

Back at the dungeon.

"Shit." I slapped my face.

"So, you finally remember?" The handsome man chuckled.

Ah, how embarrassing. Did I really fall like that? Damn, my reputation will be ruined.

"Okay, so what do you want? Money?" I asked him.

"Hm... how about you tell me your name?" He grinned.

"My... name?" I backed up a bit.

If I remember correctly, he asked me the same thing at the tavern.

"I should ask you the same thing. What is your name?" I scoffed.

"Konan, but you already knew that."

Yeah, I knew who he was.

but this a bit dangerous for me.

"I'm... key, nice to meet you." I smiled while leaning on the bars keeping me from leaving this place.

"Your name is... Key?" He began to laugh.

Don't laugh!

"Haha. I know that isn't your real name, but could you have come up with something better?"

I scoffed.

So, he knew.

"If you know I'm lying, does that mean you know who I am?" I asked.

He took a pause before he spoke.

"No." He answered.

"Then, how did you know that I was lying?"

Is he one of those mind readers. Well, I've had my fair share.

"You're just a bad liar." He smiled.

Ugh. That smile is starting to annoy me. Glad I punched him back in the tavern.

"Anyways, if you're not going to tell me your name, answer this." Konan took a step closer to me, the only thing between us are the bars holding me back from punching his face.

"Why are your eyes no longer blue?"

Huh? That's it?

"Really? That's your question?" I scoffed.

"Will you answer?"

It's really no secret that my eyes change color. I don't remember how I got them. One day my eyes were amber the next they were blue.

"Why? Do you prefer blue eyed woman?" I asked.

Konan glared at me.

"Kidding. I've had this for as long as I can remember. It only ever turns blue when I'm going to go to... well, you know."

I drew a line across my neck with my finger.

"For someone who does that kind of thing for a living, you don't seem the type of person to have a guilty conscience."

I don't particularly feel anything when I kill. That's mostly because of my eyes. Whenever I need to calm down and heighten my senses my eyes turn blue. But that's mostly from my lineage. At least that's what I think. I am a mage, but I don't really use my mana because it drains me quite rapidly. So, I only use it when I really need it or when its necessary. So, every time I'm going to take someone's life, I have to heighten my senses to get the job done in an instant. But because I get the job fast, I don't particularly feel anything.

"Maybe I'm just good at hiding it?" I scoffed.

Konan stayed quiet.

"I suppose I'm your next target." Konan

"You guessed it."

No, point in hiding it now.

Konan smiled.

"Lucky for you, I have a favor that'll benefit you."

"What kind of favor?"

Does he want me to take him to the ones who want him dead?

"Have you ever been to Narron?" Konan asked.

"You mean moron." I snickered.

No reaction comes from that face of his.

Am I the only one that thinks that's funny? Honestly, I don't know why they call that place 'Narron'.

"No, I haven't." I coughed.

Pssh. Of course, I have. The place is dangerous, mostly because of all the magical beasts there, the place is known for three things mana crystals, its beautiful flowers, and of course magical beasts. None of which are easy to obtain, especially for normal people. I know because I've lived there for a few years.

"I want you to get me a mana crystal." He spoke.

Hah. Alas, this man is an idiot.

Mana crystals from Narron are too powerful for people to maintain, no matter what you try. the mana crystals from Narron are only made for the beasts living there, so if a person were to try to consume it, they would die... oh.

"I have a question." I belatedly noticed his intention.

"Ask away.""Are the rumors true? Of you being immortal or some shit." I looked at him and saw his expression change.

So, it is true.

"Fine, which mana crystal is it that you want?" I sighed.

There are two different types of mana crystals in Narron.

The pure and the corrupt.

Usually not many people would go and use Narron crystals to consume, but they mainly use Narron crystals to manipulate. There are some mana crystals that people are able to consume but not are as powerful as the mana crystals in Narron.

The pure crystals help to dispel curses while the corrupt crystals... cause the curses.

It's that simple.

"I want you to get me the purest mana crystal you can find. Can you do that?"

Hm... Sure, why not? I'm not the one dying.

"Okay, I'll do it. But you need to give me back my weapons and a few necessities for this journey." I smiled.

"You seem rather, fine with the idea of me sending you to Narron."

"It gives me a chance to finally go."

I've been meaning to go for a visit. I haven't seen knight in a while.

"What is Narron that makes you want to go?"

Crap. Did I act to eager?

"Hm, do you know why most people go to Narron?" I asked.

"They go to make a pact with a magical beast."

"You're right. I, too, want to make a pact with a beast."

Although, I already have one, but he doesn't need to know that. Hehe.

I guess my excuse is believable seeing his expression.

"So, Konan?" I spoke.


"When are you going to let me go?" I asked showing him the chains on my wrist.

Of course, I haven't forgotten that I'm still in a dungeon.

"Right. I'll take you up so you can get the stuff you need for the trip."

With just a wave of his hand, the chains around my wrist and ankles and the bars I was leaning on disappeared.


I fell. But this time Konan caught me just in time.


I almost ate shit again.

"Don't thank me. I need you in perfect condition for you to get what I want."

Damn. Greedy son of a bitch.

"Alright, lead the way."

Sorry for the abnormal chapter length. I'll do my best to be better!

BH_2officialcreators' thoughts