

A tavern a few hours earlier.

"Ah." A woman wearing a navy-blue cloak, covering her face with her hood, with daggers strapped on her thighs and a beautiful sword by her waist, was drinking all alone happily.

"Hey! You, sir!" She pointed at the waiter who was passing out drinks.

"Yes?" The waiter went walking towards her.

"Give me the strongest booze you got." She smiled.

"I-it will take a while since we must get it from a shed out back. Not many people like the booze, you know?" The waiter left her a glass and walked away.

"How about you give me three bottles of that booze?"

The waiter stopped at her words.

"A-are you sure?"

"Yes." She grinned.

The waiter hesitantly left, leaving her alone.

Huh, not many people like strong booze, huh. Ridiculous.

This woman was known as Blue Hound.

I'm glad I accepted the job. I heard this place has the best drinks, so I had to check it out if I had the time, and thankfully, I have work here.

She had many drinks in different taverns, but she had different reasons for coming to this specific tavern.

I wonder who the unlucky guy is?

The tavern she was in belonged to an infamous man, Konan. She heard rumors about Konan being immortal and was so brutal that no one dares to get involved with him, also that he frequently visits his own tavern just to have some 'fun'. He is the reason why Blue Hound was there, but also because of the booze in this tavern was of high quality.

"I was expecting the inside of the tavern to look horrible, but it exceeded my expectations." Blue hound looked at the ceiling and saw it had lights hanging down with flowers everywhere you looked. Pink camellias and hibiscus, to be exact.

These must be grown with mana.

They were used as decorations, I touched one of the flowers, and it made me feel like I was missing something.

These remind me of the past, but sadly, I don't remember.


A big man came bursting in through the entrance door and shouted at the top of his lungs.


"Argh, that loud bastard, why is he here?" Blue hound ignored his words.

"Can I get everyone's attention?!" The big man shouted.

Blue Hound knows who that man is. He is a part of the group that hired Blue Hound for this mission.

He wanted to take the job. Is he here because he wanted to prove to his leader that he is capable of going after high-class men? He sure is an idiot.

Everyone stood quiet at his words and wondered what an idiot he must be.

"Rumors are that this place is owned by the famous man known as Konan." The big man smirked.

The group Blue Hound works for is made up of criminals and a few high-class assassins. In this group, they don't use names for various reasons, but the main reason is to hide the identity of each individual. No.1 is the highest rank, and so far, the lowest rank is 689. Blue Hound was not on the list since she is the highest-ranking assassin in the group. They call her zero as an insult while trying to get in her way.

No. 95, you sure are an idiot. Wait until your leader finds out.

"I'll get straight to the point, bring him to me. If you don't, well, no point in beating around the bush. - Come on in boys." No.95 whistled, and a group of men carrying weapons barged in the tavern.

"My boys here are itching for some chaos." No.95 grinned.

Yeah, he's an idiot.

Blue hound sighed at the sight of the group.

They look like a bunch of hungry animals.

"Haha, it's about time." One of the group members came up and grabbed an individual.

"Ah!" It was a woman.

"Hey, you're a beaut." The man began to caress her cheek with his knife.

Disgusting. Where did he get this trash?

"Hey!" Someone stood up to help only to get killed on the spot.

"No!" The woman cried.

"Shut up!" The man holding her slapped her hard, making her fall to the ground.

The others followed the man and began to grab individuals. Some of them even destroyed the tavern.

Blue hound hidden in the corner sighed.

Why isn't anyone stepping up? Do I stop him?

Blue hound began thinking hard.

"Argh! Why did he have to start a ruckus. I haven't even gotten my booze." She slapped her forehead.

"Hey, waiter! Where's my booze?!" she shouted.

Everyone became quiet at the sound of her voice, and all their eyes were on her.

"Well, well, if it isn't the drunkard zero. What brings you here? Oh, wait! I know! You're here for some booze." No. 95 laughed.

"Miss, your booze." The waiter gave her the three bottles of booze.

Blue Hound opened one of the bottles and drank from it.

"Hah, you're drinking on the job! That is so like you!"

"Shut up and while you're at it. Tell your minion to drop the woman." Blue hound placed the bottles on a nearby table.

"You don't know the situation, do you? Look around! I'm doing the job that was handed to you!" No. 95 point his dagger at the people in the tavern, some were scared while others didn't even flinch.

These people are weak, I was expecting to see blacksmiths and a few bounty hunters here, but all I see are ordinary people, or they seem ordinary. Also, that booze was strong.

"So, that's it? Do you think you will do a better job? You think you can take on this assignment?" Blue hound laughed at him.

I can feel the booze going into my system. That booze was the real thing.

No. 95 showed a cocky smile.

"Look, leave these people alone. You're embarrassing. yourself. Don't you remember the first thing about working under boss? Never reveal yourself." Blue hound smiled and walked towards him.

I'm feeling a bit warm.

Blue Hound took off her hood, and a few gasps were heard.

Her black curly hair fully shown, her sharp amber eyes that seem like they can kill. Her full rosy lips ready to bite, she is the girl everybody wants.

But she doesn't have any interest in being in a relationship, whether it be a man or a woman.

No one has seen how she looks, which is why even No. 95 was in a trance.

"Leave, while I'm asking nicely." Blue Hound spoke.

"Hehe, how about this, satisfy me, and I'll leave." No. 95 signaled his men to leave the people alone.

Ugh. I think I'm going to-

Silence filled the tavern at Blue hound's actions.

Everyone's thoughts were the same.

S-she really threw up.

"Gosh, never say that again." Blue hound cleaned herself.

"You!" No. 95 was embarrassed by her actions.

"Whatever you're going to say, just shut it, I know you aren't going to leave peacefully." Blue hound closed her eyes.

Blue hound smirked and opened her eyes. Her eyes were no longer amber, but blue, like the cold, deep ocean, one glance, and it feels like you are lost in the emptiness of her eyes.

More gasps can be heard, and whispers began to emerge.

"Isn't she?"

"She is."

"The Notorious Blue hound."

No. 95 heard their words and began to stutter.

"B-blue hound?" He hesitated.

"Boss, who is Blue hound?" One of No. 95's minions spoke.

"Don't tell me you don't know about her. She is someone who kills her targets in cold blood. You may think she is called Blue Hound because of her getup, but that's not the only reason. It's her eyes. No one has the same blue pair of eyes as her -"

"But that doesn't mean she is dangerous -"

"You don't understand. She is the only living person with blue eyes. Years ago, blue-eyed people were said to have the lineage of powerful mages who have gone berserk from their own power. That is why she is called Blue Hound; she becomes a beast with those blue eyes.

Blue hound heard their conversation and laughed.

"Yup, that's who I am. So, that should give you an idea of who I really am. So, be a good dog and leave this place." Blue hound's eyes were so fierce even No. 95 trembled.


"K-kill her. Kill her!" No. 95 shouted.

Every man on his side came running towards her.

Blue hound smirked at the sight of this and unsheathed her sword.

Every man that came running towards her couldn't see her attacks coming. Every swing she made; blood would spill. She would slice the men's hands with no hesitation. She would cut off their heads before they fell to the ground. Every man was dead, leaving only No. 95 standing.

"Tell me. How do you want to die?" Blue hound took a piece of cloth and began to wipe off the blood from her face.

"D-demon! S-she's!" No. 95 began to tremble at the sight of her, and his head was no longer attached to his body.

"Now, that's no way to call a lady." A man's voice was heard from behind No. 95.

It was a handsome man; he has sharp yellow eyes with thick eyebrows, his black fluffy hair catching many people's eyes. He looks as if he can devour you. His height is a bit intimidating, and his muscles could be seen through that thin white shirt that he is wearing and a single black sword by his side.

Everyone was looking at him in awe, but only one person saw him in anger.

"Hey! Why'd you kill him?! He was mine!" Blue hound snarled.

The man just looked at her like she was fascinating.

As she was about to swing her sword, she began to feel dizzy.

Ah shit. The booze was phenomenal. It's the first time booze actually affected me this way.

"Tell me, what is your name?" The handsome man asked.

"Why should I tell you? I should give you a beating for taking what's mine."

He began to frown.

"I-is he your lover?" He asked in disgust.

Blue hound walked towards the man and stood in front of him.

"You..." She started mumbling.

She punched the guy in the face as hard as she could.

"Don't you ever say that to my face ever again."

"Oh, feisty, are we?" The handsome man chuckled.

"Shut up, I'm leaving." She began to walk towards the exit only to stumble upon a table, making her fall face first on the floor.

"Damn. That was some good booze." She chuckled.

"Are you drunk?" He asked.

"Mm, yeah. Alright, I'm out." She got up from the floor only to be stopped by two men.

"What?" She was lifted in the air and was being taken out of the tavern.

"Put me down!"

"No, you're coming with me. You destroyed my tavern, so now you have to pay for it." The handsome man said.

"Okay, okay, but I'm a little tired, so... yeah." Blue hound began to snore in the arms of two men.

"Hah. This woman."

And that is how Blue hound ended up in the dungeon.