked more to myself.

"Demons," Ezekiel replied.

"Wait, what?" I looked at him.

"I will explain everything later. We have to leave this place before they break the barrier."

"But the cameras? And I'm not going anywhere with you."

"The cameras have been sorted out. You are coming with me, if you want to stay alive," he looked at me, and I saw that he didn't care weather I followed him or not. The decision was all up to me.

Somehow, he was right. If I want to leave then he was my ticket out. Those demons were way powerful then me. So, if I stay then I will definitively die. I looked from the demon dragons to Ezekiel.

"If you think I'm going with you because you said so then you are mistaken. I'm only following because I don't want to die. I also want you to tell me how you knew my father."

He just touched my shoulders and we vanished, seconds later we appeared outside mother's house.

He was definitely not an ordinary person. If he knew were mother lived then he might be telling the truth. The fact that he even saved me from the demons made me feel a bit less tense. But I was keeping an eye open. Just in case he happened to be one of the bad guys. Heck, even the boss. He was with them, after all.

We walked quietly to the door and I opened it.

"Mother!" I called out.

"In here!" she answered back.

I gestured for Ezekiel to take a sit and I went to the kitchen. I found her with a cup of water in her hands.

"Hey," I said.

"You didn't tell me you were coming," she said and took a sip from the cup of water.

"Do I have to call when visiting my mother?"

"Of course not. But I could have prepared something for you."

"I will remember that next time. There is a guy I want you to meet. Maybe you will have an idea about who he is. He said he is a friend of fathers. And he is a wizard," I said but kept my tone down.

"I think it is Hermes. Don't you remember him?" I nodded and she passed me. "He used to come very often. But I think you were too young." We walked through the hallway and reached the living room.

The man was looking at a picture of my father and I, facing his back on us. He then turned with a smile on his face.

"Anna, how are you it'd been such a long time," Ezekiel said and moved towards me and mother.

"Long time indeed, Mateo," mother grinned and stretched her hand to take the man's hand shake.

Wait. All the way I thought the bastards name was Ezekiel. But mother just called him Mateo. So, was he lying to me or what? Then as I looked closely at the man, I saw that he was not looking like the man who just saved me from those demons.

He was about twice mother's age, short black hair with gray in it. His forehead was clouded by wrinkles. But the outfight was the same.

Who the hell was he? Mother recognized him by first sight. Was that his true form? Or the previous form was his true form? Whatever it might be I have to get it out of him, before something crazy happens.