
Ashes of Time

Passage of time is cruel; Empires rise and fall, nothing remains but legends of the forgotten souls. Nozark is a world full of fantasy adventure; beautiful on the outside whilst dark underneath. A wandering soul stumbles upon this very land; unbranded and unclaimed. This story follows the journey of Vance, a traveller from faraway lands; in happiness and tragic times, tales of first victory and the sorrows of first defeat - until the beginning meets the end. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: This is my very first attempt at writing. Please be patient. Release rate: 3-4 chapter/week Tags: Male MC, Fantasy, LitRPG, Sword and Magic

WandererMonk · Kỳ huyễn
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12 Chs

Beginning After The End (Part 1)

Energy. Energy is the very essence of a world. It is a medium for the 'blessed ones' to communicate with the world's will. However, not everyone can get access to it.

Nozark was one such world. Since the beginning of time, it was home to all kinds of species. Dragons run rampant and created chaos and destruction, wreaking havoc across countries in their path whilst Elves lived in relative peace in their kingdom away from the others. Barbarians were one war-hungry race while Dryads protected the forests. Humans hunted down the monsters whereas monsters ate humans alike.

The species which were one with nature benefited the most; Dragons being the most proficient in elemental energy while Elves loved the natural energy.

Mana was the energy of this world in its raw form, non-corrupted and untamed. Channeling the world's mana was like communicating with the world, a manifestation of one's very own will. And it worked wonders.

Tens of thousands of years ago, humans learned to control and use mana for the first time and stood alongside other species. Countless legends were created; magic engineering reached its peak. Humanity reached new heights of prosperity as time passed. Mages wielded fate-defying power, being able to challenge the 'Gods'.

As they say, Greed and Arrogance is the biggest enemy of human. The 'Great War' dragged on for a millennial and ended with the fall of humanity. Filled with despair and hope for a better tomorrow, the humans once again started building society from scratch. Humans were no longer worthy to stand toe-to-toe with 'Other Beings'.

And times passed. A new Era was approaching, hopefully, a better one.

. . .

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In a distant plane of existence in another universe


"This shot isn't good either. Looks like the weather today is not good for taking pictures. Tsk."

A boy, seemingly 20 years of age, was mumbling on a hilltop while checking his camera. It was a cloudy day while the sun still cast a faint yellow light through the slowly gathering evening. The boy watched as the horizon drained of color and a cold breeze blew.

With nothing more to do, the boy started packing his bag. Chris was a 20-year-old university student who was out camping in the mountains for his winter break. Having lost his parents at birth, he was raised by his grandparents in the countryside. While growing up, he used to assist his grandfather in working in the fields. Slowly but surely, he started falling in love with nature and its beauty.

When his grandparents passed on too, the panoramic lush green hills, the undisturbed and peaceful meadow, or the glassy and dazzling surface of a lake gave him happiness and a sense of belonging. Being an orphan and alone had its charm. You could do anything without any repercussions.

So when he moved to University, he missed his time with nature. Busy with classes and studies, he rarely had the time to enjoy nature. That's why the semester breaks were important for him.

"It's getting late now. I better hurry". After packing his bags, he walked toward his bike. It was a second-hand bike he bought with the money his grandparents left behind. Although not much, it was enough to supplement his wanderer lifestyle.

By the time he was out of the hilly area and on the open mountain road, the evening was crisp already; the last of the sunset was just a fading pale stripe in the western sky. A harsh winter wind blew out and thrashed the brooking forest.

Chris took the mountainous picturesque scenery into his view, enjoying his bike ride while singing his favorite song.

'Is a tourist in this town, So where do I go from here?'

'A tourist in this town, A broken heart for a souvenir'

'Once was found but now I'm lost, Don't even know the name of that street I crossed'

'I'm a tourist in this town, So where do I go from here?'

'A broken heart for a souvenir, So where do I go from here?'

Suddenly the weather changed as small white droplets started falling from the grey sky. It was the first snow of this season and his own life. The countryside had warm weather so he never got to experience snow in person. This was the first time in his life, that he was enjoying snowfall in person.

As he was lost in the moment, he suddenly noticed a blinking light from the corner of his eyes. A car had suddenly come from the steep turn on the mountain road.

"Shit! Shit! Shit!". While cursing, Chris pressed the brakes to slow down the bike and clear a path for the speeding car. However, the snow had created a slippery path on which the bike slipped without stopping. The bike hit the defensive rails on the sideways, breaking them, and went down the mountain slope with Chris on it.

After a continuous fall which seemed like a never-ending roll, it hit a small rock.

An hour had passed as Chris just lay there. With broken bones and intense pain, it proved very difficult to move. The snow was piling around him, colored in the blood which flowed from injuries.

"Hahaha, at least I was able to enjoy my first snowfall. This trip was well worth it". A weak laugh stifled out of Chris's mouth. It was a good life, albeit a short one. He never met his parents but his grandparent's love made up for it. His only regret was not able to fully travel the world and enjoy its beauty and mysteries.

He felt weak in his body and started falling asleep. 'If only he could be a wanderer in his next life; traveling the world, enjoying its beauties.

There was no pain in death, only a little bit of regret and a hopeful wish.

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