
Ascension Trial

A child born with demon blood, an orphaned half-orc searching for answers, an elven criminal turned paladin and a girl with uncontrollable magic find themselves working for a powerful underground figure to stop a greater evil from taking over the world. (The novel is based on a DnD Campaign I created years ago)

B_Olfert · Kỳ huyễn
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107 Chs

Ottothal Blackthorne

Ottothal paced back and forth across the hardwood of his dark study. A large black desk with legs in the shape of twisted limbs reaching up from the ground to hold the thick wooden slab. Blood red curtains were tied the side allowing moonlight into the room, the only source of light. His hands clasped behind his back as he thought. He had only just gotten back to the capital and there were whispers among his peers and lessers, as to where he had been. 'Let them gossip, that way they will be distracted'. His plan was still in motion, the timeline had just moved up with the Ascension Trial only a year away and the Champion selection a week away. The time spent in that dungeon was merely a mild setback.

"Lord Ottothal."

He turned to face his goblin servant, "Yes?" he asked, a little upset his thoughts were disturbed.

"Your guests are here." The goblin kept his head down as he talked to him.

"Ah, good. Send them in." The goblin servant backed out of the room continuously bowing until he was out of view. A few minutes passed and two hooded figures entered his study. He stood with his back to them staring out the window at the large moon.

"Lord Ottothal, we have come at your request. What can we do for you this evening?" The first figure pulled back his hood revealing his large curled horns and his red skin. The other figure kept the hood on choosing to stand at the back of the room.

"I have a task for your Infernos." He turned and motioned towards the door where his goblin servant awaited instruction. Stepping forward, he held a large chest. He opened it to show the contents to the demonblood. It was filled with gold coins.

"We are listening." His eyes gleamed with greed at the sight of all the coins.

Trixia sat quietly as the Silver Sect explained everything that Tilamonka had told them. She was respectful not interjecting, reserving her thoughts until they finished.

"That is why we are here," said Erigos after they finished telling her all the information they had. They waited a few moments while Trixia contemplated her words.

"If what you say is true, we may be too late already."

"Why is that?" Garrok asked.

Before she responded she waved her hands casting a spell. Her eyes glowed briefly before settling back to her normal green. Erigos recognized the spell as one that senses nearby magic. She was checking to make sure no one was listening to them. "Because the Emperor is dying."

"Tilamonka said he was aging, how close is he to death?" Erigos asked, surprised at the new information.

"He is not looking good. With Ottothal back in the city, he has already begun winning over the council, which up until this point I was all for. Now that I know his true nature he must be stopped. The Champions will be chosen in a week's time at the Champions Gala. All the Ambassadors are to announce the Champion for their individual Kingdoms. If the Emperor dies before then, his current reigning Champion is not guaranteed to be picked and the council can choose who they want. This is how Ottothal will choose his own Champion."

"What do we have to do?" asked Rothox.

"We can not openly oppose him as he and I both serve on the Council and that would be treasonous. We can, however, utilize the fact that he does not know, we know his true intentions. I will do my best to make sure the Emperor is well protected and is alive to announce his pick. You should keep your ears to the ground and learn what you can from those in the shadows. There are many that would love to see the Empire fall. That would be a good place to start."

"Where will we find these characters?"

"I would try the market, they'll come to you," she looked at Rothox and Garrok before continuing, "Those born after The Rebirth...," she phrased it nicely. "Although now free in the Empire, they are still subjected to lots of prejudice against them. It is unfortunate, but that is the world we live in. Now I will retire. We have much to accomplish in a short period. Please feel free to make the estate your home, I only ask that you remain out of my private chambers and study, as I will yours. Space and privacy are important." Trixia took her leave. The four companions were left sitting at the table. They all gathered their thoughts before heading to their respective rooms.

The market was colorful, full of a rich variety of vendors shilling their wares. Rothox felt more at home in the Trispector market seeing a few demonbloods walking around. He hesitated but removed his hood

"What now?" Alissa eyed a bowl of fresh fruit a merchant was refilling.

"I guess we have a look around," Garrok tried to get his barings in the maze of carts and tents. After a while of browsing the myriad of stalls, they came to a large purple tent near the wall between the Tripsector and the Fourth District. Ducking inside, they entered a curious shop with a lot of dusty jars, books, scrolls and random tools. It didn't appear to be a well kept shop. Sitting in a large comfy looking chair sat a tanned human man, of middling age, reading a book. He had a dangling earning in his left ear. His hair was medium length with a clean face. He eyed them over the top of his book as they entered.

"Good morning," His voice was welcoming yet with a hint of annoyance that his reading had been interrupted. He noticed Rothox enter and under his breath, he said, "Interesting."

"Sorry, what did you say?" Garrok asked, his keen hearing picking up the mutter.

Surpirsed that Garrok heard him. "I said, interesting."

"Interesting? What is interesting to you?" Garrok stared at him.

The man closed his book and stood up. He placed it on a little table. "I've never seen a demonblood with his horns shaved down." He wasn't an intimidating figure by any means, but he didn't seem afraid of the imtimidating larger half-orc.

Rothox stepped between them, "It's something that I've done my entire life." He could feel Garrok's eyes hit the back of his skull.

"Now why would you do something like that?"

"Habit. Why does it matter to you?"

"It doesn't, just curious." He paced to the left, lighting an extra lantern from the one he had been using to read. "Where are you from?" He changed the subject. "I can tell you aren't from here."

Rothox turned to his friends to leave. He was getting a weird feeling from this man. "Let's go."

"Wait," he called to stop them. "I was merely making conversation." They stopped, and when he felt he had their attention he continued. "I may have something for an intriguing lot, such as yourselves. It's through here," he said, gesturing to the curtain hanging at the back. The group didn't move. "Please. I think you will rather enjoy this."

Tentatively they followed, getting the sense as a group that they could overwhelm this man if he tried something. Behind the curtain was a rack full of random items. The man grabbed something on the side of the shelving unit and it began to slide away revealing a human-sized hole in the wall, with a ladder leading down. He waited beside the secret entrance. Alissa was excited and jumped at the aspect of a secret room. She began to climb down.

"Damn't Alissa," cursed Garrok as he followed her.

Rothox and Erigos followed with the tent man taking the rear. The ladder went down twenty feet stopping on a landing with a tunnel leading off in the direction of the city wall of the Fourth District. Traveling a short distance down the tunnel it opened into a balcony overlooking a large underground room. From the balcony access, the Sect saw a full tavern with people going about their drinking, gambling, and socializing. A staircase to their left led down to the main floor. The veranda continued to the right wrapping around the square room with separate rooms along the second floor. A large minotaur stood at the back of the room blocking another hallway. A demonblood manned the bar with two elven women serving drinks to the patrons.

"What is this place?" Rothox asked. He had never seen so many of his people in the same place. He watched a table of them chatting amongst themselves.

The merchant walked up beside him, "This... is freedom." He walked down the stairs, another large man stood in his way but stepped aside seeing who it was.

"New clients?" the muscular guard asked.

"Something like that." He waved for them to follow.

The Silver Sect followed him to the back of the bar, towards the minotaur guard.

The minotaur had his arms crossed showcasing his large form and muscles. "Who do you bring Sal?" The minotaur's voice was deep as he spoke to the purple tent merchant.

"I'm not too sure, but I have a feeling about them," Sal replied.

The minotaur let out a guttural grunt before he stepped aside letting them pass. Garrok was a head shorter than him as he walked by., and half as thick. The hallway was short with a large red curtain blocking the entrance to a new room.

"Wait here." Sal left them and went through the large curtain. A minute passed and Sal returned. "You may enter." He held the curtain aside revealing a low-lit room with a man sitting in a large plush chair and dozens of colorful pillows scatterd around him, it was reminacnent of Tilamonka's tower. There were two more guards beside him. One, a blue female humanoid with smooth skin and the other was brownish-red and skin like molten rock. He carried two scimitars. The man in the chair was middle-aged, with long slick black hair with a thin beard. When he spoke his voice was smooth with a hint of an accent.
