

I opened my eyes only to appear in darkness. I can feel chains on my wrists and my ankles. I placed my hand on the floor only to feel nothing but cold cement. I got up from the floor and began to kick my feet in the air.

I admit, I felt stupid doing this, but at least no one would see since it is pitch black.

I swiped my feet on the floor, making sure nothing was in the way, and there was.

"Oh, you've got to be kidding me! Do you think I'm a dog?! Do you think I'm going to be eating- what I hope is- food off the ground?!"

I kneeled and grabbed some food to smell it.

"Oh, nope. That is definitely not food."

Just what is wrong with me?! Did I just do that without thinking?!

I heard a door open.

"Good morning. Did you have a good night sleep?"

The voice was deep but soft, low, and mysterious. It gave me goosebumps. In a good way.

"Whose there?!" I turned my head towards the voice.

"Wrong way. Over here."

I turned my head in the opposite direction.

"Hah, are you still drunk?"


"Who are you?! And where are you?"

I don't get how he can see me, but I can't see him.

"Just take off the blindfold!" He growled.


I place my hand on my face.

"Oh. Well, you could have told me." I chuckled.

I took off the blindfold and saw a handsome man standing in front of me behind bars. That was when I realized.

"I'm in a dungeon, again?!"