
Asoiaf: I Have a Wolverine Template

Follow the story of Richard. A boy who died and won against a transmigrator. Getting a second chance at life and a Wolverine template he will rise from his position of a small folk in lanisport and to the greatest warrior. Becoming the Godfather of Westeros.

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Chapter 32

Chapter 32: The Feast and Knighting

Tywin Lannister POV

The grand hall of Casterly Rock hummed with life, filled with the murmur of noble voices, the soft clatter of plates, and the rhythmic clinking of goblets. 

Lords and ladies from across the Westerlands and beyond had gathered to celebrate the birth of my youngest son, Tyrion. But this was no mere feast; it marked the beginning of a tourney in Lannisport, a spectacle I had arranged in honor of my son.

Seated at the high table, I surveyed the room with a practiced eye. The hall was filled, just as I had intended. 

Lords and bannermen sat in their places, and allies from across the realm filled every seat. Their attentions were divided between the lavish food spread before them and the quiet whispers of intrigue swirling around the hall.

A faint smirk tugged at my lips. Everything was unfolding as I had orchestrated. My ambitions, always carefully calculated, were aligning with quiet precision.

To my left, Joanna cradled our newborn son. Tyrion slept peacefully, oblivious to the grandeur surrounding him. 

To most, this was simply a celebration of his birth. But for me, it was an opportunity to secure alliances and strengthen Lannister influence across Westeros.

To my right sat Rhaegar Targaryen, the crown prince of the Seven Kingdoms. His silver hair caught the light of the torches as he engaged my twins, Jaime and Cersei, in conversation. His soft smile and composed demeanor captivated them, and I could see how eagerly they absorbed his attention.

This was the true centerpiece of the evening—Rhaegar's presence was key to my plans. 

As I observed the scene, a deep satisfaction settled within me. The feast progressed just as I had envisioned. 

Rhaegar's place at the high table was no mere formality; it was a testament to our growing influence, a symbol of what was to come.

I could already see the future: Cersei at Rhaegar's side, ruling from the Iron Throne, Lannister gold and Targaryen dragons bound together in an unshakable alliance.

For now, I allowed myself to savor the evening's success. The first course had been served, and the hall buzzed with laughter and conversation. 

The tourney would soon follow, bringing new opportunities to further my designs. And as always, I would be ready.

Third POV

In the dimly lit squire's row, Galahad sat quietly among the other young men, his expression calm as he ate his meal. The chatter around him was steady, but he barely noticed it. His mind was elsewhere.

He had been lost in thought ever since the previous day, when Kevan Lannister had told him he would be knighted during the feast. 

It was a sudden and unexpected honor, one that would elevate him into the ranks of the noble knights of Westeros. 

He had thanked Kevan as expected, bowing his head with the proper humility, but inside, his thoughts were spinning. This hadn't been part of his plan.

Before this, he had intended to enter the tourney under a different identity. One of his men had already registered him as a mystery knight.

The idea had been simple: compete in disguise, win glory, and only then reveal himself, earning admiration on his own terms.

But the promise of a knighthood had changed everything. 

If Tywin Lannister wanted to make him a knight, Galahad could use that to his advantage. He didn't need to hide behind a mask.

Why not let them knight him in front of everyone? Why not show the realm what he was capable of? He could still take part in the tourney—this time as a true knight. 

His victories would mean even more, and the name Galahad would be remembered.

A small smile crossed his face as he thought about it. Yes, he would surprise them all. The realm wouldn't know what hit them.

As the feast continued, the clinking of goblets and the hum of conversation filled the grand hall, a figure dressed in a fine tunic approached Galahad.

"Galahad." a familiar voice called out. It was Kevan Lannister, his mentor.

"Yes, my lord," Galahad replied, standing from his seat. The squire next to him gave a curious look, unsure of what was happening.

Kevan smiled knowingly. "It is time. My brother Tywin requests your presence by the high table."

Galahad nodded and followed Kevan, leaving the curious glances behind as they made their way across the hall. 

The murmurs grew as they passed through the rows of knights, squires, ladies, and lords, all eyes now on them. Galahad remained calm.

Tywin Lannister rose from his seat, and the room gradually fell silent. The Warden of the West walked down the steps from the high table with the commanding presence he was known for. He approached his brother and Galahad with purpose.

"Are you ready?" Tywin asked, his voice cold and measured.

"Yes, m'lord," Galahad responded, kneeling before him.

Kevan handed Tywin his sword, and Tywin unsheathed it with a swift motion. The blade caught the flicker of the candlelight, gleaming as the hall's attention focused entirely on the moment.

"Everyone, witness today as I knight my brother's squire," Tywin's voice carried through the hall. 

"Galahad, who has served my family loyally and earned our respect, shall be recognized as a Lannister knight. From this day forth, he will carry the honor of our name and participate in the tourney as one of our own."

The room was silent, all eyes on the young squire kneeling before one of the most powerful men in Westeros.

With those words, Tywin began the knighting ceremony. He rested the flat of his sword on Galahad's shoulder. 

"In the name of the Warrior, I charge you to be brave."

The sword moved to the other shoulder. "In the name of the Father, I charge you to be just."

He continue the process.

Finally after a while, Tywin raised the sword above Galahad's head. "Arise, Ser Galahad." Galahad rose to his feet, now a knight of House Lannister. The hall erupted in applause.

Richard POV

After being knighted, I found myself sitting with the Lannister knights, surrounded by the splendor of the feast. 

The food here was magnificent—roasted meats, fresh bread, and dishes that glimmered with rich sauces. The hall buzzed with a warm camaraderie, the atmosphere returning to its usual revelry.

I could sense two familiar people coming toward me.

"You're finally a knight, Galahad," Oberyn Martell said, his voice jovial as he smacked my shoulder with a friendly thud.

"About damn time, am I right?" Gerion Lannister chimed in, sliding into the seat beside me. Both were quite drunk, and the scent of wine clung to them like a shroud.

The other knights raised their goblets, cheering in agreement.

"Now that you're a knight, why don't we have a celebration… a drinking contest!" Oberyn declared, his eyes glinting with mischief as he plopped down next to me.

"That's right! You should try some Arbor Gold!" Gerion added, gesturing to a nearby servant. The servant hurried over, bringing a fresh bottle of the famed wine to our table.

I hesitated, recalling my last experience with alcohol. Oberyn, noticing my reluctance, poured a generous cup and handed it to me with a grin.

"Come on now, you're now a knight. You should drink like one!" he urged, his tone playful.

"Drink, drink, drink!" Gerion began to chant, joined in by the other Lannister knights at the table, their enthusiasm infectious.

With a sigh, I raised the cup to my lips and took a hearty gulp. The wine was smooth, the sweetness wrapping around my senses. 

I felt no effects and smiled. Seizing the moment, I reached for the bottle Oberyn had poured from and tilted it back, chugging the entire contents in one go.

A hush fell over the table as the knights stared at me in shock.

"Sshhaaa," I sighed in satisfaction after downing the whole bottle, a triumphant grin spreading across my face.

"What in the gods! You just finished the whole bottle!" Oberyn exclaimed, his surprise palpable.

"I'm just built different," I replied with a cocky smile, reveling in the rush of adrenaline and camaraderie.

"Okay, you're getting it," Gerion laughed, his eyes sparkling with mischief as he leaned in, preparing to wrestle me. 

The last time he had given me a joking warning not to repeat those words, and now he seemed ready to challenge me again.

As Gerion lunged forward, I met his attack with a dodge, just like that he tried to catch me but failed. Laughter came from Oberyn and our table.

Suddenly, the laughter and revelry at our table fell into a hush. A tension hung in the air as all eyes turned toward the source of a new voice.

"Hello there, Gerion, Oberyn, and Galahad, right?" The tone was soft yet jovial, cutting through the din of the hall like a warm breeze.

I twisted in my seat, curiosity piqued, to find the crown prince of the Seven Kingdoms, Rhaegar Targaryen, standing just behind my chair. 

His silver hair shimmered like moonlight, and his presence commanded attention effortlessly, even amidst the gathered knights.

A knot formed in my stomach. Just when I thought I had everything meticulously planned, here came another shift, another unpredictable variable.

The prince's gaze lingered on me, his expression unreadable. I felt the weight of his attention, sensing that he had purpose in approaching us.

"Congratulations on your knighthood, Galahad," Rhaegar said, his voice smooth and sincere, offering me a nod of acknowledgment. 

The knights around me exchanged glances, their expressions a mixture of surprise and intrigue. Oberyn grinned, clearly delighted by this unexpected encounter, while Gerion raised his eyebrows, as if wondering what the prince's intentions were.

"Your presence here makes the celebration all the more meaningful," Oberyn replied, his usual bravado shining through, trying to maintain the festive spirit in the face of this royal interruption.

"Indeed," I added, attempting to mask my own unease. "It is an honor to be in your company, Your Highness."

"May I join you?" Rhaegar asked, gesturing to the empty seat beside me.

With a quick glance at my companions, I nodded, feeling a mix of excitement and apprehension. "Of course, Your Highness. We would be honored."

As he settled into the seat, I noticed how the hall seemed to shift around him.

Conversations resumed, yet an unspoken reverence lingered in the air, as if everyone was acutely aware of the crown prince's presence among us.

"Thank you," Rhaegar said, his calm demeanor a stark contrast to the raucous atmosphere. He surveyed the table, taking in the revelry and the plates brimming with food. "It seems you've started a celebration."

Oberyn grinned, pouring a fresh cup of Arbor Gold and sliding it toward Rhaegar. "We were just about to engage in a drinking contest to honor our newly knighted friend here. Care to join us, Your Highness?"

Rhaegar raised an eyebrow, a ghost of a smile playing on his lips. 

"A drinking contest? Now that sounds like a worthy challenge." He accepted the cup with a graceful movement.

"Cheers!" Gerion shouted, raising his own goblet high. The other knights followed suit, clinking their cups together in a raucous cheer.

"To Ser Galahad!" Oberyn proclaimed, his voice ringing through the hall.

"To Ser Galahad!" the knights echoed, their voices blending into a cacophony of revelry as we downed our drinks.

Rhaegar, his demeanor light yet focused, embraced the lively atmosphere around us. 

He raised his goblet in response to our cheers, taking a generous swig of the Arbor Gold before setting it down with a satisfied smile. Leaning closer, he lowered his voice so only our table could hear.

"You've shown great promise, Galahad," he said, his gaze intensely locking onto mine. 

"It's not often one sees such potential in a new knight. What do you aspire to achieve with your knighthood?"

After hearing his question, I paused, weighing my words carefully.

"I aim to protect those who cannot protect themselves, Your Highness," I said, my voice steady. "To serve honorably and uphold the values of chivalry."

A pleased smile spread across Rhaegar's face. "A noble goal indeed, the realm needs more knights of such conviction."

The atmosphere at our table shifted subtly, the excitement of our earlier drinking contest blending with a deeper sense of respect and camaraderie. 

"Another round!" Oberyn called out, gesturing for the servant to refill our goblets. "Let's drink to honor, valor, and the bonds of friendship!"

As the wine flowed, laughter and lively conversation filled the hall once more.