
Asoiaf: I Have a Wolverine Template

Follow the story of Richard. A boy who died and won against a transmigrator. Getting a second chance at life and a Wolverine template he will rise from his position of a small folk in lanisport and to the greatest warrior. Becoming the Godfather of Westeros.

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Chapter 21.2

Chapter 21.2: Consigliere 

Richard POV

Madam Allayne was lifeless, still tied to the chains that had held her captive. Maria stood next to her, blood staining her hands, a testament to the vengeance she had just unleashed. 

In that moment, she transformed from a victim into something far more formidable. She was ready for the position I had long envisioned for her.

Previously, I hesitated to promote her to the role of consigliere because she lacked a critical quality that every one of my underbosses and capos possessed: ruthlessness. In my world, weakness was a liability. I could not afford to have someone in a position of power who would allow others to walk all over them.

But now, witnessing the fire in Maria's eyes, I knew she had crossed a threshold. She understood the cost of revenge and had embraced it fully. Her actions were not merely a reaction to her suffering; they were a declaration of her newfound strength.

As I turned to Jon, I commanded, "Ensure the body is disposed of properly. I want no trace left behind." My voice was steady, a clear indication that I expected nothing less than complete efficiency.

Jon nodded, his expression neutral, accustomed to the darker tasks that came with loyalty to the family. "Consider it done, Richard."

With that, I walked toward the exit of the dungeon.

"Maria, follow," I instructed, leading her through the dank corridors of the dungeon. The air was thick with a mix of fear and anticipation.

"Do you know why I had you do that?" I asked, glancing back at her.

Maria looked at me, confusion evident on her face. "Wasn't it for revenge?" she asked, her brow furrowed in uncertainty.

"Yes, but it's not only because of that." I paused, allowing the gravity of the situation to settle in. "You've been quite loyal and have taken charge of the ledgers and documents, an important job in the family. Yet you weren't given any position. Do you know why?" I probed, wanting her to understand.

She listened intently, and I could see her mind racing as she tried to grasp the implications of my words. "I thought it was because I was a woman and a former whore," she admitted, her voice laced with a hint of deprivation.

"You don't see the point, do you? I could care less about your gender or your past," I replied, my voice steady. "You are loyal, and you do well for the family. But there's one trait that all my underbosses and capos have developed that you were lacking."

"And that is?" she urged, her curiosity piqued.

"Ruthlessness. That's what you were missing. The moment you killed Madam Allayne, you gained my respect. I respect you now not just because you're Alicent's mother, but because you've shown that you can fend for yourself."

Her eyes glinted as she absorbed my words.

In that moment, I saw the shift in her demeanor—the flicker of understanding and empowerment. I had orchestrated this transformation not merely for revenge, but to mold her into a formidable ally. 

With her newfound ruthlessness, I recognized the potential for a powerful partnership—one that could stand beside me as we built our family.

"What position will I be receiving?" she asked calmly, her newfound confidence evident in her posture.


"Consi-what?" Maria replied, confusion knitting her brow. This reaction mirrored what my capos and underbosses had expressed when they first heard news terms created by me.

"Consigliere," I clarified, a slight smile creeping onto my face. "It's a new title I've coined that means counselor. You will be my advisor, my right hand in this operation. Your job will be to offer guidance, manage our affairs, and oversee our networks. You'll be responsible for ensuring our family's interests are protected and our enemies are dealt with."

Maria's expression shifted as the weight of the title began to sink in. "Consigliere?" she repeated, rolling the unfamiliar word on her tongue. "But I've only been managing the ledgers. Why me?"

"Exactly," I replied, my voice steady. "You've shown loyalty and competence in a world where trust is scarce. More importantly, you just demonstrated the ruthlessness required for this position. You've proven that you can make difficult decisions when the time calls for it. That's what I need in a consigliere."

Her eyes widened, a blend of surprise and determination igniting within them. "What do I need to do?"

I took a step closer, ensuring she could see the sincerity in my gaze. "You'll need to learn the intricacies of our operations—how to navigate our alliances and handle our enemies. It won't be easy, but I believe you have what it takes. You'll have my support, and you'll have the resources of the family at your disposal. Together, we can make our influence felt across Lannisport and beyond."

She straightened, her confidence surging. "I won't let you down, Richard."

"I know you won't," I said, nodding in approval. "This is just the beginning, Maria. Your journey to power starts now."

As a symbolic gesture of her new status, I removed my bloody gloves, revealing my bare hand. "Kiss the hand of your boss," I instructed, my voice low and serious, but my eyes reflected the pride I felt in this moment.

She hesitated for only a heartbeat before leaning in, her lips brushing against my skin in a respectful kiss. The act cemented her loyalty, binding her to the family and to me.

We embraced tightly, the weight of the moment hanging between us. In that hug, I could feel the shift in our dynamic; she was no longer just Alicent's mother, a former courtesan. She was now a made woman, a crucial part of my plans for the Lionheart family.

As we pulled away, her eyes gleamed with a mixture of determination and gratitude. "Thank you, Richard. I won't disappoint you."

"You already haven't," I replied, a smirk forming. "Now let's get to work. We have a family to strengthen and expand."

With that, we exited the dim confines of the dungeon.

Part 2 of chapter 21