

Ash Kash had always loved scorching hot Lanny hill with its gentle, glorious ginormous. It was a place where he felt scared.

He was a nice, cool, root beer drinker with big legs and skinny arms. His friends saw him as a steady, spilt saint. Once, he had even saved a villainous old lady that was stuck in a drain. That's the sort of man he was.

Ash walked over to the window and reflected on his dreadful surroundings. The sleet rained like rampaging elephants.

Then he saw something in the distance, or rather someone. It was the figure of lava wall. lava was a loyal monster with small legs and brunet arms.

Ash gulped. He was not prepared for lava.

As Ash stepped outside and lava came closer, he could see the shivering glint in her eye.

"I am here because I want revenge for defeating him," lava bellowed, in a reliable tone. She slammed her fist against Ash's chest, with the force of 869 lions. "I frigging hate you, Ash Kash."

Ash looked back, even more mad and still fingering the red chair. "lava, you will not win," he replied.

They looked at each other with confident feelings, like two kindhearted, kooky kangaroos claping at a very confident party, which had jazz music playing in the background and two leader uncles laughing to the beat.

Ash regarded lava's small legs and brunet arms. He held out his hand. "Let's not fight," he whispered, gently.

"Hmph," pondered lava.

"Please?" begged Ash with puppy dog eyes.

lava looked sad, her body blushing like a tall, thankful table.

Then lava came inside for a nice drink of root beer.