
ASOIAF: I'm No Longer A Side Character

Once, life was good. I went from an ordinary guy to a millionaire. But after I got married, everything turned terrible. Maybe I shouldn't have been so drawn to her beauty. They say behind every successful man is a woman, but in my case, it's the opposite. I had it all, but what I really wanted was a happy family, a beautiful, loyal wife, and children of my own. The woman of my dreams turned into a nightmare. Betrayal is something you can handle through divorce, but she went to extremes, like trying to sabotage my car to make me crash into a tree. If I knew this would happen, I wouldn't have married. Regret won't change anything, and still I ended up with another terrible wife in another world. And she is Rhaena Targaryen from Game of Thrones.

AmouxCreationsX · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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38 Chs

Chapter 36

Androw then turned towards her, his sword in hand, striking it against the ground as he held it close. "So, my dear, how will your brother compensate me?"

Rhaena glanced at Androw's sword, then back at him, her expression hardening slightly. "Is gold all you seek?" she asked, a hint of disappointment in her voice.

Androw smiled, shaking his head. "Gold? Please. I've risen beyond mere coin. " His tone grew more serious as he took a step closer to her. "I have a dragon, and that beast is worth more than gold and an army of ten thousand.".

Rhaena remained silent, her eyes locked onto Androw's, waiting to hear the full extent of his ambitions. Androw, sensing her anticipation, grew quiet as well, the weight of his words linger between them. At last, he decided to break the silence.

"I need Oldstones and its surrounding lands," he said firmly.

Rhaena looked momentarily confused. "Oldstones?" she repeated, then added, "We have Dragonstone!"

Androw's expression darkened with disappointment. He walked towards the forge's flames, the heat reflecting his frustration. "Are you for real?" he said, turning back to her. "You are no longer the heir to the throne, nor is your daughter. The moment your brother ascended the throne, you both became freeloaders."

He grabbed her by both shoulders, his grip firm but not harsh. "Look, I don't want my descendants to be at the mercy of your brother, living as freeloaders at his disposal. I don't want my heir to have no home to return to, just as I am now."

Rhaena's eyes met Androw's, and she could see the intensity and seriousness in his gaze. Androw let go of her and continued, "I've waited this long not because I fear your brother. If I wanted revenge, I would have flown to King's Landing on my dragon long ago. His and her dragons are too young and inexperienced to take me on. If I wanted, I could turn the throne to ashes. But what held me back?"

He stepped closer to her, his face inches from hers. "It's you," he said softly, but with a dangerous edge. Rhaena's eyes widened in surprise, her breath catching in her throat. Androw continued, "You are the reason I held back. I don't want to go against my own. I don't mind being called a Kingslayer, but I do mind if I have to kill my love. Are you ready to fight for me, just as I have held back my rage for you?".

Androw stepped back, giving Rhaena some space, but his gaze remained intense. "I've waited patiently this long. All I want to know is whether you will stand by me with whatever I ask, or if you will side with your c**t brother, the very man who would see you and yours destroyed?"

Rhaena gripped her arms tightly, her eyes locked on his. A tense silence hung between them as she considered his words. Finally, she spoke, her voice resolute but tinged with vulnerability. "I'll stand by you. But you have to give me a promise. A promise that you won't go against my brother or his family."

Androw remained silent for a moment, weighing her request. Finally, he said, "If they accept my terms, I will remain loyal to House Targaryen as long as they hold the throne."

Rhaena, still not fully grasping Androw's deeper intentions, asked, "When are we leaving?"

A spark of excitement lit up Androw's face at her willingness to support him. "By nightfall," he replied eagerly.

She turned to leave, perhaps to collect her thoughts, but before she walked away, she added, "I hope you won't be as foolish as my late husband."

Androw remained silent as she departed, his mind already turning to the plans and possibilities that lay ahead.


I guess many have wronged the MC, and if I were in your place, I would have thought the same. Still, it's too early to draw any conclusions. Having a dragon doesn't automatically make someone strong. If the MC needs to go against his enemies, he must be on the same level as them. The current MC was just considered the fool of an island. Such a person might be invincible in the sky, but that doesn't mean he won't face death when he's grounded. This is true for everyone unless he grows to the point where he no longer lacks compared to his enemies.

But his enemy is a king, and the king has decided to fight back by hiding. What can he do? They may fail to kill him a few times until they find the MC's weakness. As you all know, he isn't invincible, and the dragon doesn't always protect him. So, first, he needs to do some groundwork, taking advantage of the young king's naivety. We all know how smart young Jaehaerys is—he's still green now, but he won't be forever. So, the MC can't let his guard down, but he also won't let go of his revenge. Slowly, he will strip away every advantage Jaehaerys has and rise higher until he becomes someone Jaehaerys could never look down on.

But this won't happen in a day. He needs to build his own house, his own force, his own fortress, his own throne. So, the current Rhaena, who is a bit of a loose cannon, is the stepping stone he needed to climb higher, just as he originally planned. He's also managed to learn that the king won't be able to kill him unless he keeps running. More details will be revealed in the next chapter, so sorry for the spoilers.

Spoiler: Our MC doesn't plan on killing the king because, if he did, the entire future he knows would be flipped by the butterfly effect. So don't expect that. For more chapters, check out my Patreon!

link: patreon.com/AmouxCreationX
