

being at this school makes my blood boil. I hate this place its just another way for the gods to pretend they care about us. You see the gods live in elysian a heaven so perfect they get to ignore the hell they have created for the rest of us. the wars they start and never finish the people they punish for no reason. They are selfish and don't care about the rest of us, I mean why should they were mere mortals with no power. I want to change that I want to make them pay for everything they have done to hurt me, my family, my village and all the people I love. That's why I am attending this school, to make sure I achieve that goal. They have us all standing in a hall in uniformed lines like were in some sort of military school. at the front is a huge stage a woman is standing at a mice and pulpit. There is a row of teachers behind her. she has long dark black hair brown eyes and cherry red lips. she is wearing a dark blue two piece with a white blouse underneath and a skirt that goes past her knees. "Good morning Wolshire students my name is misses Scrubley welcome to the new year I hope you all had and incredible summer." She says and flashes a forced smile. "As you know every 10 years this school opens up to some of Eondales greatest warriors. 10 of you standing in front of me today will become our next rulers. Heirs to the gods and kings of kings. I look forward to seeing what you have to offer and training the next generation of gods" she goes on talking for about another 10 minutes but I stop paying attention and zone out. Behind her there is an entire row of staff, I am assuming they are gonna be our teachers for the year. I only recognise one of them, he is sitting in the far left, he has blonde hair a really sharp jawline and I mean really sharp this man is really scary. he is in a purple shirt and black trousers though I cant really see his shoes. ive seen him before I am not really sure where but I recognise him. The lady has been talking for what feels like and eternity until she fin finally says "alright miss Haley would please come forward." A women in a green dress and white sneakers steps up and stands next to her. unlike misses. scrubber, scrubblo? What ever her name was, she looks really young she can not be older than 20 and she actually looks happy to be here. "Miss. Haley here will help you with any questions you might have and help you with anything you need, so if there is a problem please go to her. she will also be in charge of sorting you into your classes. Now you were all given a piece of paper with a number on it that number is you class for the year. Miss Haley will call out your number along with what classroom and teacher you should report to every morning." I reach into my pocket and take out my piece of paper. number 732 I let out a sigh and put it back into my pocket. There is at least 1000 other students in this school, I am gonna be here fore ever. A dark skinned girl with brown eyes and long braids comes up to me. "I think I am gonna die before they call my number" I let out a forced laugh and say " Yeah were never getting out of this line" "Hey what's your name" she asks I am hesitant about telling her at first. I am not really here to make friends, love only ever weighs you down. "My names Amara" I respond with a fake smile. "Wow that's really pretty." she pauses. "Well my names Robyn its nice to meet you." I nod my head. I figure since were gonna be here a while I might as well talk to her. "Hey what number are you?" she reaches into her pocket and pulls out a piece of paper similar to mine. "oh um im number 728" That's really close to my number were probably gonna be in the same class.