
Asena: A lovesong

Shadman_Shafin · Kỳ huyễn
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1 Chs


I outstretched my arm to the other side of the bed, only to feel the damp bedsheet. It must've rained pretty hard last night. Well the windows never did a good job of keeping the rain out anyway. It was a pretty worn out house that I lived in. I can't seem to remember why I still lived here.

I tried to sit up, contemplating searching for a new place. Just as I stood up, I felt a jolting pain in my head and fell back onto the rough pillows.


It was somehow funny to me to call these rough sacks of wool pillows.

I let out a sigh. 35.

I counted.

Everything went black for a second. I suddenly forgot what I was counting. I tried to stand up again, this time succeeding in the attempt. My head felt unusually heavy. I felt like falling back into bed. Somehow that rough excuse of a pillow looked comfortable.

Using every bit of will, I forced myself out of my room. The hallway was gloomy as always. It had a damp smell, probably because it rained last night. This is the second time I mentioned that. I really need to sleep. How long did I sleep last night again? My brain just felt so rotten.

I opened the cabinets wishing that by some sheer miracle food would appear. Well I can tell you now that it didn't happen.

Eggs again I guess. Another boring breakfast. Eggs and toast. The most lame thing in the whole world. Well if you ate the same thing for breakfast for a week, whatever it is, it will become lame.

I flicked my hand and started a fire to cook the eggs. It was a bit colder than usual but the fire came naturally as always. I somehow always burn the toast and I wish I could have told you it was not the same case again.Burnt toast and eggs that tasted like rubber, there was nothing better than those to start a day.

Letting out another big sigh, I started to eat. Eating would be an overstatement. You get satisfaction from eating. I didn't. What I was doing was simply putting things in my mouth, chewing, and hoping I don't puke my stomach out when I swallow them.

Life was great.

And just when I thought it couldn't be better, someone

knocked on the door.

An uninvited, and most probably, an unwanted guest. I started to think whose arrival at this time would make me ecstatic. Well it was no one's, unless he or she had a freshly cooked breakfast.

Fantasizing about my breakfast, I half walked and half dragged myself to the front door. If somebody wanted they could easily break into the house. The door was so weak, a 8 year old kid could probably kick it down.

I really should move out of here.

Lost in my thoughts, I forgot why I was standing in front of the door. Then again they knocked. Clearing my thoughts somewhat, I opened the door. With a grumpy tone I asked,

"What d'you want?"

I came out looking at the person, wait no, there were two people and one of them was profusely bleeding. Out of all the people in the world, why did it have to be me? Why did they come here of all places?

I reluctantly told them to come in. My brain was not prepared to deal with all this.

Both of the boys were pretty young. One was wearing a white robe while the other was wearing a black one. The one wearing the white robe was shot.

"You have the blessing of Janhou"

He replied, "I do, and my brother is blessed by Janshye."

Janshye and Janhou, more commonly known as yin and yang. They were the Gods of Balance. Two brother Gods who would only bless twins with. One gives life and one takes away. It was too cliche for a God to be like that.

The black robe guy seemed unusually calm. Was he not worried about his brother dying? Then I noticed something on his neck.

"The watch of Zhyrva. You have that as well."

"Yes, it would be impossible to keep him alive without that." He also added, "I heard you are the only one with Rezarn's blessing"

"I am. So instead of wasting my time, get to the point. What do you want?"

"I want you to heal my brother."

"And what good would that do to me? Why should I heal him?"

"Man, you know, out of the kindness of your heart. We travelled a long way you see. His heart was pierced by a spectral arrow", he replied.

Spectral arrows were especially troublesome. You either need spectral essence extracted from the bones of Akur'Ma or you could use sacred fire to heal it. The wound would keep burning till the person turned to ashes.

Letting out another sigh I said, "Fine, let me see what I can do. "

I focused and then took a deep breath. "Rediedem Rezarn ziel Va Vfoue. Aern Ziel iern darh." It was a spell or sorts that let me talk to the God himself, Rezarn. I soon ascended to the realm of fire. It was just burning clouds surrounding a throne. And there sat the guy himself.

Rezarn spoke in a not so mighty way,

"Kersha, I see you seek my guidance."

Oh I completely forgot to tell you my name. It's Kersha Zerk Rezarn. It literally means Kersha blessed by Rezarn. Kinda lame if you ask me but it is what it is.

"To be quite frank, my day would've been better if I didn't have to talk to you", I replied.

"Ungrateful as always. I see what it is. So tell me, what made you call for me?"

"Just give me the sacred flame. There is some wounded guy and his brother wants me to heal him."

"Ah I see. But you being kind is not normal."

"I am not being kind. I just want them to leave me alone. So do it. Fast."

"Do you know that I have the ability to take away your blessing and curse you instead?"

"And do you know this is like the hundredth time I am saying this? I really couldn't care less"

"Hmm. I see. Well I'll let you have it your way. Ivan Rezarn sierka Darn Kierm"

"Thanks, I guess"

"Remember, I choose you because you are destined to do great things."

"Yeah yeah, goodbye now. Hope I don't have to talk to you again."

I blinked twice and was back in my room. It always seemed like a long time had passed but actually it took seconds. Even hour long conversations would translate to mere seconds.

I flicked my hand and sure enough, it was the sacred fire. The sacred fire didn't look any different. It burnt the same way as normal fire would. Only a disciple of Rezarn would be able to use sacred fire to its fullest potential. And that was unfortunately me.

I really need to get less distracted. I forced the fire onto the wound and in a few seconds the wound closed. I pulled out the arrow and would you look at that, he was as good as new.