
Ascension of the Worthless (OLD)

Adonis Lock is an untalented boy. Given to the Green Valley sect by his family, he is faced with constant bullying and harassment by other disciples. One day, while contemplating taking his life he falls asleep, only to be met with his ancestor that gives him a chance to change his life around. *Author note: This is my first story, so if there is any mistake or something is not good, please tell me in the comments or reviews. **Also I am doing this as a hobby, so the schedule of uploads may be all over the place plus the chance that I may drop the story. ***Art is made by Yodayo AI art

CrimsonHelix · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
76 Chs

Sect's Revenge

Diego was running away from the hotel the Green Valley Sect was staying at. He was holding onto the three bodies of his now-dead teammates.


Due to Diego's and his teammate's greed, they ambushed the Green Valley team. This caused the death of his allies.

'FUCK!! What should I do?!! How am I going to break the news?!'

While he was thinking this, two techniques were shot at him. His keen sense could detect them and knock him out of his thoughts.


Diego saw many earth bullets coming at him; he couldn't pull out his sword because he was carrying his teammates, so he used his teammate's corpses as a shield.

'Sorry guys...we can't all die due to this failed ambush.'

The earth bullets pierced into the corpses, and Diego used his strength ki to keep his running stable. However, his focus caused him not to be able to sense the trident coming at him. The trident flew down and hit his heel, Diego's balance was shattered, and he fell into an alley.

Although the building he was on was high, his high cultivation could take the fall even with three human bodies falling on top of him. What hurt him more was his torn heel.

"Shit...I need to...get out of here-!"

Diego was trying to get up and carry his teammate's bodies, but he fell again and started to have a psychedelic hallucination. The Lust Energy in the trident took effect, and he was in a trance where a beautiful woman was touching his body.

Diego felt his rationality slip away; but snapped out of it since the hallucination couldn't delete the smell of burnt flesh and blood. The Lust Energy still caused his body to become weaker and hotter.

'Damn it!... What the fuck did they do to me!!'

Diego quickly gained a firm hold of all his teammates and dragged them out of the alley.

'I...need to get to a hospital...'




Adonis fell and sat on the ground, holding his almost severed left arm.

He was sweating bullets and trying to catch his breath; he was having many thoughts run around his mind.

'Who were those people?... Why did they attack us?... How did my instincts know they were here?'

Through all these thoughts, one stood out.

'They were all Ascent Stage...'

This was Adonis's first fight with Ascent Stage Cultivators; the reason he could kill two of them was because of his high affinity with fire and taking them by surprise. If he didn't have either of those two, he would've died.

'No...if they were a bit more level-headed, they could've killed me before the Sect Leader and Elder came.'

This made Adonis despair, not because his life was so close to being taken away. But because his opponents could've killed him so easily. He was so confident in his new skills; that he didn't consider what he would do if he couldn't access them.

Adonis was so deep in thought; he didn't even notice his team trying to help him.

"SHIT!! Adonis, you'll be ok!!"

Lena was the most worried; she poured an Earth Grade Healing potion on the gash. This stopped the bleeding, but the wound was still open; Lena was so focused on healing the injury that she didn't care if the blanket that covered her fell.

This concerned others; Juniper was holding the blanket over Lena and could only look on worriedly as she didn't have anything that could help with such a wound. This ended when the Sect Leader pulled out a Sky Grade potion and poured it on the wound; this caused it to heal slowly.

"The injury will heal; however, it can't be disturbed or messed with."

So that the wound heals properly, Mila uses her Earth Magic to make a cast protector over it.

With Adonis healing, he, Lena, and Juniper went to his room. The Sect Leader stayed while Elder Maron went to the All-Sect Committee to tell them what happened; they'll investigate what happened and see if any foul play was involved. The rest of the team was told to go rest, but after the ambush, all the members couldn't get a wink of sleep.

A few hours later, morning came.

The fight between the Green Valley Sect and Heaven Sword was postponed. Many people made theories and rumors about what happened, the most popular one being that the Heaven Sword was afraid of the powerhouses in Green Valley; therefore, they attacked them, hoping to eliminate their best disciples.

The matter was investigated, and Adonis told his testimony to the officials of what happened. After that, Adonis lamented and increased his strength as fast as possible. He had plants in his Soul Domain that raised hastened his growth and increased his limit; he ate almost all of them and trained like there was no tomorrow. This let him increase his cultivation to Refinement Stage 4-Spark in a few hours.

The Committee looked into the ambush, and it didn't take long to figure out who the culprits might be. The Heaven Sword Sect reported that 3 of their disciples died during the night, and one was injured; Diego was interrogated by officials with special abilities to tell lies from truth. He tried to shift the blame to Byron Lock, but no evidence showed he was involved.

He was found guilty, but; the officials were corrupt. Diego gave them the Sky Grade Swords he and his teammates got from Byron to let Heaven Sword continue the tournament' with no penalty. They agreed and sent a vague report to Green Valley's Sect Leader. Diego was still in trouble with his sect; they kept him in since they were now down three disciples but told him that after the tournament, he was expelled from the sect.

The Sect Leader of Green Valley was pissed off by the vague report. Not only did it seem like the investigation was done half-assed way, but it also said that their fight would commence at the end of the day. They weren't giving their team much time to rest, which Adonis needed since he needed 24 hours to recharge his Anima slivers. By the time their fight would happen, it would have only been 11 hours.

The Sect Leader told the team about their current situation; this made some of them anxious, but it turned to anger when she revealed the Heaven Sword Sect did the ambush. They suspected them but had no confirmation; with that said, the team was furious.

Only one person was nervous, and it was Adonis. He couldn't use his skills and had to rely on his current strength to defeat an Ascent Stage Cultivator head-on. He hoped that the Green Valley team was capable enough to take them out without him, but he knew they weren't at that level yet.

The rest of the fights ended and the fight between the Green Valley Sect and Heaven Sword started.