

"Get up, she said only 20 minutes is all you need."

I heard Konan's voice echo through my ears.

"Hurry, if you want to make it Narron."

Hm? That's right!

I opened my eyes and realized that I was still in the same dark room lying on the couch, I saw earlier. I sat up and noticed that Konan was sitting on the floor leaning on the couch, he looked a bit distracted.

I see, she got to him too.

"Wait, where's the old lady?" I asked, looking around the room.

-Knock- Knock-

"I'm coming in." I heard the old lady, and I went behind Konan.

"Stay right there." I warned her.

I don't want her anywhere near me after that.

"I won't be able to do that again, I only did that to show you the dangers if you don't act now." She handed me a bowl of soup.

Oh, there's meat on the side, awesome.

"You're favorite." The lady smiled.


"You said you won't be able to do it again, how come?" Konan asked.

"As you suspected... er, h-how should I address you?" The lady looked at me while I'm hiding behind Konan.

"Don't you already know my name?" I asked.

"Yes, but do you really want me to call you by your real name? It seems to me that even this young fellow doesn't even know who you are." She spoke.

Young fellow? The man is a few hundred years old. And she calls him young?

"Just call me Key." I sighed.

"Key, you suspected what I was didn't you?" the lady asked.

"It was a possibility." I said as I finished my soup.

"So, you are a prophet." I spoke.

"She's half-prophet." Konan spoke.

Prophets can see into the future. But these prophets can only see the world's future, in order to keep the earth from being destroyed. That is why they exist, for the worlds well-being. Most of the prophets aren't human, due to how powerful their magic is. But because the old lady is half human it breaks the law of prophets. So, they can see into any individual's future but only once. But if a half prophet were to see into a person's future more than once they are to age faster.

"I'm not surprised." I looked down to see that Konan hasn't moved at all.

He looks like a puppy sitting there.

"There is something that is bothering me. you were following us, why? Did you know who I was by then?" I asked her.

She hesitated before answering.

"I-I didn't know who you were. Y-you can say my intuition told me to follow you both."

She's lying. But why? ...It doesn't matter.

"Everything that you showed me, is it true? Will those things happen?"

"Yes." She spoke softly.


"But what exactly will I be facing? What kind of dangers?"

My words caused Konan to flinch.

"That is something you have to figure out yourself." The lady said.

How do I do that? I don't even know what I'm supposed to look for.

"Typical." Konan smiled halfheartedly.


"You can't just show us the future and expect us to find the answers ourselves." Konan spoke enraged.

Oh shit. Should I leave them alone? ...I'll stay and make sure he doesn't kill her.

"You don't understand, K-key, must face her past alone. if she can do that, she can face the dangers ahead. But if she were to get the help of beings who are not bound by the prophecy everything can blow up in her face."

"So, in order for me to know what lies ahead, I need to know about my past?" I asked.

"Correct, since you have no recollection of your past you need to-" The lady hesitated.

Of course, she knows that I don't remember the past.

I sighed.

"I understand." I got up from the couch and walked towards her.

"All I have to do is accept the past and by doing so I have to remember the past that I am trying so hard to avoid." I smiled wryly.

As I look closely at the old lady, she seemed to have more wrinkles than she did when I first saw her.

It seems that either I met her before today or Konan has met her before. Either way, she shouldn't use her power so carelessly.

"Okay. I guess I know where I have to go." I sighed.

"You do?" Konan asked.

"Yes." I took one more look at the granny before I decided.

She reminds me of my grandfather. Can't help but call her grandma.

"We need to get going." I said walking out of the room.

"You go ahead I need to speak to her." Konan spoke.

I looked at the granny, who looked a bit surprised.

"Okay, just don't kill her." I grinned.

He glared at me.

Hah, he's going to kill me later.

I left the room.


"What's taking so long?"

I was waiting outside the room for about 20 minutes that I began to look around the shop and stumbled upon a shelf that had a glass container on top. I grabbed it and I was dumbfounded by what I saw.

"Teleportation rings?!" They were wedding looking rings in the glass container. There were four silver rings in the glass container.

Holy crap! These are one of a kind!

"Damn if only I still had mine." I kept staring at the rings.

These rings may look normal, mostly because they look like wedding rings, but they work better than any teleportation spell, which is why many would kill to have these.

These teleportation rings are very special, these rings come in pairs. One for you and one for your spouse or comrade. You wear these and you will be able to teleport to their location whenever. These rings are usually used in raids, hunts, and or wars.

The coolest thing about it too is that it has an inventory feature. It is very difficult to have inventory spells since it takes too much mana from an individual. The inventory is why I want the rings so bad.

Just looking at these rings are making me feel nervous.

"What are you doing?"

"Gah!" I shouted.

I turned around and saw Konan and the granny standing there.

Damn they scared the shit out of me!

"I see you found the teleportation rings." Granny spoke.

"You have teleportation rings?" Konan asked.

"Yes, I was the one who made them." She took two rings out of the glass container.

"They work perfectly. Here, I'll give you this as an apology." She handed them to Konan.

What about me?

"If the rings touch each other, they unlock a hidden feature." Granny spoke.

"I don't need them." Konan handed me the rings.

I was stupefied.

"What do you mean you don't need them?!" I asked.

He looked at me and sighed.

"Oh, you're planning on taking that path." I totally forgot that he wants to kill himself.

I guess there is no point in having these when you're going to die.

I looked at his expressionless face.

His face never seems to show any expression except for that straight face and a couple of smirks here and there.

"Here, hang on to one for now."

I placed a ring on his finger.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

What else am I doing?

"You're my partner now so you should be wearing this until you die." I smiled and looked at granny who was smiling warmly at us.

"Granny?" I caught her attention.

"Er... ahem, if the rings touch each other, they can teleport you to any location you have once been to." She said as she grabbed both my hand and Konan's and held them tightly.

Now that I think about it, it sure feels like she is letting go of her dear children at the altar. Wait, that means...

I began to laugh at the thought of me being the bride.

That would be a little weird. That is a very unlikely case. Knowing me, I probably wouldn't be able to experience that this lifetime.

"That was a good laugh." I wiped my tears away.

It's been a while since I laughed that hard.

I looked at both Konan and Granny. They looked at me like I was something fascinating.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing it's just that you surprised us is all." Konan answered.

"Yes, that's true. Your laughter just refreshed us both."


"I have no idea what that means."

"Your emotion are so strong that we began to feel it. This is just the start."

Oh. -Oh. That's bad.

"You realized the danger it holds right?" Granny asked.

"This is what you were talking about it being dangerous." I sighed.

She walked closer to me and whispered.

"It's best to have someone strong by your side. In case your emotions take over you. You are a special case." She winked and turned to Konan.

"Take good care of her. And remember what I told you."

With that we grabbed our stuff and said our goodbyes.

"I'll see you another time, Granny." I told her.

"Yeah, and about what you said, I'll keep that in mind." Konan said.

"Hm, you better think long and hard." Granny smiled.

Wow, she was afraid of him not that long ago, how did they grow close.

"Alright, then I guess this by for now."

"I'll see you soon." Granny smiled.

I grabbed Konan's hand and spoke.

"Hold on tight."

As soon as I said that a white light began to swallow me and Konan.

"Woah, this is amazing." Konan spoke in amazement.

"Yeah, now get ready because you might feel nauseous." I spoke as my vision became filled with a bright light.

I could feel Konan's grip tighten.

I guess someone is afraid. -Well, at least I'll be on my way. I've been gone for too long.

If you think something doesn't make sense please let me know. :)

BH_2officialcreators' thoughts