
Assassin in The Witcher

An assassin wanting to die because he no longer feels any emotions. He reincarnates in the world of The Witcher. What will he do? Will he save the world, or will he slaughter everyone he meets? This fan-fiction is a translation of my work which is in French. Several people asked me if I would translate it, and after reflection, I decided to translate it. Do not hesitate to give me advice and see my other FF on One Piece. If you want to read more chapters, check out the French version. https://m.webnovel.com/book/assassins-in-the-witcher-(-french)_12831843606600205

achile · Diễn sinh trò chơi
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101 Chs

Visit to Vengerberg

7 Saovine 1220

Above Iaruga and the kingdom of Lyria lies one of the northern kingdoms, Aedirn. Neighboring countries include Kaedwen, Rédanie, Témérie, Mahakam, Lyrie, and Rivie. To the east lie the Blue Mountains, Dol Blathanna (the Valley of Flowers), which is ruled by the elven magician Francesca Findabair, or in her language: Enid an Gleanna. The capital of Aedirn is Vengerberg, where the magician Yennefer hails from. King Videmont of Aedirn is the son of Baldwin of Aedirn and a proud and stubborn ruler who does not want his daughter Agnes to marry Esteril Thyssen of Kovir. He also had a son, but he was rarely seen by the people, who preferred the tranquillity of the castle.

The town of Vengerberg is quite pretty and prosperous. Although it is less beautiful than other cities known for their magnificence, such as Beauclair or Cintra, Vengerberg is known as one of the most beautiful cities in the Northern Kingdoms. The architecture is all black, made from black stone and slate from the quarries of Aerdin. Vengerberg is also famous for its magician, Yennefer de Vengerberg, who is one of the most potent and famous magicians in the courts of the kings and queens of the Continent. The town also boasts a renowned master perfumer who has created a lilac and redcurrant perfume much appreciated by the ladies of the kingdom, including Yennefer herself.

The city is a wealthy town that uses the mark as its currency. Many travelers pass through the city to deposit or withdraw money from Vivaldi's bank, as do the merchants who are in contact with Vivaldi to keep their money safe in his bank. The town has been booming in recent years thanks to the reputation of the magician Yennefer. The magician is visiting her hometown. King Videmont welcomes her to the castle of Vengerberg.


Several people can be seen chatting in a comfortable sitting room within the warm, guarded walls of Vengerberg Castle. Seated around a coffee table on several sofas, three men and two women are talking. On one side is a man of medium height with brown hair and brown eyes. His face is cold and severe, his features marked by time and life. He is dressed in luxurious clothes, a long white tunic, a red velvet cloak, and a delicate gold crown on his head. Next to the man is a woman, all flesh. She has a short face, blue eyes, and long braided blonde hair. She is wearing a red dress with gold trim. The dress reveals her curves, which are a bit rounder than usual. But it gives her a certain charm. Behind them, standing by a small bookcase is a small man with glasses. He has black hair on a fringe. He is thin. He is wearing a black Pourpoint with a spiral pattern. He looks like a scholar or a person of status.

Opposite the King and Queen of Aedirn, two people enjoy the sweets prepared to the Queen's order. A man and a woman. A magician and an Assassin, husband and wife.

Everything about a woman exudes beauty. And everything about her is dangerous. The colors she wears: the contrast of black and white, beauty and terror. Her naturally black curls. Her prominent cheekbones, marked by a wrinkle that forms when she sees fit to smile, are at the corner of her lips, so small and pale under the red. Her eyelashes are so perfectly irregular when she wipes off the mascara that enhances them during the day. Her nose is so perfectly too long. Her tiny fingers are so perfectly nervous, restless, and gifted. Her waist, whose delicacy is underlined by a belt that's too tight. Her slender legs created movement under her black skirt. Around her neck glittered a diamond-encrusted obsidian star suspended from a black velvet ribbon. Her beauty is the envy of men and the envy of women. Even among magicians who use magic to make themselves younger and more beautiful, Yennefer de Vengerberg is one of the most beautiful women in the world, if not the most attractive for a particular man.

(image Yennefer)

(image necklace and outfit)

Yennefer is sitting comfortably on the sofa. She is enjoying the pastries that the housekeeper has served at the table. Yennefer remains elegant and graceful as she delicately eats the sweets, maintaining her poise and status. Although she feels at ease, Yennefer is cautious with the king and Queen in front of her. She knows that magicians are feared and respected by royalty. They ask the manipulators of chaos for advice, but if their advice is more influential than they are, they will not hesitate to try their luck with her life. She only tasted the pastries after casting a rapid diagnostic spell on them. She knows its influence, fame, and impact on Vengerberg and the kingdom of Aedirn. This leaves little chance that the King and Queen will want to poison her, but Yennefer is cautious. After all, she has many things close to her heart. She looks surreptitiously at the man on her right. The person she cares about most, the person who gave her a family.

The magician's beauty does not outdo the man accompanying her. He is charming. He is tall, slender but muscular. He has long blond hair with green tips. His leaf-colored eyes are hypnotic to women. His facial features make him a man who can capture the ladies' hearts. His beauty is accentuated by the serious, concentrated, and cold air he usually adopts. He wears a necklace with a howling wolf around his neck. The chain is the same color as the amethyst that hangs around Yennefer's neck—two necklaces for a promise binding two people together. Saibus is wearing dark brown trousers with red stitching running down his legs. The collar and arms of a white shirt can be seen under a sleeveless black pourpoint. The pourpoint has spirals and circles made of silver. Two leather armbands protect his forearms (AN: classic armband with hidden blade). To finish off his outfit and avoid going barefoot, a pair of dark brown leather boots.

(Image Saibus)

(image necklace and outfit)

His size makes him intimidating to the untrained eye. But those trained can see that he is always ready to defend himself if attacked. Every move he makes is carefully thought out and calculated to leave no opening so that he can retaliate as quickly as possible. The position of his legs allows him to throw himself forward or to the sides. His arms and hands are loose, although there is still a little tension in them so that he can use his hidden weapons, which no one knows he possesses.

"After these enlightening discussions, may I ask what brings you to the city of your birth, Madame Yennefer? It's not often that you come back here after all," asks the Queen curiously.

"I'm not here to do business if that's what you're asking. I'm here to see how the town where I was born is doing. I'm showing my husband around this city." replies Yennefer in an emotionless voice.

"Oh, a romantic trip. It makes me so nostalgic for our romance, Videmont. You remember you courted me for many long months, giving me gifts, taking me to the most beautiful places in Aedirn." Her Highness the Queen thought back to the beautiful years of her youth.

"Indeed, my dear, these months of courting you have been lovely," Videmont said with a smile.

The king quickly returned to the thread of conversation introduced by his wife. "I didn't know you were married, Lady Yennefer. Monsieur Saibus must be a happy and fulfilled man," says Videmont.

"But when you think about it, it seems perfectly natural. Beautiful people are with beautiful people, intelligent people together like you and me, Videmont. So seeing a beautiful, powerful, and influential magician marry a member of the League of Assassins doesn't shock me any more than that," retorted the Queen with a smile on her face.

"Her Highness is right, although that's not why we married. An influential person is more likely to marry another powerful person. To combine power because they have had the opportunity to meet. A person who spends their life in bars will have no chance of being with someone who grew up within the walls of a castle because they had no way of getting to know each other," says Saibus.

"Words full of truth. If you like, I can ask Intendant Jester to find you some guards and a carriage so that you can roam the streets of the city without being disturbed by anyone." says the king, glancing behind him at the man near the library.

"As his majesty so aptly put it, this can bring in an escort in less than ten minutes," replied the steward, still standing behind the sofa where the king and queeQueene were sitting.

"Thank you for the offer, but there's no need. I want to take advantage of these moments to be with Yennefer in peace. I don't want to have to deal with the guards. Especially as the escort and the car will be more noticeable than anything else. The locals will wonder who's inside a car protected by her majesty's men," retorted Saibus, shaking his head.

"Well, if that's what you want, I can only wish you a pleasant visit to our magnificent city and hope you enjoy your trip as husband and wife."


Walking through the streets of Vengerberg, Yennefer, and Saibus are hidden under a mixed illusion spell performed by Yennefer. The magic hides their presence from the public eye, so only magic-detecting devices can detect them. But, of course, people with unique vision abilities can see their silhouettes, such as Saibus's eagle vision or the now-dead founder of the Viper School, Ivar Maloeil, who had the "Evil Eye," enabling him to see the world differently and different planets, causing him to desire to defeat the Wild Hunt by seeing the atrocities they commit. Unfortunately for him, he knew his enemy perfectly well but could never meet him before his death.

The two talk about the city, especially Yennefer, who tells him about her memories of the town before she left to live in the remote forest where they met because of her father.

"As you can see, the market is pretty standard. There isn't a big square like in Novigrad, but several small streets where the merchants set up their stalls and sell their wares," says Yennefer, navigating the market with Saibus.

"Your hometown has a certain charm, although I prefer Novigrad or Beauclair, the best place without context is still our magnificent little private forest," replies Saibus, smiling at Yennefer.

"Of course, the forest is the best place. It's our home. We need the best to live in. That's why we're together, the best magician and the best assassin." declares Assassin with an arrogant voice and smile.

"Thanks for the flowers, but you're getting ahead of yourself. We're not the best yet, but we're among the best. I don't know about you, but I couldn't be the best Assassin in the strict sense of the Assassinause there are a lot of Assassins with different skills. The best in stealth, yes; in magic, yes, but in crafting or alchemy spear-wielding, I don't think so. "

"We will be the best in our respective fields."

Yennefer and Saibus have fun in the streets of the market. Then, Yennefer takes him to the city's important places, such as the noble quarter, which is splendid and less dull and lifeless than the aristocratic quarters of the other Northern Kingdoms. The two also visit the public gardens to enjoy the minor nature there in the city. Finally, Yennefer takes her on a tour of the district where she grew up.

"This is the house I grew up in. Yennefer points to a place down the road from where they're walking."

"A simple enough house for the great and wonderful magician you are," says Saibus.

"Excuse me, dear husband, but I wasn't born into luxury and abundance with an archaeologist mother and a League member father. On the contrary, my mother was just a young housewife while my father was a fucking drunk," replies Yennefer in a fake apologetic voice, except at the end, where she spits on her father.

"That's why I love you. You've made it through hard work, strength of character, and mental fortitude. Although many people don't like your arrogant attitude, I find it charming and cute sometimes."

"I know. I got the Prince of the League because of my beauty and magic. I bewitched Prince with my charms so I could embrace you. You're mine, and nobody else's. I won't let anyone take my prince away from me." Yennefer affirms Saibus's ownership.

"Ye, Princess yours, and you are mine. Each of us will kill the person who comes near the other. We are mad."

"We'll be together for eternity."

"Eternity is a long time, but why not. But in that case, we'll retire and live quietly at home like an old couple."

"An old couple of young people."

"But let's stop talking about the future. I have a place I want to show you, especially as the sun will soon be setting."

"All right, my queen, I'll follow you."

Yennefer leads Saibus through the district's narrow streets, where she spent part of her childhood. They hold hands so as not to lose each other, although they follow one behind the other because the streets are so narrow.

The two arrive at an isolated spot in the city. The place is rarely frequented by locals or guards, making it a great hiding place. Yennefer has stopped in front of a large tower that protrudes beyond the walls surrounding and protecting the city.

"Good, now all we have to do is climb it," says Yennefer.

"Did you climb this tower when you were young?" asks Saibus, surprised that Yennefer manages to climb a tower some twenty meters high.

"No, of course not. There used to be a staircase, but it collapsed one day due to the wear and tear of time. Luckily, nobody was using it and was on top of it when it happened. Since then, the tower has been barricaded so no one can get in," replied Yennefer.

"OK, do you want me to take you up?" asks Saibus, looking at Yennefer.

"No, I'll go. I'll meet you at the top." Yennefer retorts as a gust of wind sweeps her up and lifts her into the air.

"You need magic to climb so low. I seem to have some things to teach you." Saibus approaches the tower and, like the ascent. The position of numerous holds, strength, agility, and climbing experience means that this climb is not a challenge for him but rather a walk in the park. It took him no more than five minutes to reach the top of the tower.

Positioning himself behind Yennefer, he stands at the barrier. He takes Yennefer in his arms. He was embracing her by the head. Yennefer pulls back into his embrace to be closer to him and his warmth.

"So, what did you want me to see?"

"I wanted you to observe this," Yennefer responds by pointing to the horizon with her soft, small hand.

At Yennefer's fingertip, the sun descends into the depths of the Earth. The sun's rays tickle the black roofs of houses and buildings. The bright colors of the sun and those of the dark tops create a sublime contrast to behold. The interplay of light and shadow makes this a magnificent sight.

(view image)