

I could sense a murderous intent coming from Konan.

It's strong enough to affect me. This is the first I've felt this much from a single person.

"Hey, lady why did you stab him?" I looked at Konan who was ready to kill her if she said the wrong word.

"I-I d-didn't mean to. It's just that his p-presence was too much for me that I panicked. H-His b-bloodlust was too strong. I thought he was going to kill me." She began to shake in fear.

"I-I'm sorry!" She cried.

Konan looked at her full of rage.

"Konan. " I called.

He let her go and walked out of the room.

"Sorry about that." I went to help the old lady.

What she said earlier...

"Did you say you can sense his bloodlust?" I asked.

I only noticed this now, but this room is really dark. The only light there is, is a table lamp, on a small table with two chairs. There was a comfy looking couch by the right wall from the door. There were a few dreamcatchers here and there, but other than that it was pretty ordinary.

"Yes, I am very sensitive when it comes to strong emotions. Like yours, it is a bit intimidating but bearable and I can tell you're just like me. You can sense people's emotions, or should I say you're an empath."

Me? An empath? Yeah, I can feel what others are feeling but it's more like... intuition? Mostly because I only ever feel negative emotions, it's rare to feel any good emotion like happiness.

"What makes you think I'm an empath?" I asked.

"Do you know what empathy is?" She grabbed a chair and signaled me to sit.

"Yeah, being able to understand and share the feelings of another."

I think.

The lady sat on the chair in front of me.

"Yes, it's exactly like that. You can feel what others are feeling. This ability can be of help, or it can be of danger."

"That's not surprising."

I've already killed many, hell there are some places where I'm wanted, dead or alive.

"Y-you are the type of person who would hide from their feelings. It's almost like you chose to be numb from your feelings because of something traumatic."

Me? Traumatic?

"But the more you hide from your feelings the more your emotions will be more dangerous. To you and those around you."


"You see, feelings are things you feel in your conscious mind. While emotions come from sensations in your body."


"Do you know what love is?" The old lady sighed.

"What kind of question is that? Love is love, when you feel affection for a person or thing?"

"That is a feeling, your mind knows what love is but does your heart know?"


"That is an emotion, when your heart beats for the person your affectionate for. When you feel butterflies in your stomach, those are all emotions. Your mind puts it into feelings, love."

"The more you hide your feelings, you won't be able to control your emotions."

And I'll end up hurting those around me.

"You tend to focus more on others' feelings than your own. Because you're afraid your emotion will take control of your actions. Let me ask you, are you afraid of yourself?"

Me? Afraid of myself? Ha. Unlikely...

I looked into the eyes of the old lady and saw her tremble.

"I-I may be stepping out of line here but can you give me your hand?" She placed her hand on the table, and I slowly placed mine over hers.

I sighed, "So, what are you? A witch?"

She can't be a mind reader, if she were I would feel her invading my mind. But there is one possibility that she might be... huh?

The old lady began to mumble something causing her eyes to turn white.

"Are you okay?"-

As soon as I spoke, I felt an immense pressure on my body. I could feel my eyes turning back. My mind began to feel as if someone was trying to rip it open and all my thoughts would flow out into the world. I could still hear and feel my surroundings perfectly. The pressure on my body slowly subsided, and my field of vision was completely white. But I was able to see my hands, everything.

'What is this?'

I could feel my thoughts echo around this white space.

"The future will bring an unknown danger. This danger will destroy everything we've built, since ancient times." I heard the old lady's voice.

In the complete emptiness I began to see blurry scenes flash through my eyes, but something was preventing me from seeing them clearly.

'How is this possible?'

But there were a few scenes that I could make out. One of them was me? I was leading an army alongside 4 others.

"The present will bring many mysteries into your life, and not just yours but those around you."

I saw myself in a bird's eye view. I see myself sitting down with the lady. Though I look a bit weird.

"But, be warned, your past, will soon become your undoing. That is if you don't come to accept it."


I knew what scenes were going to show up the moment she said those words. I held my breath and looked at the scenes trying not to look away.

"Even now, you are afraid of facing your past. That is something you must change."

'But I don't remember...'

I began to see the one thing I actually remembered. The only thing that I have kept in my mind, even after years of not knowing. Yeah, this scene is the last thing I remember about my family.

I began to see my parents in the kitchen cooking together, and I could see my older brother coming back from gardening. He had dirt all over his face and fresh vegetables in his hands. I kept looking at the scenes and saw their smiles, the one thing I still remember. It was their smiles.

But there was a reason why I didn't want to see this. I wanted to look away because I knew what the next scene will show.

"Don't look away. For now, is the time to face the reality."

My family's death.

I shut my eyes.


"What happened to your family, will soon happen again."

The scenes were red, everything was bloody red.


I turned my head way but every time I looked away the scenes would follow my gaze.

'It hurts...'

My head began to tighten every time I looked at the scenes.

"But this can all be avoided, if you stop the dangers that lie ahead."

The scenes disappeared and my mind began to feel at ease.

"The path you choose won't be an easy one, no matter what path you take it won't be easy. If you choose to do things on your own, it'll only be harder. But if you are not alone you will prevail."

My vision came back to normal only to leave me exhausted. I looked at the lady who was perfectly fine.

"Who-" The only words that could come out.

Damn... just who is... this woman?

"Both your mind and body are tired; I'll make you some food while you rest." The lady got up from the table and left the room.

If what you said is true, then...

"I... need to go... to them... now." I tried to get up from the chair, but my body was so heavy I couldn't get far and fell on my knees.

I saw Konan walk into the room with a concerned look.

"Shit." I was fighting the urge to sleep until I gave in.


That's right, I fell asleep.

Thank you, reader!

BH_2officialcreators' thoughts