
Asoiaf: I Have a Wolverine Template

Follow the story of Richard. A boy who died and won against a transmigrator. Getting a second chance at life and a Wolverine template he will rise from his position of a small folk in lanisport and to the greatest warrior. Becoming the Godfather of Westeros.

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Chapter 25

Chapter 25: Nighttime Bliss

Alicent POV

A week later

I waited eagerly by my window, my heart racing in anticipation. Moments later, I caught sight of him—a shadow in the moonlight, leaping from one rooftop to the next with the grace and strength only he possessed. A smile spread across my face as I recognized him. Richard.

Taking a few steps back, I watched as he made his final jump—so effortlessly, he sailed the fifty feet from the neighboring building to my window. It was the third floor, but that didn't matter to him. 

He landed silently on the window ledge, his golden hair catching the faint light as he turned to me with that familiar smile. I felt a warmth bloom inside me at the sight of it.

"Ready to go, my lady?" he asked, his voice low, teasing.

I smiled back, excitement bubbling up. "Yes, my knight."

It had been like this for the past moon, ever since he'd come back to me. The coldness that had once grown between us, the distance—gone. Every night, he would come to me, and we would explore the city together, just like we used to. 

Only now, there was something more. Richard was different, stronger, more confident, and somehow… more attentive. He gave me his time, his focus—perhaps even more than he had ever given Cersei.

The thought of Richard giving his attention to Cersei used to stir something dark and uncertain within me. But now, with him here, his eyes focused on me and no one else, those feelings had melted away. There was no one else—just us, the night, and the adventure that awaited.

Richard had changed, but in a way I liked. He had returned to the Richard I knew, the one I had always relied on. 

There was a maturity in him now, a strength that made him even more handsome. His body had filled out with muscle, and he'd grown taller—now towering at six feet. I was still getting used to it. His rapid growth surprised me at first, but it suited him.

He stretched out both hands toward me, and without hesitation, I knew what he wanted. I leapt into his arms, trusting him completely as he lifted me effortlessly, holding me in a princess carry. 

My heart raced with excitement, not fear, as he jumped from the window, soaring through the air before landing smoothly on the rooftop. His new mutations he had told me made him capable of incredible feats, and though I had seen him do it many times, it never ceased to amaze me.

"Where are we going today, Richard?" I asked, trying to smooth my hair, which whipped wildly in the air as he ran and leaped across the rooftops with the precision of a predator. Each jump, each landing was perfect, as if he could see exactly where to go before even making the move.

I felt safe in his arms. There was nowhere else I wanted to be.

He looked down at me with a smile, the wind brushing through his golden hair. "Let's go to the newly built theater," he said. "Tonight, they're putting on a play—Beauty and the Beast."

I couldn't help but smile back. I'd read the play before, the one Richard had written himself. It still amazed me that he had not only come up with the idea for the theater, but that it had become such a success in Lannisport. 

It was like everything he touched became something grander, something more than anyone could imagine. And now, to see Beauty and the Beast—his story—come to life filled me with pride.

"Beauty and the Beast," I repeated, excitement bubbling inside me. "I can't wait."

As we sped through the night, I couldn't resist making a playful comment. "You know, Richard, isn't Beauty and the Beast kind of like our situation?" I teased, remembering how the beast in the story had an unnatural strength, much like Richard.

He glanced at me with a mock-serious expression. "Are you calling me a beast?" he asked, his tone laced with humor.

I giggled. "No, not just a beast—more like a princely beast," I said, smiling as I looked up at him. He really did look like the princes in the storybooks, the ones he had been creating for the theater.

Richard grinned, his eyes twinkling. "Then that would make you a queen, since Belle marries the prince," he said with a soft laugh, casting a sideways glance at me.

"Well, I wouldn't be the first Queen Alicent," I replied with a smirk, playfully referencing my namesake from history.

We shared a laugh, the tension that had lingered between us long gone, replaced by the lightness of our conversation. For once, everything felt carefree, like we were just two friends joking and teasing as we always had.

The night was ours.

We arrived at the theater, its grand facade gleaming in the night, and noticed a line stretching down the street. People of all backgrounds eagerly awaited their turn to see the new play. 

An entrance fee of one silver coin stood between them and the magic within, but I could tell they didn't mind. Excitement filled the air, buzzing like the crackling energy before a storm.

Richard, however, chose to veer away from the crowd, leaping into an empty alleyway. He preferred to avoid drawing attention to ourselves, but there was also a hidden door in the shadows meant only for VIPs, the actors, and the Lionheart family.

He approached the door and knocked, and a slit slid open. A pair of eyes peered out, recognizing us instantly. The door swung open, revealing a man in his mid-twenties named Jason. He was a soldier of the Lionheart family, tasked with overseeing the theater operations.

"Welcome, boss, and Lady Alicent!" he greeted us with a warm smile.

As we stepped inside, the spacious room buzzed with activity. Actors and actresses moved about, rehearsing their lines and adjusting costumes, while stagehands prepared sets for the performance. The atmosphere was electric, filled with the thrill of creativity and anticipation.

"Right this way," Jason said, leading us upstairs to a higher row designated for important Lionheart members. He stood by, eager to offer assistance, his desire to impress evident.

"Can I get you anything? Food? Drinks?" he asked, almost rushing to provide for us.

Richard exchanged a glance with me, a smile playing on his lips. We ordered snacks: I chose hot dogs and fries, while Richard opted for fried chicken and pizza. Our drinks were orange juice for me and wine for him.

As we settled into our seats, I gazed down at the bustling crowd below. Hundreds of eager patrons filled the theater, each one absorbed in their own anticipation, ordering their own snacks from the vendors.

"How do you like the seating and hospitality so far, Alicent?" Richard asked, his green eyes sparkling with excitement.

"I love it! I can see now why it's making so much profit for us," I replied, taking in the organized chaos of the theater. The successful business venture had gain the family profits, opening doors we had never imagined.

We shared light banter about how delicious our meals looked and how much we enjoyed the theater. But soon, the chatter subsided as the lights dimmed, and the murmurs of the audience faded into an expectant hush. 

The stage lit up, and we leaned forward, our hearts racing with excitement as the play began.

The tale of Beauty and the Beast unfolded before us, vibrant and alive. I could hardly take my eyes off the stage, caught in the story, but my heart swelled with pride as I glanced at Richard beside me. This was his creation, and tonight, it was enchanting everyone in the theater.

As the play unfolded, I was completely immersed in the world before me. The actors breathed life into their characters, particularly the Beast, whose fierce demeanor and vulnerable moments drew me in. Each growl resonated with deep emotion, a plea for understanding and acceptance.

The actress portraying Belle was a vision of grace and strength, her clear, sweet voice filling the theater. 

I was captivated by her portrayal of curiosity and bravery, especially as she saw beyond the Beast's fearsome exterior. The audience hung on her every word, swept up in her journey.

Their chemistry was palpable, transforming with every scene as Belle's compassion began to chip away at the Beast's walls. I leaned forward, completely enthralled. 

When they shared their first dance, bathed in golden light, it felt like time stood still. I could hardly breathe, my heart racing at their laughter and hesitant touches, which felt intimate—like a shared secret.

"Look at how they move together," I whispered to Richard, my eyes sparkling. "It's like they're meant to be."

He nodded, captivated, and the thunderous applause that erupted after the scene filled me with joy. 

The comedic moments, particularly the antics of the enchanted household objects, had the audience roaring with laughter, further pulling me into the evening's magic.

As the story reached its climax, with Belle's unwavering love breaking the curse, I felt a lump in my throat. 

The heartfelt declarations stirred something deep within me, and I glanced at Richard, pride and admiration etched across his face.

"Richard, this is truly amazing," I whispered. "You've created something beautiful."

He turned to me, his gaze intense. "I had the best inspiration," he replied warmly.

As the curtain fell and applause filled the theater, I felt a swell of gratitude wash over me. This moment felt like a turning point, not just for the theater but for us.

The magic of the play stirred something within me, prompting me to voice the feelings I had held back for so long. My heart raced as I turned to him.

"Richard…" I whispered, my voice barely audible over the clamor of the audience. But I knew Richard could hear me.

My heart pounded in my chest, each beat echoing my nervous anticipation.

He looked at me, curiosity etched on his face, his golden hair catching the soft light.

"Richard, I love you." The words spilled out before I could second-guess myself.

For a moment, time seemed to suspend as surprise flickered across his face. I braced myself, fearing he might reject me.

But then, a soft smile spread across his lips. "I love you too, Alicent."

Hearing those words filled me with happiness, joy, and bliss. Heat rushed to my cheeks, and my pulse quickened, almost drowning out the applause surrounding us. In that moment, everything else faded away, leaving just the two of us in a world that felt impossibly intimate.