

--- Carrying the Book of Warcraft Paladins, Forseti Garrison finds himself transported across dimensions into the Marvel Universe, where he becomes an apprentice herbalist in Asgard. Armed with spells like Divine Shield, Wrath of Vengeance, Sulfuron Hammer, and artifacts such as the Ashbringer from World of Warcraft, and Forseti's knowledge and skills from his gaming world come alive in Marvel's reality. "For the Alliance, no... for Asgard!" Forseti declares, wielding his warhammer and invoking the Holy Light. "Frost Giants, Kree, Thanos... Prepare to face the righteous fury of justice!" ---

Webnovel_Addicted · Tranh châm biếm
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Sentinel Ultron

This massive robot is undoubtedly the new core of Ultron, and at this moment, the energy he commands has reached the ninth level.

The ninth level of Sentinel Ultron is genuine, not a half-hearted attempt like the previous Mephisto clone. Hundreds of other Sentinel robots have also reached level four, which is equally daunting.

The actual combat effectiveness of these Sentinels will undoubtedly be high, given that they have slaughtered numerous mutants and preserved many different superpowers. During battle, they can flexibly respond to various situations by constantly switching powers. Moreover, these Sentinel machines function as one entity, forming an absolutely united fighting force. Except for the core, no Sentinel fears death.

The only good news is that the Light judged Ultron for his sins. In the Eyes of Reckoning, all the Sentinels were marked the same dark red—they were the same criminal.

This result was not entirely unexpected for Forseti. Despite Ultron being a robot, not a creature in the traditional sense,he is a genuine real mind ,the almighty holy light can still judge him. In the sight of the holy light, Ultron's sins are evident.

"Heimdall, open the Rainbow Bridge and send the Silver Hand over," Forseti said immediately.

Since the Holy Light can judge Ultron, it is natural for the Knights to join the battle. Otherwise, this fight may not be feasible with only Forseti and the Avengers.

Soon, the Rainbow Bridge descended, and hundreds of Paladins were sent to Xavier School, standing with Forseti and the Avengers, facing the surrounding Sentinel Ultron.

"Paladins!" As a super artificial intelligence, Ultron is almost omniscient. He could even call out many of the Paladins by name if he wanted to.

"Very well, so many people. Let me send you to meet your god all at once!" he said coldly.

Before the words fell, the circular device on Ultron's chest began to emit a fiery light, with a ring of light blue at the edge. The terrifying aura of destruction quickly filled the air, making everyone tremble.

Forseti's expression changed greatly. He quickly shouted, "Defense!"

Forseti and all the defensive knights released holy light from their hands, forming a massive holy light barrier to shield everyone. Immediately, Ultron shouted, and the beam of destruction burst from his chest, with a light bright enough to eclipse the sun, sweeping toward the crowd.

"Boom boom-"

This terrifying beam of light lasted several seconds, pounding on the Holy Light barrier and breaking through a few weak points. The energy of destruction vented in. Anyone hit by this beam would be obliterated without a trace.

Fortunately, most of the Holy Light barrier held strong, protecting the majority within. Ultron couldn't maintain such a tremendous energy output for long. The circular device on his chest quickly ceased its beam, instead emitting a bright blue light resembling a gas stove.

For a few seconds after the beam stopped, he appeared weak and sluggish, remaining motionless except for the blue light pulsing in his chest.

"What is this?" Everyone was terrified.

"It's a nuclear strike," Tony's words shocked everyone.

"Nuclear strike!"

Tony continued, "Have you seen the device on his chest? It's a super fusion reactor. If I guess correctly, once it's fully released, it should have the power equivalent to tens of millions of tons of TNT, like a super-large hydrogen bomb."

Spider-Man couldn't help but ask, "With such terrifying energy, how does he ensure his own safety? Isn't he afraid of blowing himself up or roasting himself?"

Vision answered, "He has a strong freezing ability. The blue light around the nuclear device is the effect of his freezing ability, effectively suppressing the excess heat."

Ultron smiled, "It seems you know me well. Yes, I installed a Tsar bomb on myself and used a mutant's freezing ability to suppress the excess heat. In fact, my freezing efficiency is better than that of the mutant from whom I took this ability."

"So, the worst-case scenario is I just detonate myself. This will wipe you out, and I won't die from it."

Upon hearing this, everyone's expressions grew more solemn.

Forseti drew the Sword of Querceira. "Vision and I will handle Ultron. The rest of you deal with the other Sentinels."

"Yes!" The Paladins responded, and the Avengers accepted the plan, knowing it was necessary.

Sentinel Ultron is so terrifying that, aside from Forseti and Vision, it's difficult for anyone else to contend with him, including Thor.

The battle broke out in full swing. Forseti unfolded his wings of holy light and integrated the Sulfuron warhammer into his arm. He and Vision then charged at Ultron.

Ultron met them head-on, but despite his massive size, he moved with surprising speed, engaging the two in close combat within moments.

Sword of Justice!

Forseti's Sulfuron hand swung down, and the enormous Querceira slashed towards Ultron, the blade's surging waves sweeping the air. This attack, like a mountain crashing down, startled Ultron. He teleported a few meters away, avoiding the strike.

Fiery beams shot from Ultron's eyes, sweeping towards Forseti and Vision. Forseti's sword missed, and he took Ultron's Cyclops blast instead.

This Sentinel Ultron had evidently absorbed a teleportation ability, making him elusive. Fortunately, it seemed to be only short-range teleportation.

Vision flew towards Ultron, who raised his hand to create a red energy cage that opened in mid-air and quickly enveloped Vision, imprisoning him. Vision, however, phased straight through the cage as if it were air.

Seeing this, Ultron couldn't help but be angry and regretful. "This vision should belong to me!"

The carefully crafted body of Vision had been taken from him, and every time he thought about it, it was difficult to suppress his inner emotions.

Vision's goal was clear: he aimed to get close to Ultron and detach his consciousness from the internet. Only by first kicking Ultron out of the internet would it make sense to kill him.

Sentinel Ultron knew Vision's intentions and kept his distance, teleporting away while launching various attacks. Lightning, flames, rays, freezing—Ultron could use almost every power he had acquired, deploying endless means to suppress them.

Facing Ultron's frequent teleportation, it took about half a minute before Forseti finally managed to strike him.

A flash of holy light, and a Sword of Justice stabbed out of the ground, destroying the structure of Ultron's legs.

But at this moment, the nuclear device on Sentinel Ultron's chest had cooled enough to once again emit the aura of destruction. The terrifying glow quickly aimed at Forseti.